The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 5 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c5

Once Hyeseong realized Kwon Ihyeok’s true nature and decided he could no longer stay by his side, he had only one thing on his mind.


His future. What to do for a living after quitting his job. He considered changing jobs, but if he stayed in the same industry, he would inevitably become involved with the Taesung Group again. That would be pointless since the goal of quitting in the first place was to get away from Kwon Ihyeok.


Just as he was thinking that moving to a different industry would be best, Hyeseong received a call from his aunt.


“Hello, auntie.”


“Hyeseong, how are you doing?”


“I’m doing well. How about you, Auntie?”


His aunt was like a mother to him. Hyeseong had lost his parents early and was raised by his aunt and uncle. Since they had no children of their own, they raised Hyeseong as if he were their own.


“I’m doing fine too. Oh, by the way, I sent you some sweet potatoes.”


“I told you that you don’t need to send me anything. Farming is hard enough. Why go through the trouble of taking care of me too? Besides, I can’t eat all of that.”


“Who else do I have to take care of besides you? And if there are leftovers, share them with your colleagues at work! What was it, give some to that intimidating director too.”


She must have been referring to Kang Seongjin.


“Auntie, he hates being called intimidating the most.”


Hyeseong could hear his aunt’s hearty laughter over the phone. After that, Hyeseong chatted briefly with his aunt about recent happenings. Things like someone causing an accident next door, or someone from the neighborhood getting into a prestigious university. It was meaningless talk, but it was comfortably enjoyable to listen to.


“Isn’t farming hard work?”


His aunt and uncle had moved from Seoul to the countryside about three years ago to retire to farming. It was because his aunt’s health had suddenly deteriorated, and they wanted to go to a quiet and remote place for recuperation.


“Yes. Hyeseong, this work is surprisingly fun and rewarding. It’s physically demanding, but it feels fulfilling when the harvest season comes. And above all, unlike Seoul, it’s quiet and peaceful, so it feels like I’m getting healthier. The people are all nice too.”


A quiet and peaceful daily life. The complete opposite of Hyeseong’s life. Constantly worrying about when Kwon Ihyeok would discover his secret, waking up at the same time every day to repeat the same work. Having to engage in power struggles with rival companies.


In a word, it was like walking a tightrope. It was paradoxical that the rope was sturdy and solid, providing stability.


“If you find work too stressful, why don’t you retire to farming too? There are a few young people like that here.”


His aunt joked. Lying on the bed, Hyeseong closed his eyes for a moment and imagined. A tranquil atmosphere. A place with fields and paddies instead of tall buildings. A life where he could sit on a pavilion and rest while watching the sunset.


“…Okay. I should do that.”


This was the trivial moment when Hyeseong’s next plan was decided.


* * *


“This morning, the meeting with Wolhyang Corporation that was previously canceled has been rescheduled. And for lunch, there was a meal invitation from Daehyun Construction. What should we do about that?”


In the car on the way to the company, Hyeseong was sitting next to Ihyeok, checking the schedule on his tablet.


“What’s the reason?”


“I think it’s because of the recent scandal. The city councilman must have held them accountable…”


“Not that.”


Ihyeok turned his gaze from the window to look at Hyeseong.


“The reason why you want to do that absurd thing, retiring to farming or whatever.”


“I just want to do it.”


“You’ve never mentioned to me that you were interested in that sort of thing.”


Of course, he hadn’t. He had only recently become interested in it.


“Yes. But people’s preferences change. You always drink different wines too. It’s a similar context.”


“You really leave me at a loss for words.”


The driver glanced through the rearview mirror at the unusual atmosphere between the two. After arriving at the company, Ihyeok went through his schedule without any mistakes, as always. Internal meetings, external appointments. Hyeseong, who was following beside him, assisted him as usual.


Even though he was about to resign, the way he handled work didn’t change. Except for one thing.


“I’ll raise your salary.”


These days, whenever Hyeseong was in front of him, Ihyeok was abruptly conducting a “Project to Change Cheon Hyeseong’s Mind.”


“It’s already sufficient now.”


Didn’t he urge him to state the desired salary every time they exchanged morning greetings?


“Is there any welfare you want? If there is, tell me.”


“You should ask the other employees about that, not me. And sir, you’re disturbing my meal. Please leave.”


Didn’t he suddenly list good benefits while Hyeseong was eating in the break room?


“Vacation. Take as much as you want.”


“I won’t need things like vacation once I quit. Oh, speaking of which, please let Director Kang take some time off.”


On the way home from work, Ihyeok even stopped Hyeseong and tried to persuade him by suddenly offering to let him use his annual leave as he wished.






“Anyone else can quickly adapt even if they come. Then I’ll be leaving now.”


Hyeseong left the office at 6 o’clock sharp, leaving Ihyeok silently staring at him.


As soon as he arrived home, Hyeseong moved busily. There were still piles of things to sort out. While separating items to discard and items to take, he didn’t forget an important phone call.


“Yes. I’ll keep that in mind then.”


After finishing the call with the landlord regarding the contract, Hyeseong sighed deeply and plopped down on the sofa. Moving preparations were no joke.


That’s because he had never thought of leaving this place until now. Moreover, it wasn’t just moving to a nearby area but to a completely different region, so it was quite a big project. Just as he was about to take a break and pour himself some iced coffee, the cell phone he had placed on the table rang.


[Director Kang]


“Yes. Director.”


“Hyeseong… How am I supposed to live if you leave…?”


“You’re drunk.”


Hyeseong answered the phone casually as if he were used to it. Judging from the soft jazz music coming from the other side of the phone, it seemed that Seongjin had gone to his regular bar.


“Hyeseong, are you really going to abandon me and leave…?”


“Director, please act your age. If someone hears this, they’ll think you’re trying to hold on to a breaking-up lover.”


After that, Hyeseong had to continue listening to Seongjin’s drunken ramblings. Things like telling him to take Seongjin with him if he was going to leave, or that he would steal money from Kwon Ihyeok to raise Hyeseong’s salary.


When he thought he had heard enough, Hyeseong tried to hang up. Anyway, that place was a bar that Seongjin and Ihyeok had frequented for several years, so even if Seongjin became incoherent, the staff would take care of him well, so Hyeseong wasn’t too worried.


Just as he was about to hang up, a familiar name was heard from the other end of the line.


“Ihyeok hyung! Over here!”


“…Director. Is the CEO there too?”


“I don’t know. This jerk told me to come and then abandoned me here alone. Hyeseong… Why am I always the one being abandoned…?”


It seemed that the two of them were having a drink together for the first time in a long time. Both of them had been very busy with construction projects and other things lately, so they didn’t even have time to drink together privately. There was a murmur of people calling for Ihyeok from here and there. Hyeseong slowly hung up the phone.


Hyeseong leaned against the sofa and spaced out. Ihyeok seemed no different from usual. Drinking and having fun. Even if he quit, there probably wouldn’t be much change in Ihyeok’s life.


“…I should sleep.”


Feeling somewhat empty inside, Hyeseong stared at the coffee cup he had taken a sip from and then went into the bedroom.


* * *


It was well past midnight. Just as he was trying to catch the elusive sleep, the doorbell suddenly rang. Startled, Hyeseong got up and turned on the light in the room. Who could it be? And at this hour?


As Hyeseong approached the front door, the unknown person kept pressing the doorbell. Sensing an unusual atmosphere, Hyeseong picked up a broom that was in front of the door. Then he carefully turned on the intercom to check who it was.




Looking at the screen, Hyeseong put down the broom and slowly opened the door.


“What are you doing here?”


Kwon Ihyeok was standing there with an expressionless face. The strong smell of alcohol wafted from him. And it seemed like there was also a faint scent of other omegas’ pheromones.


“…If you’ve been drinking, you should go home.”


Hyeseong avoided Ihyeok’s gaze which was staring intently at him. He didn’t want to be in the same space as Ihyeok, who had come with the scent of other omegas on him.


“I want to come in.”


“Please go home. I’ll call a replacement driver for you.”


As Hyeseong tried to take out his cell phone from his pocket, Ihyeok took advantage of the moment and barged in recklessly.




Hyeseong sighed helplessly and closed the door. Ihyeok was sitting on the sofa as if it were his own home.


“How much did you drink?”


Now that he was inside, it was nearly impossible to send him out again. For now, he had no choice but to let him sleep here.


“I don’t know. As much as they gave me?”


Ihyeok’s voice sounded no different than usual, but Hyeseong knew. That he was drunk now.


“Drink this.”


Hyeseong went to the kitchen, scooped a glass of cold water, and placed it in front of Ihyeok. Ihyeok stared blankly at the glass on the table.


“I’ll bring you a blanket, so sleep there.”


Just as Hyeseong got up to go to the bedroom to take out the bedding, it happened.




Suddenly, Ihyeok sat up, grabbed Hyeseong’s hand, and pulled him. Hyeseong, who was caught off guard, fell onto the sofa. On top of him was Kwon Ihyeok looking down at him.


“What are you doing…?”


He tried to escape, but he couldn’t.




Kwon Ihyeok’s familiar pheromones were being emitted. It was definitely different from before. The pheromones that were faint before now felt too strong, now that he was aware of being an omega. Strong enough to make his insides churn.


“Sir, wait…”


“Cheon Hyeseong.”


Dreamy, unfocused eyes. Slightly slurred speech. It wouldn’t usually show on his face, but he seemed to be quite heavily drunk. An alarm went off inside Hyeseong. It was telling him to get away from Ihyeok.


“It’s strange.”




He tried to get up by putting strength into his body. But Ihyeok bent his head and buried his nose in Hyeseong’s neck.


“Why do you smell so sweet?”

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