The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 6 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c6

After finding out that he was not a beta but an omega, the first thing Hyeseong asked the doctor examining him was this:


“Doctor, does this mean I will also release pheromones?”


If omega pheromones were released, there’s no way the alpha Kwon Ihyeok wouldn’t notice. He might have to leave Ihyeok’s side sooner than expected in that case.  


“Yes, that’s probably the case, but based on the current manifestation of your pheromone glands, pheromones won’t suddenly start gushing out from you right away, Mr. Hyeseong. It’s in the very early stages of manifestation. However, they will be released as time goes on.”


Even with the doctor’s words that he didn’t need to worry immediately, Hyeseong pondered for a moment before speaking.


“I heard there are medications that can suppress an omega’s pheromones. Would it be possible to prescribe those to me?”


“It’s certainly possible, but as I mentioned earlier, your pheromones won’t be released right away, Mr. Hyeseong. Depending on the patient’s condition, suppressants can also cause side effects. There’s no need to take medication in your current situation.”


However, Hyeseong shook his head firmly. 


“Please prescribe them to me. I’m asking you, Doctor.”


The hesitant doctor gave him the prescription after making him promise to only take the medication when absolutely necessary and to immediately stop and visit the clinic if he experienced any abnormalities.


But against the doctor’s advice, Hyeseong took the pills daily before going to work. As Ihyeok’s secretary, he had to frequently be by his side, so he needed insurance just in case. Even if his pheromones didn’t manifest as the doctor said, precautions were necessary.


Feeling Ihyeok’s breath up close, Hyeseong opened his eyes wide in thought. Did he take his medication today? Hyeseong slowly recounted his morning routine. Normally he never forgot his daily pills, but he had been so preoccupied with moving preparations these past few days that he accidentally skipped taking them.


He never expected Ihyeok to suddenly visit his house and end up in this situation. 


Was it the day before yesterday? Or three days ago? Regardless, if it had been quite some time since he last took his medication, it wasn’t strange that Ihyeok was acting this way towards him now.


‘Could it be that my pheromones have started leaking out?’


That was not a good sign at all.


“Sir, please step back for now.”


Hyeseong tried to push Ihyeok’s body away while barely clinging to his reason amidst the engulfing citrus pheromones that threatened to overwhelm him.




Ihyeok’s low voice rang in his ear. It had been a long time since Hyeseong saw him drunk like this. Back when he lived as a gangster, Ihyeok didn’t hold back on drinking, leading to many fights between them over the issue.  


But after becoming a company CEO, he seemed to have realized the need for self-control, cutting himself off at a certain limit as if he had always known moderation. He did the same even when drinking casually like now. Perhaps having risen to such a position after losing so much made him understand the importance of restraint.


But today was different. Ihyeok ignored Hyeseong’s words and did things he would never normally do. What made him lose his senses and drink to this extent? Was the drinking session that enjoyable?


“Did our Hyeseong put on perfume?”  


Ihyeok’s lips nearly touched Hyeseong’s neck from the proximity. His breath was felt far too close. There was no way he sprayed any perfume considering he had no interest in fragrances at all. Moreover, who sprays perfume this late at night?


“That’s nonsense…Ugh.”


That’s when, out of nowhere, Ihyeok pressed his lips against Hyeseong’s neck. A tingling sensation began burning through his entire body.  


The increasingly dense pheromones made it hard to breathe.


“Sir, for a moment…Ah…”


Trailing from rubbing his lips, Ihyeok slowly licked and started sucking on his neck.


Hyeseong naturally recalled the incident from the last time. It was a sort of deja vu. Back then it could be excused as his rut, but now wasn’t the case. It made no sense to be violated again due to mere drunkenness.


“Stop it, Sir. If you keep going, I’ll report you for sexual assault.” 


Struggling to hold back his fraying reason from being overpowered, Hyeseong thrashed about while muttering an empty threat.


It was when the contact was about to become more brazen. Suddenly, Ihyeok stopped moving, didn’t he?




Hyeseong caught his breath for a moment and checked his condition. A faint snoring sound could be heard in his ear. 


Could he have fallen asleep? Though doubtful, Hyeseong lightly nudged the weight pinning him down. Ihyeok then limply rolled off to the side.




It seemed the situation had fortunately come to an end. Hyeseong slowly sat up, letting out a deep sigh of relief as he closed his eyes for a moment. He needed to quickly rid himself of the lingering sensations on his body. Ihyeok’s pheromones and breath still made his body tingle.


After splashing some water on his face, Hyeseong slowly stood up. His reason was gradually returning, but his heart still raced uncontrollably.  


It was from the shock. Just the shock. Even as he rationalized it to himself, Hyeseong casually lifted Ihyeok’s legs that had fallen off the couch and haphazardly tossed a blanket from the bedroom over him. Annoyed and vexed, just as he was about to leave the room, Hyeseong turned back and approached Ihyeok slowly.


“Really infuriating.”


Muttering that, Hyeseong unfolded the blanket and properly covered Ihyeok’s body with it.


* * *


Early morning. Ihyeok’s furrowed brow twitched as he opened his eyes. A severe headache struck him.




Clutching his forehead, Ihyeok slowly sat up. But something felt off. The sensation against his body wasn’t his luxurious bed, and the ceiling he saw was much lower. Was the alcohol not fully out of his system yet? He must have blacked out after accepting every drink handed to him.


It had truly been a long time since he drank to this extent.  


“You’re awake.”


Drying his hair with a towel, Hyeseong slowly walked over to where Ihyeok was.


“Cheon Hyeseong?”


“Don’t give me that look asking why you’re here. That’s the expression I should be making.”


“This place is…”


Now with his senses fully returned, Ihyeok swiftly got up and looked around.


“My house.”


After roughly patting himself dry, Hyeseong tossed the towel into the bathroom and stood before Ihyeok in an upright manner.


“It seems you don’t understand the situation, so let me give you a brief explanation. Last night around 1 AM, you, intoxicated sir, came knocking on my door.”


Without changing his expression like a newscaster on air, Hyeseong bluntly laid out the facts.


“Do you remember going to that wine bar Director Kang frequently visits last night?”




“Your silence tells me you remember up to that point.” 


“…And that I came to your place drunk?”




Ihyeok sighed and brushed his forehead, still not fully recalling. Despite just waking up after blacking out drunk, he looked like a magazine model. 


Hyeseong admired the sight for a moment before abruptly turning and walking into the kitchen.


“But there is one fortunate point.”




“It’s the weekend today.”


Meaning he didn’t have to go to work. If tomorrow was a workday and Kwon Ihyeok pulled this, even Hyeseong would have gotten angry. He was thorough to a fault when it came to work.


“Now that you’re up, go clean up. Just a heads up, there are no spare clothes. My clothes would be too small for you, sir.”


Ihyeok nodded and went to the bathroom. After the sounds of water and a few minutes, he emerged looking refreshed.  


“By the way, Hyeseong.”




Hyeseong answered as he bustled around the kitchen.


“This is the first time I’ve been to your place, I think.”


Despite knowing him for 6 years now, this was Ihyeok’s first time entering Hyeseong’s personal space.


“Is that so?”




“So how is it? Were you surprised my place is only as big as your bathroom?” 


“You have a scent, Cheon Hyeseong.”




Hyeseong’s hands, swiftly preparing ingredients, paused slightly. Stay calm. That means nothing. He’s just making an offhand comment.






Ihyeok had approached and was now beside Hyeseong. Though not particularly short himself, he had to look up at the towering Ihyeok.




Hyeseong hesitated. Oblivious to his inner thoughts, Ihyeok had an indifferent look as he eyed the food Hyeseong was making.


“Do you remember anything from last night?”


Their eyes met, making Hyeseong tense up briefly, unsure what would come out of his mouth.


“I don’t remember. You know I black out when drunk.”


“……I see.” 


With an odd expression, Hyeseong nodded, feeling the lingering anxiety within him completely dissipate.  


“What is this by the way?”


“Bean sprout soup.”


Using the ladle to stir the pot, Hyeseong savored the relief.


Just as he was about to serve the food, Ihyeok’s gaze fixed on a certain area intently.




The low, displeased voice made Hyeseong pause.


“What happened to your neck?”


Ihyeok narrowed his eyes, closely examining the band-aid on Hyeseong’s neck.


“……Got bitten by a mosquito and scratched it.” 


“Mosquitoes are still around?”


“Global warming has been bad lately.”


Saying that Hyeseong turned his back to him.


Strangely, the area where Ihyeok’s lips had touched last night still felt a burning heat.


TN: If ur looking for a novel that Beta manifested into Omega you can also check “The Omega is Pregnant” I’m also translating that one. 

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