A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
Chapter 189 Table of contents

***Arc 8 One Who Spread Death, Chapter 189 Birdcage Queen***

――Morning comes early for Kreschenta Alberan, Queen of the Alberan Kingdom.

"――ta-sama, Kreschenta-sama..."

"Uhh...let me sleep a bit more..."

When the sunrise was still coloring the sky, she felt a gentle rocking sensation.

Her eyelashes flutter happily in the warm cozy blanket, and then she closes them.

"Yes, please rest well."

She went back to sleep once again

"A Maiden’s Desired Daily Life"

Slovenly, lazy――no, that's not true.

Her young body was forced to do harsh political work and mental labor every day.

It is natural law for the body to seek rest and sleep.

Her body instinctively seeked a deep sleep to relieve its own overwork――but it was a sleep that was far too deep.

This deep sleep made it difficult for her body to return to its active state, and her body needed to take a very unique pre-waking action known as "gradual awakening."

"*Yawn*... every time I look at it, I think this is too sloppy. Wouldn't it be better to stop? Come on, Kreschenta, it's morning."


Selene exasperated, poked the blissful looking Kreschenta on the cheek.

Kreschenta turns her back as she is pecked.

"Fufu, don’t bully her, Selene. Kreschenta-sama is tired."

"That's right, I'm tired..."

It was a soft limp voice. There was no reason.

Kreschenta grabbed the pillow in front of her and hugged it, seeing that Bery chuckled and patted her on the head.

The softness returned to her strong face, and she began to sigh in her sleep.

"You’re always spoiling her, geez."

"Both Krische-sama and Kreschenta-sama always overworked their brains after all, so I’m sure being a little sloppy helped them maintain the balance."

She put the blanket back on Kreschenta’s shoulders.

Apparently, she was not happy that Krische and Bery both woke up early, prepared breakfast and had tea together.

She was the one who suggested that they should wake her up as well, but now it had become a routine for them to have Bery wake Kreschenta lightly once so she can go back to sleep once again.

She actually woke up better when Bery didn't do this, but for some reason she also felt grumpy.

Although she didn’t say it out loud, it seemed that she really liked being woken up when her mind was still blurry and being cared for and pampered while she was still in a daze.

The first time I saw her, I thought she was a little bit lazy, but it was also endearing when she thought of it as Kreschenta selfishness, remembering she wouldn’t obediently let herself be pampered unless there's an excuse for it.

"Ojou-sama, you should also take it a little slower. You don't have to follow me every day..."

"Once I wake up, I can’t go back to sleep.…I guess it’s surprisingly refreshing to wake up at this time."

In her nightgown, her lithe body arched and stretched, her golden hair swaying freely.

Even as she spoke, her eyes looked a little sleepy.

It was still sunrise.

Selene usually wake up a little later, but lately, since they've been sleeping in the same bed, she ended matching Bery’s early rise

That said, that doesn't mean she could do the same as Bery, and just some moment ago, while Bery was changing into her apron dress, she was just lying down and watching in a daze.

Selene, like Krische and Kreschenta, wasn’t very strong in the mornings.

"I wonder will it be better once I get used to it?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel sleepy. Well, Ojou-sama, try applying magic to every corner of your body, even to the fingertips. Body enhancement."


Selene did as she was told, moving her magical power throughout her entire body――building imaginary muscles.

A little tingly sensation ran through her body and she moved her body slowly.

"I feel like if I do this especially when I wake up, it makes me feel a little less sleepy, probably because I use my brain...how is it?"

"Yeah...it might be a little nice."

"The feeling of being lethargic when you wake up is a physical thing, so if you get into the habit of moving your body with magic, it will make the mornings a little easier."

"Shouldn’t you have told me about this a little earlier...?"

Selene rests her hands on her hips, glared at Berry, and sighed

"I learned this naturally a long time ago, so it might be a bit tiring until you get used to it, and I’m a little worried about teaching it to the old Selene-sama."

Bery smiled bitterly, as if troubled.

"And since Krische-sama and Kreschenta-sama do this normally, I just forgot…"

"...Krische and Kreschenta aside, I think I understand why you're better than me."

Selene looked down at her magical muscles forming even on her fingertips.

Although Selene was clearly superior to Bery in terms of simple explosive output, Berry's was closer to that of Krische’s, smooth and delicate.

For example, magical muscles are difficult to use in daily life, like writing or throwing with the opposite of the dominant arm.

But it was probably because they have refined even the trivial parts.

"I'm really glad you didn't aim to be a soldier. If you did, I might have been dying of inferiority complex by now."

"Personality wise I’m not suited for it. I have to be as strong-willed as Ojou-sama, Gotoushu-sama, and Onee-sama, for that. I don't have that kind of thing."

"The only thing you lack is self-esteem, Bery. You're no more strong-willed and stubborn than I am."

Selene pinched Bery's cheeks with both hands.

"Well, if you say so, I guess I'll just accept it. Fufu, servant-san, would you mind getting me a change of clothes?"


"As usual, I'll run a little and train. Please make breakfast that I can eat in my room. I have some documents left over."


Bery picked up the pants and shirt that had been prepared on the shelf.

Training clothes that absorb a little sweat――they were too modest for a Marshal to wear, but it was early morning, and in Royal territory.

There’s no one who would find fault with it.

"I'll be back at night, but I'll be a little busy during the day, so I’ll just have lunch there. Also, I’ll borrow Elvena."

"Yes. ...In that case, how about I put some snacks for lunch in the basket?"

"I have a talk with the Versler Firm at lunch, so they’ll probably invite me to dinner… I’ll just have breakfast. Ah, but could you prepare something for Elvena?"

Selene said all that while taking off her nightgown and putting on the pants and shirt.

Lately, Selene's schedule had been packed from morning until night.

The fact that she looks strangely cheerful was the flip side of her anxiety.

She must have packed her schedule on purpose.

She was anxious if she wasn’t doing something.

"Understood. ...Well then, have a good day."

"Yeah. See you later."

That feeling, Bery understood it very well.

Berry made breakfast, and a while later Anne and Elvena woke up and joined her.

The two of them prepared meals and set up the dining room, while Elvena fed the horses.

Anne tasted the breakfast and prepared hot water in a pail for Selene, who came home sweating.

After completing the various preparations and returning to the room, Kreschenta’s appearance changed.

Kreschenta’s body, which had been with its back to the door, was now facing the door.

Her eyelashes opened sleepily as she hugged her pillow and then closed it――the second stage of awakening, "Dozing Kreschenta".

She moved her lips and looked a little displeased as she acknowledged Bery's entrance, then closed her eyes and flipped her body around.

Turning her back.

This was a state that required careful attention.

This was just a pose that says, "I'm tired and want to sleep", and her fatigue has completely recovered.

She has a lot of energy and is hungry, but she was in a special state where she's lazy and couldn’t be bothered to wake up.

If she left her alone in this state and said, "You must be tired, please take some more rest...", Kreschenta's moodiness level would increase as time passed.

It's not that she didn’t want to get up, it’s just she didn’t want to get up alone.

And how she woke her up was important.

The degree of difficulty in handling "Dozing Kreschenta" changes internally depending on the previous day's political affairs and schedule, and the ability to discern this could be said to be the highlight of a servant's ability.

Bery Argan, the Kingdom's best servant, slowly closed the distance between them, so as not to provoke her, and as she approached her bed, she stroked Crescenta's hair as if he were climbing on top of the bed.

The flow of magical power, the body enhancement had already been applied. She intended to wake up.

Kreschenta was calmly stroked by Bery――this was a reaction with a difficulty level of "Medium" or lower.

Of course, there is a possibility that the difficulty level is "High", but Bery can tell from yesterday's schedule and situation that the possibility of that happening is small.

"Kreschenta-sama, it's almost time for meal."

"...I'm tired."

"That's a problem...Actually, I put Lakura pie in the oven. If I change the time, it will get a little cold."

"...Lakura pie?"

"Yes, this is Kreschenta-sama’s favorite Lakura pie, with plenty of honey."

Kreschenta’s response was akin to that of a dog's ears perking up. Bery narrowed her eyes.

If the difficulty level was assumed to be medium or higher, she appeals to her voracious appetite.

After a good night's sleep, nearly half a day had passed――Kreschenta's body was in strong need of nourishment.

Unlike Krische, she wasn’t fond of snacking before breakfast, so Kreschenta has a strong appetite in the morning.

If she stimulated that, Kreschenta wouldn’t be able to resist the cravings that overflow from within.

"Please excuse me."


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bery slipped her hands behind Kreschenta's knees and back, lifted her up easily, and sat down on the bed, resting Kreschenta on her lap.

Kreschenta glared at Bery as she hugged the pillow, but she did not run away from the embrace.

――She needed it to be as if she was forcibly dragged out of her bed by the rude servant.

"I didn't say I was going to wake up. Didn't you hear me? I'm tired."

She didn't let go of the pillow――It’s medium difficulty.

If the difficulty level is low, she would throw away the pillow the moment she picks her up.

The key point was whether or not she let go of the pillow.

"Yes. How about we just have a meal for now? It doesn't seem like Kreschenta-sama have any plans this morning, and since Kreschenta-sama is going to take another rest after eating...I'd really like you to enjoy some of Lakura pie while it's warm.''

Kreschenta played with her pillow, giving a thoughtful look.

It was already decided in her mind. It was just a show.

After a while she threw her pillow on the bed and tried to escape from the embrace onto the bed. This was also just for show.

Berry suppresses her by hugging her from above, blocking her movement.

"...What are you doing?"

"No, my body just...my apologies."

"You're the worst kind of servant to go against your master's wishes. I'm not in the mood for a meal at all."


Kreschenta grabbed Bery's arm and hugged it tightly, rubbing her body against her while criticizing her for a while, and after a while, she seemed satisfied.

"――*sigh*...no matter how much I say it, guess you don’t have the brain to listen. I guess I can't help it. I'll eat....It's a pain to even walk though."

She was implicitly ordering Bery to pick her up and take her.

‘It's not that I'm a glutton, but since you’re desperately asking for it, I have no choice but to get up and eat’

Kreschenta was a creature that places great importance on such pretense.

"Fufu, yes. Well then... can you please excuse me?"

"Is it really worth asking now after all your rudeness? You should understand more how awe-inspiring it is to be allowed to touch the Queen’s body in the first place."

Even as she said that, she twisted her body and made slight adjustments to make it easier to pick her up.

By this time, Kreschenta’s sleepy eyes had opened wide.

The transition to "Awakened Kreschenta" was completed, with her cheeks relaxing as her complaints dripped down.

Berry smiles at the sight of the usual Her Majesty The Queen.

Afterwards, in the dining room, Bery was seated right next to her and it was time to enjoy it.

Kreschenta ate her meal, saying, "It's not bad, it's alright", the highest praise for Berry.

After Selene and Elvena went to work, she followed Bery around and began to give guidance on managing the mansion.

"Fufun, the vase I polished is much prettier. Do you realize how much you usually cut corners? It's not just a matter of numbers."

"My, it's true. It's very beautiful. If possible, I'd like Kreschenta-sama to show me an example for this table as well..."

"Can't be helped..."

――It wasn't free time, it was her duties as a fine queen.

It would be a problem if the Queen's servants were incompetent.

As her personal attendant, Bery would be brought along with her on diplomatic and other official matters.

Her incompetence was a problem related to Kreschenta’s own class and dignity――and considering her own situation where she has no choice but to use even such incompetence, it is inevitable that the role of educating her would fall to Kreschenta.

This was because Bery was in the position of being the head servant of the Christand family.

She was the head of the servants――Correcting the servant's arrogance, that she was in a position to be taught and not teach, is something that Selene, who is rough and sloppy, and her unfortunate Onee-sama, who was being deceived by Berry, couldn’t do.

There is no other choice but for Her Majesty the Queen to give guidance directly.

"Fufu, I think I'll go do the laundry next time. Is that okay?"

"...Don’t tell me you’re going to have the Queen of your country do your laundry?"

"No, of course nothing like that. I just want to see the figure of Her Majesty working... After that, I think I'll take a break before making lunch. Actually, while I was making breakfast this morning, I was also baking cookies."

"You haven’t even worked much, already taking a break. …Well, it’s fine, I’ll finish it quickly. I’m also exhausted from teaching you."

Kreschenta was by no means free.

Once the tea party was over and the "Woof Woof Kreschenta" mode was over, it was time to cook.

A relatively simple dish with spicy mutton soup and herb-grilled chicken.

When cooking with Kreschenta, there were many dishes like this.

Kreschenta was as genius as Krische was――even if she remembers the basics of handling materials, the basics are profound.

Experience is required to adapt the application to suit the condition of the ingredients.

"Fufu, that's right. Let's cook the chicken over low heat until the skin becomes crispy. Now, what should we do next?"

"Please don’t make a fool of me, it’s fine if I just wight it down right."

"Yes. As expected of Kreschenta-sama."

There was nothing that required more experience than simple earthenware.

The temperature controlled by the magic crystal, the change in the color of the meat itself, the sound and aroma of the oil――the optimal degree of grilling must be determined from the experience gained from various factors. No two ingredients are exactly the same.

Just as the wise commander Eluga Faren said that the secret of tactics was to deploy and withdraw forces according to the situation, the secret of cooking was to adjust firepower appropriately according to the situation.

Bery watch Kreschenta with a smile, stir the soup slowly and enjoy the aroma.

Berry narrowed her eyes, glad that her sense of smell remained strong, and looked at the color of the soup, checking the state of the meat and vegetables.

Kreschenta, who had become impatient, silently stared at Berry, who chuckled and took a small plate of soup. And handed it to Kreschenta.

Kreschenta took it with a displeased look on her face, as if it were something poisonous, and took it into her mouth.

"...It tastes weird."


She looked at the soup in a panic and searched at the pot.

‘Did I put something strange in it? Did I put in the wrong amount?’

She then turned her attention to the seasonings I she in and recalled it from memory.

"...That's a lie."

"Haa... Kreschenta-sama, please stop teasing me... I'm surprised."

"This is revenge for earlier."

Kreschenta smiled happily when she saw Bery caressing her chest.

Kreschenta then reached out to touch Bery's cheek, and her face turned serious.

Kreschenta just looked at her with her purple eyes.

"...You don't get angry, do you? Why?"


"Usually people get really angry when something they value is belittled. If Onee-sama and Selene were watching, I'm sure they would be very angry. And yet you just laughed...Is cooking nor really that important to you?"

A cold, inorganic glow that seems to be observing her.

As if peering into her, or perhaps as if it’s a mirror.

It had that kind of charm.

Bery smiled bitterly and answered.

"Of course, there are times when I get angry. I'm not the kind of person who can remain calm in the face of malicious intent..."

"Is that so? Even if I accidentally overturned this pot, I don't think you'd get mad at me."

"Well...I probably won't be angry. But I’ll just have doubts."

Bery smiled thoughtfully.

"Kreschenta-sama knows exactly what is good and what is bad, and Kreschenta-sama does not do anything meaningless. Kreschenta-sama is not the kind of person who would do something like that for no reason, right?"

"Is it because you think you understand me?"

"Let me see, fufu, I think the reason is because I think I understand Kreschenta-sama as that kind of person."

Bery matched her eye to Kreschenta’s and pressed her forehead against her.

"I believe that Kreschenta-sama is not someone who would do anything malicious to me."

"Why do you think that? To me, you're a nuisance who's attached to Onee-sama. If I have a chance to kill you without Onee-sama noticing, I might kill you, you know."

"Kreschenta-sama is a stubborn person who hates losing, so Kreschenta won’t choose to lose on her own."

Kreschenta furrowed her brow in dissatisfaction and glared at Berry.

"...I, there's no area where I'm losing to you."

"Hehe, if that's what Kreschenta-sama really thinks, then I'm sure I would be already dead. I believe that the fact that I'm alive like this is proof of that."


Without answering, Kreschenta spun around and rested her back on Bery's body.

Bery chuckled and hugged her body.

"You're a person I really don't understand. Just when I thought you're a crybaby like Nora, turns out you're overconfident...Maybe it's extreme."

"I...it's a little embarrassing when you say that...please forget that I cried."

"I don't want to. Also, it's not nice to change the subject so quickly."

Kreschenta grabbed Bery's hands.

"Don't you feel frustrated, even though you were shaken when I told such a stupid lie? Just laughing it off and glossing it over?"

"Eh, uh..."

"Is there any point in forcing yourself? By pretending like it's okay and trying to cover it up, you're just making Onee-sama worry even more."

Kreschenta turned around and she placed her hand on Bery’s cheek again, her thumb caressing Bery's lips.

"Besides, what's the point in trying to fool me with a performance that can’t even fool Onee-sama properly? It's really unpleasant to think a servant is trying to fool me."

Her expression was not the same as her words.

Kreschenta simply looked up at Berry.

Bery stared back at her.

"Whether you cry or scream, I know that you are just that stupid and low-ranking person. I don't care now. ...It doesn't really matter if you don't act like it's a fun cooking.''

"I find it far more amusing to mock you as you gnash your teeth in frustration than to play house, a good servant is one who will act as a clown and entertain me when ordered."

Her purple eyes were cold, yet seemed to be tinged with heat.

"You should understand that more.…I don’t like stupid pretenses."

The two pairs of eyes were probably the most beautiful jewels in this world.

Bery smiled and hugged her head to his chest.

"...Kreschenta-sama is sometimes Her Majesty the Queen huh."

"Not sometimes, but always."

"The way you put yourself on a pedestal and preach to others is outrageous, and the way you are selfish and bossy is exactly what the Queen should be."

"...Are you trying to pick a fight?"

Bery shook her head and pressed her cheek against her head.

"No. I admire you. ...If I can be honest, I love you."

"...I…hate you."

"Recently, I've been replacing Crescenta-sama's words of hate with likes, so feel free to say whatever you want."

"You…have a few screws loose."

"Yes, I know."

Bery said happily as she enjoyed the feeling.

Closing her eyes.

"As I had said to Krische-sama, it's certainly painful. I often have dreams where I cook food that doesn't taste good. I'm scared of cooking by myself... if you ask me if it's fun, I think right now my fear might outweigh it.''

Then she whispered.

"But cooking is still fun after all. As we cook together like this, Kreschenta-sama has grown day by day... thinking about what I should teach you next. ...I'm not just putting up a string front, I really do believe that."

Kreschenta squirms her face out of the chest where she was pressed up against, pushing their body slightly apart.

Kreschenta glared at Bery.

"...Is that true?"

"Yes. If I lie to Her Majesty, I will be disqualified as a servant."

"You didn't pass the exam in the first place. Please don't press me with your unnecessary fat."

She then pushed her breasts with both hands, pulled herself away, and placed her hands on her hips.

"You sure are an immature servant and a good for nothing all your life huh. Instead of being a clown and entertaining your master, you only make your master displeased."

"My apologies. I'm trying but"

With a wry smile.

Then she remembered the silver hair and narrowed her eyes.

"Besides...I have more things to worry about right now than myself."

Krische was on the battlefield.

Had she already fought Gulshan, or was it just about to start?

She didn’t even know that, and she didn’t know if she was okay or not.

Bery held her own body,

"...You and Selene-sama are always worried about things that don't matter."

Kreschenta looked at her displeased.

"Onee-sama has returned safely from that unpleasant flying lizard, and the rebellion is over for the time being."

The flying lizard and rebellion, she put up two fingers.

Then she pointed to herself.

"On top of that, I gave her enough power to get what she needed, and I helped her to move freely. ...Do you understand what it means?"

"....Krische-sama, is fine?"

"Fufu, you definitely fit the role of a servant who can’t do anything."

Kreschenta smiled as if to make fun of her.

All there was was a sense of pride that could be called arrogance.

"Do you remember the promise that you and I made?"

Bery wondered what she was talking about, then thought of one thing she could think of and nodded quietly.

Kreschenta’s smile deepened,

"――The bird cage is already completed."

The gold threads, shimmering red, her purple eyes narrowed and moved slowly.

"The rest is just like painting a map...Onee-sama isn't even thinking about winning or losing the battle."

“The only thing Onee-sama worry about is you.”

With her absolute confidence, she said that.

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