I Sought the Villain But Ended Up with a Husband
Chapter 11 Table of contents


She was sure that everything was fine before she slept.

His injuries were improving, and she had thought he would soon leave the monster forest behind, but suddenly he was like this.

Leciel was greatly taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

But she couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. She had to do something.

“First, let’s cool down the fever!”

That seemed to be the most pressing issue right now.

A high fever was nothing to take lightly. While not common, if the fever rose too high, the body could not handle it, leading to problems in the organs or the brain.

With that thought, Leciel hurriedly found a cloth. Using the cloth soaked in water, she decided to cool down Kael’s fever as quickly as possible.

It would have been good if there were fever reducers here, but unfortunately, there were only ointments in the first aid kit and no fever reducers.

Since the forest was dense with vegetation, there might be something effective for fever among them, but there was no time to search for it.

Leciel only knew about edible plants and non-edible plants; she had no knowledge of herbs.

‘If I had known this would happen, I would have studied it too.’

She regretted not studying it, thinking it might not be necessary.

But regretting it now was pointless.

For now, she wiped off the cold sweat on Kael’s face with the damp cloth and then placed it on his forehead.

She could only hope it would be effective.

Mimi, who was watching Leciel intently, approached her cautiously, as if sensing something was amiss.

Then she gently pressed her face against Leciel’s, as if comforting her.

“Thank you, Mimi.”

Leciel stroked Mimi’s head with a tired expression.

Mimi, who had been enjoying the touch, slowly stood up.

Her gaze was fixed on Kael.

Although Mimi wasn’t fond of the man, she knew Leciel was concerned about him.

The fact that she was feeling gloomy right now was also because of him.

Mimi made a small sound of discontent, as if expressing her dislike for him.


Seeing Mimi suddenly rose, Leciel looked puzzled. But Mimi just left the house without any reaction.

Although she was puzzled by her sudden departure, it was only for a moment.

Kael’s condition was more important right now.

“Where exactly does it hurt?”

Knowing that much would at least give her some idea of what to do.

Leciel anxiously examined Kael’s wounds, wondering if they had worsened.

But there didn’t seem to be any significant change.

If it wasn’t an injury, then it must be something else…

Maybe… because of her.

Because he had helped her yesterday and got wet. And because of her, he had fallen and moved his body somewhat aggressively.

Otherwise, Kael, who should have been perfectly fine, wouldn’t have got sick so suddenly.

‘If only I hadn’t been so careless…’

Tears welled up in Leciel’s eyes from the guilt and remorse.

“Is it really my fault…?”

The anxiety filling her heart darkened Leciel’s expression.

If that was the case, if it turned out to be like that…

Leciel couldn’t bear to continue that thought and tightly shut her eyes.

He was the only one she had met in these two years, and she had rescued him and treated his wounds with her own hands.

If it turned out to be her fault, he would feel an immense sense of guilt, like being swallowed up by an inescapable swamp.

It was so deep and vast that she didn’t even know if she could escape it.

“No, let’s think positively. It might just be a simple fever.”

At least it wasn’t because of an injury.

According to Kael, the most dangerous demon poison had been completely detoxified, so there was no need to worry about that part.

The only suspicious thing was that he had drenched in water yesterday, but it was more likely to be a simple fever than to assume the worst.

But the problem was the high fever…

The cloth, which had been cool just before putting it on his forehead, had become warm.

Since then, Leciel had had to soak and wring out the cloth several times in fresh water and place it back on Kael’s forehead.

However, Kael’s fever showed no signs of subsiding.

Even though the cloth only became slightly warm, Leciel continued to re-soak it in fresh water and wringing it, and now her hands were numb.

In fact, Leciel’s delicate hands were already quite red.

Meanwhile, Mimi, who had left the house, returned. In her hands was a piece of grass.


When Leciel called her, Mimi held out the grass she had brought and looked at Kael.

“Did you pick this for Kael?”

For a moment, Mimi tilted her head and nodded.

“But what is this?”

Although Leciel knew that Mimi had picked it for Kael, she couldn’t use it without knowing what it was.

Although Mimi seemed about to say something, all that came out of her mouth was a whining sound.

Seeing that this wouldn’t work, Mimi took matters into her own hands.

Using her sharp claws and sturdy front paws, she finely chopped the grass she had picked for Kael and forcefully shoved it into his mouth.


Leciel was about to stop Mimi’s actions in surprise, but most of the grass Mimi had brought was already in Kael’s mouth.

Having achieved her goal, Mimi returned to her place and plopped down with a thud.

Seeing her like that, Leciel wondered whether she should make Kael spit out the grass in his mouth or trust Mimi and let it go.

Perhaps sensing Leciel’s dilemma, Mimi wagged her tail, sending him a reassuring look as if to say not to worry.

With that, Leciel decided to trust Mimi for now.

Despite having doubts about what Mimi brought and fed Kael, she trusted Mimi.

If the observant Mimi knew she was worried about Kael, she might also know that she didn’t want Kael to be harmed.

So, she wouldn’t have fed Kael anything harmful.

‘Is it really effective?’

She did her best in her own way, but if the results weren’t good, it was all for naught.

‘Let’s just watch a little longer for now.’

As time passed, his fever might naturally go down or his condition might improve.

With that thought, Leciel sat down beside Kael, with legs folded and hands clasped together.

Leciel’s gaze remained fixed on Kael and didn’t falter.

How much time passed like that?

With a glimmer of hope, Leciel approached Kael and placed her hand on his forehead.

It was still hot.


Lesier called out to him in a desperate voice.

If only he would open his eyes now and say something as if nothing was wrong. So that Kael’s pain would just seem like a fleeting dream.

But once again, there was no response from Kael.

If only he would open his eyes and say something. It would be better.

Seeing him lying there motionless as if dead, she couldn’t help but have bad thoughts.

‘Just yesterday, we were happy together….’

The moments spent with him were so enjoyable and fun that she didn’t realize the time was passing.

She had smiled and felt happy for the first time.

But why did it suddenly turn out like this?

If only she could turn back time.

If she could go back to yesterday, she wouldn’t bother with laundry.

What was wrong with wearing the same clothes for a few more days? What was wrong with a little smell?

It was better than Kael being sick.

Even if Kael complained about the smell from her clothes and avoided her, it was much better.


Feeling a sense of loss and guilt for the first time since living here, Leciel let out a small sob.

It was the first time in two years for her to feel warmth, but now the warmth didn’t come from his cold hand, instead from the heat of his forehead.

The sensation of his big hand stroking her head, the gaze that softened even when pretending not to look at her, the voice and tone that were annoying but made her feel alive, were all so vivid and sad.

“I can’t let him die like this. He must wake up.”

I didn’t want to get rid of his body….

Though she didn’t want to be alone, she still hoped that he would safely return home….

With a desperate heart, Leciel reached out and grabbed Kael’s hand lying on the floor. Then she clasped his hand with both of hers as if praying.

In that moment.

Light flowed from Leciel’s hand and enveloped Kael’s body.

Having closed her eyes due to dizziness, Leciel, who realized late and was startled, stepped back.

“W-what’s this? Why is light coming from my hand?”

With a look as if she had seen something she shouldn’t have, Leciel approached Kael again and gently held his hand.

But this time, there was no light flowing out.

“Did I see something wrong because of my sadness….?”

Otherwise, there was no way light could come out from her hand….

Having passed it over, Leciel decided to continue her interrupted prayer.

Hoping that even if she looked pitiful, Kael would wake up.

Then, once again, light flowed from her hand.


Light again? What was this?

Leciel’s face was full of confusion.

But she quickly regained her senses.

Although she was surprised and confused by the fact that light was flowing from her hand, it didn’t seem harmful or bad.

It seemed that just holding hands and praying with the intention of wishing Kael’s recovery made the light flow.

‘That means….’

Curious, Leciel gently placed her hand on Kael’s forehead.

Then his fever, which had become worser, gone down to normal.

In addition, his wounds also completely healed as if he had never been injured.

“Thank goodness….”

Still, there might be something unexpected, so she couldn’t relax until Kael opened his eyes.

Even if the symptoms visible to the eye were just fever and sweating, there might be other problems that she hadn’t noticed.

How much time passed like that? Yet Kael still hadn’t opened his eyes.

Leciel, who had hoped that the light flowing from her hand would lower Kael’s fever and heal his wounds, was greatly disappointed.

Following that was anxiety and guilt.

Leciel buried her face in her hands, holding her knees.

‘Did I feel resentful because of overflowing happiness?’

Or was it because she indulged in excessive greed?

Maybe it was that he realized my hidden greed.

So, even though his fever went down, and his wounds healed, he didn’t wake up.

Because her wish for him to stay with her a little longer was contained in the prayer.

Thinking that, Leciel felt even more sorry for Kael.

She should just be satisfied with the fact that they could spend a few days together.

No matter how happy she was to meet someone other than herself here, she shouldn’t show it, she shouldn’t get her hopes up.

If she had known it would lead to this result, she wouldn’t have done it.

It was then.

“Why are you like this?”

Kael’s voice echoed in Leciel’s ears.

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