Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 23 Table of contents

Instructor (2)


The child who was called by Mujin·

Mu Yan thought the other children would laugh just as much as he did. In other words, he was looking down on Mujin in his heart.

And Mu Yan was so confident in his ability that he looked down on Mujin, who was quite far ahead in his training so far.

This was because, like Mu Gong, he was also a member of the martial family.

That's why Mu Yan thought of it as he took the flag ceremony in front of Mu Jin.

"You just have to watch out for that weird technique he uses..."

You just have to watch out for the bizarre technique that defeated Mu Gong about five months ago.

Contrary to the light demeanor that had made her laugh a moment ago, Mu Yan kept a slight distance from Mu Jin and began to look at her.

Let's take a moment to look at such a smokeless figure. A small smile appeared on Mujin's lips.

It was like a kid who had just learned martial arts watching adults spar and imitating them.

"That's perfect for these guys..."

Mu Jin came up with an idea and took a hard step by surprise during the confrontation with Mu Yan.

Mu Yan, who had been nervous about preparing for Mu Jin's tackle, involuntarily flinched at the sudden attack and prepared to launch a counterattack.

However, Mujin, who stepped on the angle as if he was about to charge, could only stand still.

At that moment, the tension in Mu Yan's body was slightly relieved without realizing it.


Without missing that moment, Mujin snuggled into Muyeon's arms.

Still, the rhythm he learned didn't go anywhere, so Mu Yan threw a punch into Mu Jin's face as he dug into his arms.

However, Mujin, who had been thinking of counterattacking since he dug in, used the Four Styles of the Ring of Illusions.

It was a form of striking, in which the opponent parried an attack with the side of his left arm and at the same time used the recoil to unleash his right fist.

Mu Jin's left arm with internal attack parried Mu Yan's attack accurately, and immediately after that, Mu Jin's fist slammed into Mu Yan's abdomen.


Mu Yan groaned as she grabbed her stomach after being slapped in the abdomen, and Mu Jin took a step back.

This wasn't a fight, and you couldn't beat your opponent like a dog in sparring.

I was glad I laughed at his words, but I still couldn't make a kid laugh like that.

Looking at Mu Jin, who had won so easily against Mu Yan, Hye Zheng and some of the Great Li disciples lit up their eyes.

'Huh· It's already so free..."

"Not only the small red sphere, but also the achievement of the Yan Circle is conspicuous..."

The reason they were surprised was that Mu Jin had masterfully led the sparring, but the influence of the sedge ceremony at the end was even greater.

When he struck out the punch of Mu Yan, he swung his left arm with an internal attack, but the subsequent regime did not carry the internal attack.

They all noticed that Mu Jin, who was worried that he would damage his internal organs after feeding a child a regime loaded with internal balls, did not carry the internal balls.

And Mu Jin, who had easily defeated Mu Yan, shouted to the nine bronze monks waiting behind him.


* * *

The last opponent to stand in front of Mujin was a big guy who couldn't even be compared to Mujin.

He saw that all the children who had sparred before him had been swayed by Mujin and lost, so he rushed at Mujin as soon as the sparring began.

He wasn't just like Mugung, and every time he swung his fists, a cool burst of perforation.

Mujin, who was deprived of the first attack, blocked his opponent's attack with his arm or twisted his body to dodge it.

A few times I tried to get attacked by my opponent like that.

The moment his opponent's fist landed squarely in Mujin's face, Mujin leaned his upper body back as if in limbo.

Mujin, who had tilted his back in the manner commonly referred to as the iron plate bridge in Wulin, stretched out his right arm from that position.

The fist slammed into the jaw of his opponent as he dug deep into Mujin's face.


And the opponent who allowed a direct hit to the chin instantly gave out his legs and sat down.


After defeating the tenth and final opponent, Mujin took a small breath that he couldn't seem.

The last technique used was the sixth herb of the Lesser Red Circle, and it was a posture in which common sense did not allow the power of the fists.

However, like the other herbivores of the Lesser Red Realm, this one was able to raise its strength from an uncomfortable position by using the bet according to the point.

The problem was that if you put a punch in your opponent's jaw that was exposed unprotected, your opponent's jaw would be harpooned.

In the end, this time, Mujin had to swing the bet only on the blood canal around his back, and when he swung his fist while maintaining his stance, he had to swing it down without the bet.

"It's still a little awkward..."

Thanks to the few times he had performed this technique in the previous sparring, Mu Jin was actually in a state where the muscles of his whole body were throbbing.

However, this Ten Consecutive Battles was fought to suppress the steamer. Mujin didn't show weakness in front of the other children.

"If anyone is still dissatisfied, come forward..."

Mu Jin shouted in a low tone to the rest of the children who were watching the sparring, but no one stepped forward anymore.

I didn't even have a single angle, so I took down all ten of them, so I couldn't even say a word.

All the children in the theater were staring at him without saying a word, and Mu Jin spoke again in a low tone.

"Okay· From now on, I'll take the lead in cultivating. From now on, at least during the early morning training hours, you will have to call me "Instructor." Do you understand!!"

Mu Jin, who was talking quietly, suddenly asked loudly at the end, and the children said involuntarily, "Okay!" I exclaimed·

A smile appeared on Mujin's lips as if he was satisfied with their answers.

"Then I'll keep my promise. Did I tell you? Let's see if we can still laugh after training today."

It was a smile that was unworthy of a Shaolin Temple.

"Everybody down!!"

Before Mujin's shouts erupted, the children fell to the ground.

Mu Jin looked at the situation with satisfaction, and said to the Great Disciples who were watching the situation from behind.

"Put the sac on the children's backs."

And the disciples of this great school are afraid to put their sacs on the children's backs. No, it started to get started.

"If you do one, go down and hold on! If your stomach touches the ground, your sacs will double! One!"

"The two of them stretch out their arms and pull themselves up! Two!"

Doing push-ups with a sac on his back was just the beginning.

I ran the gym on a first-come, first-served basis with the sac strapped to the limb, and if it was just a little late to tie the sac to the limb, I had to do the push-ups again.

In addition, with the sac tied to the body, the legendary movement PT 8 pose is taken.

The hellish dawn training continued, and before I knew it, the children's clothes were damp with sweat. This is despite the fact that they have all been training in Shaolin for at least five months.

Naturally, there was only the sound of the children's heavy breathing in the theater.

"The whole car..."


In a short period of time, the children, who had become accustomed to Instructor Mujin's training, reflexively straightened their bodies at Mujin's small muttered words.

"This should be enough."

Watching the situation, Mujin showed a satisfied expression.

I was able to dominate the steamer to some extent in a ten-game series, but that didn't mean that if I started with muscle lengthening or simple exercises, the atmosphere could be disturbed.

In particular, the opponents are boys who are about to enter puberty. I was old enough to not listen to dirty words.

He had to warn him that if he didn't concentrate on training, he could always roll like a dog.

And now that we've had enough warnings...

"I'm going to start training in earnest now!"

It was time to start the main story.

The children, who had been going mad until now, sounded like a death sentence from hell, but Mu Jin ignored the children's delusions and cried out.

"Endless Martial Arts Forward!"

At Mujin's shout, the trio stepped forward.

"These three are seniors who have been trained by me before you! So, from today onwards, they will be called assistant instructors during the early morning cultivation time, and they will give you a demonstration!"

Mujin, who introduced the three of them to the children as assistants, pointed his finger around the theater and positioned the three children.

And I started a full-fledged movement.

I started teaching them the movements one by one to build up each real muscle.

When Mujin explained and demonstrated the points to pay attention to and the stimuli that should be paid attention to in each posture, Mu Yul and Mu Mu Kyung, who were located in each position, also demonstrated.

Seventy people had gathered, so it was also to be considerate of the children who couldn't see Mujin's movements.

"If you teach other kids your age, your self-esteem will go up a little bit."

There were also mixed reasons for this.

Well, in addition to that, there is a saying that you teach while you learn, so I wondered if the three of you would learn something more by teaching as well.

* * *

Five days have passed since Mujin was in charge of the early morning training.

After observing the cultivation for five days, Fa Kang thought.

"Mujin Guy· Do you have any experience teaching someone in your family?'

Mu Jin led the cultivation so skillfully that it seemed like a twelve-year-old.

This was especially surprising considering that the training he was leading was not one-on-one, but one in which he had to control seventy children.

He also went through the days of the three great disciples of the Dharma Practitioners, and he knew very well how difficult it was, especially since he was called "Fa Kwang" and "Dharma Dog" because of his work with the Dharma disciples of the Eastern Rebellion.

No, it was more than a knowledge of the law, but rather a law instructor who thought he had a lot to learn from Mujin.

'Hmmm· When you let them go, you release them, and when you think they're crossing the line, you have to roll them bigger."

After rolling his opponent with a domination on the first day, Mujin began to train his muscles properly.

However, as the difficulty of the exercise became lower than that of the Earl, the children began to do other things.

If the children showed any signs of it, Mujin would drive them crazy during each of these days, just like on the first day.

It was a typical military-style way of teaching.

"I'm going to try it on the priests."

For the Dharma Kang, who was more of a soldier than a Buddhist by nature, it was a very innovative method of education.

And today, the fifth day·

"From today, we will train in separate groups."

Mujin divided the children into four main groups.

This classification was based on the results of observing the early morning training and the morning martial arts training over the past five days.

Children who were similar to those who were not good enough to learn the so-red area were tied together.

Lack of flexibility, lack of core strength, etc.

In addition, the four groups were each put in charge of Mujin and the trio of assistants, who led the training.

For example, children who lacked flexibility were given the most flexibility exercises.

As much as I've done it the most, Mujin said, "I'm going to do this, this and this today." I thought that if I told him, he would be able to take the lead in his cultivation on his own.

Well, if there are children who don't follow properly, or if there are signs that the teaching assistants aren't doing a good job, he'll have to step up.

In any case, thanks to the division of the group, the number of children directly under Mujin's care was reduced to about twenty.

Teaching those twenty people and checking on the status of the other groups from time to time, the early morning training time of Han Shijin passed quickly.

And by the time the kids move on to breakfast after a workout,

Hye-jung came to Mujin's side and spoke to him.

"Mujin-ah· He said that the item you asked Master for last time has been completed..."

What Mujin added when he accepted Hyunsung's offer.

It was a question of what kind of things he could make.

The news that Hye Jung had received was the news that Mujin had hoped for.

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