The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 62 Table of contents

Hans quietly listened to my confession.


His response, considering the sincerity of my words, was quite dry.

Since it was dark around and my eyes were closed, I could only guess his feelings through his voice.

“I understand how you feel, but I’ve never thought of you in that way.”

“I’ve been rejected, then.”

“Listen to the end.”

I remained silent.

Hans fell quiet for a moment. It was only after a brief pause that he began to speak again.

“However… having heard what you said, it will be difficult to look at you the same way as before.”

“Are you going to quit being a manager?”

“A bit. Why are you so extreme?”

It’s inevitable to feel anxious when confessing. Fear that the other person might leave because of those feelings.

“So… just give me a little time.”

It was the same thing I had said to Kabir.

I asked, somewhat sulkily,

“Why don’t you just reject me outright?”

“Because I don’t dislike it.”

Surprised by his words, I opened my eyes and looked at Hans. He was lying straight, eyes closed, just as I had been earlier.

“…It’s just a bit confusing.”

Could there be a possibility?

Alone, I had always thought it would be an obvious rejection. But it seemed that wasn’t the case.

“How much time is ‘a little’?”

“A week.”

“One day.”

“…5 days.”

“3 days.”


We agreed to give Hans 3 days.

“Is that enough? Let’s sleep now.”


The conclusion to the confession was surprisingly mundane.

We both ended the conversation as usual and fell asleep.

* * *

Hans informed my family he would be away and left for the Celestial Realm. He would return in 3 days, probably. Unless he decided to reject me.

When Hans headed to the temple, I accompanied him.

I wouldn’t go as far as the Celestial Realm, but I wanted to meet someone at the temple.

“Lady, what can I do for you? I’ll help as much as I can.”

Shailo spoke kindly.

I brought up the matter I had in mind from the start.

“Please call Davi.”


Shailo looked puzzled but went to call Davi.

Soon, Davi arrived. Her hair was unusually frizzy today.

Davi was wearing her usual sulky expression.

“What is it?”

“Sit down for a moment.”

Davi, though grumbling, obediently took a seat opposite me.

There wasn’t a significant reason for seeking out Davi.

It was just the overwhelming need to confide in someone about this matter. Since Selena wasn’t an option, I decided to open up to Davi, who had a rough understanding of my situation.

“You know about my situation, right?”


The people of the temple were aware of the Celestial Realm. Hans hadn’t kept it a secret. After all, the Celestial Realm and the temple were on the same side.

‘It does seem to leak out occasionally.’

Well, that was inevitable. Even if Prince Irmin had intervened, only the high-ranking temple officials like Shailo and the divine maiden Davi were privy to detailed information.

“You also know that I’m from another world.”

“I know. You’re the one sent by Lady Venecia from the Celestial Realm.”

Davi’s words carried a hint of sarcasm. It was cute.

I casually started the conversation as if sharing my well-being.

“It seems I’ve grown fond of a Celestial.”


Davi looked utterly stunned.

Then she abruptly stood up.

“That’s a disrespect to Lady Venecia!”

“I’m not interested in her.”

“To harbor such feelings for someone on par with her is an insult!”


Seeing this, I realized how stark the hierarchy between humans and Celestials was.

Indeed, I was an unusual case. Unable to go to the world of the living or the dead, I found myself staying temporarily in the Celestial Realm, growing too familiar with the Celestials.

“Who exactly have you fallen for?”

“My fiancé.”

It sounded strange to say it out loud, but it was the truth.

“Your fiancé… the one who looks quite formidable?”

So Davi saw him that way too. Especially since he rarely smiled when at the temple. It made sense.

“You have a peculiar taste.”

“I know.”

Hans would be furious if he heard this.

“How did you fall for him?”

“He’s cute.”

“That person… cute?”

Davi looked at me as if she couldn’t understand. I couldn’t help it. I was completely smitten.

“But what do you want me to do about it?”

Davi’s question was sharp. My feelings for someone were indeed none of her business.

“Just listen to me. Who else can I talk to about this?”

“Bringing your romantic problems to me, of all people, is quite bizarre, you know?”

Hmm, she had a point. Objectively speaking, Davi and I weren’t close.

I leaned back on the sofa, arms resting behind my head, and smiled wistfully.

“If I go anywhere else and say ‘I’ve fallen for a Celestial,’ they’ll think I’m insane. What else can I do…”


Davi and I shared a peculiar commonality. Both of us were linked to the Celestial Realm, setting us slightly apart from ordinary people.

“What did he say?”

Typical Davi. Despite her gruff response, she was attentive.

“He asked for 3 days.”

“You got rejected.”

“I didn’t. He said he’d consider it.”

“That’s still a rejection.”

Annoying. Davi, usually so endearing, now briefly seemed irksome.

“Yeah, but who is the informant in the temple?”

The thought suddenly struck me.

That ‘Listening Ear’ of Irmin. Since I was here, I intended to find out.


“Prince Irmin keeps getting my information.”

“There’s no one like that in our temple!”

For Davi, the notion of having a traitor was almost like betrayal itself, and she was visibly agitated.

I shouted out loud,

“Hey, Listening Ear, are you hearing this now? Enjoying eavesdropping, are you?”

“But I’m telling you, there’s no one like that in our temple…!”

Just as Davi stood up and shouted, the door to the reception room cautiously opened.

“…It’s not particularly enjoyable.”

Shailo spoke softly, then closed the door and left.


Davi and I immediately rushed out and flung the door open.


“Imperial puppet! Slave of capitalism!”

“No, no, please calm down!”

As Davi and I took turns shouting, Shailo seemed flustered.

“How could you, Shailo…!”

“Please, saintess, trust me. It’s all for the temple’s peace!”

“Were you blackmailed by Irmin?”


I asked half in jest, but it seemed to be true.

Typical of Irmin. I immediately understood and nodded.

“Why reveal it if it’s not necessary?”

“I felt guilty… and His Highness said it was okay to tell. Yes.”

If Shailo was indeed blackmailed, it was a rather pitiable situation. The temple’s standing was admittedly lower compared to the royal family. Shailo likely had no choice but to follow Prince Irmin’s orders. The royal authority was that strong.

“You’re quite skilled at eavesdropping.”

“It’s all thanks to Lady Venecia…”

He seemed proud when he said that. His faith was indeed strong.

So the eavesdropping ability was also granted by Venecia. That meant even Ian had a bit of responsibility.



“Curse Venecia for me.”

“Absolutely not!”

As expected, I was rejected.

* * *

There was a proper target for my resentment. More than Ian, it was Irmin’s problem.

I visited the Heyward Grand Duke’s residence, uninvited and without Kabir’s permission.

“What’s this about?”

Without prior notice, the butler, familiar with me, led me straight to Kabir’s office.

Kabir looked at me in disbelief, but I brazenly demanded,

“Summon Prince Irmin, please.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

“He’s probably already here.”

“That’s nonsense—”


The butler, who had led me to the office, cheerfully announced. Seemingly waiting by the door, he confidently stepped in.


Kabir pressed his temples as if a headache was coming on.

I confronted Irmin, disguised as the butler.

“Going as far as to threaten a priest? Do you even have a conscience?”

“Ahaha, calm down. Anyone would think I’m the bad guy here.”

“Anyone would be right.”

Kabir echoed Irmin’s words, dripping with sarcasm. He was speaking my mind.

“At least I didn’t tell him to keep it a secret. That’s my minimum conscience.”

“That’s what you call conscience…?”

It was absurd.

I sighed deeply.

“Why don’t you solve the assassin issue quickly, with your ‘excellent’ informant network?”

“Ah— I should, but there’s been no progress.”

Irmin casually dismissed it. Clearly, he hadn’t looked into it at all.

“Prince, can I just grab your collar once?”

“Restrain yourself. I’m in the butler’s appearance now, in case you forgot.”

“Wow, good choice of disguise.”

It was total chaos.

“By the way, how have you been lately, Anais? Are things going well with your fiancé?”


I wanted to say something, but given I was already troubled about that matter, the answer didn’t come easily.

The quick-witted Irmin immediately probed,

“Looks like there’s a problem.”

“Not without.”

“Break it off.”

“Why are you like this?”

He came to the engagement ceremony wishing happiness, and now he’s urging a breakup. Having been around me too long, sometimes I saw my own reflection in Kabir.

Kabir crossed his arms and tilted his head slightly.

“Did your fiancé do something?”


Something tremendous. He had made me fall in love. Guilty as charged.

Kabir repeated,

“Break it off.”

“Break it off.”

Irmin chimed in, following Kabir. They were frustrating people.

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