Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 25 Table of contents

There can't be such a thing (2)


Fa Kang insinuated to Mu Jin the name of the martial artist that came to his mind.

"Mujin-ah· Have you ever heard of the Iron Cannon Three?"

Hearing the name of the martial artist, Mu Jin's face was filled with bewilderment. That's right...

“··· Isn't that a third-rate foreign technique that bandits learn?"

It was because he was a martial artist who was treated like this in the world.

Choi Kang-hyuk, who was in Mujin's body, had only read martial arts magazines until his school days, and then he had given it up, but there was still a vague memory of Cheolpo Sam in his mind.

Isn't it a martial art that appears so often in martial arts circles? Mainly third-rate villains· For example, the martial arts that the green forest students often learn.

"Was that Shaolin martial arts?"

Mu Jin asked with a puzzled expression, and Dharma Gang cleared his throat once and replied.

"Ahem· There's a bit of a secret there... In fact, it was one of the basic martial arts of Shaolin that those who had passed through the initiation martial arts were able to master, just like the half-hearted martial arts that you are learning now. One of the famous martial arts of Shaolin (鐵砂掌) was also a martial art mastered by those who had mastered the iron cloth ginseng beyond the realm of the realm of it."


If it's a wire sand, Mujin has also seen it in an old martial arts movie.

Pushing your palms into the hot sand, you can train your martial arts. When I first saw it, my first impression was so strong that it remained in my memory.

"But how did such a Shaolin basic martial arts become a third-rate martial arts trained only by bandits?"

"This is related to the decrease in the number of those who learn the iron cloth in Shaolin. It was a martial art that strengthened the skin and allowed it to withstand the attacks of sharp weapons such as swords and swords, but in the end, it was not very helpful against masters who had reached the level of the realm or higher."

"Oh... I've heard of it. It doesn't work for masters who use the internal weighting method."

Internal weighting method· It was a technique of using a bet to destroy the inside instead of the outside when striking an opponent.

"Yes... In addition, they were able to block ordinary iron tools, but they could not block the sword and pottery used by advanced masters. There was talk that if they were successful, they would be able to stop it, but in the end, it became the orthodox theory that they would not be able to stop Kangqi."

It was useless against a master. And the Shaolin Master learns martial arts to deal with masters such as Maduna of Demon Buddhism and the evil enemies of Safa.

Therefore, as it became less practical, the number of people who naturally learned it decreased.

In the end, it didn't help Mujin either. The enemy Mujin will have to face will be the last black curtain of the novel, so it will be a formidable master.

"But why did the story of the iron cannon suddenly come out?"

"Ahem· It is widely known that iron cloth hemp is to temper the skin like steel by constantly applying shocks to the skin, just like the iron sand. But this is only half the story. In addition to that, the true iron cloth is accompanied by the sphere that absorbs the qi into the skin."


"This is also because this iron cloth was a basic martial art. A disciple who had descended without having mastered the iron cloth ginseng properly formed a family and spread half of the iron cloth ginseng."

It was said that the real iron cloth ginseng was considered useless even in Shaolin and began to be uncooked, and only half of it was spread by the inner family disciples.

"After all, it was only half of the basic martial arts, so there was no reason to worry about it in Shaolin..."

Mujin, who had finished thinking about it, asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"If you do it, if you cook the real iron cloth ginseng, will you be able to absorb it with your skin?"

Absorbs qi into the skin· In other words, even when you can't breathe, you can build up your inner space.

What if you could even absorb Qi with your skin while you were walking?

Perhaps the effect will be multiplied.

Mu Jin's eyes were full of anticipation, and Dharma Kang shook his head.

"Yes and no..."

“··· What do you mean by that?"

"The essence of Cheolpo ginseng is to absorb the original qi into the skin and strengthen the skin. In other words, the qi absorbed by the iron cloth ginseng does not add to the inner pores, but only strengthens the skin."


Then it's useless!?

Just as Mu Jin was thinking about it in his head, fortunately, Dharma Kang added.

"But at least you can absorb qi into your skin through it... So why don't you study how to channel the qi that you have once absorbed into your skin into the inner air?"

Dharma Gang looked at Mu Jin with a very serious look in his eyes and said. There was a look in his eyes full of anticipation, "You'll be able to do it."

Of course, I wasn't going to feel burdened by that kind of look or take on a job that didn't feel overwhelmed by the pressure.

'Hmmm· I think it's worth a try?'

It was a shame that I thought it was possible, at least theoretically.

Rather than understanding the filthy complex and difficult Seventy Kinds of Sacred Techniques that I would learn in the future, I thought it would be quicker to find a way to channel the qi that I had absorbed through my skin into the inner air.

"Disciple· I'm still a little bit of a player, but I'm going to give it a try."

Mu Jin said this in a confident tone, and Dharma Gang shook his head with satisfaction.

"Well thought out."

"If you do, will you tell me about the crystal of the iron cloth hemp from now on?"

"That's impossible..."

“··· Why?"

Mu Jin asked with a puzzled face, and Fa Kang replied with an uncharacteristically cool face.

"It's because I haven't learned iron ginseng either, so I don't know how to make it..."


Mu Jin looked at him with a puzzled expression, and Dharma Gang turned his head to the side in embarrassment.

"Ahem· It can't be helped. It's been more than fifty years since Cheolpo Sam began to be shunned. There are only records of those who have mastered it in the past, and there are hardly any people left in Shaolin who have mastered it now."

It was information that Fa Kang was so proud of Shaolin that he memorized the records of the past month by heart. Some of Shaolin's great disciples didn't know that it was Shaolin's martial arts.

But that wasn't what Mujin knew.

"Then how the hell are you going to learn that iron cloth?"

"Big· Don't worry· Even if no one has learned it now, there is still iron cloth ginseng in the Changjing Pavilion. After all, it's a basic martial arts, so I'll teach you first, and then I'll teach you about it."

Dharma Kang spoke in a confident tone, but Mu Jin just looked at him with a trembling expression.

It looked like a military image, but the more I looked at it, the more I saw it.

* * *

A few days later·

Apart from the appearance of being full of bravado, it was still a gamble to win the Shaolin Great Disciple, and the Dharma Kang succeeded in mastering the essence of the Iron Cannon Three.

Thanks to this, Mujin was able to begin to learn the iron cloth ginseng in earnest through the Dharma lectures.

The direction of the iron cannon gong was completely different from the martial arts that Mu Jin had learned before.

Of course, there was only one sound taken from the Buddhist scriptures, but if it was a description of how other martial artists handled bets, then the phrase of the Cheolpo Three was more of a story about the senses.

The essence of Cheolpo ginseng is to feel and absorb Qi through the skin and strengthen the skin.

And for this purpose, in the practice of Cheolpo Hemp, they would inflict blows and shocks on the skin.

The 'irritation' inflicted on the skin by applying a moderate level of blow or impact was intended to make the condition of the skin more sensitive.

And the phrase of the iron posam dealt with how one feels the sensation of the skin through the stimulus and how to absorb the external qi through that sense.


To this end, Mujin, who had begun to cook iron ginseng, kept slapping his skin with the palm of his hand whenever he had time.

"What's wrong with him again?"

Of course, to those who didn't know, it looked like a madman.

Looking at Mu Jin who was repeatedly self-harming by himself, Mu Gong asked with a puzzled face, and Mu Yul replied clearly.

"It's been like that before, it's been the death penalty!"

"When used to?"

"Mmmm... That's why ..."

Fold your fingers one by one at the question of the endless, and wait a moment to count the days. In the end, Mu Yul, who had given up on calculating the date, replied with clarity.

"Yes~ the first time Mu Jin confronted Master Hyejeong!"


"Then he told me to slap him in the face! When I said I didn't like it, he slapped me in the face with his own hand."

“··· Was he crazy after all?"

Mu Yul's clear answer made Mu Mu mutter softly. If he said it out loud, he was afraid that he would be slapped in the back of the head by Mujin again.

A crazy guy who is good at fighting was so scary.

* * *

Half a year has passed.

In the meantime, the white snow fell on the Songshan Lost Peak, where the Shaolin Temple is located, and the white snow melted and the buds began to sprout.

Then, just in time for the buds to sprout, about twenty monks left the Shaolin Temple.

Within a year, they had failed to master the introductory martial arts.

No matter how much Mu Jin was in charge of the early morning cultivation and raised the level of the outer gong, if he couldn't master the bet at all, he couldn't master the martial arts of Shaolin in the end.

The twenty children who have now left either haven't felt it for a year, or if they do, they haven't had the talent to handle it properly.

However, even though she had sent out as many as twenty children, Hye-jeong's face was not so dark.

"Master· This year, there are forty-nine children left."

The fact that only the children who couldn't handle the bets well were left meant that they could stay if they had at least some talent to handle the bets.

Normally, more than half of the numbers would be exported at this time, but this time less than a third of the numbers were exported.

Hyunsung was one of those thoughts as well, and there was a small smile on the old monk's lips.

"It's also thanks to Mujin..."

Even if they were talented enough to handle ordinary betting, there weren't many kids who were talented enough to learn three introductory martial arts in a year.

However, this year, thanks to Mujin's external attack training method, there were some children who were able to overcome their lack of talent with external air.

At this point, it would have been more foolish to deny Mujin's cultivation method.

No, beyond denial, Hyunsung and Hyejung had already turned into ardent supporters of Mujin.

"Phew· Hurry up and add steel shelves and steel rods to the Monk Hall. If you're going to have to get the weight discs..."

Seeing the benefits of Mujin's cultivation methods, Hyunsung hoped to get a large number of the tools that Mujin used.

However, no matter how prestigious Shaolin was, wealth could not overflow due to its fair manner.

I wonder if it's an easy tool to make like Sanang. Steel rods and weight discs required their own sophisticated techniques to match the center of gravity and dimensions, so the manufacturing cost was quite high.

In other words, the Chubo Party, which is in charge of Shaolin's administration, could not afford to disburse the budget so easily.

But it wasn't like there wasn't a way out.

"Hehehe... I've been practicing Buddhism for fifty years. I can forget my greed now, but I hope that the entrance examination date will come soon."

"The disciple also feels the same way. Master·"

Entrance examination (入山審査)

It is the last test for the initiators and the test for the selection of the immediate past disciples.

If he could prove Mujin's cultivation method through that test, it wasn't a dream to bring a large amount of tools into the Monk Hall.

* * *

Half a year has passed again.

The seasons have passed through spring and summer, and now we are at the beginning of autumn again, and the trees of the Lost Peak are beginning to turn vermilion.

And in the past one year, Mujin has also achieved a great deal.

I was in the middle of my growth period, and in one year, I grew a little over five feet eight centimeters (171 cm) taller.


Mujin took a deep breath and began to lift the steel rod. The weight discs on the steel rod now weighed well over one hundred and seventy pounds (102 kilograms).

Mujin, who started lifting nearly 100 kilograms with a bench press that was not even a squat, By the 12th inning, he had now reached 3-400.

Even after more than a year and nine months of exercise, it seemed like my growth was slow when it was only 400, but there was a big reason for this.

The reason why Mujin is not a fitness trainer, but a martial artist.

In fact, if my goal was just to increase the size of my muscles, I would have been aiming for three to 500. It was also because Mujin's body was so goalless, and also because Choi Kang-hyuk was a capable trainer.

But the reason he built up his body was to make it easier for him to use his martial arts.

And if you grow your muscles unknowingly, it will hinder your movements. Just like muscular bodybuilders can't scratch their backs with their hands.

As a result, Mujin only increased the "size" of his muscles to a level where he could use martial arts. Only up to a size similar to that of celebrities who are often referred to as "bodies" on television.

Mujin, who had reached that level, began to do the three major exercises only to maintain muscle mass, focusing on exercises that stimulated the smallest areas.

As a result, Mujin's current body has been transformed into a wild muscular body with developed lean muscles instead of the bulging muscles that he had when he was a trainer.

In addition, he was able to succeed in learning some of the basic Shaolin martial arts that are allowed to introductory disciples.

At the height of Mujin's cultivation, he was spurring on his cultivation.

Ambassador Xuan, who is in charge of the Monk Temple, was entering one of the grand halls of the Shaolin Temple, which boasts a long tradition.

"Monk Chief· This is the prefectural state of Nahan Dangju · I'm here to tell you about the entrance examination that will take place in five days."

It was the master's room, which was the backbone of Shaolin Temple.

"Come in· Nahan Dangju·"

The Shaolin Chamberlain, who allowed the visit of the prefecture, Ambassador Xuanchen greeted him with his characteristic benevolent expression.

"The story has been briefly told. Most of the kids this time have made it to the entrance examination?"

"Hehehe... Isn't this also because the virtues of the master monk are so deep?"

Hyunsung's answer to the monk's and his own priest lit up Ambassador Hyuncheon's benevolent eyes.

"If the priest is able to say this, he must be quite confident. Amitabha Buddha·'

The entrance examination to be held in five days was a highly anticipated ambassador.

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