Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 26 Table of contents

Entrance Examination (1)


Originally, the morning in Shaolin was calm and busy.

The Monk Party, the Outer Party, the Outside Party, the Lawyers, etc. This was because the monks in each party or garden were quietly and busy, doing their own work and cultivating.

But today, for some reason, most of the people who should have been divided into circles or parties were gathered together.

The place where they gathered was the Nahan Hall, and today was the day when the entrance examination for those who had entered the university two years ago was held.

In fact, I didn't see that many people at the entrance screening.

Usually, the number of children who remained until the entrance examination was often around twenty at most.

Except for the occasional case in which the initiated disciples are well over a hundred, and the number of children who succeed in remaining until the entrance examination exceeds thirty.

Therefore, the number of disciples who will take those twenty or so children as disciples will be around twenty at most.

Naturally, the party tended to give a damn and call only "teacher candidates" who suited the child's constitution and body type.

But today was completely different.

There are forty-nine children left before the entrance examination. Excluding the seven who had been excluded from the family because they had to carry on the family, there were forty-two people who had to be examined.

That's why instead of giving them a word, they called all those who were interested.

As a result, there are now as many as two hundred people gathered in the hall, not including those who are going to take the exam today.

Nearly half of the Shaolin monks, including the Three Great Disciples, had gathered.

In any case, it would be enough for the two great disciples to take the initiated disciples as immediate past disciples, so it would be enough if only the two great disciples gathered, but that was not the case.

The disciples were still learning martial arts from the great disciples, so they felt that it was not enough for them to decide their own future generations.

For this reason, it was not uncommon for the great disciples to watch together and point out their own hands and inform the disciple of the two great disciples.

And Hyunsung, who aimed so far, deliberately invited as many people as possible to the entrance examination as spectators.

He intended to be recognized for Mujin's cultivation method through this entrance examination, and to proudly order the Chubo Party to make additional exercise equipment.

And when more than two hundred people gathered together, even the most decent Shaolin monks couldn't help but make noise.

Each of them spoke in a small voice, but if there were two hundred of them, it would become noise.

"I heard that there are forty-two children who are taking the entrance examination this time..."

"I suspect that the Four Swans left behind a bunch of children out of compassion. Master·"

"I don't think so... The Four Hundred Disciples came to see me yesterday and said that the disciples this time are very good."

Around the time when everyone was having these conversations.

At the appointed time, Hyunsung appeared in the center of the hall.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule. Everyone is busy with their time, and there are so many children who have to take the examination today, so instead of talking for a long time, I will proceed with the examination right away. Amitabha Buddha·"

After briefly announcing the beginning of the examination, Hyunsung withdrew, and one of the disciples stepped out to the center of the hall.

Shaolin's entrance examination was actually quite simple. The great disciple spars with the initiate to see how much the child has mastered martial arts.

The Grand Disciple Li who stepped to the center of the hall was one of those who decided to take charge of the sparring.

"Whoever is innocent, come forward!"

Then, at the shout of Hye-jeong, the general manager of the training, who was in charge of conducting the entrance examination, a bronze monk stepped to the center of the theater.

Mu Yeol raised the class to the Great Disciple, and the Great Disciple accepted the greeting. With Hyejeong's shout, the sparring began.


Wu Qing used the introductory martial arts he had learned and the basic martial arts of Shaolin to attack the Great Disciple Li.

Needless to say, the gap between the disciples and the initiates was very large. Therefore, on the contrary, the role of the Grand Disciple of Lee, who was in charge of the examination, was not to defeat the inductee, but to deal with the admittee only to the extent that he or she could show his or her ability appropriately.

The Great Disciple was able to dodge the flawless attacks appropriately or use his internal attacks to match the opponent's level.

And once in a while, when the opponent saw an opening, he would counterattack once.

This was because if you just blocked or avoided it unconditionally, you would not be able to properly examine it.

Perfection of herbivore and management of betting· In addition, how many gaps have been eliminated. Or is it possible to improvise to fill the gap? Such things were also subject to examination.

In that sense, the child's ability to be flawless was enough to give him a passing grade.

No matter how much he looked at him, he had already been sparring with the two great disciples for more than twenty matches.


Thinking that everyone who came here would have seen enough of their flawless skills, Hye Zheng finished the sparring.

"Hehehe... The monk deserves to be proud. You're very good."

"I don't know if I let out a friend who was too good from the start. Amitabha Buddha·"

As expected, the other people watching were also satisfied with the child's ability.

And some of them, who had watched the sparring and grasped the flawless body shape and constitution, had their eyes shining in order to be accepted as their disciples.

Hye Jung glanced at the scene and seemed to have had enough discussion, so she proceeded with the next screening.

Since then, four more sparring sessions have been held, and surprisingly, all five of the judges so far have been able to pass the judging process.

"Hehehe... It seems that all the children in this generation are the ones with straight hearts..."

"Yes, indeed, the death penalty. Rather than using a variety of martial arts in a miscellaneous way, everyone seems to have mastered the martial arts of the Ten Stars, starting with the Annuity Circle and then mastering the introductory martial arts to the Ten Star Realm."

The Shaolin disciples, who had watched five sparring sessions, were slowly getting to know the characteristics of the children.

So far, none of the five who have passed the examination have mastered a wide variety of basic martial arts.

However, instead of him, he was introduced to martial arts such as Xiao Hong-kwon and Chu Feng Gak. On top of that, I only used one or two basic martial arts like the monk and the banyabong method.

Nevertheless, all five of them were able to pass because all five of them had mastered the feat to a very high level.

Considering the amount of air power that children of that age possessed, they boasted a considerable level of speed and power.

In fact, this was due to Mujin's cultivation method.

I couldn't change my cultivation or my talent for managing bets. As a result, the children with a little talent managed to master the introductory martial arts in a year's time, and they succeeded in mastering only one or two basic martial arts techniques, except for the half-hearted martial arts.

However, thanks to Mujin's cultivation methods, their physical level was far higher, and at least in the martial arts they had mastered, they were able to create a power and speed that far exceeded that of their peers.

The Shaolin disciples, who were not yet aware of such internal circumstances, misunderstood that this time, education was conducted in a way that was more of a deep dig than a variety of martial arts.

And the Shaolin master, Ambassador Xuan, was also showing such misunderstandings.

Intrigued by Hyunsung's confident words and expressions five days ago, Ambassador Hyuncheon, who attended today's judging, insinuated to Hyunsung, who was sitting next to him.

"Hehehe... As expected, as the owner said, the level of the children in this college seems to be quite high..."

Normally, about half to one-third of the children who remained before the entrance examination failed the entrance examination.

However, not a single child has fallen out of the five so far, so this alone shows that the level of this unit is quite high.

But why?

Hyunsung replied to Ambassador Hyuncheon's words with a strange expression.

"Hehehe... We're not even halfway there. Monk Chief· You don't need to make a judgment too early. Amitabha Buddha·"

Ambassador Hyuncheon looked puzzled at Hyunsung's answer.

'Hmmm· Did they deliberately put outstanding children in the front?"

But if that was the case, Hyunsung wouldn't have projected that confidence five days ago. Even now, he just told me to keep an eye on him, and I didn't feel any signs of anxiety.

"We'll see."

After fifty years of cultivating Buddhism, the old monk Hyuncheon quickly calmed down and decided to watch the examination again with a relaxed mindset.

And in the case of Hyun-sung, who gave a questionable answer to Ambassador Hyun-cheon...

'Hehehe· It's too early to be alarmed. The Death Penalty of the Chamber Chief·'

I was thinking about it in my heart.

Even the children who took the entrance examination first were already good enough to get a passing score, but there were other real ones.

By the time about ten people had sparred like that...

A strange smile appeared on Hyunsung's lips as he knew the child who would be called next.

"Recruit Mu Yul step forward!"

This time, the child who will step up· Mu Yul was a child with quite a unique talent.

* * *

"Recruit Mu Yul step forward!"

Immediately after Hyejeong's name came out·

"Do you remember what I told you?"

Mujin, who was sitting next to Mu Yul, spoke to Mu Yul softly.

"Yes! I told you to play to your heart's content..."

"Yes... You just have to relax and have fun. Don't think about it..."

Luckily, Mu Yul remembered what he said, so Mu Jin patted her on the back.

As always, Mu Jin smiled as he looked at Mu Yul walking out with a sunny expression.

In fact, in terms of "nothingness", Mu Yul was not very far ahead of the other candidates.

Because of the phenomenal level of whiteness.

But Mujin, who had been with Mu Yul for nearly two years, knew him very well.

That Mu Yul has a very special talent that will more than replace that pure white head.

Therefore, instead of forcing Mujin to learn various martial arts in order to dress him in clothes that didn't fit, he simply continued to practice one of the introductory martial arts and the basic martial arts, the Kungonbo (乾坤步).

In order not to get his hands and feet twisted while worrying about the flow of the bet, Mu Yul, who lacks brains, made the movement and the flow of the bet imprint on his body.

"Everyone here is a master, so at least someone will recognize his special talent."

Mu Jin thought of this and watched Mu Yul's sparring match that was about to begin.

"Hehehe... There must have been a reason for Master Hyunsung's confidence."

"I think this kid is good enough to get a passing grade. Amitabha Buddha·"

However, contrary to Mujin's expectations, those who watched Mu Yul's sparring only gave a "passable" evaluation.

And it was one thing to think of such a thing, as was the Grand Disciple Li who was sparring with Mu Yul.

This was because the number of martial arts used by a child named Mu Yul was not very large.

"It seems that the number of martial arts you have mastered has been figured out..."

Then all that remains is to check the ability to improvise and the use of martial arts.

After making his judgment, the disciple swung his legs towards the gap, just in time for Mu Yul to throw out his fist.

In order to see how the child named Muyul responds.

And the kick that dug into the gap was dodged by Mu Yul by turning his body sharply.

No, it wasn't the end of the story. The fist he swung was flushed sharply, as if it had been a waste, and he aimed at the face of the disciple with his opposite elbow.


The Great Disciple didn't expect to be able to launch a counterattack from that position, so he hurriedly raised his palm and managed to block the attack.

And the bewildered Great Disciple unknowingly launched a counterattack with the other hand.


This time, too, it was a no-brainer who twisted his body like a loach and avoided it. And as soon as I opened my body, another counterattack of Mu Yul poured out.


In the ultra-close proximity of a single inch, the technique of coming and going at high speeds·

The face of the Great Disciple Lee, who was not even a third-generation disciple and had only been forced to engage in a gourd with a newcomer, could not help but feel embarrassed.

Common sense tells me that I'm pumping my fist at a clear gap...

Each time, a child named Mu Yul fought back while dodging the attack with a movement that looked like a person.

Around that point, the people who were watching the sparring began to notice that something was wrong.

There was one middle-aged monk who had a particularly intense eyelight.

'Huh· I can't believe I can move my body like that over there."

Looking at Mu Yule, who was moving in a bizarre form, the middle-aged monk shook his head with a satisfied expression.

That child was naturally retarded.

The fact that he does not read or predict the moves of his opponents, but moves according to his instinctive instincts like an animal, is evident to him after decades of practicing martial arts that imitate animals.

"And a superior body that can carry out that instinctive judgment ..."

Reading and moving instinctively means not anticipating it. In other words, they often move their bodies abruptly without being prepared in advance.

It took a lot of flexibility and resilience to move in that way. Tension like that of the animal totally ·

A wild animal-like intuition and the flexibility and resilience to realize that intuition.

Seeing both talents, the middle-aged man spoke in a tone of conviction.

"Dharma Hyun... Take a good look. That is the child who will be your disciple and my son-in-law."

"Yes· Master·"

The middle-aged monk's Dharma name is Hye-geul (慧傑) ·

"Do you see that animalistic movement? That child should be able to complete our Shaolin Five Books..."

Shaolin Five Tickets·

One of Shaolin's representative martial arts that the Dharma Master modeled after the movements of the dragon tiger master.

He was the current inheritor of the Shaolin Five Realms and a man who was called the Five Powers Invincible in Wulin.

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