Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 29 Table of contents

Entrance Examination (4)


"Hmph... Ahh Apparently you're on our side by nature..."

Hye-kwan, who was not excused by the crowd, said to Mu-kyung with a sinister smile.

But Mu Qing didn't even hear what he was saying right now.

Thanks to the sudden suspension of sparring, the excitement subsided.

He was now aware that hundreds of adults were watching him, and that he had been slaughtered in the midst of all this.

It was a feast of madness...


When he came back to his senses, he let out a strange sound, lowered his head, and shook his shoulders. As if he didn't dare to look up at anyone else.


Hye Guan, who was watching such a martial situation, burst into a roar.

"This is true... I've come to have someone crazier than me in my life..."

When he fights, his eyes roll and he kills his masters, but when he comes back to his senses, he's afraid to even make eye contact with people.

There were many crazy guys in the Annihilation Corps, including Hye-kwan herself, but this was the first time they were divided into two extremes.

"It must be more delicious than I thought. Hmph· I'm looking forward to it..."

After saying this to Mu Kyung, Hye Kwan flew away, as if he was no longer interested in the entrance examination, and disappeared over the wall of the Monk Hall.

* * *

The entrance examination that caused a little confusion due to the incident of Hye-kwan and Mu-kyung·

However, since most of them were cultivated monks, the confusion quickly subsided, and soon after, the entrance examination resumed.

And by the time most of the candidates had completed their examinations.

"Hmmm· In terms of talent, it seems that the talent of Mu Kyung, who became Hye-kwan's son-in-law, is the most outstanding. Nahan Dangju·"

Ambassador Hyuncheon, who had watched all the forty-one children's examinations so far, said with a satisfied expression.

So far, all the children who have taken the examination have received passing grades and have been selected as the three great disciples of Shaolin.

At least since Chen Chen entered Shaolin, there has never been a year in which he set such a great record.

He was truly the greatest jockey of all time, and among them, his talent was that of a military discipline.

If Hye Guan could control Mu Kyung's madness, Mu Qing would grow into a great pillar of Shaolin.

But why?

Hyunsung replied with a strange expression to the words of Ambassador Hyuncheon, who considered Mukyung's talent to be the best.

"It is true that the talent of the martial arts is phenomenal. However, if the best disciple of this rider asks me, who will do it? I would choose her without hesitation. The death penalty of the head of the room·"

As he spoke, Ambassador Hyunsheng's gaze was directed to Mujin, whose name had finally been called, walking out to the theater of the theater.

Ambassador Hyuncheon, who had followed Hyunsung's gaze and turned his gaze to Mujin, asked Hyunsung a question again.

"Is she more outstanding than that martial police?"

"If Mujin is more difficult than Muqing, it's a story that is both right and wrong. The death penalty of the head of the room·"

"It's right and it's wrong..."

"Yes· In terms of talent for martial arts, it can be said that martial arts are superior to martial arts. Wu Qing is a child who has the talent to compile the martial arts of our Shaolin."

Hyunchen shook his head at Hyunsung's words.

The madness and infatuation shown at the end are just stirring. In terms of his understanding of martial arts, it was a reasonable decision.

But that made me even more suspicious. He is more outstanding than a martial arts officer who has such talent. What are you talking about?

"What about a kid named Mujin?"

"Mujin is..."

After pausing for a moment, Hyunsung smiled happily and told him about the general review of Mujin that he had seen so far.

"This is the child who will take our Shaolin to the next level."

After hearing Hyunsung's answer, Hyunchen turned his head again and looked at Mujin in the center of the theater.

"I'm going to take our Shaolin forward..."

Hyuncheon was able to see the subtle difference in Hyunsung's words. The difference in subjects·

A child who will compile "Shaolin Martial Arts"·

A child who will take Shaolin forward·

It was a similar expression, but with a great difference.

'Isn't that a way of talking about him?'

Somehow, the expression reminded Hyuncheon's mind of a character's name.

"Let's go!"

With Hye-jeong's shout, the final entrance examination began.

* * *

The grounds of Shaolin with its magnificent halls·

A young monk was walking through the hall with an old monk on his back.

This was a seemingly common sight, but it turned out to be a very strange sight.

It is only natural for a young person to carry an old man on his back, even if you look at the Chinese character for filial piety.

However, this was the Shaolin Temple, and with the exception of a few monks who did not practice martial arts, it was a place where most monks who practiced martial arts lived.

In particular, the elderly people of Shaolin, a prestigious political faction, were mostly masters who had reached the realm of mastery, so they didn't need to be carried around by anyone.

The old monk who was creating such a strange scene said to the young monk who was carrying him.

"It's sparsely populated today..."

"It looks like everyone is attending today's entrance examination. Mr. Sajo·"

"Today was the entrance examination day..."

"Yes· This year, as many as forty-two people took part in the entrance examination, and I understand that quite a lot of people attended the examination. Sajo-sama·"

"Hehehe... This is the rise and fall of our Shaolin..."

The old monk on Sason's back moaned shallowly. After a while, he caught his breath and spoke again.

"Dharma Gun... Since you are also a disciple of this great disciple, shouldn't you have disciples?"

"Won't there be an entrance examination next year? I enjoy going out for a walk with Sajo like this. Hahaha·"

The old monk had a sad expression on his face at the answer of the law, but he couldn't recognize the expression on the old monk's back from him.

The old monk knew.

The fact that he gave up his participation in the entrance examination in order to take care of himself.

So the old monk came up with a plan.

"Let's take a walk to the temple where the entrance examination is held."

"But Sajo-sama..."

At the old monk's words, this time the law Qian showed a worried expression.

"Hehehe... It's been a long time since I've wanted to go out for a walk, so don't worry. It's frustrating to go back and forth to the same place every time..."

At the old monk's words, the law owner gave a look that he couldn't help it.

“··· I'll be as careful as possible. Sajo-sama·"

"Hehehe... I have a lot of trouble every time because of me..."

"What do you mean, Sajo? No one in Shaolin will blame Shao for any request he makes."

Answering that, he walked as carefully as he could, so as not to shock the old monk on his back.

Moving cautiously, they had to slow down, and it took them more than a mile before they reached the Monk Hall.

The old monk's shallow moans behind him couldn't help but make Dharma Gun's expression sad.

Then· The old monk on his back caught his breath and spoke.

"Phew· Shouldn't we go a little farther inside?"

"I think it's enough here. Sajo-sama·"

"Isn't it hard to watch the sparring properly?"

"Hahaha· The monk is still not good enough, and even if you look closely, I don't know if you will be able to pick the right disciple. So why don't you take a look at it and decide?"

It was a legal case that it was decided that it would be impossible to go further in consideration of the old monk who seemed to have already reached his limit.

And in fact, the old monk on his back would be able to see the sparring from above him, as long as he could see the theater.

From that point of view, even at the back of the theater, this place was sufficient.

He had lost his inner strength and his body was decrepit, but the realm that the old monk carrying on his back had reached in the past was at a level that the Fa Qian did not dare to match.

Fortunately or unfortunately, by the time they arrived at the theater, the entrance examination was almost over.

By the time they arrived, Mujin, the last person to be examined, was heading towards the theater.


An exclamation came out of the old monk's mouth as he watched Mu Jin's gait as he stepped out of the theater.

"At his age, he's perfectly balanced..."

As he had once been called the supreme Shaolin leader before he lost Wu Gong due to an incident, the old monk could tell that Mu Jin's body was quite good just by looking at Mu Jin's gait.

Just then, a loud cry burst out of Hye Jung's mouth, signaling the beginning of the sparring match.

"Let's go!"

With Hye-jeong's shout, Mujin rushed towards the Great Disciple.

Mujin's charge, which combined Gu Gongbo's trick with the strength of his lower body that he had cultivated over the years, was truly explosive.

However, the Great Disciple was not embarrassed and tried to read Mu Jin's movements calmly.

In order to deceive the eyes of such a great disciple, Mu Jin mixed the Qiu with a small gesture as he had taught Mu Gong, and then unfolded the one-second deep circle of the Yan Ring Circle.

Annualized ticket one second deep circle ·

It was the most basic herb food that I learned when I first entered Shaolin.

As such, the essence of the inner circle was very simple. All you have to do is pass the bet on the blood in the right order.

However, the old monk who was watching the sparring sobbed at the same time as Mu Jin opened his heart circle.


The old monk had broken the platform and was unable to gather his inner strength, but the feeling of qi had not disappeared.

The old monk, who had already reached a high level, was able to read the true intent of Mujin's fist.

"By mixing the tricks of Gu Gongbo and Chu Feng Gak, he maximized the flow of power starting from the lower body, and strengthened the center of his body by using the tricks of the Ox Sixth, and withstood its power. No, you've amplified it. On top of that, one last time, he amplified it once more from his shoulder with a small one-second trick."

The outward appearance of the sentence is just a simple attack on the regime. In it, the tricks of various novice martial arts were mixed together.

And at the same time, all the various tricks that unfolded came together.


Something strong enough to shatter the rock has been completed.


The mouth of the Great Disciple who blocked Mujin's power burst out involuntarily.

The other party is a newcomer · Naturally, the Great Disciple intended to use five years of energy to deal with Mu Jin at most.

However, it was he who had added extra power to his fist, which felt uncomfortable for Mujin's charge speed and Yan Hwan Fist.

However, even after ten years of hard work against the applicant, the result was this.

His bones weren't broken, but his forearms ached heavily, and his body had been pushed back by a thousand feet after he had blocked Mujin's blow.

Then, as he was pushed back, Mujin's second fist flew at him.

He had already been pushed back by its power once, and he desperately twisted his upper body to dodge it, but the second punch was unsuccessful.

The fist that flew into his face deflected as the disciple shifted.

Realizing that Mu Jin's hand flying towards his shoulder was Guanyin's trick, he responded with Guanyin's skill.

'What kind of grip strength do you have!?'

I could feel the numb ringing of the finger bones that I had touched Mujin. In the end, he had no choice but to increase his offensive power even more.

He tried to match his opponent's level, and it took him fifteen years of strength to equalize Mujin.

“··· Did you take any elixir before you entered Shaolin?"

Naturally, such a question came to his mind, but it was a ridiculous misunderstanding for Mu Jin, who was asked.

"How nice it would be if there was such a convenient thing..."

Mujin, who answered the opponent's question appropriately, untied his fingers and threw a kick at the same time.

A cold sweat dripped down the forehead of the Great Disciple who had managed to dodge the kick with the iron plate technique.

It was the fierce perforation that erupted from Mujin's kick that passed in front of his face.

"You're not the kind of person to look at!"

He only shuffled his hands a few times, but the Great Disciple immediately finished his judgment.

Originally, it was common practice to use only five years' worth of work to determine a child's level.

But if I didn't take care of this kid, I was going to go to sleep and just be crushed by the force.

Like the initiate, he was a disciple who decided to use basic martial arts but increase his strength a little more.


Mujin's fist and the disciple's forearm collided, and a cool sound erupted, like sledgehammers colliding with each other.

In fact, it was only true that Mu Jin hadn't just taken the elixir, but thanks to his success, he had been able to build up his inner strength much faster than the other initiators.

Thanks to the hard work of the past year, he was able to reach the level of the Half-Ya Heart Gong, which he had learned after the Buddha Heart Gong.

But at that point, he had just gathered the same level of skill as the children from the samurai family.

Nevertheless, it was not difficult for the old monk to deduce the reason why Mujin was creating such a strong force.

"Huh... I can't believe I've been able to create such power with just my strength..."

"Circle(拳), Chapter(掌), Angle(脚), Zhi(指), Su(手), Treasure(步) · If you subtract the annuity ticket, that child has only mastered one martial art at most.

Among them, the method of winding, each method, and the method of footwork are the introductory martial arts of the small hong kwon and the chu feng gak gu gungbo.

After all, there are only three basic martial arts. It means that you have only mastered the monk and the Guanyin water stone chain.

In a way, it was an unremarkable number. . .

"Instead of learning the next level, you combine what you've learned to create something new."

Just like the first second of the Annualization Fist, all six of them were completely different, just like the older brother. Or, to be more precise, it was a new martial arts with six things put together.

Instead of following the path that was given to him, he was forging a new path based on what he knew.

It was truly the path of the Great Temple.

"Is that little boy already walking down that path?"

The old monk who was watching the sparring came out of his mouth.

It was as if I was seeing my past self.

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