Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 71 Table of contents

“…Have you calmed down?”

“Thanks to you. Thank you, Investigator.”

“I told you that you can call me casually.”

“I’m more comfortable with this.”

I let out a small sigh.

I’m glad things didn’t get bothersome.

As much as possible, I didn’t want to borrow the Author’s hand for trivial matters.

The more her touch is involved, the more it feels like this isn’t an ordinary world, which puts me in a bad mood.

“…You don’t seem to be feeling well. Shall I handle it?”

“No need. Warning them this much should keep them from approaching again.”

As an investigator, methods like arresting that woman became possible, but I decided not to go that far.

If they come again, it’s not too late to deal with it. There was no need to make a big deal now.

“Hiring you as an investigator was indeed a good choice.”

“Thank you.”

I lightly praised Lee Ha-Yul, who prevented things from getting bothersome.

After the fight with Übermensch, I decided to have at least one subordinate accompany me.

…The annoyingly persistent cat almost ruined everything.

That day, I realized it deep in my bones. That I need more people.

What if there had been one more person that day?

I could have asked for their help or just left it to them and escaped.

But there was no one. Even though I had subordinates.

Well, Arachne is an organization in name only.

That’s why I didn’t actively utilize Lyla, Spira, or Lee Ha-Yul.

Rather than subordinates of a secret organization, they were more like maids freeloading at my house.

I didn’t have any particular use for them, and there weren’t any issues.

In the first place, Arachne was an organization I made up to fill in the Author’s mistakes and setting errors, so I didn’t actively engage in organizational activities.

I never really felt the need for subordinates, either.

…Until right before I saw Siwoo almost die, that is.

“How has security been in this area lately?”  

“Very good. It’s been quiet, all thanks to Arachne.”

“… That’s good.”

I had been complacent. If I react only after an incident occurs, it’ll be too late by myself.

It’s impossible to prepare before an incident happens. The very reason incidents occur is for Siwoo to resolve them.

Giving the protagonist trials and having them overcome those trials is why the Author desires chaos. Incidents are inevitable.

Then, rather than preventing incidents from occurring, I needed to reduce the variables.

It’s no different from what I’ve been doing so far.

It’s just that since I am limited by myself, it’s about time I utilized my idle hands. 

Lyla is not suitable. If she fights properly, the area would be destroyed due to her frenzy.

Spira is the same. It’s too dangerous for her to hide by my side. Her tail draws too much attention.

Lee Ha-Yul, with ample experience in infiltration and abilities suited for covert ops, was the most suitable.

Unless something special happens, he can help me.

The Association didn’t object either. The crimes suppressed by Arachne were far greater than those suppressed by a single elite Investigator.

When villains who lightly committed crimes, thinking they could just go to prison for a bit, started losing their lives one by one to Arachne, the villains began laying low.

Those already cornered instead began causing bigger incidents and prepared to die, but the other investigators who conserved their energy due to the decreasing number of petty crimes could sufficiently handle that.

“By the way, Arte. Why are you monitoring him? He’s capable for his age, but not to the extent of surveillance…”

“Because he’s at the center of incidents.”


“Incidents will always occur around him. We need to prepare in advance.”

“Is that… a prophecy?”

A prophecy… It’s not exactly wrong.

Since I roughly know what will happen.

I’m technically a prophet conveying the words of god. Or perhaps the role of a devotee.

A sect of a god who treats the world like a toy. 

I sound like an evil cult leader.

“…Yes. Let’s say it’s fate and destiny.”

The world was already noisy.

Übermensch, Arachne, the destroyed academy.

Even now, while walking through busy streets, I can hear people talking about the events around the end of term.

It was the same today. Everyone was talking about it.

That’s how creative works always are.

The protagonist must be pushed into an even greater incident to give an even greater stimulus.

So the world will get even noisier.

It may even be exposed to the threat of world destruction. 

But I’m not worried.

Because this world has a protagonist.

A being loved by the incomprehensible Author.

The only being who walks their own path in this puppet show.

I’m certain he will save this world one way or another.

Then, I merely assist him.

To prevent the show from ending.

I can’t escape here either, so I must give my best.


If the world shatters and falls into chaos, that can’t be helped, but it mustn’t burn to the brink of destruction.

Since I may end up living here my whole life.

Today again, I watch over Siwoo.

For the world and for myself.


“Mir, Mir… You really died.”

It feels like time has stopped.

How many days has Annie spent just crying?

If not for this sturdy superhuman body, she may have died by now.

…Though it seems like enduring with just this superhuman body is reaching its limit.

“I can’t believe it, Mir. In an instant, in a single moment, you…”

She hugged a head with the brilliant horn.

There was no response.

Mir would sigh as if bothered and push her away, then pet her head as if nothing happened.

But there was no longer a hand that would reach out.

…Annie knows. Villains can always die at any moment. Life was something that could be snuffed out with ease.

She knew. She knew, but dying right on the doorstep of her goal…

That’s too cruel.

“What is this trivial thing, for Mir to…! What the hell is mixing genes going to do for–”


She stopped short of throwing the orb she previously held with care onto the floor in disgust.   

…Mix genes?

Annie suddenly looked at Mir’s horn.

Mir was also human… But she wasn’t purely one. 

The genes of another race.

“If I use this…”

She could become one with Mir.

‘She didn’t die. She’s with me.’

Mir always said it. That she wants an equal society.

That’s why she didn’t appoint herself as the Boss and remained an executive with everyone else.

That’s why she was the first to use the completed elixir, even though there could be unknown side effects.

Annie fell for her when she saw that. She vowed to be with her for life. She pledged her loyalty.

It was time to keep that vow.

“…Mir. I will achieve your dream.”

If one had to pick the most unusual one out of the Chinese Zodiac, it would undoubtedly be the dragon.

Well, because dragons are a creature that doesn’t exist.

The other executives are all animals that exist in reality, but not dragons. 

…Then, why did Mir call herself a dragon?

How did she alone boast such overwhelming power?

The answer is simple.

Because only she could accept a factor that others couldn’t.

Because everyone else couldn’t endure it and died.

That’s why she’s special. That’s why the elixir was incomplete.

“Normally, I wouldn’t be able to accept it… But if I mix… it will surely be possible.”

She didn’t know how to use the orb.

But her body moved in unison.

Annie swallowed the orb.

“Urk, ulp… Ugh…”

The terrible sensation of a foreign object filling her stomach.

She forcibly swallowed the crucible, and after some time passed, she noticed.

‘…I can smell better.’

She felt pain all over my body, but she didn’t care. It was nothing compared to the past few days.

The scent of dirt, the smell of sweat, and even the stench coming from Mir’s corpse.

Her senses instantly expanded, and she felt they became much stronger.

“With this…! With this, it’s possible…!”

The crucible’s function and usage seeped into my head as if melting.

If it’s this power, it’s possible. 

Mir was right. 

I can achieve Mir’s dream.

A world where everyone is equal and can have mana.

I could make it happen.

I could do it.

Annie turned my head to look at Mir.

“Mir, you were never wrong. With this power, I can make everyone equal.”

She preciously stroked the decapitated head.

She tore off the brilliantly shining jade horn and brought it to her mouth.

Mir endured the genes all by herself.

The genes of a magical beast. 

“If I’m with you, I can do it too, Mir.”


“Ca, calm down… Siwoo…”

Siwoo couldn’t rest well at home. The reason was simple.

He had accidentally brought the thread he picked up during the 2v2 tournament home and left it there, and today, it caught his eye.

“I need to throw it out… Need to throw it out…”

Suddenly, the bikini Arte wore today came to mind.

…The bikini was also black.

Among the colorful threads, the black thread particularly stood out.


Siwoo ran out to the front yard.

At this rate, it seemed he wouldn’t be able to sleep.

He couldn’t throw it out, either. If he touched it, he knew strange thoughts would come to mind.

Siwoo was caught in limbo.

Author’s Notes

I wish I could have Arte’s threads too…

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