MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
Chapter 88 Table of contents

"Fu***! Someone kicked that damn girl out of the group!" Robert shouted.

"W-we can't! The group function is locked in this place!"

"Sh**!" Robert gnashed his teeth. He forgot that some features were disabled in the Boss's room. It was to make sure that all members who entered the room shared equal EXP and gil after defeating the Boss and not just a selected few who kicked out their members to gain an enormous sum of EXP and gil.

"Then at least restrain her!" Trixie commanded.

Some of Robert's members went to Lucia, intending to grab her. However, this caused what little DPS and Mages left, which took care of the little minions and Vulcan, to decrease even more.

"Never mind her!" Robert instructed. They didn't have the manpower to spare on Lucia. Their members were dying left and right! "Focus on the battle ahead! She's running out of MP anyway!"

Lucia's grin never faded. "So what if I'm running out of MP? I can always do this!" She rammed herself against Vida, who was casting her spell, and this caused her to miss, wasting precious MP in the process.

"Aagh!" Vida screamed when she fell into the pool of liquid fire. "Fu***!"

Vida hadn't finished her sentence when another rain of fire erupted from Vulcan's wide mouth like multiple mortars, hitting her straight on.

Vida immediately drank a [Health Potion]. However, the continuous damage and the [Burn] Status were draining her HP faster than she could heal and get out of the lava pool. "Heal me quick! Cast Cure"

"No, you won't!" Lucia ran towards the group of White Mages. She chose to stay close to them as much as possible so it would be easier for her to disrupt their game play.

She pushed the healers to the side, disrupting their casting while they lost their bearing and fell into the pool of hot lava.

Now even the Healers required healing and cure while Vida disappeared in battle, leaving only shouts and insults in her wake.

"Fu*** Bi***!" showers of curses erupted from Robert and Trixie's mouths.

They shouldn't have accepted Lucia in the first place!

The girl was so good at acting that they made them believe she shifted her side! All of the women in Silvia's group were!

"Hahahaha! Mess with us, and you'll burn in hell. Literality!" Lucia hysterically laughed. She looked at the minuscule number of players on Robert's side. Only one White Mage was left while her MP was gone at saving herself.

Jack disappeared, so the only DPS remaining was Trixie. But since she was a Human Swordsman, her damage wasn't enough to kill Vulcan.

Only Trixie and Robert were left, and some two mages who were running out of MP while the Boss was still near full health.


A job well done, if I do say so myself. Lucia nodded to herself with her flat chest rising in pride.

"Son of a B***!" Robert went after Lucia when all of the little minions popped and exploded, unmindful of the damage he received.

However, at precisely this time, Vulcan moved, and it shot a beam of molting lava in a straight line, targeting the island where the healer and mages were stationed.

Lucia immediately leaped into the Lava Pool to avoid the incoming AoE attack.

In one single hit, the other players who couldn't escape couldn't even let out a scream before they burst into particles.

Lucia laughed maniacally, enjoying Robert and Trixie's angry and frustrated faces. The two didn't know what to do. They were on the verge of crying from anger.

"Bye, bye." Lucia wiggled her fingers, and her HP flashed red.

And before Robert could get hold of her, she burst into white particles.

Robert bent towards the ceiling, veins almost popping from his head.


As soon as Lucia regained her body after she suffered an ATP reduction, she immediately removed herself from Robert's group.

And before the other members in Robert's group got hold of her, she escaped using the save/teleport crystal near the cave entrance and chose a faraway village to lay low. Good thing that there were many players congregated outside of Vulcan's cave and that the spot where they could respawn was completely random in the large save area.

After which, she requested to join Golden Phoenix and was granted access. She then sent Vulcan's information to the girls with a smirk on her face.

[Lucia: You guys owe me one]

Silvia chuckled as soon as she read Lucia's message. Too bad she didn't see Robert's face. The game should really add a camera feature in the future.

Maybe she could suggest it?

At the side, Ren shook his head when he was had. He really thought that Lucia betrayed them, only to find out that she just infiltrated Robert's team when the chance presented itself.

And the women's acting was spot on. He didn't even suspected a thing, and this was coming from him, who liked to overthink to the extreme.

No wonder they didn't speak ill of Lucia even after the latter shifted sides.

Girls sure are scary. Ren thought to himself as he watched Silvia and the others huddled together with evil smiles on their faces.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes because he seemed to be hallucinating that the women had horns and fangs like they were plotting something sinister.

"As much as I want to wallow in this happy occasion of Robert getting his own medicine, we have to think of a way to defeat Vulcan," said Silvia.

"That's going to be difficult." Rosie pouted. "If what Lucia said was true, then the terrain is our biggest challenge."

Alecia sighed. "Not to mention the Boss's troublesome skills."

"It will be our first boss who deals AoE damage," said Rafaela.

"Maybe we should leave the little minions alone and focus all our attack on Vulcan?" Pamela muttered, analyzing every angle on where they could approach this.

"We can't leave them alone," Alecia protested. "Those little annoying things will continuously deal damage to us."

"No," cut in Ren, and all eyes went to him. "Vulcan is a hard Boss if you approach it wrongly. You can get wiped out in a matter of minutes. However, though its list of skills complemented each other, it also hold the clue on how to defeat it. And if we executed it right, we can clear Vulcan's Cave within less than five minutes."

"Less than five minutes?" Alecia's mouth dropped. "Have you seen the HP of that thing?

Ren didn't speak, and when the others saw that he wasn't joking, they swallowed their protest and shook their heads to the sky.

That's right, Ren never jokes about these things. They have gotten used to his no-nonsense personality already!

Silvia tilted her hips to the side. "Then how do you suggest we approach this?"

Ren grinned, and the girls had hives erupting on their skin.

Why did they suddenly think that their life was in danger?

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