The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 113 Table of contents

“Camilla, wake up!”

I was roused from my sleep by Elli’s voice.

Elli was one of the two people who had a key to my dorm room, the other being Hans, of course.

Normally, having a spare key was against the rules, but I managed to get two made with the help of the mages from the tower. Breaking rules was pretty much routine for me, so I didn’t mind much.

Elli was already dressed in her uniform. It was clear she had come to my room to wake me up, as she often did.

“You can’t be late on graduation day.”


I had stayed up late chatting with the angels through the broadcast and went to bed late.

It was all because Ian had lifted the broadcast time limit for the special day. I might have slept late, but it was definitely Ian’s fault.

“Owen is waiting outside too.”

“I must be really late…”

“Get ready now!”

Pushed by Elli, I made my way to the bathroom.

It was the day of our graduation.

* * *

During the 10 years at the academy, a lot had happened. Leaving a place I’d spent so long in was bound to feel a bit bittersweet.

‘Finally, freedom.’

But right now, I felt more joy than sadness.

I had longed for graduation so much. I had nearly collapsed with longing for a life where I didn’t have to do anything.

“After graduation, I plan to do nothing but sleep for a whole month.”

“That sounds just like you.”

Owen, who had grown quite a bit, looked absolutely handsome.

He had quite a few admirers, though of course, no one confessed since I had been his girlfriend since the admission.

“You two are still close as ever.”

Elli smiled, looking at us. Me, Hans, and Elli – the three of us had been together for these 10 years.

She spoke with a proud expression.

“Today you can prove all those gossiping kids wrong. The ones who said you two would break up.”

We both were so nonchalant in nature that we never fought.

Many had predicted our young love would end, but it never did.

“We’re practically in a common-law marriage.”

“That’s news to me.”

“Anyway, we’re going to get engaged after graduation.”

A month from now, I would be of age. Old enough to get officially engaged.

How long had I waited for this day? I raised my thumb in approval.

“We’ll be legally bound soon.”

“You seem too happy about that…”

Hans gave me a look of mock disbelief.

Before the ceremony officially started, we had a chance to meet with our guardians.

I looked around and spotted someone, breaking into a big smile.

“Mom, Dad!”

It had been so long since I’d seen my parents. I immediately ran and hugged them.

“What about me, sis? I’m here too!”

“That’s because you see me at the academy.”

My younger sister, Lillian, spoke up, a little pouty. Thanks to Irmin’s goodwill, Lillian had also been admitted to the academy.

“What about His Royal Highness?”

“Regrettably, he’s too tied up with work.”

It made sense that Irmin would be incredibly busy preparing for his future as the ruler.

‘I bet he’s really disappointed.’

Knowing Irmin as well as I did, I couldn’t help but think that.

Just then, a buzz of whispers caught my attention.

When I looked, I saw a carriage bearing the royal crest.

“…Didn’t they say His Royal Highness couldn’t come?”

“Instead, His Highness Jamon is here.”

It was Jamon in place of Irmin. It seemed like this event was going to be quite the commotion as well.

* * *

Contrary to my worries, the graduation ceremony passed without any incident.

“Keep in touch, Camilla!”

After exchanging farewells with Elli, I got on the carriage.

“I’m exhausted… I need a good rest at home.”

“You’ve done well.”

Jamon responded to my whining with a smile.

“What are your plans now that you’ve graduated?”

“I’m going to sleep first.”

“And Owen?”

“He has to help the Duke with his work.”

“Both of you have fitting plans.”

Busy as ever even after graduation. But at least now I could look forward to ample sleep.

“When will you start at the tower?”

“I suppose I should discuss that with the tower’s master.”

I had to meet with Laila as well. My goal was still to work at the tower, and so I had focused exclusively on magic as my major.

Riding in the carriage, I gradually began to feel sleepy.

“You can sleep if you’re tired.”

Jamon said with a smile. Gratefully accepting his consideration, I rested my head on Hans’s shoulder and dozed off.

When I woke up, we had already arrived at our destination.

After getting off at a suitable place, we decided to use scrolls to move separately.

I was headed home, and Hans to the Duke’s residence, so we bid each other farewell.

“It’ll be hard to see each other for a while.”

“Come to visit sometimes.”


With that, Hans and I went our separate ways.

* * *

True to my resolution, I spent over a week sleeping, eating, playing with my sister to digest, and then sleeping again.

‘What should I do? I’m not bored at all.’

One would think that I’d get tired of resting and playing after a while, but the time I spent buried in bed, sleeping, was blissful.

Today, after lunch, I lay down for a nap.

In the midst of my blissful nap time, someone knocked on my door.


It was my mother’s voice.

My parents usually didn’t wake me unless it was important, so I woke up feeling curious.

“What is it…?”

“The master of the tower is here.”


I quickly tidied my hair and went outside.


Laila, holding a teacup, greeted me with a bright smile. It had been a while since I’d seen her.


“I had to come and find you myself since Camilla wouldn’t come―”

“I’m sorry…”

I had nothing to say since I had indeed been lazing around for a week.

My parents and Lillian tactfully left us alone, probably in the dining room.

Now an adult, or at least about to be one, it was time for me to make my own decisions.

“So, when are you planning to start working at the tower?”

“Ha ha…”

I awkwardly avoided Laila’s gaze. She seemed to have been waiting just for my graduation.

“How much we need talent in our tower― You’re going to make me sad if you keep delaying, you know?”

“How about… just a month of rest…”

“Right― Camilla deserves some rest after all that hard work!”

Laila nodded understandingly.

Then, she suddenly summoned a calendar and pointed to a date exactly a week from today.

“How about starting work on this day?”

“No, a month…”

“How about it?”

“…I’ll start working.”

I might win against Irmin but not against Laila. My plan to sleep for a month was shattered.

Having finished her business, Laila stood up lightly.

“Then, I’ll come to pick you up on this day. Just bring yourself, I’ll have your dorm tidied up!”


I had barely left one dormitory to be home, and now I was heading into another. A belated resentment about the direction my life had taken began to form.

‘Only a week left.’

My brief period of freedom was over.

There was only one place I was destined to go now.

* * *

After preparing, I used a teleportation spell. I could now cast such spells without needing a scroll.

The destination was the Duke’s residence.

‘It’s been a while.’

I had known this place since I was Anais, almost 20 years. It felt like a lot of time had passed.

“Lady Camilla!”

The maids who spotted me greeted me warmly.

“Oh my, you’ve grown even more beautiful!”

“You truly look like an adult now!”

These maids, who had looked after me like aunts, made me feel equally glad.

“Is Owen here?”

“He should be in his room by now. I’ll go and let him know you’re here.”

“Thank you.”

Meanwhile, I decided to go see Kabir. Humming a tune, I made my way to Kabir’s office.


I ran into Kabir right at the door. He seemed to be just about to enter his office.

“It’s been a long time.”

“I saw you at the graduation ceremony.”

“A week is a long time, isn’t it?”

Kabir had also attended the graduation ceremony primarily to see Hans, and of course, to greet me as well.

“Owen said you wouldn’t leave your room for a month. Is your hibernation over?”

“Yes, thanks to the tower master.”

“Laila must have said something.”


Classic Kabir, always sharp.

“Understand, Camilla. Laila has been eagerly looking forward to this since a few days before the graduation.”

Laila might have been waiting for this day for 10 years. I smiled faintly.


At that moment, Hans approached us. His tousled hair suggested he had rushed over.

“Did you miss me that much?”

“Not really.”

Not really, huh? I chuckled.

Kabir watched us with a smile, then suggested,

“Since we have things to discuss, why don’t we have a tea time in the garden?”

“Sounds good.”

It had been a while since our last tea time.

* * *

The outdoor garden was as beautiful as ever.

The weather was nice, the desserts delicious. I was in high spirits.

Hans and I chatted about trivial things, as usual.

We teased each other, laughed, and tossed questions at Kabir, exchanging stories.

Amidst our chatter, Kabir, with a content smile, casually brought up a topic.

“So, what do you both think?”


Both Hans and I looked at Kabir.

Kabir, smiling nonchalantly, said,

“I mean, about the engagement preparations.”


“Combining the coming-of-age ceremony with the engagement ceremony is quite common. I thought we might do the same.”

It seemed Kabir wanted to move forward with the ceremony as swiftly as possible, considering we had less than a month until we were officially adults.

Kabir had always favored me, and now there was an opportunity to legally welcome me into the Heyward duke’s family.

Hans and I exchanged glances. Then, looking at Kabir, I smiled.

“Sounds good!”

There was no hesitation in my answer. It was a moment I had been looking forward to.

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