I Became the Maid of the Lout Prince
Chapter 35 Table of contents

Around two months have passed since I started working as that damn dirty pig bastard’s exclusive maid.  


“Ah, there’s an opening!”




Today, as always, the future sex offender I encountered shamelessly slapped my behind and ran away.

No, the expression “future sex offender” is not the least bit strange.  

For the past month, I’ve been sexually harassed almost every day by that dirty bastard.

To be more precise, it’s not the future, but rather, the present.


‘That filthy bastard.’


One month ago, after I was carelessly sexually harassed by the dirty bastard’s prank, that damn brat has been brazenly continuing his vulgar antics towards me.

I’ve been suppressing my anger towards the brat’s shameless behavior, and my hatred for him grows day by day.

Couldn’t I properly warn him since he’s still a brat and get him to stop?

If that worked, there’s no way I would put up with this foolishly. 

I’ve already given him countless verbal warnings and sometimes even threats. Still, they had no effect on that crafty lout bastard.

Rather, he seems very aware of the difference in our status and that my threats pose no real danger to him.


‘Was it not the case in the original game that Lilith came to her senses only to find herself already being violated?’ 


I had already been dealing with the situation as best I could from my position. 

If I couldn’t correct him through warnings or scolding him with some threats, then realistically, as Lilith, there was nothing else I could do.

Calling in other servants to threaten that brat who even disregards the head maid’s etiquette lessons would have no effect.

And if I told Harold, ‘Hey, keep an eye on your son who might grow up to be a sex offender,’ I’d likely lose my head instead.

At this rate, that bastard’s unrestrained behavior would likely continue into the future.


‘I really should have killed him that day in the kitchen prep room.’


I realized then that the scenario where I at least had a chance to ‘escape‘ was the best possible future outcome I could hope for.

Even if I failed to escape but managed to kill that Ethan brat, it wouldn’t have been such a bad life.  

Now, as his exclusive maid, there are many watching my every move, and from the start, secretly killing Ethan and escaping from the 4th floor of Blackwood Manor, where Harold resides, was practically impossible.

Before becoming Ethan’s exclusive maid, I did say I wouldn’t take such dangerous actions for the sake of the future.

But now, for some reason, the thought of mercilessly killing and fleeing if I truly got the chance was insidiously creeping into my mind.  

If even half of this malice could be conveyed to that filthy brat, it might be enough to shut him up for good.

Unfortunately, in my current state, I lacked any proper means to correct Ethan’s rotten behavior.

The only thing I could do in this situation was simply ‘endure.’


‘At this rate, it wouldn’t be strange if that brat awakens to his desires soon and starts sexually harassing Lilith outright.‘  


While there were differences in the setting and timing from the original game, this seemed an inevitable future.

All my efforts to endure until now would become meaningless the moment that happens.

If such a situation arises, I’ll have to flee or kill that Ethan brat somehow to escape.

Yes, I’ll allow it only up to this point.

I’ll only allow that disgusting pig brat that slipped his hand under my skirt to slap my ass and ran away, regarding it as just a ‘prank,’ until here.

If his ‘pranks‘ escalate even slightly, or if I sense even a hint of lust in Ethan’s eyes, from that moment on, I won’t hold back and will retaliate without hesitation.

Whether that’s beating some sense into that rotten brat’s head, 

or fleeing this territory, even as a lifelong indebted maid to start a new life, 

or worse…


‘Prepare to die and take that damn Ethan with me to the afterlife somehow.’


The grievances from my past and present lives were enough reason to kill him.

The very reason I was reincarnated into this damn world as Lilith was all because of that filthy Ethan blocking Lilith’s virgin route.

Even in the game, he was someone I had killed over and over, so I had no need to hesitate now. 

Carrying a ticking time bomb of emotion in my chest that felt like it could explode at the slightest provocation, I went outside carrying that filthy Ethan’s laundry today.


‘I swear, just try pulling something one more time.‘ 


Whether a noble brat or fool, I’ll put you in a state where you can never act up again.

Ethan Richard Blackwood.

The only son of Harold Richard Blackwood, the head of the prestigious Blackwood family.

Recently, Ethan had been harboring a minor concern in his mind.

It was regarding his exclusive maid, Lilith.

No matter what prank he pulled, jumping out to surprise her or slapping her butt and running away, Lilith showed virtually no reaction, and Ethan was starting to feel a bit bored with her.




From a young age, Ethan had become accustomed to reading the emotions directed at him by others. But for some reason, Lilith’s actions did not match the emotions he sensed from her.

Usually, with others, playing pranks like this would clearly eliminate any sense of favor or expectation toward him.

However, the emotions he read from his exclusive maid, Lilith, were complicated for Ethan himself to discern.

Her gaze still showed no hint of expectations towards him, unchanged from when they first met.

Yet, at the same time, he sensed some particular emotion from her that he had never felt before.


“Why is this maid the only one that’s different from the others?”


Why did he sense this strange emotion from Lilith that he had never felt from anyone else? 

Why was Lilith’s gaze towards him slightly different from how others looked at him?

Lilith showed such contrasting reactions compared to others, making her seem special to Ethan.

A feeling the noble son of the Blackwood family had never experienced before. 

What he did not yet realize was that this feeling was Lilith’s contempt and loathing towards him.

For Ethan, people’s emotions were not divided into good or bad; they were simply categorized as what he had or had not experienced before.


“I wish the maid would indulge me a bit more.”


Ethan clearly noticed that his pranks had not been very effective lately.

Wanting Lilith’s attention even a little more, Ethan pondered a different prank to get her interest.

If hiding and surprising her or slapping her butt didn’t work…




Ethan mumbled happily, thinking of a prank that would surely get a reaction.


“This ought to startle the maid for sure…. Hehehe.”


He chuckled to himself, imagining Lilith’s flustered expression from his prank.

Little did he know that this prank would later threaten his very life.

Three months as that filthy Ethan’s exclusive maid.

I was still spending each day feeling utterly demeaned. 

That damn Ethan’s vulgar pranks continued relentlessly even as three months passed.

I spent my days subjected to that piece of trash’s childish pranks and sexual harassment.

It wasn’t just once or twice that I fantasized about wringing that pig’s neck until he died. I could hardly tell where it began with how fat his neck was.

I suppose I could be thankful that Ethan’s pranks haven’t escalated beyond slapping my butt.  

Given his future of putting a leash on Lilith to walk her around the manor since he was young, he was hardly trustworthy.

But I could begrudgingly endure pranks at this level by clenching my teeth three times.


‘Endure it, just endure. Don’t cause any unnecessary trouble.’


If I so much as lifted a finger against that Ethan brat, not only would the consequences be disastrous… 

…I also had to consider my maid colleagues, Isabel and Catherine.

Even after being reassigned, I’m still on good terms with those two.

This means that if I caused any issues with Ethan, they could face Lord Harold’s wrath too.

Even if, by some miracle, only I faced punishment and lost my head, that would still be problematic.


‘Isabel and Catherine would undoubtedly grieve if something happened to me.’


Having already witnessed their expected reactions once before, I couldn’t recklessly endanger myself again.

Not that I intended to tolerate Ethan’s antics escalating any further, of course.  

The limit of what I could accept while enduring was right here.

I had already become somewhat inured to him, slapping my butt and running away.

At this point, whether he groped my butt or tripped me, I felt little emotion about it.

Strictly speaking, there may be a way to avoid his harassment entirely for the next seven years.

Four more years until that filthy Ethan ages enough to enroll at the academy. 

If I can just endure those four years, then when Ethan leaves for the academy, I can resign as his exclusive maid.

I can use the excuse that the roles are different between an exclusive manor maid and an academy maid.

I can get through the remaining time with less worry if I succeed.

Of course, he’ll return during summer and winter breaks. Still, after four years, I’ll spend over half the year at the Imperial Academy.

Effectively, I’ll only have to endure seeing that bastard’s face daily for about four more years.

While seven years feels challenging to endure, I can probably get through four years somehow.

Recalling my senior year of college when I slacked off and had to take 30 units per semester…

If I think of it as repeating a year like that 4 times, I may be able to handle it.

…Come to think of it, that still sounds pretty shitty.

After consoling myself this way, I made my way to that filthy brat’s room again today.

As soon as I entered, I collected his discarded  clothes strewn about the room.


‘If you’re going to undress, at least pile the  clothes in one place.’


I didn’t even imagine him neatly folding them like other well-bred noble sons.

It was difficult to envision that filthy Ethan ever living such a life in the first place.  

As I gathered Ethan’s clothes scattered over the bed, table, and everywhere else, I sensed that familiar gaze and footsteps from behind.

My mind was already running simulations of what would likely happen next.


‘…Another one of his antics.’


Having faced so many pranks, I could now roughly sense where he would strike from without looking.

Not that his bulky frame could properly hide anywhere in the first place.


‘If I react, he’ll just get more excited and go further.’


If he realizes his prank is working, he’ll undoubtedly become emboldened and act even more audaciously.  

Then, the level of his pranks will start escalating past the line.

This is likely how Lilith, in the original game, ended up being violated at some point.

Conversely, the fact that his pranks haven’t exceeded butt-slapping even after 3 months suggests my approach of completely ignoring and not reacting is somewhat effective.

From that perspective, pointlessly reacting and provoking him is less ideal than maintaining this nonchalant disregard.

Who knows? Maybe he’ll eventually tire of me not reacting and give up on his own.

As I bent down to pick up Ethan’s discarded robe, I sensed heavy footsteps rapidly approaching from behind.








I’m sure he’ll just slap my butt again and run off.  

I’ll give no reaction at all. That’s the best solution.

While straightening up with those thoughts…

Between my buttocks, a stabbing pain that seemed unbearable attacked my body.



“Take this! Stinger~!!”



You little…

Son of a bitch.

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