The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 81 Table of contents
  1. Let’s enter Kaise Forest


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“Are you an idiot!? Why are you emanating such a strong killing intent before even fighting!? This is already the demon realm, even if it’s just the outskirts! If you do something like that, monsters will come attacking in groups! What were you planning to do then, you fool!?”

The silver-haired boy who suddenly appeared…Kamasse, was it? Despite being out of breath himself, Kamasse was lecturing me for some reason.

“…Resolved to kill them all.”

“Don’t resolve something like that! It’ll never end! You’ll be overwhelmed by sheer numbers!”

Kamasse continued ranting while gasping for air.

Now that I think about it, when I went hunting with my mentor, he always instructed me to use 【Presence Concealment】.

It’s true that since we were entering the dwelling place of monsters, it would never end if we took on every single one.

What Kamasse is saying is correct.

Even though it was only for a month at the baron’s estate, it seems I had completely forgotten how to live in the mountains.

I instantly used 【Presence Concealment】 and conveyed my gratitude to Kamasse.

“Kamasse, thank you.”

“Huh!? N-No, don’t mention it…wait, no! That’s not what I meant! I didn’t come here to give you advice!”

Saying that, Kamasse puffed out his chest and pointed at me.

“Cursed child! I’ll admit that you’re strong!”

…Ah. Well, thank you, I guess?

“But you know, just being strong isn’t enough to be an adventurer! And when judged comprehensively as an adventurer, I’m not inferior to you at all! I’ll show you that!”

“…What do you mean?”

“Let’s have a match, cursed child!!”

…Pardon me?

“You came to gather medicinal herbs, right? Then let’s have a match to see who can gather better herbs! We’ll compare the quantity, variety, and condition of the herbs gathered, and whoever has the most valuable haul wins! Got it!?”

Well, I don’t really “got it”…why do we even need to have a match in the first place?

<Ah, I see, this is that case. This boy must have been really frustrated after losing to Emi at the guild. So even though he lost in combat, he wants to show he’s superior in other adventurer skills to get one over her.>

“Also, why are you out of breath?”

“You were moving too fast, fool! What kind of speed were you going at!? If you keep moving at that pace, you’ll run out of stamina right away! Think about pacing yourself properly!”

Ah, so he ran at full speed to catch up to me.

I have my mentor’s taught 【Grasshopper】 running technique, you see.

It allows me to move at considerable speed without tiring much.

If Kamasse tried to chase me normally on foot, of course he’d be out of breath.

“Anyway, it’s a match! I won’t take no for an answer! The time limit is until sunset! Going deeper into the demon realm after sundown is too dangerous! You’d better be careful too! Meet me in front of Yoshanka’s gate around sunset, we’ll announce the results then. Got it!? Okay, ready…start!!”

After rapidly stating what he wanted to say in one breath, without even waiting for my agreement, Kamasse charged into the forest.

<…I wonder what’s up with that guy.>

I wonder what’s up with that guy too.

<He must really hate losing.>

But while his language is foul, there’s something strangely likeable about the occasional hint of consideration for others that slips out…


Well, in any case, I should start looking for medicinal herbs too, I suppose…

<Yes, I agree…>

Though momentarily dazed by Kamasse’s whirlwind pace, I finally took my first step into the Kaise Forest.


* * *


By the way, “Kaise” is the name of the black, twisted trees that cover this entire forest.

They grow quickly but are brittle and difficult to burn.

Useless as building materials or fuel, to humans they’re just a nuisance weed that multiplies rampantly.

However, their twisted trunks and dense foliage provide excellent cover for living creatures.



Which is why as you walk through the Kaise Forest, poisonous snakes often drop down from above.

Apparently of the Yasago species.

Their venom is potent enough to easily kill humans, so they are classified as monsters.

Well, for me they’re simply easy prey to handle.

With 【Body Strengthening】 active, their fangs can’t pierce my skin, so they pose no threat at all.

Rather, they’re like freely supplied snacks just dropping in.

For now, I instantly grabbed the Yasago that fell, ripped it apart, discarded the venomous head portion, and munched down the body section.

Being around 1 meter long, it provided a decent amount of sustenance.

But just 5 or 6 of them wasn’t nearly enough to satiate my recent hunger.

<Still, can’t seem to find any Cysh Grass.>

Yeah, that’s true…

I walked for about an hour deeper into the forest’s interior, heading towards the center.

But the medicinal herb I was searching for was nowhere to be found.

<Well, the environment suitable for Cysh Grass to grow is hard to come across.>

Right, Cysh Grass doesn’t simply grow anywhere as long as there’s high magic density.

It requires a certain amount of sunlight too.

In other words, not in these densely overgrown forest areas, but rather in clearings opened up within the forest where it’s more likely to grow…apparently.

Though too much sunlight also isn’t good. So it doesn’t grow out in fields either.

Following that logic, it should grow well at the forest edges too, but any Cysh Grass in those areas has probably already been plundered.

<Yes, that’s correct Emi. I saw it in The Sage God’s Isekai Broadcast, so there’s no mistake.>

I should probably jump up and scout the surroundings again soon.

Using 【Grasshopper】, I leapt high into the air.

Through constant training, as well as battling and devouring powerful foes, my total magic power has continued increasing.

Naturally, the height I can jump with 【Grasshopper】 has also been gradually extending day by day.

And yet, after bursting through the tangled branches and leaves, the view of the Kaise Forest stretching out before me seemed to continue endlessly all the way to the horizon, with no end in sight whatsoever.

Just how vast is this forest?

<Ah, found 3 new clearings.>

Okay, I spotted them too, Extra-sama.

Well then, let’s head for the nearest one next.

After freely falling back down and landing, I set off moving again.

Honestly, I don’t really care about the match against Kamasse, but I do need to abide by the sunset time limit itself.

Considering the return trip too, time is limited now.

I have to hurry.

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