The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 108 Table of contents

“Always deep in thought.”

Hans murmured quietly, audible only to me. He was always quick to notice.

“It’s nothing much, just thinking about meeting Finley at the ball, and it’s been bothering me.”

“Why is that?”

“It seemed like Finley didn’t like me very much.”

“Why would he have a reason to like you?”

He had a point. I couldn’t argue with that.

“But we used to get along quite well.”

“Are you still concerned about them? You should be focusing on your own life now.”

“You’re right.”

I had planned to just check on their well-being and then stop worrying about them. But it was irksome that Finley seemed to hold me in low regard.

‘It’s annoying.’

It’s frustrating not to know the reason for being disliked.

“I can’t let it go.”

I spoke with resolve.

“I need to visit the ducal residence.”


Hans looked utterly bewildered.

“And how do you plan to go there?”

“I’ll figure out a way.”

In reality, sending a simple letter could be quite effective. After all, I was somewhat of a celebrity in social circles.

 If that didn’t work, I could always ask Irmin or Kabir for help. It wasn’t a reckless decision.

It was too unsettling to let it be. Even  if I never saw them again, I wanted to do everything I could.

“If that’s what you think.”

“Will you help me?”

“You got yourself into this, so you figure it out.”


Some might call it cold, but I actually liked this about Hans.

He’d say such things and end up helping anyway. As I grinned at Hans, he looked at me with a somewhat uneasy gaze.

* * *


The next day, Irmin showed up at our house.

He had sent me off to rest, and here he was the very next day. I wondered  if the definition of ‘a while’ had changed without me knowing.

“What brings you here?”

“Just visiting. Where are your parents?”

“At the store.”

“I should go and greet them later―”

“Please, just stay put.”

I wished he would realize his position as the Crown Prince. My parents were still intimidated by nobles, and a visit from Irmin would hardly be comfortable for them.

“Aren’t you bored resting? Want to go to the Mage Tower with me?”

“I haven’t even rested for a full day.”

He was just using me as an excuse to go to the Mage Tower.

‘…Or maybe not.’

Reflecting on it, visiting the Mage Tower didn’t seem like a bad idea after all.

I had already decided. I was going to help Irmin with his romantic endeavors.

‘Might as well get Irmin’s help too.’

I had my own goal of visiting the ducal residence. Initially, I planned to handle it on my own, but with Irmin’s help, it would be much smoother.

“Alright, let’s go to the Mage Tower.”

Irmin’s face visibly brightened. He was so transparent with his emotions. It was almost comical that only I seemed to notice.

“But is it okay to just show up unannounced?”

“It’s fine. It’s not the first time we’ve done this.”

That didn’t exactly sound like something to brag about. I started to feel sorry for Laila.

* * *

We quickly arrived at the Mage Tower thanks to Irmin’s magic.

The first floor, unlike before, was deserted.

“Is there no guard at the entrance?”

“The entrance is magically protected, allowing only those who are permitted to enter.”

The world of magic really was boundless. Certainly, the security of the Mage Tower wouldn’t be lax.

“Let’s go straight to the 12th floor.”

“What’s on the 12th floor?”

“Laila’s personal workshop.”

He seemed quite accustomed to entering her personal space.

As we moved to the 12th floor, there was only one room, significantly larger than the others.


Irmin called out and knocked on the door.

Laila promptly emerged from her workshop.

“Did you come?”

Even with our unexpected visit, Laila welcomed us with a smile. It seemed like such visits were not uncommon.

“What brings you here?”

“Camilla wanted to see Laila.”

Using me as an excuse, tsk.

“Did you enjoy your last visit? Want to explore more today?”

“No, I just want to sit and chat.”

The last visit had sufficed for exploration. Since Irmin was here to see Laila, just sitting around would be no issue.

We found seats and settled down. Laila’s workshop had ample seating space.

“Does His Highness visit often?”

Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked. Laila replied promptly.

“Not too often― maybe two or three times a week?”

That’s quite a lot, considering how busy Irmin must be, making special time to visit her.

“That’s quite frequent, isn’t it?”

“Haha, not compared to Camilla. You almost see each other every day, right?”

I couldn’t argue with that.

‘Come to think of it, Irmin is cutting out time from his schedule to teach me too.’

There was no gain for him in teaching me. It was purely out of his goodwill, investing a few hours daily because I had talent.

‘…Thinking about it this way, I feel somewhat grateful.’

Irmin, who I found so annoying when I was Anais, had somehow become quite close to me. It’s true what they say about not knowing what the future holds.

‘It might have been too late for an ordinary life anyway.’

Looking at the Crown Prince and the Mage Tower Master before me, that thought crossed my mind.

“I want to take Camilla on a tour. There are many interesting places in the Eastern Tower of Magic. Let’s go together next time.”

“I’ll join too. I’ll contact the Lord of the Eastern Tower of Magic in advance.”

“Then let’s set a date soon. I’ll make time for it as well.”

Despite everything, seeing adults who were kind to me made me feel no regret.

In fact, it was better this way. A mundane life was never suited for me, to begin with.

“It sounds fun.”

For now, I was simply enjoying the moment.

When the conversation seemed to flow casually, I broached the topic I had prepared.

“I have a favor to ask of Your Highness.”

“Camilla has a request for me?”

Given that I hadn’t made many requests before, Irmin seemed quite surprised.

I nodded and continued.

“It’s about what happened at the ball.”

“Did someone bother you?”

“No, it’s not that. But it seems I’ve become somewhat disliked.”

“Who would dare?”

Irmin’s expression turned serious, a rarity for him.

At this point, I started to worry  if bringing up Finley would harm him.

But having come this far, I couldn’t just stay silent.

‘If something happens, I’ll handle it.’

With that somewhat complacent thought, I spoke up.

“It’s about Duke Erpeso.”

Irmin’s expression changed upon hearing this. He seemed surprised.


“You’re acquainted?”

“Not close, but I know of him.”

So they were acquaintances through others.

Laila, having heard this, also looked puzzled.

“The Duke is known to be kind, especially to children. It’s unlike him. What could have happened?”

It seemed Finley’s image in social circles was quite positive.

After all, when I was Anais, except for me, he was polite to almost everyone. I could understand their reactions.

“It wasn’t anything malicious, just some disapproving looks.”

“I guess we’ll know more once we talk. Shall we go together soon?”

“No, I’ll go alone.”

 If Irmin were to join, the matter would become much more significant. That wasn’t what I wanted. After all, Irmin tended to be overly protective.

“Just help me arrange a meeting with the Duke.”

“Alright, that’s not difficult.”

Irmin agreed readily.

However, Laila looked worried.

“Will Camilla be alright on her own?”

“If it’s Camilla, she’ll be fine.”

Perhaps because I often displayed maturity beyond my years, Irmin had a lot of trust in me.

 If it were me, I would trust myself too. My mental age was still in my twenties, so handling this on my own wasn’t an issue.

“I’ll arrange a meeting soon. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you.”

I smiled faintly.

* * *

“Did you really decide to go?”


The next day, Hans, having heard my story, wore an expression of disbelief.

“The Crown Prince is going to help you.”

“You have too many connections… that’s the problem.”

Hans sighed deeply. Yet, here he was, the successor to a ducal family himself. He had no right to talk to me about connections.

After a moment of contemplation, Hans spoke.

“I’ll come with you.”

So much for handling it on my own. As expected, Hans decided to tag along.


“Because I’m worried.”

It seemed I hadn’t built the same level of trust with Hans as I had with Irmin.

We’ve known each other for years, yet his overprotectiveness felt strangely disappointing.

“That’s overprotective.”

“That’s true.”

Given the number of times I’d gotten into trouble, I could understand Hans’s concern.

“Where are you meeting?”

“At the Duke’s mansion.”

“He actually agreed to it…”

“With Irmin stepping in, how could he refuse?”

Finley wasn’t like me. Rather than acting recklessly as  if living just for the day, he was extremely cautious, always mindful of Crown Prince Irmin’s influence.

“So, when’s the date?”

Just as Hans finished speaking, a knock sounded.

“Camilla, I’m here!”

It was Irmin’s voice.

I confidently replied,



Hans seemed to be developing a headache.

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