The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 109 Table of contents

When I opened the door, Irmin immediately stepped in. He had become quite accustomed to coming and going from our house.

“Where are your parents?”

“At the shop.”

This conversation felt like déjà vu. My parents were always at the shop except during dinner time, so it was often just Hans and me at home.

“Did you tell them you’re going?”

“Yes. They didn’t seem too worried since I’ll be back the same day.”

Of course, they probably agreed because they believed an adult would be accompanying me. I didn’t mention I’d be going alone. I didn’t want to worry them unnecessarily.

“And Owen will be joining us too.”

“That’s a relief! Better than going alone.”

Irmin seemed naturally pleased. It appeared he was also somewhat concerned about me.

After dropping us off at the Duke’s mansion, Irmin disappeared using a teleportation spell.

“Don’t you feel guilty?”

Hans asked me, referring to how I was using the Crown Prince merely as a means of transportation. I nodded. My conscience had long been absent.

Whether Finley had spoken about me in advance or not, the guard let us into the mansion without much suspicion.

“Hello, Miss Camilla.”

A maid, seemingly waiting at the entrance, greeted me. There were more than one or two maids. It was quite a grand welcome.


“Ah, and this gentleman is…”

“This is Owen, the successor to the Grand Duke’s family.”

“Oh…! I apologize for not recognizing you!”

The maid hadn’t expected Hans to come and was visibly flustered.

“We arrived a bit earlier than expected, so if you could wait for a while, that would be great. The Duke will be here soon.”


We had arrived an hour early due to Irmin’s quick transport. It was understandable that Finley would be busy.

The maid offered to show us to a room, but we decided to wait in the reception room instead. Chatting with Hans would make the time pass quickly.

“Aren’t you nervous?”

“Why should I be nervous about meeting my younger brother?”

“He doesn’t like you very much.”

“It’s not that he dislikes me, he just looks down on me a bit.”

“That’s practically the same thing.”

While Hans and I were chatting and having some refreshments, the maid entered the reception room. We simultaneously stopped talking.


The maid seemed hesitant.

“What is it?”

“The Duchess has heard that two of you are waiting and would like to come over. Would that be alright…?”


Given Selena’s nature, it made sense that she would rush over if she heard two young people were waiting.

The maid was incredibly cautious, perhaps worrying that we might feel uncomfortable.

‘I’d welcome it.’

There was no reason to feel uncomfortable about meeting Selena.

I glanced at Hans, and he nodded as if to say it was okay.

“That would be fine.”

As I responded, the maid smiled faintly, seemingly relieved.

“Then please wait for a moment.”

After bowing, the maid left the room.

“It’s nice, getting to meet Selena too.”

“Yes, it is.”

“You really do cherish Selena, don’t you?”

“She’s adorable.”

Selena was someone anyone would love, not just me.

Soon, one person entered the reception room.

It was Selena.

“Hello. Nice to meet you again.”

She greeted us with a genuine smile, clearly happy to see us.

We returned her greeting, and Selena, chuckling softly, took a seat opposite us.

“I’m sorry to have kept the guests waiting, so I came to see you. Thank you for allowing it.”

Selena was still polite as ever. Even having risen to the high position of a Duchess, she hadn’t changed much from before.

‘The angels would have loved this.’

I regretted not turning on the broadcast.

“It’s our honor. Thank you for coming.”

Hans answered with a practiced diplomatic smile. He was good at this sort of thing.

“I’ve heard that both of you are mature and exceptional, but seeing you separately like this, I can see the rumors are true.”

Selena’s gaze was full of warmth. She seemed to find us very endearing.

“But why do you want to meet Finley?”

Selena asked out of pure curiosity. It didn’t seem like she was fishing for information, but genuinely wanted to know.

‘Should I be honest?’

Eventually, Finley would come, and I would have to talk about it anyway, so there was no need to fabricate anything. I decided not to ponder over it and answered.

“During the ball, I got the impression that the Duke didn’t like me. I came to see if I had done anything wrong.”

“Finley? That doesn’t seem like him…”

Selena was taken aback. She had only seen Finley’s kind side, so her surprise was understandable.

“It might just be my misunderstanding.”

Seeing Selena’s expression darken, I quickly added that to lighten the mood.

It was true. Finley’s disapproval might not have been about me.

“Still, if it has caused a misunderstanding, I’ll apologize on his behalf. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional.”

Selena was visibly restless. I felt guilty for bringing it up.

Just then, the door to the reception room opened.


Finley, who had just entered, looked puzzled upon seeing Selena.


“Finley, you came earlier than I thought.”

Selena stood up from her seat.

“How long have you been here?”

“I just arrived.”

The two exchanged pleasantries warmly.

Not long after, Finley’s gaze shifted towards us.


Selena’s presence seemed to have momentarily made Finley forget about us.


“…Nice to meet you.”

Finley responded to my greeting with a lukewarm tone.

Yes, that was the expression. It was as if he found my presence disagreeable.

“It seems it wasn’t just your imagination.”

Hans whispered to me. He seemed to have had his doubts too.


Selena, noticing the atmosphere, called out to him.

Finley’s expression finally returned to normal.

“Let’s sit.”


They then took their seats.

I didn’t plan to drag the conversation out.

Once the atmosphere settled, I opened the conversation.

“First, thank you for your time. If I have offended you in any way, I would like to apologize.”

No, it was more like a direct accusation.

“…It seems there has been some misunderstanding. If anyone should be apologizing, it’s me.”

“It doesn’t seem like a misunderstanding.”

I feigned innocence and cocked my head.

“You just made the same face a moment ago. Like this.”

I imitated the expression I had seen on Finley’s face. He clammed up, seemingly at a loss for words.

Finally, he managed to speak.

“I’m sorry… It wasn’t intentional.”

So seeing me just naturally puts that expression on his face. That’s even more disheartening.

“Can I know the reason?”

Hans, also curious, asked him.

Finley looked hesitant. He seemed somewhat troubled.

“…I don’t know myself.”

“You don’t know?”

“It’s complicated.”

Finley pressed his temples.

“I don’t know the reason, but ever since I first saw Miss Camilla, I’ve felt a peculiar emotion. Something a bit… like longing.”

Could it be the influence from when I was Anais?

Even though Finley had never been touched by divine power, his reaction was similar to Kabir’s.

“Something like… missing.”

Finley continued.

“I’m sorry. It might sound absurd to you.”


This was somewhat touching. So, Finley had been missing me all along.

Considering the past, Finley had always been like this.

He was the first to worry and take care of me.

Even if I was a disappointing sister, he still saw me as his sister.

‘So, more people miss Anais than I thought.’

Even if the memories are gone, the remnants of emotions still linger.

“I understand.”

“You understand?”

“Well, it could happen.”

When I readily agreed, Finley seemed rather flabbergasted.

Hans and I knew the reason, so it was easy for us to accept.

“Anyway, a proper apology is due. If there’s anything I can compensate for, I will.”

Finley’s sincere regret was palpable. If he had a conscience, he’d feel sorry that kids had to come and apologize.

‘I’ll take the compensation.’

Normally, a person with a conscience would refuse, but I wasn’t one of those.

I glanced at Selena and Finley, then smiled and said,

“Could you spend time with me once a week?”

Anais was no more, but I was still here.

It was time to create new memories.

“…Both of us?”


“I’d love to!”

Unlike the puzzled Finley, Selena warmly welcomed the idea.

Finley, though not entirely keen, responded,

“I don’t know the reason… but if you wish it, yes.”

With Finley’s consent, I knew we’d see each other more often.

It was a fresh start.

* * *

“It ended earlier than expected.”


Selena suggested staying longer, but with the conversation over, there wasn’t much to do at the duke’s mansion.

“I’d hate to go home just yet…”

After a moment’s thought, I had an idea.

I immediately purchased two Teleport Scrolls.

“Where are we going?”

“Just follow me.”

I answered Hans’s question with a confident smile.

“There’s someone I’d like to introduce you to.”

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