The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 116 Table of contents

“Duke, we’re planning to start preparing for our marriage.”

“Finally,” Kabir responded, visibly the happiest about our news. It seemed he had been waiting, ready with his answer.

“I felt like you were hinting, but didn’t say anything. I’m just thankful you brought it up first.”

“You’ve been eagerly waiting, haven’t you…”

Of course, our marriage didn’t mean Kabir would step down from his Duke position.

Though it seemed Kabir was willing to hand it over to Hans  if he wished, Hans had declined.

Managing the Duke’s estate was inherently busy, and it seemed Hans preferred to postpone taking on that responsibility.

On the other hand, Kabir was planning to hand over the Duke’s position to Hans as soon as we got married. This was probably one of the reasons Hans had been delaying the marriage.

“Have you set a date?”

“No, we just started talking about marriage yesterday. Nothing’s been decided yet.”

“That’s good. I have been considering some dates…”

Kabir picked up the desk calendar nearby.

The man was truly counting the days. I almost felt sorry for only bringing it up now.

* * *

Thanks to Kabir’s drive, the wedding date was set quite early.

We needed at least two months to prepare everything and spread the news, so we chose the earliest possible date.

Kabir had left for the palace in the afternoon to see Irmin, obviously excited to share the news.

I, too, had to share this news with my acquaintances.

‘I probably won’t be able to see Irmin and Laila separately…’

Should I invite Jamon then?

While I was pondering, Hans spoke.



“When are you going to tell your parents?”


The epitome of an unfilial daughter stood here.

Common sense dictated that family should be the first to know.

Feeling shameless, I hung my head. Hans looked at me quizzically.

“It would be good to visit them soon.”

As I listened to Hans, a thought struck me.

“I’ve got an idea.”

“What is it?”

“Remember when we invited them here, Lilian loved it so much.”

“That’s right.”

We often invited family members to the Duke’s residence, with Kabir’s permission, of course.

Every time, Lilian was extremely happy. Although Lilian’s boyfriend, a third son of a count’s family, often took her to noble estates, none were as well decorated as the Duke’s residence.

Unlike me, Lilian adored lavish things: grand mansions, expensive jewelry, influenced by mingling with nobles since childhood.

That’s probably why she always asked me when I would become the Duchess whenever she saw me. I ignored it because it was annoying.

“How about inviting them over for dinner and surprising them with the news?”

Sharing such delightful news when everyone is in high spirits would surely double the joy.

“That sounds good.”

Hans seemed to like the idea.

We decided to visit our families on their day off.

* * *

Unfortunately, Kabir couldn’t attend due to a prior commitment.

“This place is always so nice―”

Mom surveyed the mansion with a contented smile. Despite having been here several times, each visit seemed to bring her joy.

It must be satisfying to see her daughter living in such luxury. While I might be pushed around in the Tower of Mages, at least I had chosen a good partner.

Since the dining room was reserved and it was late, we went straight to dinner.


As always, Lilian was the most excited. The youngest and a latecomer to adulthood, she still had a childlike enthusiasm.

Dad, amused by Lilian, then asked me,

“You’re always so busy, what made you invite us all out of the blue?”

“If you put it that way, it sounds quite sad. Anyone would think I never get in touch.”

“That’s not far from the truth.”

I shot Hans a glare. Unperturbed, he continued eating his salad.

“Lilian is engaged now, and mom and dad are preparing for retirement. It would be nice if Camilla also started a family.”

Mom repeated her usual narrative, pressuring me to get married.

Since my parents had known Owen for a long time, they seemed eager for our long-term relationship to culminate in marriage.

It seems there are quite a few people eagerly awaiting mine and Hans’s marriage. It was apparent we had been postponing it for a while.

“Yeah, at this rate, I might get married before you do!”

Lilian was already engaged to her boyfriend, having dated for a considerable time. They met in their first year at the academy.

They got engaged right after graduation. With two noblewomen coming from a commoner family, our family had become quite the local stars.

“Actually, we have some news about that.”

Hans spoke up, drawing everyone’s attention.


“Getting married?!”

Lilian jumped up from her seat, shouting.

Ah, really. I playfully thumped Lilian on the head. She grabbed her head, making a pouty face.

“Oh my, finally!”

“Yes, it’s about time Camilla got married too.”


Though I couldn’t say it myself, it was a relief to receive their congratulations.

“Yes, we’re getting married…”

I gave a resigned smile. Applause filled the dining room.

“Finally, Owen officially becomes part of the family. I’m delighted.”

“It’s a mix of feelings. I almost raised Owen before meeting Kabir, so it feels bittersweet.”

Understanding Dad’s emotions was easy, given that Owen was almost raised by my parents before Kabir came into the picture.

“When’s the wedding? I want to see my sister in her wedding dress!”

“In about two months.”

“Sooner than expected.”

“The Duke was eager.”

“Does that mean Owen will ascend to the Duke’s position?”

“I’m not sure about that yet.”

I struggled to answer the barrage of questions from the family.

During this, Lilian hugged me tightly.

“This is wonderful!”

I chuckled and patted her head. Despite her mischievous nature, she seemed endearing at moments like this.

“You have to get married first so I can marry Alex! Now I can finally talk about marriage with him!”

I was a fool to be touched. I playfully pinched Lilian’s cheek, but she just laughed it off.

* * *

There was another place where the wedding news had to be shared.

After the family left, I turned on the broadcast.

[PleaseShakeACarrot: Hi Jiha!]

[OnlyFinley: What’s up this time?]

[Stress: Thought there was no broadcast today lol]

[Plong: Hans is there too]

“Well, nothing much.”

I didn’t beat around the bush.

“We decided to get married. Just wanted to let you know.”

[Gold2: Finally lol]

[Poppopo: You’re going to be the Duchess]

“No, not that.”

[PleaseShakeACarrot: ?]

[LLoading: Then?]

“We’re having it in the Celestial Realm. The wedding.”

Hans quickly added, unable to hold it back.

I had planned to build up to it, but there was no dramatic flair.

[Poppopo: OMG]

[AsparagusCharm: Really???]

[PleaseShakeACarrot: You’re getting married??? In the Celestial Realm???]

[OnlyFinley: No way]

[Ian: That’s pretty quick]

As expected, the chat went wild.

The marriage of ‘Camilla’ and ‘Jiha’ were two vastly different things. Their reactions were understandable.

As Ian said, it was indeed quick by the standards of the Celestial Realm.

But what does it matter? I already had the certainty that I would spend my life with Hans. Isn’t that enough?

[AsparagusCharm: When’s the wedding???]

[OnlyFinley: Come to the Celestial Realm quickly!!!]

[OnlyFinley: Come and tell us!!!]

“Settle down, please. The chat is moving so fast it’s hard to read.”

I was only reading the familiar Celestial beings’ chats first, but even viewers who usually didn’t chat much were sending messages, making it hard to keep up.

“We’re planning to have the wedding in the human world first before heading there.”

[Gold2: Ok, waiting for the invitation]

[Stress: Standing by with the wedding gift]

[Something: Oh, it’s thrilling]

[Isaac: Why are we the ones getting excited when they are the ones getting married lol]

[Plong: Always believed in you guys 5252]

At the company, Hans and I were quite a famous couple. We had many fans.

A romance between a human and an angel. It was bound to attract attention.

Finally, after calming down the chat, I could end the broadcast. I didn’t plan to stay long, as the purpose was just to share the news.

Turning off the broadcast, silence filled the room.

“Now that we’ve told everyone, it’s starting to feel real. That we’re getting married.”


Hans seemed to share the same sentiment.

He must be having mixed feelings too. I was certain he was experiencing the same emotions I was feeling.

Hans looked at me.

“Are you sure you won’t regret it?”

“Why would I regret it?”

I answered with brazen confidence.

“Of all the decisions I’ve made so far, I’ve regretted none.”

Choosing to live as Anais. Deciding to grow up as Camilla from an ordinary family. Loving Hans.

Hearing my answer, Hans smiled with his eyes and held my hand tightly.

“If you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”

I held his hand in return.

This choice, too, I wouldn’t regret.

I was certain it would be alright.

Because Hans was always by my side.

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