Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 22 Table of contents

Instructor (1)


"Yes... How well thought . . . What is it!?"

Hyunsung exclaimed in bewilderment at Mujin's answer, but Mujin's face was calm.

"I told you that you can't teach other children."

What's so pretty, why would you teach other guys? I don't have enough time to exercise.

But Mujin is a man who has been rolling for a decade in the service industry, and is worn and worn. For this reason, it was obvious what would happen if I refused, unless I was an idiot.

So Mujin added an excuse to convince Hyunsung.

"Realistically, it's hard for me to get a good job even if I'm in charge of seventy inmates."

And Hyunsung took the bait that Mujin offered.

"Hmmm· The three of you can do it, but you can't do it if you take care of the other kids. What does that mean?"

"The martial arts martial arts that are with me now have seen results because they believed in my training and followed me. But what about the other children? I am well aware that you are treating me like a madman because of the events that have happened before. I don't think they'll be able to follow the madman's training, but I don't think so."

"Ahem· Crazy... I don't want to..."

Hye Jung cleared her throat at Mu Jin's blatant expression, but she couldn't completely deny Mu Jin's words.

As he was in charge of the training of the inductees, he knew the atmosphere behind it.

Increased intensity training· And the fact that everyone is just hushing because of the last incident of unpoliced violence.

And Mu Jin spilled out his words again, whether Hye Jung cleared his throat or not.

"I also understand that it is quite an adventure to practice in Shaolin other than Shaolin training. But if you do something like that with kids who don't follow you properly and it doesn't work, who will be responsible?"


Hyunsung didn't say anything for a moment, just sobbing.

Doesn't that mean that he understands that changing the cultivation of the initiate is an adventure?

"I can't believe this little girl was thinking the same thing as me..."

But the only reason I was soaking was to hide my true feelings. Hyunsung became even more greedy.

At such a young age, she has a heart like that. That's why I have more confidence in that child and that child's training methods.

"I don't have to worry about that. The fact that you are leading the cultivation of the initiates is something that I, as the head of the party, approve. The initiators will not dare to offend you."

That's why Hyunsung tried to push Mujin, but he wasn't satisfied with that.

"That's not enough. In addition to the official recognition of the head monk, I would like you to delegate full authority to the early morning training."

"Do you want me to delegate full authority?"

"Yes· As young as they are, they tend to lean more toward emotion than rational judgment. We need not only public figures, but also the power to punish children who don't participate in training properly."


A sigh of relief leaked out of Hyunsung and Hyejung's mouths at the same time. But if Hyejeong's was more of a laugh, Hyunsung's was a sigh of anguish.

He was genuinely wondering if it was right to give him that kind of authority.

It was too much power for a child. But·

"Anyway, it's a gamble to adopt that child's cultivation. Now that I'm worried about authority, I'm going to have to worry about it. Hehehe· Hyunseong-ah, Hyunseong-ah· You're still a long way off."

I've already taken a step forward· He had come to the conclusion that if it was a gamble he had decided to start, it wouldn't be a bad idea to risk everything.

It was the perfect way of thinking to get beaten up in a gambling hall.

And Hokou, who has never gambled in his life. In the end, Hyunsung, a monk, accepted Mujin's offer.

"So be it..."

"Master Su!?"

The middle-aged monk Hye Zheng looked at his master with a surprised look on his face, unbefitting the Buddha he had accumulated over the years.

However, it was too late to dissuade Hyunsung from making up his mind.

"If Mu Jin overstepped his authority for unfair reasons during his cultivation, it is not too late to impose sanctions at that time. So you should support this child in taking the lead in cultivation, at least until Mu Jin commits a sin."

“··· I will obey Master's commands."

Hyejeong, who couldn't resist her master's instructions, replied with a raised flag, and Hyunsung looked at Mujin again.

"Is this enough?"

"Disciple· I will do my best to meet the determination and expectations of the monk of the day."

In response to Hyunsung's question, Mujin replied with a slap in the face.

In fact, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing for Mujin to raise inmates.

If the Shaolin Temple's power becomes stronger, it will be easier to see the ending of the novel in the future.

He just didn't want to be taught by the damn kiddies who laughed at him.

But now that he had the power to punish them, there was nothing to bother him about.

"I'm going to give you a very good job."

Oh, of course, I didn't mean to inflict unwarranted violence. As a fitness trainer, I meant to tighten my muscles.

The more dissatisfied he is, the more muscle he'll gain. Well, the process would be horrible.

Mujin, who had been imagining building up the muscles of the inmates, added a few words as if it was a good thing.

I had thought about it, but there were things I couldn't do on my own. I'd rather talk to the monk and try to solve the problem a bit.

* * *

The next morning·

There are still about 15 minutes left before the early morning training begins.

"Weather !!"

There was a roar that would blow away the residents' slumber in one fell swoop.

There was still time, and the children who were in the middle of their dreamland journey, as well as those who had just gotten up and were getting ready to go to the theater, were all startled and rushed out to the front of the hall.

Ironically, however, what was waiting for the children who had jumped out of the dream was not the disciples of Lee, nor was Hye-jeong, who was in charge of training.

A child of similar size to them. Mujin was waiting for them.

While the inmates were taken aback by the sudden situation, Mujin shouted again.

"Are you here to visit Shaolin Temple now?" Wake up and run to the theater right away!!"

The children, who had not yet woken up, did not understand what was going on and rushed towards the theater.

They speculated that the training time had changed without their knowledge, or that something had happened in the theater.

But there was no one in the theater.


As the children looked around their heads and tried to grasp the current situation, Fa Kang, the other disciples of Li and Hye Jung appeared.


And this time, too, it was Mujin who led the children who couldn't get their minds to their senses.

Mu Jin roared at the top of the table and took a step aside, and Hye Jung took a step forward.

"Ahem· The reason why I woke you up earlier than usual is to add a little warm-up training before the early morning training. From now on, every morning training will start earlier than usual. And from now on, your early morning cultivation will be overseen by Mu Jin here..."

With that, Hye-jung stepped out of the way, making room for Mu-jin to step forward again.

All the children were puzzled by the sudden news that Hye Jung had brought to them.

"What do you mean?"

"That's ridiculous..."

The children in the theater began to mutter to themselves or talk to their friends next to them, and the noise began to rise.


Mujin wasn't so messy as to let the kids make noise.

"I'm Mujin who will be in charge of early morning training from today..."

Saying that, Mu Jin slowly turned his head and glanced at the children in the theater.

However, Mujin's gaze on the children was completely different from usual.

If the way he usually looked when talking to Mu-kyung and Mu-yul was closer to Choi Kang-hyuk as a fitness trainer, now he is closer to Choi Kang-hyuk when he was serving in the special forces.

'Huh· The little guy who doesn't have a lot of skills has a very lively look in his eyes..."

Even the Great Disciples were stunned by Mu Jin's eyes.

Then, Mu Jin, who had grabbed the left and center in an instant, spoke again in a heavy tone.

This time, I didn't yell as loudly as I did the first time. Yelling can only be effective if you use it once in a while. If you just keep yelling, it's just a loud guy, not a scary one.

On the contrary, it was more effective not to shout when it was quiet in order to induce the opponent's attention.

"I'm a newcomer who is training with you, but in the early morning training, I'm going to use the physical training method that comes from my family. So, during the early morning training, you should be called an instructor, not a newcomer like you."

Mujin's age-inappropriate heavy tone filled the hall.

But everywhere you go, there are children who don't notice.


A small laugh erupted from the theater, which had been silenced by Mujin.

The oblivious kid laughed, apparently thinking that all the other children would laugh as much as he did, and then looked around in bewilderment when the surroundings were quiet.

No, it was a good thing that it was quiet, and all the eyes of the children in the theater were focused on the unsuspecting child.

"Are you laughing?"

And once again, Mujin's heavy voice spread through the theater.

The children in the theater, including the one who burst out laughing, turned their heads again to look at Mu Jin.

"Let's see if we can still smile after training today..."

I was faced with a Yasha-like smile on Mujin's face.

"I'm sure there are a lot of other guys who are unhappy with my being an instructor. So I'll give you a chance. Those who are confident in their abilities, come forward now."

After saying that, Mujin pointed with his hand to the guy who had just laughed.

"Including you. Jump out right now..."

The child laughed and looked at it for a moment, and then stepped forward when Hye Zheng and the disciples didn't impose any restrictions.

As soon as the child stepped forward, the children, who were confident in their own abilities, began to step forward one by one.

They were all children from the Samurai or the Secular Family, just like Mu Gung.

As the children had been learning martial arts from their families before they entered Shaolin, they couldn't help but be dissatisfied with Mu Jin's guidance in the early morning cultivation.

He entered to receive the training of the famous Shaolin, not to be trained by a kid of his own age.

"So far... Okay· Ten people, including the one who laughed for the first time. From now on, I'm going to spar with you guys. And if I lose even once, I will give up my position as an instructor and go to training with you guys."

Mu Jin shouted at the children in the theater and looked at the ten people standing in front of him.

In fact, there was no need to spar with each other.

They have been entrusted with the authority to cultivate and the power to punish them. It was enough to punish those who didn't listen.

But that didn't mean that the guy who didn't train properly and rebelled was bound to pop out.

And when you have to control and train as many as seventy of them, even one or two loaches like that are bound to shake the atmosphere of the training.

Even in an army of adults, if you don't exercise physical control, you're full of unruly bastards, and you have to control seventy children who are just about to enter puberty.

It was Mujin who thought that he had to hold down the steamer in the pasture to control these naughty guys.

Originally, the reason why Mujin insisted on waking up the children one day earlier than the training time every day was to buy time to warm up with muscle lengthening surgery.

I decided to spend at least one day doing it instead of doing muscle lengthening surgery.

Yelling at dawn and forcing the children to run to the theater were all part of the suppression of the steamer.

It was a strategy to instill in their minds the fact that they were secretly following Mujin's words without realizing it.

And this was also a common method used to train rookies in actual special forces training camps.

Now, as the final step in the suppression of the baseline, all that remains is to beat the guys who confidently represented them with their skills.

Of course, there will be times when you will be defeated and your dominance of the steamer will be wiped out.

"Let's start with the guy you laughed at earlier..."

Mujin wasn't confident.

Jill herself·

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