The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 86 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c86

The taxi driver glanced at the back seat through the rearview mirror. Two tall men were laying entangled with each other without a care.


“Please go this way,” Hyeseong said, barely catching his breath as he gave his home address. 


The BBQ restaurant owner and even the part-time worker had to help move that big body while groaning. Hyeseong leaned his body against the car seat, panting.


That day, Hyeseong realized for the first time that humans can draw immense strength when pushed to extreme situations. 


Of course, the taxi driver helped with a pitiful expression, but Hyeseong succeeded in getting the two drunk men, Kwon Ihyeok and Park Dohyun, safely inside his house.


“Ah, really. My back is going to break.”


As soon as he entered through the front door, Hyeseong threw the two people onto the floor. Even during that, the drunks didn’t open their eyes once. How much of that strong liquor did they drink? Hyeseong neatly took off their  shoes and pushed them further inside.


Bokshil, who had been sleeping soundly in the room, came out rustling and soon began to wander around the two people who had become incoherent, as  if it was fun.


“Bokshil, you have one more friend now.”


Hyeseong wiped the sweat on his forehead and moved Dohyun to the room first. During that, Dohyun muttered incomprehensible words about the match and how he won.


Hyeseong spread out the bedding and roughly threw Dohyun on top of it before going out, but an even bigger problem was squarely in place.


Ihyeok was sprawled out on the living room floor, sleeping very comfortably.


“Really, why even the uncle.”


Dohyun can be excused for being young and immature, but it was unbelievable why a man over 30 would go along with Dohyun’s antics.




Hyeseong sat down in front of him and called out to him. 




He called Ihyeok again and slowly reached out to his disheveled black hair. Ihyeok’s soft hair was caught in his hand. Hyeseong gently stroked his hair carefully and quietly.


“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you this drunk too.”


Come to think of it, there was a time when he came to the house incoherently before quitting his job. Anyway, Ihyeok’s house was right next door, so he thought about moving him there, but he had a premonition that his weak body wouldn’t be able to withstand using more strength here. Besides, he had also drunk a fair amount of alcohol, so he was gradually reaching his limit.


He had no choice but to let him sleep at his house tonight.


Hyeseong took a deep breath and pulled Ihyeok up. He somehow hung him over his shoulder and walked hard towards his room.


As an alpha, Ihyeok had an exceptionally large physique. It was too much for Hyeseong, who was slightly below the average weight of Korean men, to carry.


Panting, he barely crossed the threshold. As soon as Hyeseong threw him on the bed, he was able to catch his breath. He also properly lifted Ihyeok’s legs that were sticking out and arranged his position.


Hyeseong slowly got up from the bed. Now that he had given this place to Ihyeok, he had to sleep somewhere else. He would sleep on the floor in the room with a blanket or spend the night on the living room floor.


First, he was about to go to the wardrobe to get a blanket, but he felt a hot warmth on his wrist.


When he turned his head, Ihyeok was holding Hyeseong’s wrist. Naturally, he raised his gaze and looked at him. Ihyeok was blinking and staring intently at Hyeseong.


“Are you coming to your senses a bit?”




“What were you thinking, drinking all of that? Even  if Dohyun is like that, Ahjussi, you’re not a kid. I had a really hard time moving two people by myself.”


Hyeseong burst out the nagging he had been holding back, feeling like this was the time.


“When you’re fully awake tomorrow, you two be prepared.”


Ihyeok just blinked, not giving any proper answer as  if he was listening properly. He was just taking in Hyeseong’s face with his eyes. Dissatisfied eyes. Cute lips that kept moving. That was all he saw.


“What am I doing, talking to a drunk person… Hurry up, close your eyes and go back to sleep.”


“Today… I thought it would be just the two of us eating.”


A terribly hoarse voice was heard. Ihyeok slowly opened his eyes, rubbing his face with his other hand.


“… I guess I forgot to mention that Dohyun was also there.”


Hyeseong turned his head, perhaps finally feeling the blatant gaze. Sometimes Ihyeok would look at him with those eyes that seemed to devour everything. While Hyeseong liked that straightforwardness, he was sometimes uncomfortable.


It was as  if those eyes saw through all of him. Standing in front of that gaze, he sometimes felt like he was standing naked.


Moreover, Ihyeok’s gaze now was even deeper and heavier. More so than when he left a kiss mark on his neck.


“How long are you going to hold my hand?”


Thanks to that, all his nerves were on edge. As he became aware of it one by one, the places Ihyeok’s hand touched felt hot as  if burned by fire, and his heart also began to react loudly.


“If I let go, where will you go?”




“Where will you go again.”


“Where would I go. I’m just going to sleep on the floor.”


Hyeseong scratched the back of his neck for no reason. Is it right to ask this? He was asking where he would sleep, but he didn’t know why he was making such a serious expression.




Ihyeok’s Adam’s apple moved slowly. He lowered his hand and gently caressed Hyeseong’s palm.


“Want to sleep together?”




“Let’s sleep together here. With me.”


The fingers that touched him tickled. The places his warmth touched became flushed and soon covered his entire body. The languidly cracked voice and words were so stimulating that they seemed to burn his ears as well.




His thoughts completely stopped, not knowing what to say or what expression to make. Looking at Ihyeok’s face, he was definitely drunk.


Is he saying that because he’s worried about Hyeseong sleeping on the floor? He must be telling him to just come up and sleep comfortably since there’s space next to the bed, right?


“Come here.”


Hyeseong swallowed his saliva. But can he really go to that side and fall asleep?


In his heart, a fierce battle was taking place between the dark desire to rush to that bed right away and the white reason to just go out and sleep separately as he had planned.


“It, it’s okay.”


But Hyeseong knows. If he loses to the dark desire, he will end up regretting it. He knows what intention that person has in asking to sleep together. He must be just trying to take care of him, but for Hyeseong, who has to put away his feelings for Ihyeok, he had no choice but to follow reason.


“I can sleep outside.” 


Hyeseong shook off Ihyeok’s hand. This was a great improvement.


If it were his old self, he might have impulsively followed that person’s touch, thinking it would be okay just this once. Like that night in England.


But now he was more focused than ever. Hyeseong took a step away from Ihyeok’s hand. He had to take the blanket and leave, but for some reason, he wanted to leave this room as soon as possible. Thinking of roughly covering himself with the blanket in the living room and sleeping, Hyeseong quietly approached the door.


“Then sleep comfortably.”


Ihyeok’s eyes moved, observing Hyeseong’s movements.




It was when Hyeseong grabbed the door handle. The familiar citrus scent instantly spread throughout the room. Ihyeok’s pheromones. Hyeseong immediately covered his nose and mouth with his hand.


“Ah, Ahjussi…”


Hyeseong’s breathing shortened. When he turned his head, Ihyeok was still staring at Hyeseong with a languid gaze.


A considerable amount of pheromones were being released. Is he unable to control it because he’s drunk? Like the day he left the kiss mark?


Hyeseong bit his lip hard. The strength drained from his body. The pheromones of an alpha that an omega likes are, in a way, a weapon in itself.


Of course, Ihyeok wouldn’t know. He was just releasing pheromones because his reason was paralyzed by alcohol. So Hyeseong shouldn’t show it. He shouldn’t show any reaction to these pheromones.


Hyeseong’s body naturally shrank back. He tried to reach for the door handle again, but his hand kept slipping and he couldn’t put strength into it.




As  if not forgiving Hyeseong for leaving, the concentration of pheromones became even thicker in that short moment. In the end, Hyeseong’s hand dropped. His legs lost strength and his body slowly sank down.


Hyeseong also found it difficult to resist the pheromones more than usual because he had been drinking. His head was dizzy and his breath was hot. It was the first time in his life that he was soaked in such a large amount of pheromones. Like a student who only knows addition and subtraction suddenly getting a trigonometry problem and panicking, Hyeseong was only perplexed.


Contrary to his thoughts, his body wouldn’t move. With the added drunkenness, Hyeseong’s vision gradually blurred.




After a while, Ihyeok called him in a low voice and got up from the bed.




There was no answer from Hyeseong. He had finally lost consciousness.


Ihyeok’s eyes glinted strangely as he sat on the bed and watched the panting breaths flowing from the small mouth.


He slowly got up and lifted Hyeseong into his arms. Then he laid him on the bed and Ihyeok also lay down next to him.


Ihyeok gently caressed Hyeseong’s face. It was hot as  if on fire, perhaps because of the fever from the pheromones. Ihyeok took in that sight without missing anything. Even though his head was throbbing from being drunk, only this child’s appearance was clearly visible.


The thick gaze arrived at the pretty lips, following the rough breathing. Ihyeok brushed his lips with a blank gaze and soon let out a short sigh.


“You should have listened to Ahjussi.”


Ihyeok pulled Hyeseong’s nape and briefly kissed his forehead.


“Good night.”


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