The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 99 Table of contents

Chapter 99


* * *


“What… did you say?”

The man asked Butler Higgins. Surprisingly, it was the same question Melody had wanted to ask Higgins.

Higgins’ face darkened a bit.

“I didn’t realize your understanding was so poor. I’m asking if something happened between my child and you.”

“My, my child?!”

The man asked again in confusion, and Higgins looked at him with an inscrutable face.

Within the Duke’s household, Higgins always humbled himself, quietly acting as the Duke’s hands and feet.

So, outwardly, in the Duke’s domain, his influence seemed minimal.

If Higgins wished, the situation could have been quite different, but he always chose to silently support the Duke from behind.

However, if one were to objectively consider social status alone, he held a position higher than anyone serving the Duke.

He even held the title of a Baron.

That Melody had become Higgins’ daughter meant her status had completely changed as well.

“I haven’t heard such a thing. Not at all.”

“My apologies for that. The truth is, I too have my narrow-minded moments.”

Higgins smiled a particularly affectionate smile.

If the Duke of Baldwin had seen this smile, knowing its meaning, he would have chosen to flee instead.

It meant that Higgins was very angry.

“It’s not easy to share personal grievances against those who hurt my frail wife.”

This referred to an incident a few months ago when the elders and vassals conspired to drag Melody to prison.

“That, that matter…”

“It’s fortunate that I can now speak of it. Even though you and your people hurt my frail wife and didn’t even send a single bouquet of flowers.”

The barbs in his words seemed to prick the man’s breath away.

He turned pale and quickly dragged his son over, forcing him to bow deeply in front of Higgins.

“My, my son bumped into Miss Higgins, and we were checking to see if the lady was hurt anywhere.”


Higgins, with his arms crossed, slowly reviewed the situation.

“After my frail wife, now you’ve even caused my daughter to fall.”

“It wasn’t intentional. The thing is, Miss Higgins didn’t watch her back…”

The man’s voice trailed off, becoming smaller and smaller. The air about Higgins seemed to carry a frightening chill as he watched.

“…I was in the wrong.”

Eventually, the man bowed down in front of Higgins.

“I’m relieved. I was worried I wouldn’t receive a proper apology, just like with the incident involving my frail wife.”

“There seems to be quite the aftertaste…”


“Ah, nothing!”

“Right, I thought as much myself.”

“Excuse me?!”

“There’s nothing more shameful than adults meddling in children’s issues.”

Higgins turned around to look back. His gaze met with Melody’s, who was looking in his direction.

Surprise and confusion were mixed on the child’s startled face.

Higgins thought it was very natural for Melody to be surprised.

“I know it’s very rude of me to say this, but still… you, Mr. Higgins, no, Baron Higgins… my—.”

Melody’s plea couldn’t come to a close.

In fact, from the beginning, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins knew that they were the only ‘right answer’ for Melody.

Yet, they had never once spoken of taking her in as their daughter.

It could be called a kind of test.

To find the one correct answer to stay by Loretta’s side, and to show the will to seize it herself.

This will was the proof of having the right to inherit the ‘Higgins’ lineage.

Likewise, it was a test for Mr. and Mrs. Higgins. To see if they truly could be chosen by Melody.


He reached out his hand. But soon, he shook his head and called her by her full appellation.

“Melody Ainz Higgins.”

Melody thought her name sounded incredibly elegant and she took his hand. Higgins then pulled her to her feet.

“Straighten your back and lift your chin.”

Following his whispered counsel, Melody straightened up.

She was still daunted by the people’s stares, but more than that, she was filled with a feeling of not wanting to be outdone by her new, grander name.

Melody squarely faced the boy who had uttered hurtful words to her twice.

The boy, in a half-hearted stance, was glancing at his father, and upon seeing that things weren’t going his way, his face was all sullen.

Moreover, it seemed that the people whispering around them were gradually sending more hostile looks his way.

Consequently, the boy had no choice but to bow in front of Melody.

“I’m sorry… Miss Higgins.”

Melody intently watched him swallow his humiliation, then briefly lifted her head to look at Higgins as if asking, “Is it okay for me to forgive him?” Higgins nodded in response.

“It’s up to my daughter’s decision.”

The phrase felt ticklish in a rather pleasing way, causing Melody’s ears to redden slightly.

“Then, I’ll… forgive you.”

She didn’t want to prolong this moment of attention any longer than necessary.

Upon her reply, Higgins’ gaze returned to the two of them.

“I see,” he remarked.

Soon after, both the father and son bowed their heads, stuttering thanks for her ‘magnanimous spirit.’

Melody felt that she had now truly received a sufficient apology.

However, Higgins, seemingly not yet content, moved on to the next matter without pause.

“Now then, shall we discuss why you are holding onto my child’s head ornament?”

Melody turned back to Higgins with a surprised expression, the friendliness of his smile somehow feeling ominous.


* * *


Higgins allowed the man to leave only after he had begged with both hands.

Although a significant number of people had gathered, the space around them eventually returned to its usual ambiance as the art gallery resumed its day-to-day activities.

“Won’t people think it strange?”

Melody took advantage of the quiet moment when no one was around to ask her question softly.

“People won’t find it strange. Adoption is quite common in the capital.”

“But still….”

Before Melody could delve further into her personal misgivings, Higgins, with a gentle smile, interrupted.

“Miss Melody asked, and I accepted. There is no room for ‘but’s’ in that.”

His somewhat stern tone led Melody to fiddle with the ends of her hair as she remembered a point.

“No, that’s not right.”


“It seems there might indeed be a place for a ‘but’ in the situation.”

When asked what that was, Melody straightened her posture anew.

“Although you counted my words as a request, Mr. Butler, in truth, they weren’t fully conveyed.”

“I really enjoyed your kind explanations while I was reading the adoption candidate documents.”

“But in the end, seeing you choose a family not listed in the documents, it seems my explanations weren’t particularly helpful.”


Melody shook her head.

“They were.”


“It felt like the entire document was continuously showing the kindness of the Higgins family.”

It was filled with genuine concern for Melody, melting with warmth.

And that concern was something anyone would covet for its beauty.

“I’ll do my best to be a good child. Please grant me the name of Higgins, Mr. Butler.”

After saying this, Melody quickly glanced at him and added,

“Of course, it’s something that requires the permission of Grandma… no, Mrs. Higgins.”

“My wise wife has already made all the decisions regarding this matter.”


Melody replied, surprised, and Higgins patted her head.

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to use the name Ainz on my own.”


Melody recalled the unfamiliar word that had been attached to the name Higgins.

“It’s the surname my wife had before we married. The Ainz family has been known for producing strong women for generations. My wise wife says it’s a name that suits Miss Melody well.”

“To give me such a precious name…”

Melody felt somewhat guilty. She had only wished for the name of a noble family as a means to an end, without thinking at all about the history or weight it carried.

“Yes, it’s very precious.”

Melody lowered her head, feeling somewhat ashamed for having accepted something so valued by the Higgins couple so easily.

“…I should have been more respectful.”

“I appreciate your respectful attitude.”

“I’ll study. To value the two names you’ve given me even more.”

“Miss Melody.”

Butler Higgins bent his knees to meet the child’s gaze, a hint of concern evident.

“What matters is not the name itself, but the person who bears it, Miss Melody.”

“Does that mean I need to become a good child worthy of the name?”

Melody’s question made Higgins laugh.

A good child, indeed.

He found her question amusingly similar to something the Duke had said not long ago.

“It’s unfortunate to be caught up in such precocious words, leading to insincere words and actions.”

With wide eyes, Melody intently looked at Higgins, then after a moment, nodded as if she understood what he had conveyed.

“You’re smart.”


Melody shook her head.

“I just thought of it the other way around.”

If insincere words and actions bring unhappiness, then one must act and speak as sincerely as possible.

“I’ve decided to be happy, no matter what.”

“That’s an excellent conclusion.”

Just then, a staff member from the art academy approached them.

Melody, startled, moved closer to Higgins, worried if the earlier commotion had caused any trouble.

“You were here, Baron. Everything has been taken care of as you instructed. Thank you.”

Melody peeked out at the staff member while still standing behind Higgins.

‘Everything has been taken care of? Did Butler Higgins help with something?’

She quietly marveled at how remarkable he was.

“Ah, right.”

After finishing their conversation, the staff member came forward to Melody.

“I also want to thank you, miss.”

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