Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 73 Table of contents


Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a Villain! - Chapter 73

“…Hey, Amelia.”


“Do you… remember that thing?”

“…All too well.”

An appetizing steak was placed in front of them.

The aroma and appearance that stimulated the appetite seemed to say it would be delicious.

But here’s the thing.

Why did Arte have to cut it into cubes…?

“Please eat. I hope you enjoy it!”

“…Yeah, well. Thanks.”

She said with a smile.

Siwoo wondered what on earth she was thinking with that smile.

“Are you not eating?”

“H-Hick. I-I’ll eat it… It’s d-delicious. Ehehe…”

It bothered him so much he couldn’t stand it.

He thought it was just them, but that wasn’t the case.

He turned to the maid, who had been banging her head on the ground until just now, revealing a reddened forehead.

She also seemed reluctant to eat the steak, but when Arte asked her a question, she forced a smile and started eating.

So she knows.

Well, she said she was from Übermensch. She would know about that incident. Maybe even better than him.


He hasn’t actually seen it in person.

Even so, he couldn’t help but be bothered by it.

Cube steak served by Arte.

He knows it’s not, but…

“…Ah, it’s delicious.”

“Right? I’m confident in my steak.”

Amelia had already taken a bite and started eating with a lighter expression.

Naturally, it was as if it was just delicious meat.

“Why did you have to cut it?”

“It’s inconvenient to eat it uncut, no? If you cut it beforehand, all you have to do is eat.”


All you have to do is eat if it’s cut.

Saying that, Arte brought two more plates of steak from the kitchen but, as if realizing something, took them back to the kitchen.

“Huh? There are two extra?”

“Ah. This is… I made too much.”

“You make mistakes?”

“I’m human too, you know.”

Watching Amelia and Arte laugh together, Siwoo mustered the courage to bring a piece to his mouth.

“… It’s delicious.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

When he unintentionally made a comment, Arte, who had been talking with Amelia, addressed him.

“Would you like more?”

“No, this is enough. Thank you.”

The cube steak he was hesitant to eat because of her background turned out to be delicious when he tried it.

Thinking that way, he felt like it became easier to treat Arte.

Like this cube steak, she just has a slightly scary background.

But inside, she’s probably just an ordinary person.

That’s what Siwoo thought.

“Phew. I’m full.”

“Ah, for cleaning up…”

“It’s okay. Our maid will take care of it. Right?”

“Y-Yes, yes! Leave it to me! I’ll do anything!”

At the end of the meal, which was awkward at first but became lively later, Arte whispered something to the maid.

“Hide them…”

He couldn’t hear it clearly, but…

Alcohol*? Why is she suddenly talking about alcohol?

He saw the maid’s face turn pale.

He didn’t get it. Is it some kind of code?

“Miss Dorothy didn’t eat much, did she?”

“Ah, I didn’t have an appetite. Sorry.”

At Arte’s words, he looked at Dorothy’s plate.

… It’s true. She didn’t eat a single piece.

She only picked at the vegetables used as garnish but didn’t touch the meat.

Is she feeling unwell?

But she didn’t show any signs of that.

“No, it’s fine. Spira? Please take care of this, too.”

“Leave it to me…”

With a dejected look, the maid started clearing the table.

She looked like a dejected puppy that had been scolded a lot.

Even though she’s a snake.

“Well, now that we’ve filled our stomachs, shall we go?”

“Yeah, let’s go. To the sea!”

…Well, it’s not something for me to worry about.

He could understand to some extent why Arte scolded her.

They left her house and got in the car.

It was time to go to the sea.


[It’s summer! It’s the sea!]**

“…Where did you learn that from again?”

[Hehe, I just wanted to shout it out once!]

I couldn’t stop sighing at the Author’s immature behavior.

Yeah, I was wondering why she has been so quiet lately. So that’s why.

It was nice and quiet for a while… I decided to ask her what I wanted to ask.

“Why have you been so quiet lately?”

[I was thinking about the progression for a bit.]


[Something different from what I had planned came up, but I think it’s good like this too.]

“Ah, yes… Are you going to tell me…?”

[It’s no fun if I tell you!]

I didn’t expect it anyway.

The Author seemed to avoid spoilers because it’s no fun if told.

…I do feel like there’s no reason not to tell me though.

“Arte, what are you doing there?”

“Ah. That’s…”

“Come quickly! We came to the sea to enjoy ourselves!”

“Yes… Right. We should enjoy ourselves…”

Amelia ran out onto the sandy beach, looking excited.

A sandy beach with not a single person.

No one was there even during this holiday season because it was Amelia’s private property.

That’s why I had less resistance to swimsuit exposure. There are fewer people to show it to.

But, but…

I had no desire to come out of the changing room at all.

No matter how I think about it, this outfit… seems a bit, you know.

“Why did this have to happen…”

[That’s because you didn’t try more swimsuits, right?]

“Be quiet…”

[Did I say anything wrong? It’s your own mistake.]

Yeah, it’s not wrong. It’s my fault.

That’s why I wanted to blame someone else even more.

When Amelia and Dorothy were excitedly picking out a bunch of swimsuits at the department store, I didn’t try more.

I didn’t feel like changing into more and was worried about the stalker, too.

Was it because all my attention was focused on the stalker rather than something like swimsuits?

I had made a grave mistake.

…I didn’t buy a swimsuit.

Why is this a mistake, you ask? It’s simple.

The only swimsuit I tried on at the department store was the first one, so what would they buy?

Was it a mistake that I was too lazy to take it out even after receiving the swimsuit?

I was about to pay the price for my complacency.


I looked at the scrap of cloth in my hand.

…Do I really have to wear this?

Can’t I just go in my leotard?

I think that’s a good idea!

Yeah, let’s do that. The leotard is black too, so it won’t be see-through even if it gets wet.

However, my perfect plan was instantly shattered by the Author’s words.

[…Are you perhaps planning to go in your leotard?]


[I trust you wouldn’t go in wearing your underwear.]

“Ah, ahaha… Of course not…”


I don’t know why she’s so quick-witted only at times like this.

There was no more room to escape.

…Do I really have no choice but to wear this bikini?

If there’s anything I can take solace in, it’s not the worst, I guess.

Although it’s a top that becomes see-through when worn, at least there is a top, and the pareo, while nearly transparent, does cover a little bit.

It’s better than nothing, right?

[Why are you hesitating so much? It’s pretty.]

“No, I was originally a man too, so a bikini is a bit…”

[Then just wear it like a man for once! Don’t act like a little girl if you were originally a man! It’s not like you wear it every day, so why are you like this? It’s not like your manliness will wear off.]


What is this feeling?

This feeling of being nagged by someone who you normally nag.

I wanted to refute so many things, but why did I feel it would be fruitless.

“I’ll wear it. I just have to wear it, right!”

[Wow! So manly! As expected of you! A true man!]

Are you making fun of me?

Calling someone who is going to wear a bikini a true man.

My insides were boiling.

I guess I’m getting back all my karma.

Sighing, I entered the changing room.

Just you wait. I’ll definitely get back at you someday.


“Arte is late.”

“She’s probably changing.”


“Yeah. She went into the changing room.”

No matter what, she’s taking too long.

Did something happen to Arte?

As Siwoo kept unintentionally looking back with that thought, Amelia’s hand touched his arm.

“…What are you doing?”

“No, your body is better than I thought.”

“All the other students are like me, you know? We have to be at least this fit to be aspiring heroes.”

“That’s true, but it’s different when I can touch it… Wow, it’s firm.”

‘Even though you see it every day during swimming class…’

Amelia started touching his body all over, saying it was amazing.

“… That’s right. It really is amazing.”

“…Dorothy, not you too.”

“It’s amazing, isn’t it! It’s really firm.”

… It’s hot.

Siwoo gently pushed them away.

The touch that had somehow moved from his arm to his chest was ticklish, and it felt humid, staying close together because it was summer.

And that’s when it happened.

A sharp voice came from behind.


“Ah, Arte. You’re here?”

“Wh-What are you doing right now?!”


The three were startled.

…Doing what? What?

“E-Even if it’s a place with no people, to do th-that…! To do that kind of thing outdoors…!”

That kind of thing?

Not understanding what Arte was talking about, he tried to imagine.

How we would look from a bit of a distance.

Two women clinging to a man and touching his chest.

You wouldn’t be able to see their hands from behind, so…

“Ah, Arte! It’s not like that! We were just…”

Siwoo tried to make an excuse, but his mouth shut briefly.

Because Arte was standing there, just like he saw her at the department store.

A huge disaster will occur if he loses composure while wearing only a swimsuit.

Because that kind of situation absolutely must not happen.

“… It’s not like that, you say?”

He came to his senses at Arte’s words.

There was no time to admire her appearance.

First, he had to make an excuse somehow…!

“You guys say something too!”

It would be quickly resolved if Dorothy and Amelia helped.

If they just say one thing!

But Dorothy and Amelia had already run far away towards the sea at some point.

Amelia, who heard his voice, turned her head and grinned, giving a thumbs up as if to say good luck.

This girl, she ran away on purpose…!

“Uh, um, that’s…”

It took some time to clear up Arte’s misunderstanding.

Author’s Notes

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Good readers, please be careful when you do.


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