I Sought the Villain But Ended Up with a Husband
Chapter 32 Table of contents

Leciel spoke with a somewhat serious expression.

While she could easily ignore the maids’ comments about her being kicked out, she couldn’t dismiss the notion that her calling Grand Duke Kael <uncle> was disrespectful.

On reflection, she realized that from others’ perspectives, it might indeed appear inappropriate.

“Really? I don’t mind.”

Initially, he had been taken aback because no one had ever called him <uncle> before, but now he had gotten used to it and found the term familiar and endearing.

Besides, Leciel was probably the only one who called him that, making it feel special.

“But there’s a public image to consider, isn’t there?”


Kael made a peculiar expression at Leciel’s words.

It seemed there was a reason she suddenly brought up the topic of how she addressed him.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have mentioned it after calling him <uncle> all this time.

‘Could it be the maids saying unnecessary things?’

The butler was astute and wouldn’t presumptuously meddle in matters he hadn’t spoken about.

That left the maids as the likely source.

His only son, Carren, didn’t seem to mind Leciel calling him <uncle> either.


Even though he rarely came to this villa, it was still part of the grand duchy.

He was displeased that the maids of the grand duchy dared to speak on matters even he didn’t comment on.

While Leciel didn’t seem too hurt by their behavior, the fact that she had heard such comments bothered him greatly.

‘Now that I think about it, two maids were forcibly dragged out by knights, weren’t they?’

It was his son, Carren, who had given that order.

So, the ones who had caused unnecessary words to reach Leciel’s ears were likely those maids.

‘It might be good to set an example this time.’

Even though he planned to return to the capital soon, he would stay here for a few more days. During that time, he could ensure that the maids wouldn’t dare to speak carelessly about Leciel again.

Leciel was a child he had personally brought in. She was unique and special to him.

He couldn’t tolerate anyone thinking lightly of her or treating her disrespectfully.

Especially since she might become his daughter-in-law in the future.

Additionally, Kael thought he should properly discipline the staff when they returned to the capital.

He didn’t want a similar incident to occur at the mansion there.

“So, I’m in a dilemma. Since I can’t keep calling you <uncle>, should I start calling you <Your Excellency> as well?”

With no suitable alternative to <uncle> coming to mind, Leciel asked.

“I don’t want you to call me that either.”

Leciel wasn’t someone beneath him.

Even though he was her guardian and had hired her as a vassal, he didn’t want to treat her as a subordinate.

“But I can’t keep calling you <uncle>. People are always shocked when I do….”

Even without the maids’ comments, Leciel had been subtly conscious of others’ reactions.

“Then call me <father>.”

Kael spoke with a nonchalant tone but genuine intent.

From the start, he had considered her as a potential daughter-in-law.

Even though the future of Leciel and Carren’s relationship was uncertain, it wasn’t unlikely. Therefore, there was no problem with her calling him that now.

Even if things didn’t go as planned, he intended to adopt her as his daughter, so it wouldn’t be strange for her to use the term <father>.


That was a title she hadn’t even considered.

“Yes. As your guardian, it’s like we have a godparent relationship. So, it’s appropriate to call me <father>.”

“But <father> is a bit….”


There was no title he liked more.

Kael, with an indifferent face, looked at Leciel eagerly, as if wanting to be called that more than anything.

“People might misunderstand if they hear it.”

“That’s not my concern.”

In fact, he hoped they would misunderstand.

That way, when Leciel became an adult, no one would dare approach his beloved daughter-in-law.

Moreover, due to that misunderstanding, when she appeared in social circles or among nobles in the future, no one would dare to treat her lightly.

“But I do care.”


“Well, you never know what might happen. Being misunderstood for something that isn’t true could lead to troublesome situations.”

Especially with the uncertain future of the original story.

Not to mention how her situation might change or what incidents she might encounter within that flow.

“I’ll make sure such things don’t happen.”

Whatever bothersome things she was worried about, he planned to handle them on his end.

“Why are you so insistent on being called <father>?”

By now, it wasn’t a suggestion but an insistence. Leciel couldn’t understand Kael’s strong desire.

“I like that title.”


“It feels like family, and it makes us seem very close.”

“… aren’t we practically strangers despite seeming close like a family?”

In truth, even the <seeming close like a family> part was ambiguous.

“You got it backwards. We’re like family despite being strangers.”

“In the end, we’re still strangers.”

“That’s sad. I thought of you as my family, but you see me as just a stranger.”

Kael pretended to be hurt.

“No, it’s not that… anyway, the title <Father> is a bit, no, very burdensome for me.”

Seeing Kael’s expression, which seemed both teasing and genuinely hurt, Leciel became flustered.

“Well, I really like that title. So much so that I wouldn’t want to be called anything else.”

“… it’s just a title, after all.”

Leciel couldn’t understand why Kael was so obsessed with being called <Father>.

Of course, Leciel herself was quite particular about titles when in front of her rival, Carren, but she chose to ignore that fact.

“Then it shouldn’t matter even more.”

“… then how about Kael instead?”

Recalling his words from last time, when he told her to call him by his name rather than <uncle>, Leciel suggested.

“So, Carren is <big brother> and I am <Kael>? That sounds even stranger.”

“… that’s true.”

So, what should she call him then?

Calling him <Father> as he wished was a bit awkward and uncomfortable.

Unless she actually became his real daughter or their relationship became much closer, it felt too burdensome in the current situation.

In the end, there was no other choice.

“I’ll just keep calling you <Uncle>.”

Well, it might make her look like a rude child to others, but what could she do? There was no suitable title to call Kael other than <uncle>.

It seemed Kael didn’t want to be called anything else but <Father>.

So, the only remaining option was the original title, <Uncle>.

“Stubborn, aren’t you?”

It would be easier if she just called him <Father>.

Kael murmured regretfully.

“I think you’re just as stubborn, Uncle.”

“I’ve always been stubborn.”

“So am I.”

“That’s right, because you take after me.”

Kael said with an expression that seemed to say, “Isn’t it obvious?”

“No, at this rate, I’m worried there might be rumors that I’m actually your hidden daughter.”

Since he kept saying she took after him at every opportunity. It made it even harder to call him <Father>.

The moment she called him <Father>, it felt like she would undeniably become Kael’s daughter.

It was still too soon to hastily define her relationship with Kael that way.

“That won’t happen.”

Eventually, he would introduce her as his daughter-in-law, or make it a fact that she was his hidden daughter, rather than a rumor.

“Well, that’s a relief.”

Leciel, not understanding the hidden meaning behind Kael’s words, nodded with a sullen face.

“Anyway, if you insist on calling me <Uncle>, so be it. At least within the grand duchy, no one will say anything about it.”

“Yes, then I’ll be off now.”

Having said everything she needed to, Leciel stood up.

“Are you leaving right after saying what you wanted to say?”

Kael, who wanted to spend more time with her, spoke with regret.

“You have to work, Uncle.”

“Seriously, whether it’s my child or a child-like person, everyone seems eager to make me work.”

“It’s your duty and responsibility, Uncle.”

“Smart kid.”

Which made her even more lovable and endearing.

“Goodbye then.”

With a farewell, Leciel quickly left the office.

Seeing her small figure scurrying away like a little squirrel, Kael smiled slightly.

But only for a moment. Kael immediately called for Carren to ask about the maids who had been taken away.

Kael then listened to Carren’s account of what had happened today.

“Tsk, I need to make things clear again.”

About Leciel’s position and how she should be treated from now on.

“What should be done with the maid?”

“We can’t keep such a foolish person here.”

Since she had dared to speak carelessly, she had to take responsibility for it.

Of course, once it was known that she had been kicked out of the grand duchy, that maid wouldn’t be able to work in other noble households either, but that wasn’t Kael’s concern.

She should have been more careful with her actions.


“Anything else to report?”

“Is there supposed to be?”

Carren knew that once called, his father would not easily let him go, but it was always annoying.

“You seem to have gotten quite close with the little one.”

Kael said, his eyes gleaming.

“… not particularly.”

Carren denied it, feeling burdened by Kael’s expectant gaze.

And… he didn’t think they were actually close.

At least, that was what Carren thought. He was just a bit fond of the child and interested in her, but nothing more.

That wasn’t enough to say they were close.

“If you say so. I look forward to it.”

Kael spoke indifferently, not expecting Carren to readily admit they were close.

Even if Carren didn’t want to admit it, Kael could see it differently.

Considering Carren’s personality, it was already remarkable.

“Don’t look forward to it. Besides… are you free? To be paying attention to and interested in such things.”

“Isn’t it natural for a father to be interested in his child’s affairs?”

“Mind your own business.”

Carren cut him off coldly, not wanting any more of his father’s excessive attention.

With that, he left the office without any lingering feelings.

There was no point in staying any longer as he would only receive unnecessary questions. The content of those questions was too obvious.

Kael just chuckled softly, finding Carren’s behavior cute.


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