The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 80 Table of contents
  1. Emi Gets Pumped Up


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Hello everyone!

I’m the beautiful black-haired, black-eyed super cute girl Emi who just turned 7 the other day!

Right now, I’ve left the town of Yoshanka and headed straight south, arriving at the edge of the Kaise Forest.

The reason is, the receptionist at the Adventurer’s Guild branch office gave me a “task” I have to complete to become an adventurer, but……

<Emi, I cannot accept this!>

Oh dear, Extra-sama seems angry.

Well, I do understand that feeling.

Because “Gather Cysh Grass,” that’s clearly not the kind of “task” you give to a novice aspiring adventurer……

<And why is it a silver-haired boy getting involved here at the Adventurer’s Guild? In cases like this, isn’t the standard that an unreliable, violent, shabby old man shows up!?>

Eh!? Wha-, Extra-sama, what are you raging about!?

Is that really the point you should be getting worked up over!? I can’t understand your threshold for outrage!

And what do you mean “standard”!?

<The standard is the standard! It’s the unwritten rule for isekai broadcasts! The aesthetic style that must be preserved!>

No, no, Extra-sama, my life isn’t being broadcast anywhere by some god, so don’t get angry just because your expected “unwritten rule” wasn’t followed, okay?

<Then what is Emi angry about!?>

Well, Extra-sama……ah, never mind.

What I’m angry about, Extra-sama, is that the “task” of “Gather Cysh Grass” is clearly not suitable for a beginner, right?

<Ah……now that you mention it, you’re right.>

You didn’t need me to mention it for that.

This Cysh Grass, that’s the one right?

The light blue herb with jagged leaves that I saw once when I was with my mentor, who told me “That can sell for a decent price,” right?

<Yes, that’s correct. I’ve seen it in “The Sage God’s Isekai Broadcast” so there’s no mistake. It only grows in areas with high concentrations of magic power, so its natural habitat tends to overlap with the lairs of dangerous monsters, making it difficult to harvest.>

Right, I also remembered well because you explained it to me like that back then.

In any case, to give the “task” of gathering such a difficult-to-obtain medicinal herb to a beginner, isn’t that a bit too harsh?

Do they not want me to become an adventurer at all?

Or rather, are they trying to get me killed?

This treatment is just too much, isn’t it?

<Hmm, it is quite harsh, I agree. But isn’t this par for the course?>


……When you put it that way, I remembered.

You’re absolutely right, that’s true.

I had completely forgotten recently since I was living a decent life at Baron Martz’s estate.

I have black hair and black eyes.

I am a cursed child.

In this world, I am subjected to unwarranted condemnation and persecution (for reasons unknown).

Whether I’m treated unfairly at the Adventurer’s Guild reception, harassed by some weirdo adventurer, or given an impossible “task,” it can’t be helped.

Because that’s just how this world is.

I should be grateful they even let me into the town at all.

The baron’s letter of recommendation really helped. Thank you, Baron.

<So, what will you do?>


<You’ve received such unreasonable treatment, so what will you do, Emi? Will you whine and complain, then run away?>

Mm mm.

……Of course not!

<That’s right. Emi, you’ve grown strong. And you’ll continue growing stronger. Do you know why?>

To overcome unreasonableness!

<Then you have no time to stand around complaining here! Let’s complete this “task,” Emi. Let’s shock that useless receptionist. Face it head-on and shatter this unreasonableness! You should have enough power now to do just that!>

……Thank you, Extra-sama.

Somehow……I feel motivated now!

Unreasonable treatment? An impossible “task”? So what!

To be honest, until a moment ago I was starting to think that if I’d be treated like this, maybe I didn’t need to become an adventurer after all.

It’s not like I wanted to become one myself, I just decided to register because the baron recommended it.

Getting an identification is nice, but I’ve survived this long without one anyway.

But Extra-sama’s words were a wake-up call for me.

This isn’t just a “task” for becoming an adventurer, for that alone.

It’s also a “task” that will show how I’ll live my life from now on.

It’s a “task” given to my life!

Like hell I’ll run away!

I glare at the Kaise Forest spreading out before me.

The dark forest stretches across a slightly depressed basin-like area, seeming to continue endlessly as far as the horizon.

Even from outside, I can occasionally sense a faint oppressive air – surely emanating from the monsters dwelling within.

Truly a demon realm.

A world that would make anyone unable to fight lose their nerve just from approaching it.

But I won’t lose!

Don’t think some unreasonableness of this level will stop me!

Monsters, come at me if you dare!

……I’ll slaughter you all!!

My motivation surges.

My killing intent surges too.

Before I know it, my magic power and bloodlust are overflowing.

Clashing with the magic power emanating from the forest, creating a sizzling sound……

“H-Heyyyy! You, hurry up and suppress that killing intent! You’ll just attract more unnecessary monsters!!”

……And then, suddenly, a voice calls out from behind me.

Turning around, I see it’s the silver-haired boy who harassed me at the Adventurer’s Guild branch office, breathing heavily.

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