The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 63 Table of contents

“Let’s hear what I have to say before you talk about breaking up.”

“Go ahead, it will be interesting.”

Irmin settled himself down to listen. Looking at him, twinkling his eyes like a grandfather, it was rather burdensome.

Even though he said to go ahead, I couldn’t possibly tell these people that I was engaged without love, only to fall in love later. Especially not in front of Kabir.

After a moment of hesitation, I dodged the question vaguely.

“I said I needed some time to think, so we decided to live apart for about 3 days.”

“Isn’t that a breakup?”

Strange, I definitely dodged the question, but why am I hearing the exact same thing Davi said?

Kabir nodded as well.

“Honestly, it seems highly likely,” he admitted.

“You’re worse.”

There was not an ounce of consideration for his former partner.

Irmin came over to me and heartily patted my back.

“Now that it has come to this, go back to Kabir! He’ll treat you really well.”

“My dad would grab his back in pain and collapse.”

“It’s the family that’s the problem.”

Kabir clicked his tongue, not denying that there was a problem with his own family. That it was a reason enough to disqualify the engagement.

“Well, it’s not a big deal. In the worst case, we’ll just break off the engagement.”

“It seems like a big deal to me.”

“Just stay quiet since you’re in denial.”

Kabir obediently closed his mouth. He was good at following orders.

“I should go see Eric’s face now that I’m here. Thanks for listening anyway.”

“Why did you come here?”

Leaving Kabir, who looked puzzled, I left the office. I had said all I wanted to Irmin, so my business was as good as done.

‘Maybe I’ll turn on the broadcast for a change.’

It’s been a while since Eric appeared, so there must be many viewers who want to see him.

As I turned to start the broadcast, something felt off.


A bad feeling made me lift my head.

There, a large chandelier was swinging.

I was about to step back.


With that sound, I lost consciousness.

* * *


It was a greeting I was getting used to. I sighed deeply and looked at Gabriela.

“I died again.”

“Right, are you okay?”


My 80,000 points. Next, it would be 160,000. The mere thought was staggering.

I cried out desperately.

“Gabi knows, right? Who did it! Please, can’t you tell me?”

“Haha, no can do.”

Gabriela refused with a smile and a firm tone. I let my shoulders slump dejectedly.

“What to do, my manager is here too, so there’s no one to help sort things out. It’s a big deal.”

“Ah, that’s okay.”

After all, Kabir and Irmin know my identity. They’ll take care of it.

Now that it has come to this, I’ll enjoy it and go. Although it’s my first time in the Celestial Realm, since I’ve paid a hefty price, I’ll make the most of it.

But first, I have to find out what I need to know.

After greeting Gabriela, I left the office.

Now the corridor’s scenery and the layout of the company were familiar.

As I walked, I spotted a familiar face.


It was Hans.

Hans blinked in surprise and then looked at me incredulously.

“Did you come because you couldn’t wait three days?”

“That’s unfair.”

It wasn’t my intention to come here. It was just that I ended up being the victim again.

Having lost 80,000 points, I was in despair. I spoke with determination.

“Right now, my love is important, but I need to look into something else.”

“I haven’t even accepted your feelings yet, and you’re talking about love.”

“Let’s look for the assassin together!”

I grabbed Hans’ hand tightly and shouted. Hans, his face turning red, shook off my hand.

“Stop grabbing me all of a sudden!”


I offered a hasty apology.

I felt a bit wronged. Do I need permission to even hold the hand of my fiancé?

“Do you hate it that much?”

“It’s not that I hate it, it’s just that…”

Hans hesitated, then said,

“…it’s embarrassing.”

It was cute. I thought to myself that I must be really sick to find this situation endearing.

“If you’re going to look for the assassin, go to the human world. Why come to the Celestial Realm for that?”

“That’s because…”

I knew Hans would find it absurd if I told him. But at the moment, I could only think of one hypothesis.

“I’m thinking the identity of the assassin might be an angel.”


It was a possibility that Irmin had put forward.

At first, I dismissed it as nonsense, but having lost 80,000 points, I had to cling to even the slightest possibility. I absolutely couldn’t afford to lose the next 160,000 points.

“Are you saying, there might be an assassin among the viewers?”

“…I don’t want to believe it.”

I couldn’t believe that any human could have such abilities. Not even Irmin, a genius magician, could pull off such feats.


Hans seemed to be pondering deeply too.

“I’ll try to look into it… at least once.”

“Let’s do it together.”

Even when he was Bates, Hans always tried to deal with things by himself too much.

Hans tilted his head in disbelief.

“Even if we do it together, what can you do?”

“Um… cheer you on from the side?”

“It seems you’re just in the way.”

I felt downhearted.

Well, if that’s how it is, I might as well be more of a nuisance. I kept up with Hans’ quick pace and continued chatting.

“Have you thought about it? Made a decision?”

“It hasn’t even been a day yet.”

“Will you confess to me in my original form at least once?”

“No, please.”

While we were talking, we came across a familiar face.


It was Ian. Carrot was there too.

“Jiha-Nuna! You come to visit often!”

“No, this time I died.”

“Is it the assassin’s work again?!”

Carrot asked in shock. I nodded gloomily.

“I lost 80,000 points. I’ll have to shoot them properly when I turn on the broadcast.”

“I’ve saved up quite a few points too! Don’t worry, I’ll fill up the 80,000 points in no time.”

“Thank you…”

Those words were the most comforting to me at the moment, especially since I had lost so many points because of the assassin.

“How did you die this time?”

“Crushed by a chandelier…”

“That must have hurt…”

“It hurt my heart…”

I didn’t feel the pain. It was just like before.

I was just worried about how Kabir and Irmin would react to seeing the scene.

“Turn on the broadcast as soon as you get back. I’ll shoot some points your way.”

“Right… I want to give points too, but I can’t since the broadcast isn’t on.”

“I’ll reflect on that…”

Hearing this from the viewers made me feel guilty.

“But you two are always together. You don’t need to act like fiancés here.”

At Ian’s words, I casually said,

“Oh, I confessed to Hans.”


Ian and Carrot both looked stunned. Hans swept his hand over his face.

The first to speak was Carrot.


“Shh, shh. Keep your voice down, others are working.”


Carrot asked in a quieter voice.

I whispered back,


“What do you mean ‘exactly’? You were the one who confessed.”

“My taste is just too unique.”

“Do you have a hobby of agitating the person you like?”

While Hans and I were bickering, Ian just watched us silently.

Soon, he smiled.

“Congratulations. You two look good together.”

“That’s a lie, they don’t match at all! Jiha-Nuna is too good for him!”

“We’re not even dating,” Hans muttered.

Regardless of what Hans said, Ian checked his watch.

“I should go. I’m busy with work.”

“Ah, okay. See you later.”

Ian waved at me with a smile.


Hans murmured as he watched Ian leave.

“Is there something bothering him?”

“Ian? He seemed normal to me.”

“His expression just now?”


It seemed like there was a look that only close friends could recognize.

Hearing Hans’ words, Carrot tilted his head.

“Ian shouldn’t have anything to upset him. He was really excited about finishing a big project just before.”

“Was there something uncomfortable in our conversation?”

Though he pretended not to be close, Hans was diligent in looking after his friends. I smiled at that.

“Ask him later. He’s just next door after all.”


“But, you said you confessed but you’re not dating. What does that mean?”

Carrot’s curiosity seemed not yet satisfied.

I laughed brightly and said,

“I got rejected.”

“Ah, come on, no way.”

Hans pressed down on my head firmly. I was helplessly flattened under his hand.

“Not dating, not rejected. How are you supposed to introduce me to other people then?”

“That’s why I told you to wait three days!”

“What’s even the situation here…”

Carrot seemed utterly clueless. Not that I could blame him, given the conversation.

“I confessed, and Hans asked for three days to think it over.”

Interest swirled in Carrot’s eyes.

“Ah, I get it.”

“What do you get?”

Carrot smiled and said,

“He already has feelings, but he’s troubled because Jiha-Nuna is human.”


Hans looked like he’d been hit where it hurt.

I looked at Hans.

“Is that true?”


“Is it really?”


“Carrot, I’m being ignored.”

“That’s his answer, Nuna.”

Carrot slowly started to move away.

“Anyway, congratulations in advance! I’ll be going now.”

“Where are you off to?”

Carrot ran off in the opposite direction, shouting,

“To spread the word―!”

“Hey, stop right there?!”

Hans also ran after him. It was a chase within the company.

Last time, it was OnlyFinley doing this with Hans. I wondered how all my viewers ended up being so similar.


Carrot would take care of spreading the rumor.

What was bothering me now was something else.

‘Why did Ian look upset?’

If I had made a mistake earlier, I needed to apologize.

Ian said he was off to work, but according to Carrot, he had just finished a big project. He should be taking the day off.

Could he be around here? I guessed where Ian might be and headed in that direction.


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