The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 115 Table of contents

【Epilogue (2)】

“Uh, ugh…”

I let out a groan. The alarm clock was ringing noisily.

Only reaching out an arm from under the blanket, I barely managed to turn off the alarm.

In a drowsy state, I slowly blinked my eyes.

‘Is this the Duke’s residence, or the Tower of Mages…?’

My memory of yesterday was hazy. As the place I slept almost changed daily, even this had become confusing.


When in doubt, calling Hans was the most effective. If Hans was there, it meant the Duke’s residence; if not, then the Tower of Mages.

“Oh, you’re up now?”

Hans’s hand was gently placed over my head.

So it’s the Duke’s residence. Then, I can sleep a bit more. Still with my eyes closed, I pulled the blanket up, chuckling.

“The guys from the Tower of Mages came all the way here to see you.”

“Tell them I went on a world tour.”

“Do you think they’ll believe that?”

Accepting the position of the Tower Master was the worst decision. What kind of Tower of Mages doesn’t function without its Master?

“You’ve also planned to meet with Elli today, and you have to go to the Duke’s residence in the evening, so rest well now. I’ve already spoken to the folks from the Tower.”

As always, my partner. He was the best at cleaning up after me.

As I woke up, memories started to resurface.

Until yesterday, I had been working hard on development and had fallen asleep in the lounge for straight three hours.

The magicians, worried about my condition, called Hans as a last resort, and he brought me to the Duke’s residence.

“You get too absorbed in your work. You’ll collapse one day.”

“I’ll be careful…”

Once I got into something, I tended to dive into it madly. Yesterday was such a case.

The magicians from the Tower must have come not to look for me, but out of concern for my condition. Truly, they were too good-natured.

I drank the water Hans handed to me, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

It had already been 5 years since I took the position of the Tower Master. I was approaching my thirties.

‘Time flies.’

I had never reached this age, neither as Jiha nor as Anais.

“Then, let’s start getting ready to go out.”

“I thought you said I could rest.”

“I gave you five minutes.”

Even after all these years, Hans remained the same.

* * *

“Camilla, Owen!”

Elli ran over and hugged me tightly. As the wife of a Baron, Elli always wore a smile that seemed genuinely happy.

We moved to the indoor garden, decorated quaintly in a way that suited Elli’s personality.

“How have you been?”

Just like old classmates meeting after a long time, we started by asking about each other’s well-being.

“As for me, well, the same old.”

“Is your husband treating you well?”

“Yes. Incredibly so.”

It was already widely known in the social circles that Elli’s husband was an incredibly devoted lover. This was why there was such firm belief in their happiness even without seeing them.

“What about you, Camilla and Owen?”

“It’s the same for us. Camilla manages the Tower of Mages, and I manage the Duke’s family.”

“Camilla, you’ve taken the position of the Tower Master. When will Owen succeed?”

“The Duke is still in good health. I would prefer to inherit the position as late as possible.”

“And when are you planning to get married?”


Neither of us had given it much thought, so no answer came to mind.

Truthfully, it was already well past the usual age for marriage.

There wasn’t any particular reason for delaying marriage. We were simply both busy.

‘Marriage, huh.’

It was about time to start considering it.

We quickly moved past that topic and spent a pleasant time reminiscing and catching up with an old friend.

“Take care, and let’s meet again soon!”

After saying goodbye to Elli, we slowly walked to where the carriage was parked. It was time to head to the Erpeso Duke’s residence for our evening appointment.

As the sun began to set, a chilly wind blew.

“Should I give you my coat?”


I didn’t refuse Hans’s consideration.

He draped his coat over me, and it seemed to carry his distinctive scent.

As we walked, I casually asked Hans,

“Hans, when shall we get married?”

Perhaps because the topic of marriage was so frequently discussed around us, Hans didn’t seem particularly surprised that I brought it up.

“We’re almost thirty, so it’s about time.”

“No, not that.”

I looked into Hans’s eyes.

“I mean, ‘our’ marriage.”


It seemed he finally understood what I meant, as Hans paused for a moment.

Then, he gave an awkward smile.

“In the Celestial Realm?”


“Isn’t it too soon?”

“We’ve been together for almost 30 years.”

It was in human terms, but it was indeed quite a long time.


Hans seemed deep in thought.

He probably had his own considerations. I decided not to press him too much.

* * *

We had our reasons for going to the Duke’s residence, not only because it was a place we often visited.

“Aunt Camilla!”

It was an important occasion – my niece’s birthday.

The heir to the Duchy, Selena and Finley’s eldest daughter. The seven-year-old Lumi, just as lively as Selena, greeted us.

“Have you been well?”

“I missed you!”

“Happy birthday.”

“Thank you, godfather!”

For reference, Hans was Lumi’s godfather. This much showed the trust and closeness our couple had built with Selena and Finley.

Given that Lumi was the young heir of the Duchy, she was mature for her age, which somehow made me feel a pang of sympathy. I stroked her hair gently.

“If your dad gives you a hard time, you can always tell me.”

“I can hear you.”

Finley, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, chimed in. Finley and I had grown as close as when I was Anais.

Lumi was very fond of Hans and me. Especially since she was a baby, she adored me.

When asked why, Lumi’s answer was simple:

“Because it’s fun!”

It was the same reason the angels liked me.

Strangely, Lumi didn’t inherit Selena’s blond hair or Finley’s red hair. Lumi’s hair was pitch black.

‘With those red eyes, she looks exactly like Anais.’

I wondered how strong the Erpeso genes were to create another Anais. Lumi resembled Anais that much.

“Are you using the birthday present I sent?”

“Yes! I even flew up to the tree tops this time.”

“Be careful not to hurt yourself while playing with it.”


Perhaps influenced by me, Lumi was extremely fond of magic. When she was younger, she would insist on following me into the Tower of Mages.

Of course, I was welcoming, but there was no way the Duchy’s sole heir would be sent to the Tower of Mages.

I asked teasingly,

“So when are you coming to the Tower of Mages?”

“I won’t! I’m going to be a Duchess.”

For now, she seemed content with the destiny set before her, not throwing tantrums and doing her best in her role as a young Duchess.

‘She’s still young enough to play a bit.’

Her diligence was sometimes worrying.

Uniquely, Lumi preferred studying over playing.

‘This model student trait must have come from Finley.’

It was amazing how she inherited both her mother’s and father’s traits so evenly. She was truly admirable and adorable.

“Come now, let’s not stand at the entrance. Let’s go to the dining room. We’ve prepared lots of delicious things for Lumi’s birthday party.”

Selena said with a beaming smile.

Lumi’s birthday ball ended yesterday, and today was a cozy party with close acquaintances as per her request. Lumi preferred receiving heartfelt congratulations from her beloved and close ones over being celebrated by many. Thanks to this, Lumi’s birthday party had become an annual event for the past few years.

Lumi valued time spent with her loved ones, much like Selena.

The dining room was modestly filled with food. The strawberry cream cake in the center was Lumi’s favorite.

“Shall we sit down?” Selena suggested.

We all responded and spent Lumi’s birthday together, happily and joyfully.

* * *

Inside the carriage on the way back. Perhaps due to our packed schedules, we were both too tired to converse.

Sitting side by side, each gazing out the window, I suddenly made a comment.

“Lumi is adorable.”


It wasn’t just because she was my niece; objectively speaking, she was truly a delightful child.

The emotion that immediately followed the thought of Lumi being adorable was, ironically, this:

“…I’m envious.”

I couldn’t help feeling envious of Selena and Finley every time I saw Lumi.

The two, when with Lumi, appeared incredibly happy. Whether they were talking or wiping food off Lumi’s face, they wore smiles as if they owned the whole world, brimming with happiness.

A harmonious family was something I had since I became Camilla. And I had already been content with that.

But is greediness inevitable?

Having seen a happy family, I now found myself wanting to create one of my own.

Noticing the change in my mood, Hans asked me.

“Do you want to have a child?”

“Yes, sometimes.”

Hans went quiet for a moment.

“Well, then.”

He then responded nonchalantly.

“We should get married.”

He had been pondering until we met with Elli. It seemed he was becoming quick in making decisions, like me.

Contrary to his brusque words, he seemed shy, not meeting my eyes, even letting out a nervous cough.

Seeing Hans like that made me burst into laughter.

“That’s a lackluster proposal.”

“…Be quiet.”

He was always a shy one.

“Where should we start with the wedding?”

“However you want.”

Whether in the Celestial Realm or the human world.

It was about time I started preparing to build a new family of my own.

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