The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 95 Table of contents
  1. Let’s Return to Town


* * *


“…Haha, that girl, she actually did it!”

Watching the Togūdo Commander’s severed head soar through the overcast sky far above, Kamasse let out a joyous cheer.

“I’ll blow you towards the Togūdo Commander with magic. Then you slice off its head.”

Those were the words Kamasse had conveyed to Emi during their brief strategy meeting just prior.

Looking back, it sounded utterly ridiculous.

Propelling someone to their target location using offensive magic – he had never heard of such an outrageous tactic.

Could he even execute such precise magical control?

And the Togūdo Commander was a formidable specimen.

For someone smaller than himself to sever its neck seemed absurd.

Yet despite Kamasse’s proposal defying all reason upon calm consideration, Emi didn’t voice a single objection and simply complied.

And Kamasse successfully transported Emi to the Commander’s vicinity through magic, whereupon she beheaded it with that unfathomable power of hers.

(……Heroes must be like you, Emi.)

Watching the black-haired, black-eyed girl descend from the sky, Kamasse recalled an old tale his grandfather had often recounted from his youth.

A real-life encounter his grandfather experienced when he was young.

Kamasse’s family, the Kaisetsu clan, had long operated a considerably large merchant business.

In his younger days, his grandfather traveled as an itinerant peddler for training.

During those travels, he unfortunately crossed paths with a monster stampede.

A relentless onslaught surging like an avalanche.

Resigning himself to death in that dire moment, a golden-haired woman suddenly appeared before his grandfather.

With a single swing of her arm, she effortlessly blew away nearly every monster closing in, saving his grandfather’s life.

Abnormal. Supernatural.

A power transcending human intellect.

Undoubtedly worthy of being called a hero.

Kamasse had idolized that heroic figure from his grandfather’s tale.

Though his grandfather likely never imagined such admiration would drive Kamasse to leave home and become an adventurer himself.

In any case, Kamasse superimposed that heroic image onto Emi.

While she may not yet possess the overwhelming power to blow away entire stampedes with a swing of her arm, her current abilities already deviated from the ordinary.

That was the makings of a true hero.

A hero of the future.

Kamasse was convinced of this.

(……I can’t afford to lose!)

And his heart burned with passion.

He was a genius widely acknowledged by others and himself.

Yet that genius had encountered an entity whose caliber rendered him insignificant by comparison.

However, Kamasse refused to be discouraged.

Someday, he would undoubtedly stand beside her.

Without fail!

His heart blazed with determination.

Kamasse was a sore loser!

……But for now.

His petty sense of rivalry didn’t matter.

For the time being, he should simply welcome the small heroic figure with a smile.

“Wind, embrace and shield this one! 【Air Protect】!”

The wind enveloped Emi’s body, allowing her to gently descend to the earth.

She seemed bewildered.

Her lack of any particular reaction suggested she likely could have landed safely even  if left alone.

From such a height?

Just how? It made no sense.

Even so, a man shouldn’t greet her without any preparation.

“Hmph. Well, not bad at all. I’ll compliment your effort!”

Relieved the battle had concluded, Kamasse inadvertently slipped into his usual arrogant tone.

Was it an attempt to hide his embarrassment? He couldn’t say for sure.

But his face felt flushed regardless.

“……Good work. Welcome back, Emi.”

Finally, he managed to offer a simple word of gratitude.

Reflecting on how terribly warped his personality had become, Kamasse could only wryly smile at himself.

In response to his words, the black-haired, black-eyed girl answered laconically while expressionless as ever.

“I’m back.”

However, her voice seemed to carry a subtle lightness compared to usual.

At least, that’s how it sounded to Kamasse.


* * *



Trailing slightly behind me, the red damned bird’s body finally descended.

Despite its massive size, why did it take so long to fall after me?


<Togūdo fly through magic, so even after their main body perishes, the magic power maintains their gradual descent until depleted. Hence they land later.>

I see, not perplexing after all.

In any case, with this, everything has truly been resolved and settled.

I killed the leader of those damned birds, causing the rest to flee elsewhere in terror.

Glancing skyward now, all that remains is the grayish overcast.

No more unpleasant cries can be heard, only the relentless sea winds whistling.

The Togūdo invasion of Yoshanka that Kamasse worried about likely won’t happen now, nor any other issues.

And so—


I’m hungry, so I’ll have this red damned bird in front of me.

Munch munchGulp gulpchomp chomp……

“That’s why—aaaah!! Don’t eat it raw! Don’t drink the blood—aaaah!!”

Kamasse keeps interfering again.

Stop it, don’t shake my shoulders. munch munch

“It’s dangerous, you know!? Especially with powerful monsters like this,  if you don’t properly process them, there’s a high risk of ‘mana poisoning’!”

“Mana poisoning”? What’s that? munch munch

<……That’s irrelevant to Emi. You don’t need to worry about it.>


Is that so, Extra-sama? munch munch

“And Emi, an adventurer’s job isn’t finished after just slaying the monster, you know!”

Is that so, Kamasse? munch munch

“After a subjugation, you need to report it to the Adventurer’s Guild, collect the reward bounty, and only then is the job complete. The journey back to the inn is part of the adventure! Remaining vigilant until the very end is an adventurer’s discipline!”

Ahh. You really are diligent, aren’t you Kamasse? munch munch

In Kamasse’s raised left hand lecturing me was the severed head of the red damned bird I had decapitated.

He must have picked it up at some point.

“Going to eat the brain?”

“No, it’s proof of the subjugation. This time, the guild has likely already been notified that I was fighting the Togūdo Commander alone. In which case, a rescue party for me and a subjugation force for the Commander may have already been assembled. It would be inconsiderate for the other adventurers to journey all this way to the northern cliffs fully equipped, only for the battle to have already concluded. I should return to the guild soon to report the full account of what transpired.”

……I see. munch munch

Well then, good luck with your report, Kamasse. munch munch


What’s with that stare? munch munch

I cocked my head curiously. munch munch

“Don’t give me that ‘it has nothing to do with me’ look! You’re involved in this too! Obviously you’re coming along to report as well! You’re an adventurer too, aren’t you!? Or rather! For this subjugation, you’re the biggest contributor!”

Flecks of spittle flew as Kamasse thrust his finger towards me while bellowing loudly with his face pushed up close.

But even  if you say that— munch munch

The fact is, I’m still not an adventurer yet. munch munch

And more importantly……

“It would be pointless for me to give a report.”


“I’m a cursed child. Likely no one will believe anything I say.”

In this world, the prejudice against black hair and black eyes runs deep!

 If I tagged along for the subjugation report, it might only cause unnecessary trouble.

In that case, wouldn’t it be easier all around to simply attribute this entire incident as Kamasse’s sole achievement?


After hearing me out, Kamasse cupped his chin in contemplation.

But soon lifting his face, he met my gaze squarely and spoke.

“No, I absolutely want you to come along for the report. Leave it to me! I won’t let you be disadvantaged!”

Flashing a confident smile, Kamasse then grabbed my collar and began forcibly dragging me back towards town.

Ah, aah—…!

Wh-What are you doing!?

The meat! The meat! The meaaat—…!

“Stop squirming! I’ll treat you to meat later, okay!?”

Well, I guess I’ll just go along with it.


* * *


By the way, here’s what happened on our return to town.

The two of us walked across the grassy cliff-side plains towards Yoshanka, dotted with scattered boulders.

“Come to think of it, why did you come all the way out to these cliffs? On some request?”

“I heard Kamasse was in danger, in town.”

“……So you came to rescue me?”



“I like you, so I rescued you.”


“I like Kamasse, so I rescued you.”

As a person, you mean?


Ah, your face is bright red.

W-Wait, don’t misunderstand!

“You like me as a person, right?”

“Ah, uhh……eh?…….uhh”

Still completely flushed red.

Are you even listening, hey?

Rather, don’t get so flustered just from a little girl saying she likes you!

Just how inexperienced are you, Kamasse?

<……Emi, you always say it yourself, don’t you? You’re a beautiful girl. It’s just your black hair and black eyes that are disliked – from this world’s perspective, your other features are quite beautiful. It seems Kamasse’s resistance to the black hair and eyes has diminished considerably. Getting told “I like you” would make anyone embarrassed. Let’s kill him.>

Extra-sama, what’s with that killing intent at the end!?




What is this awkward silence!!

It’s getting really awkward for some reason!!

Honestly, it grew so unbearably awkward, plus Kamasse was clearly exhausted and moving slowly, that I eventually just carried him piggyback and ran the rest of the way using my 【Grasshopper】 dash technique. We reached town in no time at all.

Of course I just scaled them with 【Silverfish】.

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