I Sought the Villain But Ended Up with a Husband
Chapter 13 Table of contents


Leciel asked with an expression of pure doubt.

His asking such a question implied an intention to take me with him if he wished.

But why?

Leciel knew that Kael felt sorry for her.

However, just because a child looked pitiful didn’t mean everyone would extend a helping hand.

Especially taking herself away from here wasn’t an easy task. It could be as dangerous as risking his own life all over again.

Even though she saved his life, there was no reason for him to help her at the risk of his own life again.

She didn’t originally hope for that or save him for that reason.

He knew that too.

“Because seeing you cry bothers me?”

Kael said casually.

“I cried because I was worried that the old man might never open his eyes again, not because I wanted you to take me with you, you know?”

“Well, then I’ll just do what I want.”

“You don’t seem like someone who’s sensitive to tears.”

“If anyone sees such a small child crying in front of them, it will bother them.”

“You don’t seem to fit into that category.”

Although Kael was relatively affectionate towards her, Leciel knew that he wasn’t that affectionate in general.

He said that his usual personality was evident even in trivial actions.

In that sense, when she occasionally saw him, he was more accustomed to giving orders rather than caring for someone.

He was also inherently cold and indifferent.

So, he showed a reaction of not being able to understand even when knowing the fact that she cried because of him.

“True. For a kid, your judgment is accurate.”

Kael simply accepted Leciel’s words.

If the child in front of him wasn’t Leciel, Kael would have just gone his own way regardless of whether the child cried or not.

Even if the child seemed pitiful, there was no obligation for him to take responsibility for the child’s life or help him.

But because it was Leciel, because he already had affection for her even if it was just a little, he didn’t want to turn away.

Just as he became the only one for the child, the child also became the only one for him.

“That’s right. And there’s nothing as unsettling as an unexplained favor. It’s also a reminder that there’s no such thing as a free favor in this world.”

“Didn’t you sometimes believe in me?”

“That and this are different.”

Regardless of my faith in people, the situation didn’t quite make sense.

And surely, that belief didn’t mean trusting every aspect of that person.

Leciel simply believed that the man in front of him wasn’t a bad person.

“You’re quite skeptical for a kid.”

He hadn’t thought she would be pleased with what he said, but receiving such a suspicious look was unexpected.

However, he didn’t feel bad about it.

Rather, he preferred this to the child just agreeing with his words.

Being a child didn’t make life easier or safer. So, she had to constantly doubt and verify.

That was the minimum safety precaution for surviving in this harsh world.

“Your impression of me isn’t great, is it?”

Leciel said with a pout at Kael’s muttering.

“I haven’t heard that before. I’ve heard I’m handsome though.”

“Being handsome and having a good impression are separate. So, if we’re going to be precise, you might be handsome, but your impression is dirty.”

“So, it’s not just bad now, it’s downright dirty?”

He knew that his impression wasn’t great, but having a kid bluntly point it out was something.

Kael chuckled as if finding it amusing.

“Anyway, that’s not the important part.”

“Right. I still haven’t heard an answer to the question I asked.”

“Neither have I.”

“I’ve said it before. I like you.”

So, there was no reason not to extend this favor for the child he liked.

Although the child still seemed puzzled by his words.

“Well, understood.”

She didn’t entirely believe it, but seeing Kael’s attitude, it seemed like that was the reason, so Leciel decided to just accept it as such.

“So, the answer is?”

“I’ll decline.”


He thought she’d at least consider it and then answer, but was it an outright refusal?

Kael looked at Leciel with an expression that seemed to say he couldn’t understand.


“Just because I leave here doesn’t mean it’s the end.”

Even if she felt lonely and missed others, she wasn’t willing to stake her life and future in uncertain circumstances.

She didn’t know what was outside or if she could survive after leaving, let alone what she might experience.

Maybe she’d end up losing her hard-won life in vain. After all, wasn’t it said that humans were the scariest?

Especially for a weak child like her, who had no one to look after her and nothing to her name, she could easily become a target for bad people.

“If that’s the problem, you don’t need to worry.”

“Why? Are you going to take me with you and raise me?”

Leciel said with a strangely confident expression, as if there was no way Kael would do that.

“That was just something I thought of.”

After leaving this place, it was easy to guess what Leciel would experience if she was to be left alone.

So, Kael didn’t just plan to take Leciel away from here but also to place her under his protection.

If he hadn’t thought about it, he wouldn’t have mentioned it in the first place.

Therefore, there was a lot of deliberation before making this decision.

But since the decision had already been made, there was no turning back and no worries.

Of course, there might be opposition from the family for bringing the child suddenly, and he couldn’t predict what consequences this choice would bring, but it didn’t matter.

Now, he just wanted to keep the child by his side, regardless of those things.

The child meant that much to him.

“So… you really going to take me in and raise me?”

Not just taking herself away from here?


“And is the reason for taking me the same as the reason you want me to go with you?”

“There might be additional reasons.”

“What are they?”

“Your abilities could be very useful to me.”

“My abilities?”

“Yeah. I haven’t confirmed it yet, but it’s probably your ability that heals my wounds. Since you can neutralize monster poison, it won’t be surprising if you also can heal wounds.”

It didn’t make sense for wounds to heal so quickly within such a short time frame.

Normally, it would take at least ten days, but the wound had completely healed in just five days.

As each day passed, Kael’s wounds were rapidly healing to the point where they were barely noticeable.

Even if Kael’s recovery speed was fast, it wasn’t to this extent.

So, the reason had to be Leciel.

“Oh, that wound. I checked and it’s completely healed. Suddenly, a light flashed from my hand and healed it.”

Because it was something she had actually seen with her own eyes, Leciel admitted it honestly.

“My family is responsible for subjugating monsters in the empire. Therefore, injuries from encounters with monsters often occur.”

In that sense, Leciel’s ability would be very helpful to the family.

Even after taking an antidote, it usually took three or four days before recovery, but Leciel’s detoxification ability completely purified the poison in just one day.

Not only that, but the time it took to recover from wounds was also halved.

In the situation where treating the injured was as important as having strength to subdue monsters, such an useful ability was invaluable.

“So, if you’re okay with it, I hope you can also perform some duties as a vassal.”

“Well, that’s fine.”

In fact, it was more comfortable for Leciel to take on some responsibilities.

Even if she was his savior, it was uncomfortable to keep receiving help from him day after day.

Even if he wanted to repay her for saving his life, simply being taken away from here was enough.

“So shall we discuss it in more detail?”

After leaving this place, even if Kael took care of her, they needed to thoroughly discuss until when, and what the extent of ‘protection’ he mentioned was.

In addition, he had also asked her to take on the role of a vassal, so they needed to discuss that too.


Since it was related to the child’s future, they couldn’t just gloss over it.

Even Kael smiled slightly at Leciel’s meticulous and firm demeanor.

“For now, I intend to place you under my protection as a guardian. Naturally, we will end up living together in the family. The deadline will be until you become an adult, but what to do after that will be entirely up to you. Of course, even after you become an adult, you can always receive the support you need from me.”

“That sounds incredibly generous.”

Just taking care of her until she became an adult was already generous, but to continue doing that afterward was even more so.

It would be foolish to refuse such an offer.

“I suppose my intention to keep you attached to the family could be interpreted as a somewhat selfish act. I hope you will continue to stay in the family even after becoming an adult and continue to serve as a vassal.”

“That’s something that needs to be discussed in terms of labor conditions.”

“I won’t set separate working hours for you yet since you’re still young. At your age, playing is more important than working, isn’t it? You’ll only need to work when there’s a significant subjugation event with more injuries than usual. Typically, such subjugation events only happen once a month, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“That sounds like it will change when I become an adult.”

“Things will change when you become an adult. You’ll have to accompany me every time there’s a monster subjugation or take care of all the knights who have been injured during the subjugation. Even so, I’ll try to respect your holidays as much as possible. And the compensation will be ten times the salary received by the existing members. Of course, the salary will be paid not after you become an adult but after you arrive with me to the family.”

“I’ll be a faithful dog from now on!”

As soon as Kael finished speaking, Leciel, who had already made up her mind in her heart, spoke with a determined expression.

For real, ten times the existing salary.

Even if she didn’t know how much the existing salary was, that amount was extremely generous, bordering on just giving it away.

So, if that was the case, she could at least offer a hand even if she was told to bark.

“… I don’t need a dog.”

Kael said with a troubled face as Leciel’s overly bright eyes and expression were burdensome.

“Then shall we write up the contract right away? It’s better to be sure about everything.”

If he changed his mind later, it would be a big problem.

Kael didn’t think he was that kind of person, but regardless, they needed to be sure about what they were doing.

“Let’s do that.”

To bring up a contract discussion first when talking about a child who was only 10 years old.

Kael seemed satisfied with the thoroughness.

Soon, Leciel brought out a piece of paper and pen.

“Now that I think about it, I forget something important.”

Kael, who was casually writing down the contract details on the paper, looked like he just remembered something he had forgotten.

“Yes? What is it?”

“Let me formally introduce myself to you. I am Karciel, head of the Heithrian Grand Duchy.”

In the past, he didn’t bother to reveal his identity because he thought that it would be a passing relationship, but not anymore.

Because he would continue to be with the child from now on.

Meanwhile, Leciel’s eyes shook greatly at Kael’s sudden revelation of his true identity.

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