The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 94 Table of contents
  1. The Ruthless Cannon Girl Emi


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Height equates to power.

The superior dominates the inferior.

A vassal cannot defy their sovereign.

Height equates to power.

In a sense, this holds true physically as well.

Those stationed at higher ground cannot be reached by those below.

Such a mindset formed the core principles of the Togūdo’s thinking.

To fly is to be powerful.

To fly is to be superior.

To fly is to be magnificent.

Until now, this was undoubtedly the truth.

There were occasional lapses where individuals carelessly napping on the ground were hunted by crawling egg thieves, but such instances were negligible compared to their overall numbers.

We, the massive, powerful, flying beings, were stronger and more magnificent than any crawling creature.

Or so they believed.

But then—

But then!!

Just what was that human!?

Recalling the earlier sight, the Togūdo Commander let out an irritated growl at the unpleasantness.

That was an unsightly black worm that dared bare its fangs at the Togūdo, the sovereigns of the sky.

It even slaughtered many of his subordinates and dragged their bodies to the earth.

An unforgivable act.

Sheer insolence.


For a ground-crawling black worm to hunt and kill the rulers of the sky defied the natural order of this world itself.

It must be swiftly condemned, restoring the disrupted balance back to normalcy.

No, that alone was insufficient.

Its sin was grave.

Its brethren must also face execution by association.

However, the question of how to actually subjugate it posed quite a dilemma.

Attempting the usual charge would only allow it to evade easily, then seize the chance to slay them instead.

Truthfully, the prospect filled the Commander with dread, wishing to avoid getting near it.


No, that wasn’t right.

That black worm was impure.

An existence defying this world’s principles.

The noble Togūdo, sovereigns of the sky, should not draw close to such an unpleasant being.

Merely approaching could defile their souls.

Hence why the Commander currently soared at an even higher altitude than before.

Distance must be maintained from the impurity.

No matter how high that worm could leap, there was a limit.

At such heights, it would be unable to reach them.

Relief washed over the Commander.

Indeed, height equated to power.

To fly was to be magnificent and superior.

“Hogah! Hogaah!”

The shrill cries from his subordinates yanked the Commander’s wandering thoughts back to reality.

Movement could be seen on the ground.

That black worm had leapt skyward towards them once more.




The Commander frantically issued orders in a panic.

“Hogaaaah! Hogaaaah!”

Responding, his subordinates simultaneously activated 【Air Protect】.

However, rather than enveloping each individual with barriers like before, this time they formed multiple wind walls obstructing the black worm’s path to halt its momentum.

Each time the black worm collided with these wind walls, its propulsive force diminished further.

At this rate, its fangs would never reach the Commander.

Relief surged within the Commander’s core.


No, that wasn’t right.

For that impure black worm’s fangs to reach the Commander’s noble self was inconceivable from the outset.

To feel relieved was absurd in itself.

The very premise was an impossibility, so there was no need for concern at all.

As the Commander’s thoughts began wandering once more, that fleeting respite didn’t last long.

“Flame, explode! Blow everything away! 【Explosion】!”

Despite being drowned out by the sea winds, that incantation echoed up from the ground.

The next instant—


An explosion erupted in the sky accompanied by a thunderous roar!

An offensive spell!

Launched by that black worm’s comrade remaining on the ground!

Ordinarily, a magic of that caliber wouldn’t warrant the Togūdo’s concern.

Shielded by the winds and possessing sturdy physiques, Togūdo were resilient.

However, that spell wasn’t aimed at harming the Togūdo themselves.

The explosion manifested right at the black worm’s back, propelling it straight towards the Commander with tremendous force!!


Stunned by the unexpected turn of events, the Togūdo Commander faltered in disarray!

Having commanded his subordinates to maintain distance beforehand now proved disastrous, leaving no obstacles between the black worm and himself!!

“Hogaaaaah! Hogaaaaah!”

He no longer had the composure to issue orders to his subordinates!

Desperately activating multiple 【Air Protect】 barriers himself in an attempt to diminish the black worm’s momentum, these efforts ultimately proved futile.


“Wind, blow it away! 【Storm】! Wind, blow it away! 【Storm】!”

Whenever the black worm’s momentum waned, its comrade on the ground would provide propulsive assistance with spells, reigniting its speed!

Modifying offensive wind magic intended for attacks to pseudo-propel a single human—such an acrobatic stunt was only possible through the genius Kamasse’s intense concentration!

The initially minuscule black worm rapidly closed the distance in the blink of an eye.

Flames of murderous intent burned in its pitch-black eyes as it thrust towards the Togūdo Commander!


Emitting a shriek born of sheer terror, the Commander recoiled.

Their massive frames rendered them clumsy and ponderous.

The Commander could neither flee nor attack.

And at last, the black worm latched onto the Commander’s body.

Firmly gripping his feathers, it murmured something in the human tongue.

“Got you.”

“Hogaaaaah!! Hogaaaaah!!”

By now half-crazed, the Commander thrashed about wildly in an attempt to shake the black worm loose, but it clung tenaciously, showing no signs of detaching.

The sensation of it scuttling across his body felt ominous.

The dread of a death-bearing black worm!!


Save me! Someone save me!!

Though the Commander continued shrieking pleas, his subordinates could do nothing.

Lacking any limbs to begin with, they lacked the dexterity to pry the black worm from their commanding comrade’s body.

The only recourse available was the same suicidal dive the Commander had instructed earlier.

Yet they could never bring themselves to launch such an attack against their leader.

All they could do was gaze on in bewilderment and terror as the Commander flailed about helplessly!

By the time the black worm reached the Commander’s nape, raising its right arm overhead like a blade before swinging down…



Its blade-hand strike was deflected by the Commander’s muscular neck.

His physique was sturdier than his subordinates’.

Combined with his abundant magic reserves enhancing his 【Body Strengthening】, his durability increased exponentially.

“Ho-Hoga…? Hohhohhoggaaaaah!!”

Realizing the black worm’s blade-hand couldn’t penetrate him, the Commander momentarily froze dumbfounded before regaining his composure with renewed vigor.

How dare you! Did you really think you could startle me, you vile worm!?

A mere ground-crawling worm at that!

Did you think you could defeat me, the king among kings!?

The Commander began jeering derisively at the black worm, but his overconfidence proved premature.



The next instant, a tremendous impact struck the Commander’s head!

His consciousness nearly blanked from the blow.

What had happened!?

The answer was simple.

Seeing its blade-hand strikes ineffective against the neck, the black worm instantly switched to bludgeoning the head instead.

This black worm had previously hunted and slain larger beasts its slashes couldn’t penetrate.

If slashing proved ineffective, it would resort to bashing instead.

An application of past experience.




With each punch the black worm unleashed against the Commander’s head, thunderous impacts resounded far exceeding what its tiny fists suggested!


As his senses blurred, the Commander desperately flew about trying to shake the black worm loose, but to no avail.

Its two legs clung as if adhered to the Commander’s nape, refusing to detach.

While the Commander flailed in desperation, it was likely his circling subordinates who watched on in sheer astonishment at this anomalous sight.

After all, even when the Commander flew upside-down, the black worm’s legs remained firmly latched, defying physical laws.

What should they do!?

How could the Commander be saved!?

Clinging to his fading consciousness, the Commander racked his mind for any solution.

His subordinates merely watched from afar, showing no intention of intervening.

The black worm’s legs clung inseparably to the Commander, rendering shaking it off impossible.

And with its body seizing the Commander’s, he couldn’t attack it either.


They had no hands.

He was doomed.

The moment that undeniable reality finally sank in, the Commander’s spirit broke.


Another bludgeoning blow from the black worm struck his head with tremendous force.

Unable to endure further, the Commander relinquished his consciousness.

His body went limp.

The surging magic power flooding his being began waning.

His 【Body Strengthening】 dissipated.

An opening emerged.

And the next instant, the Commander’s severed head soared skyward before plummeting earthward.

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