MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
Chapter 87 Table of contents

[Used Monocle x1

Remaining number of Monocles: 1]

ǁ V U L C A N ‖

Location: Vulcan's Cave


"The heart of the Volcano."

After thousand years of harnessing elemental fire, the once heart of the Volcano took a shapely form that defended its home against intruders.

Wherever Vulcan walks, explosions follow.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 9 000

MP: 200

STRG: 40 +5 [Domain Bonus]

DEF: 40 +10 [Domain Bonus]

MDF: 10

INT: 30 +4 [Domain Bonus]

AGL: 40 +5 [Domain Bonus]

LCK: 10

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ Bludgeoning [Non-Magic]

❷ Piercing [Non-Magic]

❸ Slashing [Non-Magic]

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Burn

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖


‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

❶ Levitation

Can ignore terrain restrictions and fly anywhere on the map.

❷ Explosion

Once defeated, Vulcan explodes in a ten-meter radius at him as the center point. Damage is equal to its INT x2.

❸ Double Attack

Vulcan could perform a single bonus attack if the enemy failed to hit it.

❹ Fire Rain

–– Vulcan can shoot multiple fires as long as his little minions are alive. However, he can't move on his spot while doing so.

–– damage is equal to Vulcan's INT

–– causes Burn Status

Active Skill:

❶ Blink LV.4

–– Vulcan can teleport anywhere in its lair

–– Cost –50 MP

–– Cooldown 4 sec.

❷ Vulcan Charge LV. 1

–– Vulcan can charge at its enemies and deal massive AoE damage

–– Cost –100 MP

–– Cooldown 10 sec.

❸ Lava Beam LV.2

–– Vulcan can shoot a large expanse of lava in a straight line dealing massive AoE damage in the area.

–– Cost –50 MP

–– Cooldown 20 sec.

‖ E N D ‖

Like any Boss, its passive skills all complimented its active skills. But Vulcan had a lot of AoE damage, and the terrain wasn't exactly ideal for defending against such attacks.

No wonder Scar got wiped out.

"Robert!" hissed Trixie.


"Stop daydreaming and tell us what to do! Quick! That thing is about to attack!"

Robert looked at Vulcan and the dozen little Vulcans by its side before he shifted his gaze at his party. Even from meters away, he could smell their fear. The uneasiness and uncertainty on their faces intensified the more when he blanked out.

"Oh my god! You're so useless!" Trixie growled and shouted at the others. "Tank drew its aggro on you while mages take your position at the back and target those little balls first! Healers, heal the tank and DPS, be careful not to OT! Get to work, everyone!"

At Trixie's high-pitched voice, everyone recovered from their daze and got to their positions. Robert also regained his wits thanks to the voice he hated so much.

Robert, together with the secondary tank, drew the aggro and the little balls of spitting fire locked their eyes on them. They were spluttering hot magma and ramming the tank's guard with their hard body while Vulcan stayed on its position at the far end.

"Mages, make sure to quickly finish these little balls first!" Robert instructed. "While DPS, go take care of Vulcan while it doesn't move!"

The mages cast their [Water] Spell, and the DPS all went to Vulcan. However, before they reach the big ball of searing magma, a rain of fireballs shot towards the sky, blocking the horizon with nothing but blazing spheres of concentrated lava, hitting anything at random.




Shouts echoed in the cave when the others couldn't evade on time because of the difficult terrain, while some went into the Lava pool and suffered continuous damage and burn damage. Their HP immediately went half.

"Damn it! Healers, don't let us die!" Robert shouted when his HP flashed red before his eyes. "And someone get this annoying Burn status from me–argh!"

Robert lost his focus for a moment when out of the blue, an enormous sphere of water came spiraling in his direction, hitting him straight on his head.

"The fuck watch your aim, idiot!" Robert looked over his shoulder and saw Lucia sticking out her tongue in an awkward smile.

"Sorry. Sorry. I'm a little nervous since this is my first boss, so my aiming is a little off."

Robert clumped his mouth tight before he refocused his attention back on the annoying little minions.

There were still three little Vulcans left because of the Mages' lousy aim. And not only that, whenever they killed the annoying little balls, they popped and dealt explosive damage, enough to half their HP while a burn status was inflicted on them.

The Mages and Healers all wasted their MP on the little minions while healing the tank, and the Boss was still levitating at full health because the DPS couldn't do much physical damage against it.

"Shit!" Robert cursed and shouted, "Damn, Mages. Can't you aim, right?! They are literary in front of–argh!"

Before Robert could finish his sentence, another burst of water splashed straight on his face again.

"What the fuck?!" Robert looked over his shoulder and found Lucia again, who was sticking her tongue out while playfully knocking her head with her fist.

"Sorry. Sorry. My aim is a little rusty. I'm not exactly a sharpshooter material."

"You don't say?!" Trixie sneered. "You have been aiming at our members since the very beginning! You bitch!"

Lucia tilted her head before she bent over and laughed. "What took you so long to figure that out?"

The cat was out of the bag and Lucia merely shrugged. "You should have really thought about double-crossing us in the first place! Bleh!" She stuck out her tongue and pulled down her eyelids.

"Y-you!" Trixie was speechless and in rage.

"You Bitch!" Robert shouted at the top of his lungs. Lucia just wanted to infiltrate their group and cause havoc.

"Right back at you, you asshole! You're not the only one who can act!" Lucia grinned before she shot a water spell at Jack, slowing him down.

Jack didn't suffer any HP reduction, but the [Slow] from the [Water] spell affected him, and his movement speed decreased. It was enough for the next rain of fire from Vulcan to hit him multiple times.

"Motherfuc***!" Jack cursed so loud he choked from his own saliva. He then burned Lucia with his glares before he evaporated into nothing but particles.

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