A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
Chapter 188 Table of contents

***Arc 8 One Who Spread Death, Chapter 188 Gray Battlefield***

Weapons and armaments will be completely released and handed over to the kingdom.

Similarly, Gulshan's horse-drawn carriages, as well as funds and materials used for military operations, all of these did not count toward compensation.

In addition, all but a few centurions and those in higher ranks were taken prisoner and detained until a formal peace treaty was concluded between the kingdom and the republic.

The Kingdom of Alberan reserves the right to execute any dishonesty on the part of the Republic of Gulshan, the party that commits acts of aggression that threatens the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Alberan.

General soldiers will be returned one after another, but until the return is completed, they will be engaged in civil engineering work at set times according to instructions given by the Kingdom.

The content was relatively simple and did not make any important points explicit.

However, the force was very strong.

Just depriving nearly 100,000 soldiers of their equipment and reserves would result in a huge loss of money, and with that much equipment, it would not be easy to replenish it.

Moreover, if the commander leading them was taken away, Gulshan would no longer be able to take any action, and that was enough.

Alberan, Elsren, and Elderant were not the only neighboring countries of Gulshan, and in order to restore its defenses, it was necessary to request the return of the prisoners as soon as possible.

This was the reason why hundreds of centurions were captured together.

Even if soldiers could be recruited, training non-commissioned officers cannot be done overnight.

The neighboring countries surrounding Gulshan are all small countries, but they would probably try to cut off their territory taking it as a blessing in disguise.

Alberan then threatens to invade and concludes a treaty based on the results of post-war negotiations with Gulshan.

However, these can also be considered as benevolent.

It was also possible for the Kingdom of Alberan to mass execute the centurions, company commanders and above, with random excuse.

The reason could be anything, such as acting violently in an occupied city.

Following the Holy Spirit Covenant was, after all, nothing more than a diplomatic excuse.

Now that it has been attacked by the surrounding three countries, it has become a mere skeleton.

Even if such punishment was given for appropriate and unilateral reasons, all the countries that would criticize it were now attacking it, so it was too late.

The reason they didn't do that was because Queen Kreschenta wanted Gulshan to continue to exist.

It would be much better to rip off the profits from the economically rich Gulshan for the next few decades through a favorable treaty than to destroy Gulshan itself.

Kreschenta’s hope was to slowly take away Gulshan's national power and make it into a vassal state.

On the meadow there was a desk.

Prepared for the signing of the Cease-fire Agreement.

High-ranking officers, including each side's corps commander and the War Lion Commander, who survived and had their hands tied behind their back, were present as witnesses, with Krische and Orugan sitting in the center.

Standing beside them were Dougleen and Zalvaag with a brace wrapped around his left arm.

"The documents are finished. With this, the war between the Kingdom of Alberan and the Republic of Gulshan came to an end, and an informal cease-fire agreement was concluded with the premise of peace. With this, I, on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Kreschenta Fana Vera Alberan, Krische Alberinea Christand, solemnly swear in this name that all acts of warfare between the two countries are prohibited and will be observed until the conclusion of a subsequent peace treaty conference."

"...The Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Gulshan and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Orugan, also pledge to the rain that will bring forth fruitfulness, as the representative of the Republic of Gulshan, agrees to it."

The purpose of making the cease-fire agreement in the middle of the battlefield, rather than in tents, as soon as the process of disarmament was complete, was to spread the word.

The battle ended in less than a koku――there was no way the soldiers would understand.

Some of the Gulshan soldiers stood in stunned silence, while others fell to their knees.

"Thank you. Um...I sincerely hope that you will fulfill the words written here exactly, and from now on, we will work together to restore peace."

Krische smiled, and the War Lion Commander under Orugan looked at the girl with incomprehensible expressions.

Orugan, Zalvaag, Kilrea, and Elkar.

They mobilized over 100,000 soldiers, accompanied by hundreds of large beasts, and Alcazaris, the queen of beasts.

The enemies were less than half their number――a battle that can never be lost.

Knowing the strength of Alberan's army, they were fully aware of the possibility that they would be forced to struggle, but they were confident that they would never lose.

But this is the result.

Most of the beasts were lost, and Kilrea and Elkar were killed in battle.

Half of the twelve War Lion Commander died, and most of the corpses lying around were Gulshan soldiers――on the other hand, not a single corps commander on the Alberan side was missing, and all of them survived.

The necessary information was filled out from the beginning in the documents that were apparently prepared before the war began, and Kilrea and Elkar, who should have been specially noted as commanders and high-ranking officers of the army if they were to be captured, were not counted from the beginning.

They were killed because they were supposed to be killed, and they died because they were supposed to die.

This instantaneous victory was created by her from beginning to end.

Even life and death were only the result of her choices.

There were still most people who could not accept this result, and among them fear and confusion preceded hatred and anger.

Not many could easily accept that the outcome of this great battle was not even a battle at all.

Not only they, but even the corps commander under Garhka's command was bewildered by the too-easy victory.

The sun had not yet risen to its zenith.

It took less than half a day after the battle to conclude a cease-fire agreement.

The only people who did not seem disturbed were the corps commanders under Alberinea.

They were the only ones standing there with a look on their faces as if this outcome was a foregone conclusion.

As if to show that Heavenly Sword――Krische Christand, there has been no defeat since the beginning.

"I have no choice but to do my best huh. Alberinea, you win."

"Yes. Krische will also tell Her Majesty that Vice-Chancellor Orugan’s wise decision is worthy of consideration. Thanks to that, the damage to both sides was kept to a minimum."

"…Thank you."

Orugan stood up and bowed deeply to the seated Krische.

He can already imagine what will happen next.

The peace would certainly include conditions for the military power possessed by Gulshan.

Gulshan will be forced to seek protection from Alberan from now on.

The countries surrounding Gulshan, will attack, and they will act as a mediator, cutting off Gulshan’s territory on the premise of maintaining peace.

The relatively lenient punishment was all a preparation for what would come next.

Gulshan would be treated like a vassal state of Alberan for at least the next ten years.

It was easy to imagine how Alberan, which gained such military power in the period shortly after the civil war, would gain weight and develop over the next ten years.

It's only been less than a year since Queen Crescenta and her sword, Alberinea, took center stage.

In that short amount of time, Alberan had undergone so many changes.

Unless Elsren and Elderant deal a severe blow, Alberan would not stop.

It would be no wonder if they surpassed even its heyday where it once dominated the continent

"This victory is great. ...Once this war is over, there will be nothing that can stop you and Her Majesty the Queen."

"Hmmm... Krische hoped so. If all the neighboring countries think that they are no match for Alberan, then the world will be at peace, and that's all that matters."

Krische smiled and stood up.

She was small, about as tall as Organ's chest.

"Then Krische won't have to come here and can spend her days cooking at the estate. Vice-Chancellor Orugan, if you're going to go to war, please go to another country."

Silver hair shimmering in the sunlight.

The smile on her fairy-like beauty was endlessly beautiful.

"Next time, Krische, will cut off your head."

Only the jewel-like purple eyes were inorganic.

"Kuku, I’ll keep this in mind...However, it becomes even more of a shame."


"I would definitely like to have you as my wife."

"Are you still saying that? Krische won, so it's invalid."

Her lips pouted, her hands on her hips.

Orugan laughed, and Dougleen glared at him exasperated.

"You sure don’t know when to give up. That's not a line from a dolt with a bloody nose."

"I don't want you to say that, Garkha. I lost to Alberinea, not to you."

"Hmph, this is just the bark of a loser. ――Attention!!"

Instantly, Krische covered her ears,

"The war between the Kingdom of Alberan and the Republic of Gulshan has now been called a ceasefire! Those of you who still cannot accept it, from now on, follow my instructions and rejoice in the fact that you have your lives!"

Dougleen howls to the sky in Shaan.

"If you do not rebel, if you do not turn your blades against me, and if you are willing to be taken prisoner, I will provide you with food and drink tonight! When the war is over, we will not have to kill each other, and I pledge to treat you as fellow human beings in the name of Dougleen Nakr Dogarinea Garhka!"

A powerful and heroic voice echoed through the sky,

"Rejoice for the lives, mourn the dead! At this moment, you are freed from military service and the battlefield, and allowed to return to being human!!"

Thus ended the battle of Milhirrea.

The moon was rising high in the night sky.

A night where the brightness of the stars fades over a grand bonfire.

Lined up were the tents of the Alberinea army and the sounds of a noisy party.

At the edge of the crowd, Krische was talking to Vinthril.

"Krische don't mind you leaving tomorrow, you know? Griffin is fast."

"...No. I want to be careful. If there is an information blockade, it would be better to arrive there early and get some rest."

It was predicted that a spy from the Kingdom of Elderant would be lurking in the southwest city.

This was to learn about the progress of the war in the south.

The Alberinea army will leave the rest to Garhka and the 20,000 people in the rear and depart here tomorrow, but it was important to deal with such spies carefully in order to make the most of the situation and create the conditions for a strategic surprise attack.

With Griffin's speed, it was quite possible to anticipate the spy, and there’s no spy that can escape from those who can monitor them from the sky.

While the Kingdom of Elderant was concentrating on the battle west of Kingdom Alberan――against Felworth Keithriton, it would be attacked from the flank and rear by a surprise attack by the Alberinea army.

"Besides, today's battle wasn't so bad that I felt tired. I don't feel like shouting about victory like them."

Vinthril told Krische that, a distance away from the lively banquet.

Krische looked at him troubled and said, ‘Is that so?’ and took a breath.

"Dagris, is that okay?"

"Yes, I don't mind that, but...just like Vinthril-dono, I haven't been doing anything in particular since I came here. I was just having too much free time."

Roland's former spy――Dagris, a man with a face that lacked any feature, has a smile on his slightly aged face and opens his hands in a playful gesture.

Even if it’s easy to dispose of a spy, a spy is still a spy.

It would be best to have the eyes of a seasoned spy to read their movements.

He and the few people he brought with him will accompany Vinthril and others, and together they will monitor the situation.

"Depending on the information you get, we will give you additional rewards. Only after the war is over though."

"Yes. I'm sure these guys will be motivated as well. I've brought all the talented people I know."

Krische looked at the men coldly.

Everyone watched this battle. No one could look down on Krische’s young appearance.

"Well, it doesn't seem like they’re bad. It seems like you've been doing a good job so far, so Krische has high hopes."

"Thank you for your words. We will be getting ready."


Dagris and the others walk ahead to join Griffin and the others, and Vinthril tells the other warriors to go ahead first as well.

When Krische tilted her head, Vinthril simply looked straight at Krische.

"What's wrong?"

"...No. I would like to talk a bit."

He then turns his gaze to the hole dug in the battlefield.

Most of the dead had already been thrown into them.

"There were parts where I was surprised that this was actually a war."

"This was Vinthril's first time at war. How was it?"

"...It's not something fun."

He answered honestly and Krische nodded.

"Krische doesn’t like it either."

After a hearty meal of elephant meat, a very satisfied Suiko――Krische beckons to Gururun.

Then she jumped on top of her and patted her on the back, making her sit down.

"Even after achieving such a brilliant victory?"

"Improving efficiency isn't boring, but it's much better if Krische doesn't have to do it in the first place. But even if you say that, there are still people who will attack you, so wouldn't it be better to let them know that Krische is really strong, enough that it prevents them from attacking?"

Krische leans down and leans her upper body down onto the Suiko.

Her silver thread-like eyelashes swayed as she savored the warmth, and her eyes narrowed.

"If they understand that no one can beat Krische, if they understand that no one can beat Alberan, then there will be peace. So, if Krische needs to do it, then Krische will do it unilaterally and completely. To prevent the next million people from attacking, Krische will make a blood festival of 100,000 people.''

The light of the moon reflected in her purple eyes, giving them a vague glow.

"...This time, Krische had promised Vice-Chancellor Orugan at the beginning, so this was the end of it, but Krische was actually planning on crushing him. That way, there will be no hassle later, and Gulshan will understand and afraid of Krische...Krische doesn't really know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.''

The moonlight that deceives the human's hearts.

Looking through those eyes, it seemed even more crazy.

Was it because of her beautiful appearance or because of her child-like appearance?

Remembering the image of the girl being pampered by a servant, Vinthril closed his eyes.

"...I'm sure your battlefield doesn't have the brilliance that our ancestors risked their lives for long ago."

One-sidedly and efficiently.

There was no need for heroes on the battlefield she created.

After seeing the results of that bombing, Vinthril understood.

It was not used because it was not needed, but there was still a reserve of it――in that situation.

As she said, if she set her mind to it, she could have annihilated the enemy army of 100,000 men in less than half a day.

It was not a battle, it was a slaughter, a massacre, and she easily turned 30 griffins into weapons of massacre.

Ruthless and cruel.

She killed and wounded nearly 3,000 soldiers as she flew overhead, without ever putting their well-trained arms to the test.

And in the future, the weapons that she, the heretic, will bring to the battlefield will change the nature of warfare.

She is a dragon in human form.

Everyone who saw her had no choice but to bow down and look up to her.

She was a being who, in her wisdom, could stand alongside even dragons.

"As a warrior, I thought about what I should do. However, there was no point in doing anything."


What kind of battle will she show on the battlefield after showing such strength?

She far exceeds Vinthril and the other’s expectations and imaginations.

It was so easy that they’re even afraid of it.

"No matter what kind of process it follows, even if it doesn't have any brilliance...at least, there is no doubt that a battle is like that from the beginning. No matter what...we will do our best to achieve the peace you desire."

"Krische doesn't really understand, but...ehehe, Krische’s happy, to hear that."

Like a girl, the dragon in human form laughs.

"Kreschenta also said that she would like to deepen the relationship with Kreisharana once peace is achieved, so Krische hopes we can become friends soon."

"Yes, me too, the bottom of my heart. ...Well then, Krische-sama."

"Yes. Please be careful. Lira is worried."

Bowing to her smiling face, Vinthril turned his heel.

Was it right or wrong to seek brilliance on the battlefield?

Looking at her, he felt a strange feeling, as if something he had believed in had become vague.

He just looked up at the moon floating in the sky.

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