Solo Leveling (MTL)
Chapter 380 Table of contents

' If there is an urgent task, this guess is wrong. '

It's good to have more choices, but he also wants to know the reason.

Is this also related to the original owner of this power who betrayed the king?

Or after killing the designer, their original plan was completely destroyed?

Thinking of the successive speculations and assumptions, Cheng Jin-Woo shook his head.

& #039; Let go of your thoughts. '

It is now necessary to set the primary goal for the time being.

Kill the old white ghost.

Then extract information about the kings from that guy.

It would be great if it came to find itself, but even if it targeted other hunters, it would have already expanded the scope of the trap.

As long as you can take the bait, both goals can be solved at the same time.

The problem is timing.

Because he doesn't know when the king will appear, so until then, he has to be ready to fight against powerful opponents at any time.

Fortunately, he found a place where he could continue to gain experience points.

Country R.

There are many places abandoned by the people in the country that has not yet repaired the damage caused by the giant.

I heard that when Cheng Xiaoyu went to country M, many portals in country R went out of control, and those monsters that invaded the world occupied those places and expanded their domain.

Although those monsters are objects of fear to the people of R country, but to Cheng Jin-Woo, they are just abundant prey.

one by one.

Cheng Jin-Woo couldn't wait to think of sweeping up the monsters that occupied the land and upgrading them.

At this time, with the vibration of the mobile phone, the sound effect of the incoming letter "ding" jumped out.

After a glance, it turned out to be Thomas's mail.

Mr. Cheng, can you call me again? I still have something to say...

It is said that there is a rainbow after the storm, and Thomas seems to want to use this as an opportunity to continue this fate.

Cheng Jin-Woo is of course welcome.

After all, his social skills are not so bad that he refuses the other party's first hand for no reason.

However, chatting can be done at any time, isn't it?

Although I am very satisfied with Thomas who does not hold grudges, it is too late if I want to chat.

Cheng Jin-Woo quickly left a reply letter.

OK. But then again, I'm suddenly in a hurry.


After replying the message, a smile appeared on Cheng Jin-Woo's face.

'Nothing will change. '

For the upcoming days, upgrade steadily.

In the beginning it was the same as now.

' Good. '

The mood was quite different from the time when he came up, and Seong Jin-Woo, who walked lightly and thoughtfully, left the Daesung Building.


However, Seong Jin-Woo was not the only one who was ready to fight.

The cold king, who had fled to his hiding place, called all the kings who came to the world.

Inside the frozen cave, three men and a woman showed their poses.

In front of the four kings, King Bitter Cold opened his mouth.

"The Shadow King is here."

The cold king and the kings recounted what they had seen and heard.



The cold air in the cave, which was enough to freeze flesh and blood, did not affect these monarchs, but the atmosphere cooled down in an instant.

"Didn't it mean that there is no container to hold its capacity?"

The Dragon King couldn't come to the world for the same reason, didn't he?

But the King of Severe Cold shook his head.

"I saw it with my own eyes. He's real."

The two kings who had already felt the power of the Shadow King on Qizhou Island also agreed with the words of the Brutal King.

"He's a bigger threat than the Radiant Shard. I'll take him out. Can you help me?"

But in the face of the cold king's voice asking for help, the other kings' reactions were very cold.

After all, the opponent is the most powerful king among the nine kings who control the chaotic world.

To fight him is to seek death. Therefore, the kings had to be cautious in dealing with this matter.

said a king.

"Why don't you just wait for the Dragon King?"

Destroy the king.

If it is it, it will definitely be able to execute the traitor.

But the Cold King bared his fangs.

"Although we are on the run now, we are all kings of military affairs. When will we keep looking for the Dragon King?"

The dagger stuck into the arm at that time.

It wasn't just an ordinary injury, it was a rift in self-esteem.

The cold king must take revenge, and this unwillingness will be returned to the shadow king.

"If you want to get rid of him, you can only take advantage of the time when he is still a human being. Now is the only chance. Help me - I will be responsible for sending him back to Nothing."

However, no matter how hard the cold king showed its firm will, there was one king who still waved his hand.

"I'm not involved."

As soon as he finished speaking, the king opened its portal to another world, and left without further words.

After it said no to participate, another king mentioned the demon king Balaam who had confronted the Shadow King in the past.

"I also don't want to end up in the same fate as King Baiyan."

Then, after nodding to the other kings, it also jumped into the portal.


The Severe Cold King couldn't help but click his tongue a few times.

Of the five kings only three remain.

A muscular man asked the cold king.

"How to prove that he is still human?"

The Severe Cold King came prepared a long time ago, and it took out the dagger that had been inserted into its arm earlier.

The tough part of the short sword glowed green.

"He put poison on the short sword."

Manticore venom.

Although it is useless to the king, to the ordinary residents of the mixed world, it is a deadly poison that will rot the wound as long as it is touched.

In order to be able to use it one day, he painted poison on his dagger in advance.

Though thoughtful and clever, that's not how the Shadow King works.

That's the definitive proof that he's still human.

The King of Bitter Cold asked the remaining two kings solemnly.

"Would you all like to come with me?"

The Shadow King who is still a human being is equal in power to himself.

With the help of the two kings, the cold king is sure that he will be able to crush the shadow king.

After exchanging glances, the two kings thought for a moment.

Then they nodded.

"We help you. "

"Kill the Shadow King."

Let the **** human who stuck the short sword into his arm realize what real fear is.

With such determination made up, the King of Bitter Cold curled up the corners of his lips.

Chapter 204 Emerging Hunter Association

In order to fill the vacant post of association president, the association held a meeting of executives.

From the vice president of the association, to the branch ministers of each branch, and then to the ministerial level of the headquarters, more than 30 executives crowded the large conference room.

And thanks to the status of the Hunter Association in country H, the rest of the general state agencies and executives with a high voice in large groups showed a little worry on their proud faces.

In this heavy atmosphere, the speaker is sorting out the current situation.

"Now, it's time to decide the successor of the president of the association."

What should come has finally come.

The words of the vice president of the association caused a nervous look to flash across the faces of all the executives.


Swallowing was heard everywhere.

This is a position that can determine the fate of the Hunter Association.

The Hunter Association is equivalent to the command tower of the hunters, and everyone present knows this very well.

With the ever-increasing number of hunters and more and more frequent portals, if the Hunter Association is shaken, it means that the entire H country may be affected by this.


Before speaking, the vice president of the association who led the meeting closed the report in front of him.

This also means that compared with what will be said next, the words written in the report are nothing.

"After an in-depth conversation, the directors and I decided to recommend Minister Wu Zhenzhe as the new president of the association. "

As soon as this remark came out, not only the people present were surprised, but even Wu Zhenzhe turned his head to look at the vice president of the association in great surprise.

He hadn't heard anything from his superiors about the matter so far.

'How do I...?'

The vice president looked at Wu Zhenzhe who was asking himself questions with his eyes, and pulled the head of the microphone closer to his mouth.

"Minister Wu Zhenzhe has always been at the place closest to the president of the association. He is assisting the president of the association and learning practical things. He even has the power to mobilize the hunters."

This is a fact.

Gao Jianli, the former president of the association, has always valued Wu Zhenzhe who rejected the poaching of large associations and chose the association.

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