The Returnee Wants Peace
Chapter 31 Table of contents

Enduring these stares was difficult. When will the Duke come?

And at that moment.

Someone approached silently, tapping on the back of Rosha’s hand.

“It seems the situation has unfolded a bit differently than expected.”

A low voice. A slight upturn of the lips.

This was the third, no, fourth meeting, but she definitely knew the owner of this voice.

“…That’s how it turned out.”

She replied with resignation, giving a brief glance at Duke Echerzen, who was wrapped entirely in black.

She originally planned to sneak out of the banquet hall with his help, but inadvertently drew attention and had to leave openly.

Haha, who knew things would get this twisted?


After a deep blink, Rosha whispered to Cedric, who was staring wide-eyed.

“I’ll explain everything. Really. But first, I have somewhere to go.”

“…You’re not saying you’re going out with that man, are you?”

“Brother, I think I know how to resolve this.”


“I promise I’ll come back safe. I’ll return within 30 minutes.”

Rosha smiled lightly, as if telling him not to worry.

She had to succeed to protect them. Of course, she had the power to do so.

After watching the wavering eyes of the two for a while, Rosha quickly grabbed the Duke’s hand.

His slender fingers intertwined with hers as if he was waiting, and space trembled.

It was the Duke’s special ability.

* * *

She had a rough idea about the first trial from the previous world.

-In the middle of the city, a huge rift appears and demonic beasts emerge. If you fight them hard, a boss appears and shoots beams.


-Yeah. It destroys parts of the city. When it comes out, it’s over. The skin isn’t as tough as you’d think, so bombs work.

Even if it’s on hard mode, it didn’t seem that different from this basic frame.

Rosha, who jumped through space, opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the pitch-black sky and demonic beasts rampaging in the streets.

“Ugh, ah, please save me!”

After quickly burning the monsters chasing people, she quickly moved.

Her destination was the rift at the back alley of the mansion where she first inscribed a magic formula.

While checking the intact magic formula in front of the rift, the Duke who followed her spoke.

“You said you had something to do first, but it seems you really prepared something.”

“Yes, well… it’s good to save as many people as possible. I have the power to do so.”

She had power, which she didn’t have before.

The power to save the world she loved.

“Is that so? But… you seem so calm, as if this was an everyday occurrence. Am I mistaken?”

Caught off guard by the question, Rosha paused.

The Duke, watching her, slowly sat down next to her. His purple eyes clearly captured her under the dark sky.

“I’m becoming more curious about you. Where did someone like you come from?”

His eyes had a mischievous twist.

Seeing his face up close, it was clear why people were drawn to him.

The ‘Guide God’ says to keep your wits about you.

But he… could even use his own looks to his advantage.


Perhaps bothered by the chirping bird, the Duke glanced at the bird on her shoulder.  Meanwhile, Rosha, who had calmed down her expression, placed her hands on the rock to stand up and spoke.

“I understand you have many questions, but I’ll tell the Duke once we get closer. For now, we have to survive.”



“Froy Echerzen. Froy is my name.”

He added, holding her hand to help her get up easily.

“You said you’d tell me once we got closer. Let’s start trying now.”


Unsure of how to reply, she awkwardly laughed and quickly activated the magic formula.

The magic formula engraved with mana beneath the rift began to shine gold, automatically drawing in the power from the rift.

And then…


A large, golden protective shield, in the shape of a hemisphere, spread out, covering the Count Aper’s family’s mansion.

And there wasn’t just one.

As if resonating, shields in other areas also spread widely.

It was a spell she seldom used due to the vast amount of mana it required, but since it intercepted the rift’s power, it would last a while.

‘This should keep ordinary people safe for the time being.’

She glanced briefly towards the imperial palace.

If there was no protective magic, she was going to cast it there, but seeing the faint shield, it seems another magician has already taken action.

Just as she was feeling relieved, an unexpected quest appeared in front of her, as if warning her not to let her guard down.

Sudden Quest Alert!

Under the influence of Hard Mode, the ‘Master of the Trial’ recognizes you. Hurry up and defeat him to ensure the safety of the city!

At first glance, she could see something writhing inside the crack. But Rosha, who seemed completely indifferent, laughed softly and said:

“I’ve finished what I had to do. Shall we now raid the artifact storage?”

A pitch-black sky was full of monsters.

Contrasting it was a golden shield.

In front of the collapsed wall, a woman in a dirty dress smiled as if nothing had happened.

She always said that if she had power, she should save people, but she could become cold-hearted whenever needed.

The Duke, looking at her asymmetrical appearance, suddenly felt an odd emotion.


While gazing at her who called him, he softly responded:



Hearing the Duke’s reply, Rosha was taken aback.

No, he said he would try to get closer, but was that really what he was trying to do?

* * *

Earlier, inside the banquet hall.

After the figures of Rosha and Duke Echerzen disappeared as if it was an illusion, the place fell silent.

It was hard to speak with so many incomprehensible things happening.

“This is absurd…!”

After eliminating all the nearby demonic beasts, Marquis Lycaon was about to touch Geoffrey beside him but stopped. Too many things weren’t going as planned.

“We should have won her over! What have you been doing all this time?”

“Ah, Father.”

Geoffrey, who was being scolded, felt it was unfair.

It wasn’t his fault that the engagement with Rosha Aper failed. He had tried to appeal to her during the banquet.

Then he had a sudden realization.

‘Duke Echerzen… he already knew.’

That Lady Apher had such power!

That would explain why he kept discreetly interfering with the engagement.

“Ha, hahaha.”

Realizing this, Geoffrey chuckled and confidently said to his father,

“Don’t worry, Father. I’ll try to woo her. I think she might come over if I do well.”


Marquis Lycaon stared at Geoffrey with a disappointed look. Those who happened to overhear also seemed disconcerted.

It was then.

“You said earlier, ‘a time when we all need to gather our strength’.”

Duke Feriel approached and said. The light that floated above his head had disappeared.

Knowing what this meant, Marquis Lycaon’s face tensed. The old man pointed to his staff and continued speaking:

“Is it something like this?”

A weak power gathered at the end of the staff. When he lightly tapped the ground with it, the once-solid staff sank deep.

It was clear; the old man had learned to harness magical power – a wonderful power granted to only a few humans.

In the meantime, this old man was able to control it!

“How did you…?”

“The ‘great being’, that the Marquis mentioned, told me. t’s a bit more complicated than I thought, though.”

Duke Feriel chuckled and looked around at the people and asked.

“Given this unexpected power in my late years, I feel the need to do something for others. I was about to follow that young lady and the young Duke to fight the monsters. Anyone wants to join?”

“I will.”

Cassis quickly raised his hand, took off his coat, and put it on the floor. Cedric tried to stop him, but it was in vain.

“Even our youngest is trying hard, and as someone trained in the sword, shouldn’t I do something?”

Saying this, he followed the Duke out of the banquet hall.

Others with orbs of light above them also followed.

As those who seemed capable of helping in this situation began to leave one by one, an anxious atmosphere filled the banquet hall.

Then, a magician who had been standing silently behind the Emperor stepped forward.

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