The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 114 Table of contents

“It’s a good thing. Camilla needs to adapt to the aristocratic society sooner or later.”

Kabir had started to make more appearances in the social circles. He had shown his face only rarely before, but after deciding Hans would be his successor, he began attending social gatherings more often, for Hans’s sake.

Hans had also established a certain standing in the social world. As the future duchess, I too had to start preparing to step into the social scene.

‘It’s bothersome, but it can’t be helped.’

I had chosen to become the duchess, and I had to take responsibility for that choice.

Anais had been quite the troublemaker, not really caring about social circles. The balls I attended as a student were enjoyable because I attended them in a relaxed manner, so the thought of officially entering the social world was quite daunting.

“Just do what makes you comfortable. No one’s going to blame you even  if you make a mistake.”

Hans, perceptive as always, reassured me.

“I’m not worried.”

“That’s good then.”

Having already made my social debut as Camilla, there wasn’t much to worry about.

* * *

Why do rest days pass so quickly? Before I knew it, the day to enter the tower had arrived.

“I’ll visit home often, so don’t worry.”

With my ability to use teleportation magic, I could visit every day  if I wanted to.

My parents seemed less anxious than when I was sent to the academy, probably because they knew this.

Upon arriving at the tower in no time, Laila was already there to greet me at the door.


Laila’s expression was bright. She was always smiling, but today her smile seemed even brighter.

“Welcome to the tower!”


I returned a faint smile.

Laila first showed me to the dormitory I would be staying in.

‘The facilities are indeed nice.’

The space was more than enough for a single room. Seeing my living space made my heart flutter with excitement again.

“And here is where you will be working!”

The place I was assigned to was the same place I had seen as a child.

Over the ten-plus years, many of the people working there had changed. There were many new faces.

“Everyone, please pause for a moment― our new member has arrived!”

At Laila’s shout, the eyes of everyone in the room turned towards me.

“Ah, is this the person the tower master always talked about?”

“Fresh as a daisy.”


The atmosphere inside was bright, as expected. The fact that Laila had maintained such an environment for so long seemed quite remarkable.

“I’ll handle your orientation.”

“Are you sure you’re not too busy?”

“It’s fine. A precious talent has joined us, I have to do at least this much.”

I could tell Laila was giving me special treatment. The expectations she had for me were almost burdensome.

‘Can I really do well?’

Although I had excelled academically (at least in practical skills) at the academy, the real world of work was different. It was inevitable to worry  if I could perform well in practice.

* * *

Contrary to my worries, thanks to Laila and the seniors’ kind guidance, I quickly adapted to the work at the tower.

The tower was a great place to work. The people were nice, and the environment was favorable.

The only catch was that there wasn’t really an end to the workday.


I was in my nineteenth hour of work. I was struggling with an invention that wasn’t progressing as expected.

‘I should have realized when I saw there were dormitories inside…’

If things got really tough, I would go to the dorm to catch a quick nap and then return. It was a never-ending cycle.

‘There’s no such thing as a dream job everywhere.’

I managed a faint smile.

At least, the good thing was that the work quite suited me. If it didn’t, I would have left a long time ago.

“Camilla, you don’t look so good. You should clock out.”

One of the seniors spoke to me.


“You’ve been working non-stop for over a week. Take a couple of days off.”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course. I’ll talk to the tower master.”

There were truly too many kind-hearted people here. While rest was a right I should naturally enjoy, my newfound workaholic tendencies made me overly grateful for this gesture.

“Then, should I go? Really?”

“Yes, go.”

“I’m clocking out!”

I shouted cheerfully and immediately used a teleportation spell.

The destination was Hans’s room.

It was dawn, and Hans was asleep, but he woke up instantly upon sensing my presence.

“…What’s this?”

He looked at me with a drained expression.

Regardless, I slipped into the bed beside him.

“Let’s sleep a bit.”

“Go sleep at your place.”

“It’s too early, I don’t want to wake my family…”

“Then me?”

Ignoring Hans’s remark, I laid my head on the pillow. Just being in bed felt so blissful I couldn’t help but grin.

Hans sighed deeply, then lay back down and pulled me into a tight embrace.

“You’ve worked hard. Let’s sleep.”


It was the sweetest sleep I had tasted in a long time.

* * *

I slept for nearly ten hours.

By the time I woke up, Hans had already finished his lunch.

“Did you just wake up?”

“I’m hungry…”

“Do they starve you at the tower while making you work?”

“Not really, but…”

It was a rare moment to be with Hans, and I regretted looking so disheveled. However, what could I do? Hans chose me, even on days like this.

Hans tidied my messy hair as he spoke.

“I was planning to call you soon anyway. Kabir is eager to move forward with the engagement.”

“Oh, right…”

I had been so absorbed in work that I momentarily forgot.

Preparing for an engagement on top of my work would make things even busier.

After a moment’s thought, I voiced a question.

“Do we really need to have an engagement?”

“Do you want to make Kabir faint by holding his head in his hands?”

Right, it wouldn’t be polite to Kabir. After all, he had been eagerly awaiting mine and Hans’s engagement.

“Did you tell Kabir I was here?”

“Yes. He said to visit him when it’s convenient for you.”

Kabir really did like me too much. He had practically raised me since I was young. It made sense that he would feel a special affection for me, almost as much as for Hans.

“Then, shall we go see him right away?”

“At least wash your face before you go.”


Even I thought it would be a bit too much to go as I was, so I obediently followed Hans’s advice.

* * *

After making myself presentable, I went to see Kabir.


In Kabir’s office, surprisingly, Irmin was also there.

Right, it wasn’t too surprising. It wasn’t his first time visiting.

“Are you here for a visit again?”

“That, and I rushed over as soon as I heard Camilla was here.”

I hadn’t seen him since the graduation ceremony. It had been a while since I had seen Irmin.

But I didn’t particularly miss him. It was just the way it was with Irmin. Familiar, even when far apart. Maybe because we saw each other so often when we were young.

“You’re having an engagement ceremony, right? Make sure to invite me!”

“Will you be able to make it with your busy schedule?”

“I’ll have to find time somehow.”

Irmin looked determined, showing his resolve to attend no matter what.

“How’s work at the tower, Camilla?”

“It’s tough.”

I responded to Kabir’s question without hesitation.

Then Irmin chimed in.

“Is it just tough?”

“…It’s interesting too.”

Yes, no matter how much I complained, I was someone who loved magic.

The work was tough but fulfilling. That’s what made it bearable.

“Yeah, keep up the hard work. Laila seems to be contemplating stepping down from her position as the tower master.”


This was news to me.

Laila had been giving her all as the tower master. But stepping down all of a sudden?

Lost in thought for a moment, I asked what I suspected.

“Has a date been set for the ascension?”


Irmin grinned.

“With the current situation as the crown prince consort, there’s already a lot of talk. Imagine when she becomes the empress.”

“That would be exhausting…”

So that’s why Laila was in such a hurry to get me working. Now I understood her actions.

“It seems she’s considering handing over the position of tower master to you.”

“…I’ve only been working for two weeks?”

“The ascension is a year from now. By then, you should be fairly proficient.”


I was astounded, becoming the tower master seemed almost certain. It was quite unbelievable.

“Of course, Laila will discuss it with you. I’m just giving you a heads-up. You won’t spill the beans to her, right?”


I was also meant to become the duchess, but that was far off. In the meantime, I could take on the position of tower master.

‘Tower master, huh…’

Noticing my contemplation, Kabir asked.

“Are you considering it? Camilla.”

“I’ll need to think about it but…”

The title of tower master, it sounded impressive in itself. That alone seemed reason enough to take it.

“I think I might do it.”

“I see.”

Kabir’s reaction was as  if he somewhat expected it.

“It will make you busier.”

“I suppose so.”

“It will be tough.”


“And you’re still up for it?”

Kabir was looking at me with a grin, an impish smile.

I responded with a similar smile.

“Yes, I’ll do it.”

In this life, I intended to try anything I could.

And that included being the tower master.

Whether it’s the engagement or the tower master. Although they were still in the future,

The thought was thrilling.

A new challenge always sparked my enthusiasm.

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