I Became the Maid of the Lout Prince
Chapter 36 Table of contents

“Take this~! Stinger~!!”



I felt a chilling pain between the buttocks and felt my anus clenching involuntarily due to that agony. 

It was a truly excruciating pain that left me speechless, something I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

The sheer intensity shooting from my lower body all the way up to my brain made me dizzy for a moment.

When I came to, my body lay on the floor, buried in that despicable bastard’s  clothes.




After the initial critical shock that left me speechless had subsided, the second wave of throbbing pain immediately followed between my buttocks.

As humiliating as it was to have been shit-stabbed by that filthy bastard, the sheer agony in my ass was overwhelmingly tormenting at the moment.


‘Damn ittt… This fucking son of a bitch hurts so bad…!’


I had stuck my ass out awkwardly while picking up the fallen  clothes.

The pain from the thick finger jabbing in from that bulky body was simply too much to bear.

The excruciating pain searing up from my lower body made me completely forget that I had buried my face in that repulsive bastard’s  clothes.


‘I really should have seen this coming…’


I had always kept in mind to crush him if he ever pulled any bullshit, but still…

I never imagined he would actually pull such a despicable stunt if I just left him be.

Damn it. There’s a limit to how much I can tolerate. 

Whether I get summoned by Harold later and get punished or whatever, who cares.

Fuck it, I’ll deal with the consequences in the future.

If I don’t land a punch on this goddamn filthy lout bastard’s face right now, I might just explode with rage…


“Hahaha! How was my ultimate technique!”


“You kept ignoring me, maid, so you got punished!”


…You’re laughing?

You reduce a person to this pathetic, moronic state, and you’re laughing?



















Chilled by fury beyond its limits, my brain calmly analyzed the current situation.

I got up from where I was, deliberately acting casually so the filthy bastard wouldn’t notice anything.

The only exit was the door. I had closed it when coming in, so it was already shut.  

Conveniently, the window was also closed, so I didn’t have to worry about sounds leaking out.

Even if Ethan tried to escape through the exit right now, I was closer to the door.

…Not optimal conditions, but the minimum requirements were met.

To kill this wretched lout bastard, right here and now.





I approached him nonchalantly, and the filthy pig didn’t even think to escape, clueless about what was happening. 

Once the lout bastard was within my range, I wrapped one of the towels I was holding around his neck.

Caught off guard with his lifeline suddenly bound by me, the filthy one couldn’t even think to resist, choking and kicking his legs frantically.





Too late. He tried to flee from me, but his head was already gripped in my hand, immobilized.  

The excessively chubby lout’s body, unbelievably heavy for his age, fell back with a dull thud.

I climbed on top of him, pressing down on his solar plexus with one knee.  

My hands still firmly held the cloth wrapped around his neck.




…How did it come to this?

At first, I had clearly tried to resolve it somehow.

He tried to pry my hands away, pulling at my wrists with his flabby arms, but his complete lack of muscle was no match for a Level 5 adult woman’s grip strength.

His fat body’s thrashing only ended up tightening the chokehold around his neck more forcefully due to the weight.


“Kkk… hrrkkk…”



For a moment, his pitiful eyes and shaking head almost made my resolve waver. But I steeled myself and tightened my grip, applying more forceful pressure.

Whether I release my grip now or just strangle him to death here, the punishment awaiting me would not change much after going this far.


‘I didn’t want it to come to this either.’  


As many times as I imagined killing this filthy bastard in my mind, I almost never seriously considered actually doing it in this world.

Spare the fact that he’s just a game character; directly taking a living, breathing person’s life in front of me would naturally cause hesitation for anyone of sound mind.

Even with that prank earlier, I might have been able to endure it somehow if he hadn’t mocked me at the end.

But now, I was at my limit.  

No matter how much I tried to tolerate and persevere, seeing this filthy one’s escalating antics and lack of personal growth day by day,

I could not envision any ending other than becoming this lout’s plaything.

Rather than that fate, it was better to kill this wretched bastard here and now and somehow escape the Blackwood estate to flee across the border.  

Perhaps an even more arduous future awaited me, no, an agonizingly brutal future.

I could already imagine what an enraged Harold might do to Isabel and Catherine, who would be left at the mansion.




But, but…


But I could not fathom if all of that was worth enduring at the cost of eroding my dignity and self-worth.

I died in an accident and finally reincarnated into the world of my favorite game, with a chance to live out my dreams, however slightly.

Yet because of this lout bastard, I have to live my life under restrictions? 

Just because I happened to be reborn as Lilith?

If this world is going to trample all over my life for such a shitty reason, then I might as well flip the table first.

Let’s see what happens.

Let’s see what kind of “Luminor Academy” gets created when the early antagonist and the other main characters are already torn down.


“Ugghhh…. uckkk, uckkk…”


Whether frozen in terror or agony, Ethan shed tears from both eyes.  

Unable to keep watching that expression, I briefly closed my eyes and turned my head to the left.

Unless I kill this bastard here and now, I will eternally live as the “pitiful maid Lilith.”

If I don’t kill Ethan.

If I don’t kill this damn lout bastard right now.  

For Lilith,

For me,  

There will never be a happy ending.








































Though I had resolved to finally tighten the cloth and strangle the life out of the filthy Ethan…

For some reason, my grip could not bring itself to that final determination, hesitating on the last judgment.

The towel I gripped had already slipped from my hands and fallen to the floor.


“Ughhh, *cough* *cough*…?”

“Haaa, haaa…”


Damn it…

This bastard, I really wanted to kill him by any means necessary…

I really, really wanted to kill him so bad I could go insane…

But the thought of the future that would unfold by killing this wretched bastard with my own hands made it impossible for me to make that final decision.


Isabel, who had been my only friend since I regained my memories as Lilith, supported me all this time.

And Catherine, who narrowly avoided an unjust catastrophic fate in the original game through a miraculous twist.

The moment I killed Ethan, Harold’s punishment would undoubtedly extend to those two as well.

If it was an issue that could be resolved by sacrificing only my own life, I would have done so unhesitatingly.

But the gap in the weight of a noble’s life and a commoner’s was significantly vast in this world.

If I killed Ethan here, it would not be strange if all of the employees at the Blackwood estate lost their heads in that instant.

And so, I could not bring myself to that final determination.

This wretched lout bastard held far too high a position for me to act solely on my own anger and whims.  

I was merely a pitiful, indebted maid without any power.


“Haaaaaa, haaaaa…”

“…Uck, m-maid?”

“Haaaaa, haaaaa…”

“Maid… *cough*, w-why are y-you *cough* crying?”


I absentmindedly brought my hand to my face when the bastard beneath me said something, only to find tears streaming endlessly down my cheeks once they started.

Not wanting to show this wretched bastard my unsightly appearance, I hastily turned away to hide my tears.



“… Don’t speak to me, Ethan, you fucking bastard.”



Ethan closed his mouth in shock, seemingly not expecting curses from my lips.

Having intuited this moment to be the end of my life, I unleashed all the pent-up emotions I had endured towards the brat lying beneath me, holding nothing back.


“You fucking bastard. Goddamn lout bastard.”  


“I can only tolerate a childish prank so many times. Just looking at your face makes me sick, you vile piece of trash.”


“That a piece of trash like you was born a noble is this world’s greatest blemish. An idiotic, selfish brat who only swung around the power and authority of nobility – that you are the heir of the Blackwood household is this world’s greatest shame.”

“M-Maid… Why are you…”  

“Don’t speak to me, you shitty bastard. Just having to breathe the same air as you makes me nauseous.”


“Live your whole life like that, you lout bastard. Never consider others’ feelings or anything; just live your whole life obliviously like the moron you are.”


“Live out your pitiful existence without ever realizing what a simpleton you are until one day you get impaled by some commoner swordsman right before your eyes.” 


“Buried in an unmarked grave no one visits except your father, die having accomplished nothing and be forgotten forever, you damn bastard.”


The fury that had chilled my mind flared up again in heated excitement, causing a torrent of pent-up curses to pour out incoherently. 

All the resentment I had endured from Ethan’s trashy behavior, all the curses wishing the future he would meet.

The half-wit brat probably couldn’t even understand half of what I was saying, but it didn’t matter.

A life destined to be ruined anyway. Just this final venting before the end was enough.


…Ah, I almost forgot one important thing.


“Hey, Ethan.”


“With what happened just now? I did it solely because you’re a shitty bastard.”

“…What do you mean…”

“It’s not like I conspired with anyone to try and kill you. I just wanted to kill you myself, that’s all, you fucking bastard.”


“So if you’re going to tattle to your father, tell him this. That your exclusive maid, Lilith, tried to kill you in a fit of rage alone.”


I don’t know if this brat will relay my words verbatim, but I have to say it regardless.  

At the very least, to minimize any potential harm to Isabel or Catherine.

In the end, it will be attempted murder rather than killing a noble, so the punishment may be slightly reduced.

…Perhaps it will end with just my life being forfeited.

If I couldn’t hold back here and end up killing this filthy Ethan, that would be an unforgivable sin against Isabel and Catherine.


“The three months I spent as your exclusive maid were truly unbearable.”


“And today marks the end of that. Once your father learns I tried to kill you, he won’t let me be.”

“M-Maid… Wait…!”

“It was shitty being with you, so let’s never meet again.”




I had no desire to lay eyes on that piece of trash’s face a moment longer in what little time I had left as Lilith.

Leaving behind even my duties, I swiftly exited Ethan’s room.

I leaned against the wall outside the door, mentally processing the perplexing act I had just committed.

The attempted murder of a noble.  

No, the attempted murder of the only son of the Blackwoods.

It was easier to accept that there was simply no way to survive this…

I could almost feel grateful if they executed me swiftly by beheading or hanging – it was a crime of that severity.




If I had known it would come to this, I would have unlocked spells however I wanted before getting pruned.

To think my entire life in my favorite game from my previous incarnation amounted to nothing but serving Ethan for half a year.

The notion that “Foolish Maid Lilith” could only ever be the foolish maid no matter what resonated deeply.


“Fuck… Haaa, fuck…”


The tears I had held back for so long streamed forth endlessly.



It actually happened. You can’t imagine the look on my face as I sent each page through Claude. Also, to kadenk, who commented on the last chapter, you’re absolutely right. I wasn’t actually sure if Ethan did pull a Kakashi in the previous chapter, so I didn’t write a T/N to clarify it, but this chapter confirms it. 

I’ll also take this opportunity to thank everyone who commented or engaged with my translation of this novel in any way, including those from before the site reset and those who did using Novel Updates. I sincerely appreciate you all! You all motivate me to keep going, allowing me to keep these chapters free for everyone. For updates on when I post a new chapter, join the GalaxyTL discord and react in #novel-roles-f-j to be pinged in the #releases channel or see Novel Updates.

That’s all for now, thanks for reading, and see you in the next one!

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