I Sought the Villain But Ended Up with a Husband
Chapter 36 Table of contents

Of course, even Leciel didn’t know why the monsters didn’t attack her either.

She could only guess there might be something special about her.

Otherwise, it just didn’t make sense, right?

Or maybe this was a possession buff. Possessors were special in their own right after all.

In any case, for Leciel, it was not a bad buff.

At least she wouldn’t die at the hands of monsters in the future.

Though she wasn’t sure how often she would encounter them.

“It’s strange. Monsters don’t seem to pick and choose who they attack.”

But they didn’t attack Leciel.

It was very strange yet fascinating.

‘… is that why?’

From the moment his father brought her here, she might not have been an ordinary child. Maybe his father knew that when he brought Leciel here.

But just the fact that monsters didn’t attack Leciel wasn’t enough. Somehow, he felt there might be something more to it.

“I feel the same. It’s frustrating not knowing the reason.”

“If I figure out the reason later, I’ll let you know.”

“You’ll find out the reason for me?”

Leciel asked with wide, gleaming eyes.

“Yes. I’m curious too.”

Carren was the type to figure everything out if he was curious.

“Oh, I look forward to it.”

Though Carren probably wouldn’t figure it out, Leciel was happy that someone was trying to do so for her.

It felt like she finally had someone on her side.

‘Someone on my side.’

How warm and gentle these words were, like a breeze blowing through a garden on a spring day.

“In any case, you were surprised, huh? You’ve worked hard.”

“I’m not alone in that.”

At least she hadn’t gotten hurt, but Carren had.

“I’ll escort you back.”

“I won’t refuse!”

Though she had memorized the layout of the mansion and didn’t need a guide, she didn’t want to refuse Carren’s offer of goodwill.

After being escorted back to her room by Carren, Leciel threw herself onto the bed.

She thought she was just startled, but apparently, she had exerted more energy than she thought, and was exhausted.

‘I didn’t do anything, yet I feel sore.’

Then again, she did tense up when she stepped in front of Carren.

‘But I need to sleep!’

It was concerning to think she wouldn’t be able to sleep well later if she slept now.

But she was too tired to think about that.

However, she couldn’t enjoy a nap with Mimi still waiting.

When Leciel returned, Mimi greeted her joyfully, almost acting like she had been waiting impatiently.

But Mimi seemed to sense something wrong, her nose constantly wiggling as she paced nervously.

Showing her displeasure, Mimi’s ears continually twitched.

“Hey, Mimi, let me sleep.”

Leciel gently petted Mimi’s head, hoping to soothe her.

But Mimi rubbed herself against Leciel’s body as if dissatisfied with the scent coming from her.

As if trying to overlay Leciel’s scent with her own.

After a while, Leciel couldn’t take it anymore and finally drifted off to sleep.

Mimi continued to stare at Leciel with a peculiar expression on her face.

Mimi loved Leciel.

She loved her warm touch that petted her.

She loved the loving glances Leciel threw her way.

Even the odd sensations that tormented her every day faded away when she was with Leciel.

Therefore, she followed Leciel and stayed by her side.

Especially because she radiated an odd warmth.

It felt like the past pain had been cleansed away.

That night.

Leciel slept without eating dinner, right through the evening before she finally woke up.

“Ah, I woke up.”

She had meant to sleep until morning.

But since she had slept so soundly, she felt more awake than ever.

‘Maybe I’m hungry.’

After sleeping without eating dinner, it only made sense.

‘It’s a bit late to eat though.’

Eating itself wasn’t a problem. She used to have late-night snacks in Korea.

The problem was that she couldn’t cook something alone.

But she didn’t want to wake the chef up just for one meal.

‘What can I do?’

Her stomach rumbled, but she tried to be patient.

‘Guess I’ll check if the chef is asleep.’

She rolled around on the bed trying to sleep again, but she wasn’t able to.

Should she just sit around until morning? It was boring, though.

She was wondering what Mimi was doing, so she glanced to the side and saw that she was already sleeping soundly.

‘I can’t wake up a sleeping child.’

In the end, Leciel gave up playing with Mimi and just stared at the ceiling with her eyes wide open.

But even that was limited to 30 minutes.

“I guess he’s sleeping too.”

Carren, who was in the prime of his growth, was obviously sleeping, so the only one left was Kael.

‘There’s nothing I can do if I can’t sleep.’

With that thought, Leciel slowly got up from the bed.

Then she carefully slipped out of the room.

Her destination was the office where Kael was.

But the lack of light coming from under the door left Leciel disappointed.

‘Looks like he’s asleep.’

Leciel muttered to herself.

She doubted he would be working late in a dark room.

Ultimately, Leciel walked back to her room with a sense of disappointment.

It was then.

She felt a strange sensation.

‘What is this?’

A tingle, not a clear sign of danger but a feeling she couldn’t ignore.

It was as though there was some place she needed to go, even though she didn’t have antennae.

‘In most movies, this is when you’d end up dead.’

But this wasn’t a movie, so it might not be a problem.

However, if this feeling was a kind of possession buff guiding her, it might be worth investigating.

Following her gut feeling, Leciel moved forward.

What caught her eye was a black figure.

In the dim light, Kael wandered through the corridor like a madman.

“Hey? Uncle?”

Maybe he couldn’t sleep either and was out for a stroll, but that didn’t seem right.

Kael staggered like a drunken man.

And those glowing eyes in the dark had a strange, eerie intensity, almost more akin to the eyes of a ghost.

‘This doesn’t feel right.’

Still debating on going back to her room, Leciel approached Kael.

When their eyes met, she froze in place like a butterfly caught in a spider’s web.

Kael’s gaze was unlike any she had ever seen. It was cold and distant, devoid of emotion, yet emanating a disturbing sense of madness.

‘Something’s off.’

It was beyond strange; she felt chills down her spine.

“Uh… uncle?”

Leciel called out, trying to confirm what she was sensing.

But no response came.

Kael’s footsteps grew faster instead.

And as Leciel looked closer, she noticed a glint in Kael’s hand: a sword.

Kael held the sword loosely, dragging it across the floor as he moved toward Leciel.


The sound of metal scraping on the ground was almost deafening.

Leciel’s mind screamed with a need to flee.

But she couldn’t move. Kael was too fast.

He approached her with unsettling intensity.

Kael’s face, once warm and kind, was now cold and distant.

His cold face, devoid of emotion, was almost as if he was a ghost.

“Uncle, snap out of it!”

Leciel’s voice trembled with fear as she noticed that Kael wasn’t in his normal state.

She hoped it was a mistake, but the sword seemed to grow closer with each passing moment.

“Uncle, wake up!”

Leciel called out to him with all her might in order to somehow bring Kael back to his senses.

But her words were swallowed by the emptiness, like a lost echo.

‘What should I do?’

Running away seemed impossible; Kael was too fast.

And leaving him alone felt wrong.

She feared something horrible would happen if she didn’t intervene.

‘… maybe I can do something.’

She was a possessor, so shouldn’t she have some kind of special ability for this kind of situation?

But nothing came to mind.

So Leciel opted for a desperate measure.

“Hey! You bastard!”

Leciel, who had slightly apologized in her heart, swore loudly, throwing every curse she knew at Kael.

His steps faltered, and for a brief moment, she thought she had made an impact.

But that was all. Kael didn’t return to normal.

‘What now?’

She could barely consider attacking him. Kael was a seasoned warrior; there was no guarantee that would be effective.

Desperately searching for a solution, she tried again.

Then, she opened her mouth with anticipation.

She didn’t know if this would work, but she thought she should give it a try.


This time, Kael stopped entirely.

‘Did that work?’

Leciel held her breath, praying it would work. But after a short pause, Kael resumed his advance.

“Father, stop! Stop!”

Kael’s movement stopped again.

‘This time…’

“Father! Come to your senses!”

She repeated the plea, raising her voice to its limit.

Kael’s steps faltered again, and this time, when he moved, he collapsed to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut.

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