The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 52 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c52

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

“Boksil, even when I’m not here, you have to guard the house well, okay? Got it?”


Whether he understood Hyeseong’s words or was just in a good mood, Boksil only wagged his tail at the caressing hand. Until the moment he left the house, Hyeseong continued to check his condition. He had already given Boksil breakfast and filled his water bowl. He put away all the objects he might bite, and lastly, he made sure to lock the doors thoroughly. 


He slightly stuck his head out the window, and fortunately, he could see Boksil happily playing alone with the nosework toy he had laid out before leaving. This is why people say leaving the house is the hardest part when raising a pet.


Hyeseong moved his heavy feet and headed to the bus terminal in the city.


“By the way, why the heck did he say to meet at a hotel?”


Hyeseong looked at the text message again, which had the meeting place and time. The hotel was a place Hyeseong knew well. It was a fairly famous place in downtown  Seoul.


A bus arrived on time and Hyeseong took a seat. But as soon as he fastened his seatbelt, his cell phone started vibrating violently.


[Kim Doo-sung]


Hyeseong’s brows furrowed slightly. Why? Why was he suddenly calling? Did this manager get caught? Hyeseong hesitated for a moment before answering the phone.


– Hey! Cheon Hyeseong! Why are you answering the phone so late!


As soon as he picked up the phone, Kim Doo-sung’s loud voice rang in his ear. The person sitting in the next seat seemed startled and glanced sideways with wide eyes. Hyeseong lowered his head in embarrassment and reduced the volume to a minimum.


“I didn’t know there was a call coming in. I’m going somewhere for work right now.”


Hyeseong gulped. What if he found out something? If this manager was in danger, the story would be completely different, although Hyeseong could just meet the president of Seohyeon Industries as planned.


– Forget it, do you still have your ID?


Phew, Hyeseong swallowed a sigh of relief inwardly.


“Yes. They said it would come within this week, so it should arrive tomorrow.”


A voice muttering curses could be heard over the receiver. According to what the manager said, it seemed Myeongpum Capital was constantly under pressure from Seohyeon to pay. Since they intercepted money in the middle, even if they didn’t notice on that side, they wouldn’t just stand by and watch.


At the urgent voice, Hyeseong replied that he would go quickly as soon as it arrived. He reassured him with a lie that didn’t work, saying he was going to find a part-time job because he was running out of money.


Fortunately, it didn’t seem like Kim Doo-sung had noticed anything. He must be going crazy with profit issues right now, and he probably wouldn’t think that Lee Pilhyun, who was always foolishly deceived under him, was plotting something.


Seoul, where he arrived after about an hour’s drive, was crowded with people as always. Perhaps the road conditions were unexpectedly poor, causing traffic jams, so Hyeseong had no choice but to take a taxi. When he got off in front of the hotel and walked, it was strangely noisy and crowded around him.


“What day is it today?”


Well, it must be some event being held at the hotel. In fact, the Laird Hotel was also famous as an up-and-coming place these days for its well-decorated wedding halls. Hyeseong pushed through the swarming crowd and entered the lobby. Then, he contacted the number from which he had received a text yesterday.


[I’m at the hotel lobby.]


About a minute later, the cell phone vibrated briefly and a reply came.


[Room 711.]


That was it. To be precise, the person providing the information was him.


Hyeseong let out a short sigh and headed to the elevator. Come to think of it, this was the first time he had come to a hotel since the wedding of the president of Sangwon Electronics. When he lived a life assisting Ihyeok, he came to places like this as often as eating meals. Suddenly, the change in situation hit him.


Hyeseong got off on the 7th floor and walked down the corridor without hesitation to find room 711. As soon as he knocked on the door, a man with sharp features came out from inside. He silently nodded his head inward.


At the gesture to come in, Hyeseong slowly moved his steps inside. The structure and atmosphere leading from the entrance to the inside felt strangely a little familiar. What is it? It’s the first time he’s entered a guest room, but why does it feel familiar? While having such thoughts, the secretary who was walking ahead gestured with his eyes to hurry up.


“May I ask why you chose the hotel as the meeting place?”


“The president has a schedule here today.”


A dry voice flowed from the man. Come to think of it, that face and voice. They seemed a little familiar.


Going all the way inside, a large living room soon appeared. On the side, there were two bedrooms and a clean bathroom. Hyeseong’s eyes were momentarily captivated by the unique tiles with gold lines embroidered on white tiles.


Ah, I see. That’s why this place felt familiar.


“President, I brought him.”


Hyeseong’s head, which had been lost in thought, turned to where the man walking ahead had bowed his head. The back of the figure standing towards the large window, looking down at downtown Seoul, finally came into view.


“Manager Kim, has the wedding downstairs already started?”


“Yes. But don’t worry. We have already sent a few of our guys to attend.”


From the conversation just now, Hyeseong learned that the person was Manager Kim. He was a man whose name Kim Doo-sung had also mentioned several times.


Moreover, he now knew why he looked familiar. During the Seohyeon faction days, Hyeseong had followed Ihyeok a few times to meetings where the two organizations met.


Of course, it was to the point where he couldn’t say he followed because Ihyeok always hid him far back, saying it was dangerous. At that time, he remembered seeing that face. He was one of the numerous organization members lined up behind Ahn Gi-baek, the leader of the Seohyeon faction and current president of Seohyeon Industries.


Seeing him rise from a low-level organization member to the position of managing director, it seemed his life had not been smooth either.


“Did you hear?”


At that moment, Ahn Gi-baek’s heavy voice suddenly flew in.


“The daughter of the former head of the Central District Prosecutors’ Office is holding her wedding at this hotel today. I abandoned such an important position and came to meet you.”


At that moment, Ahn Gi-baek, who had only been looking at the window, turned around. The face he saw after a long time was the same yet different from back then. Even the huge gang boss could not escape the traces of time, as wrinkles were visible here and there, but the dark impression that seemed to have sunk into the abyss and the eyes of a beast that blatantly ridiculed its prey were still the same.


Ahn Gi-baek, who was speaking, gestured with his eyes to the two men standing side by side opposite each other. The men acting as security guards nodded and approached Hyeseong.


The moment Hyeseong felt uneasy, the two men grabbed Hyeseong’s arms, twisted them back, and pressed down on the back of his head.




Hyeseong, who was in a defenseless state, fell to the floor under the pressing hands. Unfortunately, he had been biting his lips in anxiety, and as his face hit the marble floor, his bitten lips burst open and blood flowed out.


Ahn Gi-baek, who had given the order, walked to the table set up on one side and sat down with an indifferent face. The men who had pressed Hyeseong’s head searched his body all over.


“What the…”


He struggled, but it was difficult to break free. The men, who found out that Hyeseong’s only belongings were his wallet and cell phone, finally stepped back. Ahn Gi-baek also seemed to have finished checking, as he waved his hand and dismissed the two men.


“Haa… The greeting seems too intense.”


Looking at the small drops of blood on the marble floor, Hyeseong wiped his lips.


“Don’t think too badly of it. Didn’t I say? I put an important person’s important event behind me and came to meet you. In that sense, it’s better for me to be sure, isn’t it?”


Hyeseong rubbed his lips. The swollen and burst part seemed like it would last quite a while. These days, he wondered why he only experienced such rough incidents. Hyeseong let out a deep sigh.


Kim Sangmu approached Ahn Gi-baek with a calm face and poured whiskey into his glass.


“So the story you’re about to tell me now should have that much nutritional value.”


Hyeseong smiled as he watched Ahn Gi-baek down the alcohol. At that smile, Ahn Gi-baek, Manager Kim, and the two men who had roughly searched his body all looked at Hyeseong.


“It’s not that you abandoned an important event of a very high-ranking person and came, but it seems they wouldn’t pay attention to you guys anyway, so you just came because your pride was hurt, right?”


“This bastard, what is he saying now…”


Manager Kim clenched his fist tightly and frowned. Seeing the expression that his pride was completely hurt, Hyeseong knew that what he had just said was true.


“The Seohyeon faction, which became the parent organization of Seohyeon Industries, was a high-profile organization among gangs at that time.”


Hyeseong got up from his spot, patting his pants.


“The fact that Seohyeon Industries didn’t grow as much as the reputation of the former Seohyeon faction is something everyone who needs to know already knows, right?”


Manager Kim was about to rush at Hyeseong when Ahn Gi-baek stopped him.


“You know about the Seohyeon faction too, and you’re unusually naive. I thought I had seen your face somewhere… You’re that Taesung kid, aren’t you?”


At Ahn Gi-baek’s words, Manager Kim also raised his eyes in surprise and looked at Hyeseong. He seemed to think for a moment, then pointed his finger at Hyeseong.


“You…! You’re Kwon Ihyeok’s secretary.”


Both Manager Kim and Ahn Gi-baek seemed to recall everything about Hyeseong. The fact that he had contributed to building the organization by entering Taesung in the past, as the secretary of Kwon Ihyeok, the CEO of Taesung Construction.


“That’s right. That naive little punk from Taesung.”


Ahn Gi-baek also widened his eyes in surprise. At that time, it was Hyeseong who had made the Baekdae faction into duck egg status in the Nakdong River and arranged for them to collect a large sum of money from Seohyeon based on confidential documents.


The Seohyeon faction was not unaware of that. In fact, rumors that an excellent brain had entered Taesung at that time were not uncommon, to the point where Hyeseong was a fairly famous figure.


“Well, since you recognized me, it seems the identity verification has been done on its own. You could have known by asking even without using this method.”


“What are you? Why did a Taesung person approach us?”


Manager Kim stood in front of Hyeseong with a highly sensitive face.


“Why else? I think I’ve already told you all my business over the phone.”


Hyeseong picked up the cell phone that had fallen to the floor.


“To add, I’m not a Taesung person anymore. It’s been quite a while, and the content I’ll be telling you today has nothing to do with Taesung.”


Hyeseong passed by Manager Kim and went to Ahn Gi-baek. Then, the sound of Ahn Gi-baek’s cell phone ringing briefly was heard.


“This is evidence that Kim Doo-sung of Myeongpum Capital embezzled the money he was supposed to pay to Seohyeon by intercepting it in the middle.”


Ahn Gi-baek’s brow furrowed slightly as he looked at the screen.


“Since it’s data secretly brought out by a Myeongpum Capital employee, it should be trustworthy. I wanted to get the actual ledger, but it wasn’t feasible.”


Ahn Gi-baek handed the cell phone to Manager Kim with a serious face.


“What’s your purpose?”


“There’s no big reason to clean up trash. Well, I guess it would be easier to understand if you think that past ties had a slight influence.”




Ahn Gi-baek didn’t say anything more, as if he had roughly guessed.


“And above all, I’m a person who wants to live very quietly. Since I personally informed you of the location of the trash polluting your territory, I ask that you handle the cleaning yourself.”


Hyeseong seemed to have finished what he had to say and turned his body.


“Hey, you.”


At that moment, Ahn Gi-baek’s voice was heard from behind.


“Why did you leave Taesung?”


“I don’t think there’s a reason to tell you. Then.”


Hyeseong bowed his head once in a dry manner and left the room.

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

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