Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 74 Table of contents

Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a Villain! - Chapter 74

TN: Thank Viiyen for the chapter. Also, thank Stargazer for pointing out the typo. The name is quite close to Author-nim’s name too…

“So you’re saying it was all a misunderstanding…?”

“Yes! I’m telling you, that’s what it was!”

[What on earth were you thinking?]

Siwoo’s voice filled with a sense of unfairness, and the Author’s snickering voice echoed in my ears.

…It was all a misunderstanding?

“The reason you were so close together was…”

“They kept touching my chest, saying it was amazing, that’s all.”

“A-And the talk about being f-firm and whatnot…?”



I want to die.

It was just a thoughtless, truly thoughtless assumption.

I swear to the heavens, I’m not a pervert!

“…Look, Arte.”

“I-It was Siwoo and Amelia’s…! And Dorothy’s fault!”


“I did nothing wrong!”

That’s right. I did nothing wrong.

It was Siwoo’s fault. It was Amelia’s fault. It was Dorothy’s fault.

I mean, they were wearing swimsuits, you know?

Siwoo was wearing swim trunks, and Dorothy and Amelia were wearing bikinis.

On an empty sandy beach.

If one man and two women are in such an exposed state, pressing their bodies close together and talking about firmness and whatnot, huh?

Isn’t it possible to misunderstand?

“I, I…!”

Right. Siwoo is the main character, isn’t he? And Dorothy and Amelia are the heroines?

So, it’s okay if I misunderstand a little, right?

I couldn’t see the position of their hands. Of course I thought it was… that.

I, I was just startled.

I mean, even so… Outside?

Even if there were no people, I was just surprised that they would engage in such an indecent act outside.

And all of that was just a misunderstanding?

The image of Siwoo’s perplexed face and Amelia giving a thumbs up to him for some reason as she ran away flashed before my eyes.

“I did nothing wrong!”


Trying to hide my flushed face, I ran towards the sea while covering my face.

It felt like my whole body was twisting from embarrassment.


“How was it?”

“You, you…! Why did you suddenly run away?! I was misunderstood because of you!”

As soon as Siwoo cleared up Arte’s misunderstanding, he ran to the sea and protested to Amelia.

He almost got misunderstood as a crazy person doing weird things outside.

He didn’t care what kind of misunderstanding Amelia had about him but with Arte…

“I ran away to make her misunderstand.”

“You, you…!”

“No, Arte’s face was turning bright red, right? So I thought this was an opportunity.”


‘What kind of nonsense is she spouting?’

He decided to listen to her excuse quietly.

If it doesn’t sound plausible, he won’t forgive her.

He’ll torment her somehow, no matter what.

He was prepared to put mint chocolate in the coffee Amelia drinks secretly.

“It seemed like she was having some strange misunderstanding. I was just poking fun, but she was so flustered.”

“Then you should have cleared up the misunderstanding.”

“Ha, that’s why you’re still a virgin.”

Amelia snorted as if his answer was absurd.

She was resting her body on a floating tube and fiddling with the sunglasses on her head, which was irritating.

No, then what should he have done there?

“You’re right that the misunderstanding should be cleared up, as you said.”

“Then I’m right!”

“And I was right in not helping you there.”


“Think about it. It would have been a simple misunderstanding if I helped you clear up the misunderstanding. But if I hadn’t helped you…”

Amelia grinned and tilted her head.

Behind her, he could see Arte, still red-faced, repeatedly dunking her face in the seawater.

“She would have just been enjoying the sea normally. Not getting embarrassed like that.”

“But what’s the point?”

“Have you ever seen Arte get that flustered?”


“You haven’t, right? Sometimes, shock therapy is necessary. Now Arte might become more conscious of you, which is more advantageous.”

He was wrong.

Only after hearing her words did Siwoo realize he had misjudged her.

How many times had he been fooled by Amelia’s eloquence?

Being captivated by her words, thinking they were correct, and having the actions he took based on that come back to bite him was not just once or twice…!

It was already too late.

He had already found himself thinking Amelia’s words sounded plausible.

Well, in reality, Arte had never shown such a flustered reaction before.

That look on the Ferris wheel was more like being attacked by trauma rather than flustered, so it was a bit different.

It was the first time he saw Arte’s face red with embarrassment and fluster.

“How is it? A different side of Arte.”



Ah, wait. He misspoke.

As if hearing an unexpected response, Amelia slightly frowned.

Then, after thinking for a moment, she soon started giggling.

“Ah, what? Is that what it was?”


“No, it’s nothing. Yeah, well. I guess that can happen too. This is even better. I can scheme without worries now.”

Amelia laughed as if she had discovered something fun.

If others had seen it, they might have fallen for her, saying she was pretty.

But he had no such thoughts at all.

No matter how pretty she was, he never had such thoughts about Amelia.

Even if this woman tried to seduce him when they were alone, there was no way he would fall for it.

‘It’s Amelia we’re talking about.’

“What are you scheming again…”

“That’s, well… Go with the flow? Don’t worry. It won’t be anything that harms you.”

At that moment, Siwoo prayed despite not being religious.

‘God. Please don’t let Amelia think anything stupid.’


[Hmm, is nothing fun like earlier happening?]

“Author-nim, I was wrong, so please forgive me…”

Even after a long time, my face felt hot, so I was cooling it with seawater when I heard the Author’s voice again.

I begged for forgiveness, fearing she might stir up trouble in search of something fun again.

I just wanted to rest a little now.

I couldn’t stand the embarrassment of making such a ridiculous misunderstanding…

[…Hmm, but you know, isn’t the sea a bit awkward with just four people?]

“What? Awkward?”

[No, I mean, it’s good that we came to the sea, but there doesn’t seem to be much useful content…]

The Author started complaining to me.

[Playing beach volleyball with four people is a bit boring, and the blonde delinquent can’t seduce the heroine because it’s a private beach…]

“Do you want to stir up incidents that much, even during a vacation…?”

[Because that’s what makes it fun!]

A sigh escaped my lips.

It seemed the Author had been pondering possible incidents that could happen at the beach. Still, after finding no notable incidents, she wanted to stir something up.

“Author-nim, even so, it’s a holiday. Everyone is enjoying themselves.”

I looked at the others while floating in the sea.

Amelia was floating on a tube, and Dorothy was taking a short break on a sun bed on the sandy beach.

Siwoo was talking with Amelia about something.

“Even if an incident occurs, they must take a break, Author. The main character and heroines won’t be in good condition without it.”

[Hmm… Is that so…?]

“Of course.”

…By the way, this is a bit uncomfortable.

It’s nice that my breasts float, making it easy to drift absentmindedly in the sea, but my face feels a bit hot.

[Then I won’t say much, so put on some sunscreen at least!]

“What? No, why would I bother with something like that? It’ll all wash off in the water anyway.”

[I saw you frowning because your face was hot! The sunscreen doesn’t wash off in water, so hurry up and put it on! It’s the body I created!]


No, why bother with something so troublesome?

I’m sure I’ll still look pretty, even if I get a bit tanned.

But it seemed the Author didn’t think that way.

She started nagging, saying she didn’t want to see the skin of the body she created getting damaged.

…After a short while, the one who surrendered in the end was me.

“Sigh… You really won’t stir up any incidents, right?”

[Yes! Yes! So hurry up and put on sunscreen!]


It’s not even her body, yet she’s making a fuss.

Is it some kind of vicarious satisfaction? I really don’t get it.

“Dorothy, do you have any extra sunscreen?”

“What?… Don’t tell me you didn’t bring any?”

“Ah, yes. The sun is stinging a bit.”

“That’s no good!”

Dorothy, who was startled, hurriedly started rummaging through her bag.

…Was I too careless?

Tsk, come to think of it, it might be a bit of a waste.

Flawless skin is indeed precious.

Seeing everyone panicking and telling me to take care of it, I started to think that even if I didn’t manage it, I shouldn’t ruin it.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you. I’ll return what’s left…”

“No, it’s okay if you use it all. I plan to stop by the villa for a bit because I think I’ll run out of drinks. Do you need anything?”

“…Then a cola.”

“Got it.”

After handing me the sunscreen, Dorothy left, saying she was going to the villa.

The villa was quite a distance away, so it would take some time.

It would be close if she moved her body, but there would be some volume to carry.

“What, where is Dorothy going?”

“She said she was going to get some drinks.”

“Really? It would be much faster if we went. She should have told us.”

Amelia, floating on a tube in the sea, seemed to have noticed Dorothy leaving the sun bed.

She approached me to ask what was happening but soon saw the item in my hand and expressed curiosity.

“… Isn’t that sunscreen?”

“Ah, the sun is a bit strong today, so I thought I’d put–”

“You didn’t put it on since the beginning?! Why?!”

Did I do something that wrong…?

With the three women around me panicking, I felt like I had made a huge mistake.

I didn’t bother putting it on when I was a man because it was troublesome and sticky.

“…Aha. I see. So you’re going to put it on now?”

“…? Yes. That’s what I’m planning to do.”

Amelia suddenly smiled as if she had realized something and started writing something on a piece of paper on the table next to the sun bed.

“Hey, that’s…?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. I’m worried about Dorothy, so I’ll go to the villa for a bit too. I think I need to grab some food as well. It’ll take some time. About an hour?”

“Sure, well. Have a safe trip…?”

What’s with that specific time?

As Amelia left, she said one last thing to me.

“Don’t forget that you need to apply sunscreen diligently! Since it’s a bikini, you need to pay extra attention to your back.”

“Got it.”

“Tell Siwoo to read that memo when he comes!”

I thought she could just tell him directly, but I nodded without further inquiry.

Well, I’m sure she has her reasons.

Author’s Notes

We got some fanart that children shouldn’t see.

You can check it out in the announcements.

Thank you all as always.

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