Player with Maxed-Out Talent
Chapter 86 Table of contents

#Talent Max-Out Player Episode 86

My Sensory Eye had leveled up. I immediately reviewed the details of my Sensory Eye.


[Sensory Eye (感覺眼)]

1. Category: Unique Ability.

2. Basic Acquisition Conditions:

1) Hyper Senses (超感覺)

2) Eyes of a Detached Observer

3. Additional Acquisition Conditions:

1) Overcoming the ‘Death Sentence’ of Hyper Senses

2) Overcoming pain.

4. Detailed Description:

The Sensory Eye is the ‘Eye of Intuition.’ Intuition means obtaining specific knowledge about external objects directly through the function of the sensory organs. This ability possesses the power to intuitively unravel and comprehend information about opponents.

5. Proficiency: [2]

6. Attributes:

1) Awakened/Non-Awakened Distinction

2) Status Window Comprehension

3) Danger Perception

4) Resistance to illusion magic or fantasy formations

7. Additional Powers:

1) Future Sight (未來示)


The proficiency has risen from [1] to [2], and a new category, ‘Additional Powers,’ was activated.

‘Future Sight.’

There was no need to enable a detailed explanation to understand it. It was literally the ability to read the future. Still, I should take a closer look.


[Future Sight (未來示)]

This is the Eye that scrutinizes the future. It is an ability applicable in PVP or hunting, accurately predicting opponents’ (or monsters’) movements and attacks. However, be cautious while using it, as it consumes a considerable amount of mental power and mana, depending on the opponent’s level.


I was already sensing the scope of this realm. Truly a cheat-level ability worthy of the ‘Sensory Eye.’ The ability to read the opponent’s movements in advance.

‘What I once sensed with intuition…’

Now, what was once merely instinct could be more concretely utilized as a skill – more specific and systematic too.

‘Shall I give it a try right away?’

It was noted that using it against a stronger opponent would result in substantial consumption of mental power and mana. If the opponent were Kim Taecheon, I could afford to test it at least once without significant strain. Practice makes perfect, after all.

[Activating Future Sight (未來示) power.]

[You are within the ‘Observer’s Territory’.]

[‘Eyes of the Observer’ is currently being used.]

[Mana and mental energy consumption for Future Sight (未來示) is reduced.]

Kim Taecheon appeared before my eyes, full of vigor.


He swung his axe widely.

‘Not yet.’

He hadn’t swung his axe yet. What I had sensed was an ‘illusion.’ In reality, Kim Taecheon hadn’t taken his swing yet.

‘This is… Future Sight.’

Simultaneously, Kim Taecheon lunged in exactly the same manner I had seen in my vision.

‘Against Kim Taecheon, I can see about 1 second into the future.’

One second later – possessing a unique ability to predict what the opponent will do. It’s like a future that feels tangible to my eyes, even though there’s a time lag – not sensed due to the clarity of the predictive ability. A path of combat both more concrete and certain than when I relied on intuition.

‘But it does feel draining.’

This must mean the ‘mental energy’ consumption is significant. There’s no exact way to describe it, but it’s like being drained – a feeling of energy depletion not from the body, but as though it’s getting heavier.

‘As the proficiency of Sensory Eye improves, so will the power of Future Sight.’

You can’t be satisfied with just one spoonful. This Future Sight, the higher my level and the higher the grade of my Sensory Eye, the more impressive it will become.

I dodged all of Kim Taecheon’s attacks. That seems to be enough experimentation.

[Ceasing the use of Future Sight (未來示).]

Kim Taecheon gasped for air.

“Heck…! Heck…!”

In contrast, I wasn’t very tired. It felt like a slight stroll. There was a feeling of exhaustion and depletion, but it wasn’t too severe.

“Haven’t I mentioned about my class before?”

Non-combat class. Class name: Observer. There wasn’t a need to emphasize the ‘Observer’ designation. Nor was there a need to completely hide my abilities. While not actively seeking to lead, I had no intention of undervaluing myself either.

“I’m a non-combat class.”

“Shut up!”

Kim Taecheon swung his axe again, but this time I didn’t even avoid it. I knew it wouldn’t reach. He was putting too much effort into it – no wonder he was running out of strength so quickly.

‘Well, I guess it’s understandable. He’s frustrated that he couldn’t land a single hit on a non-combat player in front of all those people.’

Embarrassment indeed. But it’s not my place to care. What I want to convey, though, is to Kim Gangchul and Song Jincheol, as well as the still unwise officials of Seongshin and the members of Taeguk Shield Guild who behave like the Chosen or nobles.

“My class is fundamentally about observation.”

“Shut it!”

He charged at me again. He seemed tired; his movements were slow and wide. I lightly stepped into Kim Taecheon’s reach, closing the gap. This distance was now mine.

I struck his wrist sharply with the edge of my hand.

[Using the skill ‘Perfect Strike’.]

Even without a weapon, this much would still deal significant damage to Kim Taecheon.


With a short cry, the axe slipped from his grip.


The large axe fell to the ground with a resounding noise.

I grabbed Kim Taecheon’s wrist and pulled his body slightly. His foot lifted lightly off the ground, and his balance was slightly broken.

‘Is this how it’s done?’

I threw Kim Taecheon over my shoulder. It was a move called ‘over-the-shoulder throw’ that I had seen once on YouTube. I had executed it quite well, despite not being formally trained—perhaps reading Ma Sanghyun’s movements earlier had helped.


Kim Taecheon fell back-first to the ground. The sound of his back hitting the ground was almost a bang. It was quite a heavy noise for such a large body. Kim Taecheon coughed violently, seemingly in pain.

“Fundamentally, I’m a class designed for ongoing observation.”

It wasn’t a lie. 7 truths and 3 falsehoods. That’s the approach I strive for and what many past top players aimed for in their gameplay. Here, I’ll unfold situations my way.

“Observing and assisting in ensuring smooth continuation of each player’s gameplay within the party.”

“Kuk! Kuk!”

“Using the information obtained from observation to lead the battlefield to be advantageous for myself and my party, sometimes issuing commands.”

By this point, the officials of Seongshin and the Guardians would understand what I was talking about. Still, for a clearer and more effective explanation:

“A class that draws out the efficiency of the party, invokes the full potential of each player, and leads the optimal raid or hunting.”

I elaborated a bit for effect. I purposely made my speech longer and dragged out the time slightly. Officials from Seongshin and the Guardians must be watching.

“My class is a Sovereign (君主).”

It’s better to sell oneself in short and impactful bursts like this.

* * *

After the commotion had settled, Kim Hyukjin and his party members left the Player’s Association building. As soon as they exited the main gate, Kang Sanggu reenacted the scene from earlier, boasting loudly:

“My class is a Sovereign.”

Then he exclaimed to himself:

“Wow, really nailed the class coolness factor.”

Kang Sanggu remembered the scene. No one told him to say, “My class is a Sovereign,” but at the moment he spoke those words, there was a hush. To Kang Sanggu, at least, Kim Hyukjin seemed perfectly suited to the class of a ‘Sovereign.’

Kang Sanggu continued to make a fuss:

“This… it’s kind of like teenage fantasy, but I really love that adolescent charm.”

Then, suddenly grabbing Kim Hyukjin’s hand, he said,

“Schwab. But, Your Sovereignty…”


Holding Kim Hyukjin’s hand tightly with both of his, his eyes shining with what he claimed to be a starry admiration, he looked up at Kim Hyukjin.

“What kind of Sovereign knocks a combat player down with bare hands?”


For a moment, Kim Hyukjin pondered. If he chopped the back of this guy’s neck with his hand, would he be knocked out, or not? Sensing murderous intent, Kang Sanggu quickly stepped back.

“Not that, but the movement is quite challenging, right? Even Sanghyun might have had trouble with it, wouldn’t he?”

Shin Yeonseo, who has exceptional talent in one-on-one PVP, began her analysis.

“Hmm. It’s not that simple. Of course, Sanghyun’s physical capabilities and damage output are higher, but our Leader Hyukjin read Kim Taecheon’s movements in advance through observation and secured a far more advantageous position. That’s why he was able to overpower him so easily.”

Glancing sideways, I saw Seonhwa smiling broadly. She seemed to be in a good mood, seeing her chuckle lightened my own.

“Why are you smiling like that?”

“When brother knocked that guy down, it felt so satisfying. Wham! He went flying, and then thud! He fell. It was such a retribution.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Seonhwa nodded vigorously up and down in strong agreement. As we walked further, Seonhwa mentioned to me,

“But brother, are you walking slowly on purpose?”

Not only Kim Seonhwa but all the party members felt it. Even Kwak Taeun, who was not yet close to Kim Hyukjin, sensed that Kim Hyukjin was deliberately walking slowly.

“That’s right.”


“I’m waiting for something.”

Shin Yeonseo licked her lips lightly.

‘What is it? I feel like something interesting is about to happen.’

Being around Kim Hyukjin seemed to lead to exciting developments. It had been that way since the first Gate, during the trip to Japan, and now as well.

‘What could it be?’

She did not ask outright. But Shin Yeonseo could feel it; Kim Hyukjin was not in a state of peace. A look at his movements and gaze could give a general sense. Kim Hyukjin seemed to be preparing for a fight.

Ma Sanghyun also seemed to sense something odd and turned his head, his neck making a cracking sound. Kim Hyukjin came to a stop and turned around, looking back at the main entrance.

‘It can’t just end like this.’

There was no precedent for this in the past. Kim Taecheon had never faced such humiliation, nor had he ever engaged in PVP with Kim Hyukjin. Nevertheless, Kim Hyukjin used the ‘Guardian’s temperament’ and ‘Kim Taecheon’s personality’ to predict the future – an outline of what could unfold.

‘The brave lion king wouldn’t want it to end so lamely.’

I purposefully didn’t kill Kim Taecheon earlier.

Although revival is assured in a PVP zone, I deliberately spared him. There was no need to kill him, and it was also a calculated move to provoke the ‘Brave Lion King’ and Kim Taecheon even further.

‘The first floor is a good staging ground.’

And so, having spared him, I went down to the first floor. What response would the Brave Lion King and Kim Taecheon choose?

“Stop right there, you trash! I must kill you to settle my fury!”

The voice of Kim Taecheon, now altered, was running towards Kim Hyukjin. His eyes were bloodshot. It was clear that he wasn’t in his usual state. He resembled a ‘Berserker’-entered magic troll.

“I will kill you for sure! Let’s end this!”

At the same time, Kim Taecheon screamed a furious roar, and heat seemed to rise from his body.


He let out strange breaths, looking like an enraged bull.

And something began to form around him.

‘As expected.’

Back at the main gate, Kim Hyukjin curled the corners of his mouth.

‘Expected them to come at me like this.’

This was what he’d been waiting for. Finally, ‘The Ruler of the Fields’ made their move.

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