The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 98 Table of contents

Chapter 98




However, she could not remain as she was now.

As the Duke had said, she needed a ‘status’ as a shield. Even if it was just to continue living by Loretta’s side.

It was truly a blessing that there were many candidates for adoption for someone like her.

Melody had read all the documents that the Duke and Higgins had diligently organized, and fortunately, she was able to choose the place that seemed most suitable for her.


There was a problem with responding right away.

So, today, she decided to discuss this issue with Butler Higgins.

“I have something… I want to ask.”


“Yesterday, the Duke gave me the candidates for adoption.”

“I heard. Was there anything in the documents that was difficult to understand?”

“Fortunately, no. You made it easy to understand.”

“It was by the Duke’s orders.”

He smiled lightly, giving all the credit to the Duke. However, Melody shook her head.

“I could feel the long time and care you put into it. From the beginning to the end of the documents.”

“If all that helps Miss Melody make her decision, I would be pleased.”

“Of course! Actually, I’ve already… made a decision on my own,”

“Already, you say?”

Melody gripped the hem of her dress. It was easy to make up her mind alone, but conveying that intention to someone else was too difficult.

And it was scary.

She was okay with being rejected, but she worried about possibly making the other person feel uncomfortable.


But now, she gathered her courage.

The kind concerns and advice left in the documents by Higgins had given her a small boost of courage.


“I know it’s rude to say this, but still… Butler Higgins, no, Baron Higgins… me—.”

Just as the conversation was about to get to the point.

“Baron Higgins.”

A dignified gentleman carefully approached them from behind, and Melody quickly shut her mouth.

“Miss Melody?”

However, Higgins was still waiting for the rest of her story. Feeling awkward, Melody gestured towards the gentleman who had arrived.

“Um, I can tell you about it later. After all, the person who has come is waiting…”

“I see.”

Only then did Higgins turn around to shake hands with the young gentleman who had come to see him.

Melody let out a small sigh and watched as Higgins and the gentleman conversed.

It seemed that the gentleman had previously sought Higgins’ advice on something, and it had worked out very well for him.

He kept bowing and saying, “I owe my life to your wisdom.”

“Higgins seems remarkable.”

Thinking about it, there had been several people who had come to offer their greetings like this before.

Higgins would say, “It’s just because I’m close to the Duke, so I treat them kindly.”

But Melody now thought it was more than just that.

Higgins always sincerely offered as much kindness to those who approached him.

So, it was likely that anyone would end up liking him.

“Miss Melody?”


“I’m sorry, may I leave your side for a moment?”

It seemed he had somewhere to go briefly with the gentleman. Of course, Melody nodded her agreement.

After all, a maid from the Duke’s household was standing not far away, so there was nothing particularly to be afraid of.

“I’m fine. I’ve been wanting to look at this painting of yellow flowers for a long time.”

“I’ll be back shortly. If you need help with anything, you can speak to a servant or one of the art academy staff we met at the entrance.”

“I will.”

Melody nodded vigorously to reassure Higgins.

Soon, Higgins and the gentleman disappeared into the crowd.

Melody watched their retreating backs until they were out of sight, then turned her gaze back to the painting.

“It’s beautiful. The way each small flower is painted on this large canvas is fascinating.”

After thinking that her appreciation wasn’t much different from last time, she took a few careful steps back.

It was something she had learned from Higgins.

The idea of looking at the painting from a bit further away.

Doing so, things that weren’t visible up close could catch your eye.


As Melody stepped back with each step, the painting seemed to change, which she found quite amusing.

She stepped back one more step with a joyful smile on her face.


But because she was so focused on the painting, she didn’t notice someone passing behind her, and ended up bumping into them.


Melody quickly bowed her head, placing a hand near her heart.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

Despite her polite apology, there was no response from the other party.

‘…Maybe they’re really angry. What should I do?’

As she worried, her gaze dropped to small leather shoes in her field of vision.

“It seems you’re determined to ruin the exhibition.”

The mocking tone was somehow familiar, so Melody timidly raised her head to look.

In front of her stood the boy she had met before, accompanied by a middle-aged gentleman.

Surprisingly, Melody recognized the gentleman. He was one of the vassals she had seen at the mansion before.

“It’s been a while.”

The man spoke with an unwelcome face, more as a rebuke of ‘You’re still in the capital?’ than a greeting.


“The rumors that you roam outside without knowing your place are true, then. Ignorant of the proper respect to decline favors not suited to your station, how vulgar.”

The boy, standing next to him, nodded repeatedly and then pointed to the painting Melody had been admiring just moments ago.

“Look at that, the painting still doesn’t have a flower attached to it.”


“Stupid, don’t you know something so obvious?”

The boy gestured with his chin towards other paintings. Until now, Melody hadn’t noticed, but unlike before, there was a small flower decoration next to those paintings.

“That means the painting has been sold to someone.”

In contrast, the painting of the yellow flowers had no such decoration. It seemed it hadn’t been sold yet.

“Did rumors spread that a filthy slave trader likes it?”

At the boy’s words, the gentleman beside him also let out a laugh.


Melody kept silent, not knowing how to respond.

She thought it might be better to leave the spot, but somehow, she didn’t want to seem like she was running away.

“Why don’t you buy it?”

The boy continued, crossing his arms.

“It seems you liked it enough to come back and admire it.”

“Stop it. Wouldn’t it trouble the Duke who is protecting this child?”

For a moment, the gentleman reprimanded his son. It didn’t seem very sincere, though.

“A painting for something so insignificant.”

The vassal’s man smiled slyly. To an outsider, it might have looked like they were engaging in a friendly conversation.

“It’s like putting jewels on a swine.”


Melody immediately shook her head in response to the man’s abusive words.

“I’m neither insignificant nor a swine.”

The man and the boy looked at each other as if they couldn’t believe her calm response.

“The Duke’s grace has reached you, making you think you’re actually nobility?”

“Being called ‘insignificant’ or ‘swine’ has nothing to do with one’s status. Anyone who acts in a manner fitting those words deserves them.”

Melody’s large eyes stared directly at the two in front of her.

As if to say, ‘Those words suit you.’

For the first time, the man’s face contorted.

“I must speak to the Duke about your unruly behavior. This is why I said we shouldn’t carelessly sympathize with the lowly.”

“It’s not sympathy…”

Her attempt to retort turned into almost a whisper towards the end, feeling as if the number of strange glances directed at her was increasing.

“Not sympathy? In your condition?”

His gaze sharply scanned Melody.

“If providing clothes and food to the daughter of a slave trader isn’t sympathy, then what is it!”

Angered by Melody’s reply, he grabbed and yanked a jeweled pin from her hair.


A few strands of hair were pulled out, but Melody couldn’t even cry out loud.

The reason was the increasing murmurs of “Look over there,” coming from afar.

Feeling troubled, Melody bowed her head deeply.

She feared that the fact she was the daughter of a slave trader being taken in by the Duke might spread among the many people present.

Despite the continuous harsh gazes, the man seemed not to notice as he aggressively reached out his hand again.

Instinctively, Melody wrapped her arms around her head and crouched down on the spot.

“Look at this!”

The man who missed grabbing Melody’s head yelled furiously.

The attention from those around them grew even more, reaching a point where it couldn’t just be brushed off with vague excuses.

‘What should I do?’

Melody hugged her knees while crouching, wishing she could just disappear.

The man seemed to belatedly realize the atmosphere wasn’t in his favor, as he stopped his harsh words towards Melody.

Gathering a bit of courage, she raised her head slightly.

But the sight of a man’s suit right in front of her startled her, causing her to quickly bow her head again.

Her heart pounded fiercely. Being so close, she feared what he might do to her.

“Has my daughter caused you any trouble?”

However, the voice that came from in front of her was neither accusing nor scolding.

It wasn’t even the threatening man’s voice.


Melody looked up again. Just like before, she could see the hem of the man’s clothes. This time, she lifted her head a little higher.

Butler Higgins stood in front of her, as if shielding her perfectly.

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