Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 70 Table of contents

The sound of fabric brushing against fabric drifted into Siwoo’s ears.

It should have been drowned out by the music echoing through the department store and the chatter of Amelia and Dorothy.

…Yet, thanks to his unnecessarily good hearing and abilities, he kept hearing it.

It’s not a strange sound.

Just the sound of fabric rubbing against fabric. That’s all.

Yet, it was stimulating his imagination.

“What kind of swimsuit it is…”

“I won’t tell you beforehand because your reaction might seem awkward.”

“But you must compliment her no matter what, okay?”

He had hoped for a small hint, but it was useless.

Because the two wanted his raw reaction, his curiosity about what kind of swimsuit it was only amplified.

At this point, the option to run away without checking no longer existed.

… It’s probably a school swimsuit, right? Arte usually wears a leotard, too. For her, wearing a leotard as underwear would be more comfortable.

No, maybe it’s a bikini aiming for that gap.

But Arte would have picked it out herself. Amelia or Dorothy might, but I don’t think Arte would have chosen it.

Siwoo concluded it would be a competitive swimsuit similar to what she usually wears, but his imagination was already running wild.

The image of Arte changing clothes was gradually emerging inside that fitting room that he couldn’t see with his eyes.

He wanted to stop thinking about it, but it wouldn’t stop at all.
That soft sensation and scent I felt before…


“What are you doing?”

“…Leave me alone.”

He banged his head against the wall in self-loathing.

To think he’s having such perverted thoughts about an acquaintance.

‘Okay, calm down. Siwoo.’

People tend to pick clothes they usually enjoy wearing.

He’s seen her in a leotard plenty, so the damage will be minimal.

So it shouldn’t be a problem…

“How is it?”

“Wow, it’s pretty!”

While he was cooling off with his head against the wall, Arte seemed to emerge from the fitting room.

Amelia and Dorothy made a fuss, saying she looked pretty.

“Ah, haha… E-Even if I’m pretty, not to that extent…”

“No, you really do look pretty? I like how it gives a different vibe from usual.”


“Yeah, my eye was right after all. Changing the image slightly differently from usual makes such a difference, right?”

…The image is different?

At that moment, Siwoo realized.

Arte wasn’t wearing it like a leotard as she usually does.

“Siwoo? Why don’t you say something, too? I know you’re embarrassed, but.”

“Ah, I got it…”

At Amelia’s urging, he had no choice but to turn my head and look.

…And then he turned back to the wall.


“Hey, hey?!”

His head grew hot. It was so different from what he had imagined.

He was prepared to face a leotard or something with minimal exposure.

He thought he stood a chance due to his tolerance being built up.

…But for some reason, Arte was wearing a bikini.

With a pareo wrapped around and a white crop top on.

They were clothes that covered her body, but that made it even more suggestive.

Because they couldn’t hide the black bikini that should have been covered.

He couldn’t look anymore, feeling the betrayal of secretly looking at something he shouldn’t.

“It, it… looks pretty, Arte…”

“Thank you.”

The compliment that left his mouth absurdly lacking in strength, and he even knew it.

If it were a compliment he received, he would have thought it was empty words.

But this was the best compliment he could give.

The result of restraining himself as much as possible, feeling like he’d blurt out nonsense if he kept looking.

He couldn’t face her directly, but he felt Arte was smiling.


“Well then, see you on Monday!”

“See you next time!”

I waved back at Amelia and Dorothy, waving from inside the car.

The car gradually left my sight and soon disappeared, so I lowered my waving hand and sighed.



At the same time, I heard a sighing sound next to me.

Siwoo was beside me.

“Was it so boring that you’re sighing?”

“No, that’s not it… I’ve just never shopped for this long before. It’s a bit tiring.”

I smiled faintly at his words.

Because the reason was no different from mine.

“Same for me. This is the first time I’ve wandered around this long to buy something.”



Because before, I roughly picked up what caught my eye or chose comfortable things.

Maybe that’s why? It felt like I was half being dragged around by Amelia and Dorothy.

It was the same for Siwoo.

That’s probably why he sighed like me.

“…But still, wasn’t it a good experience?”


“I told you before, didn’t I? You saw the swimsuits, right? How was it?”
We didn’t only buy swimsuits, but if I had to pick the most memorable event, it would definitely be that.

Amelia and Dorothy excitedly tried on various swimsuits, which was almost like a fashion show.

Thanks to that, I also had a feast for my eyes. As expected of heroines, I thought they could be models.

“…Yeah, it was pretty.”

“That’s a relief!”

Me? I didn’t really try on many. I had no desire to be involved in that.

The two of them eagerly tried to persuade me at first, but when they noticed I had no interest, they backed off as if they had no choice.

After unknowingly wearing something strange the first time I changed, I had absolutely no desire to do more.

The goal was a swimsuit fashion show for the heroines anyway, so it was a success, right?

There’s no need for me to try more.

As expected of the protagonist? He complimented everyone as pretty.

His attention must have been focused on Amelia and Dorothy, but he still complimented me.

The way he was considerate so I wouldn’t be hurt seemed protagonist-like.

He’s really kind. Is it because he’s the protagonist or because he’s human?

I’m not sure. Whatever the reason, I had to protect him.

So, let’s part ways here for a bit.

“Ah, I’ll be going now…”

“…Huh? The intersection is further down, though?”

“That’s not it, but I forgot I have something to take care of for a bit!”

“Okay. See you next time.”

I made an excuse to Siwoo that I had something to do, returned the way we came, and stood still.

Originally, I planned to go home together and keep a close eye on him, but an unexpected variable came up.

After waiting in the alley, I saw a woman hastily walking over.

Hurried footsteps as if urgently chasing something.

…How careless.

Using a single half-glove, I restrained this suspicious woman’s entire body.

Perfectly, without a single gap, like a spider wrapping its prey caught in a web.


“Talk. Who are you? Where did you come from? What’s your goal?”

She had been bothering me for a while.

This woman had been following us the whole time since the department store.

I let her be even though it was a bit concerning inside the department store. Still, after seeing her take a taxi to follow us, I was certain.

This woman, there’s something about her.

Why? Who was she following? Me? Or Siwoo?

There’s no way I was the target.

If so, would she have tried to pass by, pretending not to notice when I was here? No way.

The target is Siwoo. I’m sure of it.

Then why on earth?

Could a villain organization the Author didn’t set up be targeting Siwoo?

Because he’s in danger? Or to persuade him?

Either way, I can’t allow it.

Absolutely not. Even if I have to die trying.

“P-Please, s-spare me! I-I’m a citizen! I’m not a villain!”

“Shut up, puppet. There’s no one here who will come to save you. If you scream one more time, I’ll slice that neck of yours.”


I don’t know for certain. Whether there really are people here or not.

But that’s not what’s important.

I need to find out why this woman is following Siwoo. That’s it.

Nothing else mattered.

I slightly tightened the thread I tied to give her a cut, and she seemed to realize I was serious.

She became cooperative.

“Why were you following?”



“Eek! I-I’ll talk…! B-Because he was cool! I did it because he was cool…!”

Because he was cool?

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Is it some code used by villain organizations?

I tightened the thread restraining her a bit more, meaning for her to explain in detail.

“Ugh, urk…! A-At the department store…! I-I fell for that man at, at first sight…! I’m sorry! I-I won’t bother him again!”

“Fell for him at first sight?”

“Y-Yes, yes! Yes! There’s nothing else!”

…I see.

It didn’t seem like she was lying.

Her frightened expression, the thread digging into her much easier than a superhuman.

She’s not a superhuman.

Then, is this woman saying she really followed Siwoo here after falling for him at first sight?

…So, she was stalking him. Is that it?

“I can’t forgive you.”


“How dare a puppet as common as dirt…!”

She’s not even an extra.

Just a mere background existence daring to target one of only two humans in the world.

It was unthinkable.

It shouldn’t happen.

“He’s not someone the likes of you can touch!”

“Y-Yes, yes! I won’t dare to anymore! P-Please spare me!”

“How dare, how dare, how dare, how dare, how dare…! A mere extra, not even a heroine!”

The audacity of a puppet.

The audacity of an extra.

Daring to overstep her bounds with a human. It’s unacceptable.

I can tolerate Dorothy and Amelia. I can even tolerate a new heroine that may be added later.

But I can’t tolerate someone like this approaching Siwoo.

What should I do? How should I deal with her?

…Right, there’s a great method, isn’t there?

Someone cut the thread.

“That’s enough, Arte.”

“…Ah, Investigator.”

“I’m well aware that woman has done something wrong, but this place is dangerous.”

When I was about to make it so she couldn’t move, Ha-Yul stopped me.


That’s right. This place is dangerous.

I don’t know this location well besides being near Siwoo’s house. I haven’t even figured out where the CCTVs are.

I could ask the Author to take care of it, but it would be bothersome.

It’s a fun vacation. If a murder case happened near Siwoo’s house, it would surely dampen his mood.

“This is the only time, puppet. You’re lucky.”

“S-Spare… Spare me…”

“…If you try to approach that person again next time, you better come prepared to die.”

Covered in tears and snot, the stalker following Siwoo violently nodded her head.

…I didn’t like it.

The fact that someone who dared to overstep her bounds with someone she shouldn’t get to live with all limbs intact.

“Thank you, Investigator.”

“It’s nothing.”

As soon as I untied the thread, the puppet who had been hastily running away tripped over her feet and fell, then got up and started running again.

Soon disappearing from sight, I thought while looking in the direction the stalker ran away.

He’s not someone the likes of you can overstep your bounds with.

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