Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 28 Table of contents

Entrance Examination (3)


After a while·

Barely able to catch his breath, Mu Gong straightened up with a red face and stepped back from the center of the theater.

"You don't fit in with that kind of flamboyance, do you?"

Towards such a boundary, a barrage of blows continued.

He's big and doesn't have a lot of flexibility. The bigger the movement, the more gaps there would become.

That's why I've always told Mu Gong to use his concise attacks and concise flaws to make the most of his strengths, which is divine power.

"I'm sorry... Sheesh·"

Mu Gong, who had been humiliated in front of the Shaolin elders, turned red and ticked, and Mu Jin finally burst out laughing.

'Yes... I'm still at an age where I'm in the middle of a serious illness, but I can't help it."

What do you want from your kids? All I had to do was pass.

For the time being, it seemed that Mujin had successfully passed the entrance examination, so Mujin's interest naturally shifted to other things.

Towards the guy who was digging a hole alone in the corner of a crowd of inmates waiting for his turn.

Mu Jin put his chin and arm over Mu Qing's shoulder, which was clearly nervous, and said.

"Are you ready?"


Mu Jin asked, trembling so violently that he felt like he had an electric motor in his mouth.

Not only his mouth, but also the shoulders of the martial arts officer who was draped over his arm trembled violently.

"Can I sleep well with my self?"

Mu Jin shook his head at Mu Qing's question, trembling and asking.

"You don't have to be good..."


"You don't have to try to be good..."

With that, Mu Jin told Mu Jin some muscle lengthening techniques to relieve tension, just as he had done for Mu Gong.

Then he added one of the most important pieces of advice to Mu Kyung, who was warming up after him.

"Mukyung-ah· Just remember this one..."

What should Mukyung pay the most attention to in this examination? It wasn't about not being nervous.

"Don't get excited. Okay?"

I've been watching him for the past year and nine months, and I've seen him have more accidents when he's excited than when he's nervous.

* * *

As the entrance examination is coming to an end,

"Recruit Mu Qing, please come forward!"

Finally, the name of the martial arts officer was called.

"Don't get excited!"

Leaving behind Mu Jin's words of encouragement or warning, Mu Qing walked trembling towards the center of the theater.

Mujin looked at such a martial arts officer with a worried expression.

It wasn't that he was afraid that he would be eliminated from the screening.

"It's not for nothing that Muqing became a blood monk in the future..."

He was literally a genius.

It wasn't until he came to Shaolin Temple that he began to learn martial arts for the first time. In addition, his physical talents were rather lacking compared to Mu Yul and Mu Yule.

But he had a talent that surpassed all of that.

He has the ability to understand the essence of martial arts at once, and the talent for using internal techniques that can easily use what he understands as a bet.

In a world of martial arts that emphasizes martial arts and internal work, the word "genius" was the most fitting word.

Still, the reason why Mujin was worried about Muqing was because he was the future bloodline.

* * *

On the other hand·

The Great Disciple of Lee, who came to the theater for the examination of the martial arts, Fa Huan looked at the inductee standing in front of him with a strange expression.

The other kids would usually take the lead for the judging. This is because in order to show off your skills, it is better to attack than to defend.

However, the child in front of him did not take the offensive even though the sparring had begun. He even showed signs of nervousness.

"Maybe this will be the first time I've failed the exam."

It was a pity that I had to make a failed candidate with my own hands, but the judging process must be fair.

Since the opponent did not attack first, he had no choice but to launch a preemptive attack.


And the child, who was clearly nervous, followed the flow of the basic martial arts and easily dodged the attack of the Fa Huan.

"Oh, oh my gosh."

Seeing at once that the achievement of the Gungonbo was very good, he swung his right foot towards the gap hidden in the Gungonbo.


However, as if he had anticipated this, Mu Qing used Na Hanzhang's defensive herbivore, the Three Siks, to deflect the attack of the Law Fan.

"To be able to step on a gungongbo and still use it so comfortably... They both seem to have mastered the polarity."

Noticing that the child's level was higher than expected, Law Huan lit up his eyes and continued to attack more actively.

As soon as the sparring was over, his face gradually turned into astonishment.

When he struck a punch with a six-Yang move, and when Dharma Huan used the five seconds of Guanyin Eighteen Toes (觀音十八腿) one after another, he switched his steps from the Gungonbo to the Floating Treasure (不動步).

Since then, every time he attacks in search of an opening, he has been using a different attack to show the most optimal defense or evasion.

And after dodging Dharma Huan's attack more than a dozen times, the tension finally eased, and Mu Qing also went on the attack.

It started with a gold ticket.

When Mu Kyung unfolded one second and two seconds in succession, Law Hwan tried to take advantage of the gap created by the three seconds. Surprisingly, however, the herbivore that followed was not trisecond.

No, it wasn't a gold ticket in the first place.

The legs of the martial arts officer who had been stepping on the immovable foot in the middle of the day flew in according to the trick of Guanyin Eighteen Retreats.

The moment he pulled himself back to dodge the kick, he took a step forward and swung his arm with the three seconds of Six Yang Beasts.

He tried to knock his arm away.


It was a slap in the face. Mu Qing reversed the shape of his hand as if he was about to scratch his opponent, and slapped the palm of his hand with Guanyin's trick, and then slammed his finger out.

With the technique of the stone scorching paper, he was pierced with the exact aim of the blood of the Dharma Circle.


He managed to swing his arm and knock his fingers away, and sweat was dripping down his forehead.

And the others who were watching the sparring were equally surprised.

"How many martial arts have you mastered?"

"Huh· I'm so good at it..."

So far, the total number of martial arts that martial arts have used for evasion and defensive attacks seems to be enough for ten.

However, just because I learned a lot of martial arts didn't necessarily mean I was strong. If all the martial arts masters who have learned play separately, the things they have learned a lot will only hinder them.

However, this was not the case with Mu Kyung.

All the martial arts and herbivores that had been used so far were naturally connected to each other, even though they were clearly different martial arts. As if it were a martial art.

"You must be the most brilliant of all the inductees."

"Amitabha Buddha..."

This was truly a surprise.

Originally, martial arts had to be carried out on a certain bloodline according to each herb. Naturally, trying to use several herbivores in succession or at the same time would inevitably disrupt the flow of the bet.

Herbivorous herbivores belonging to the same martial arts Or if you exclude the void that was created to pair them in the first place.

However, there were more things that the martial arts used that did not make up than those that were paired. However, the fact that it can be connected naturally means that the child's understanding of martial arts is excellent.

And it was a violation of common sense for a mere inductee to be able to use more than ten martial arts at his disposal.

This was partly due to the fact that Mu Qing's understanding of martial arts was different, but also because of Mu Jin's cultivation methods.

Originally, the martial arts body's body was lacking compared to his talent for martial arts. So, if things had gone the way they were, they would have made up for their lack of physical ability with a much more complicated bet management.

However, after systematically developing his body over the past year and a half, Mu Qing was able to connect with herbivores more easily.

The number of basic martial arts that such martial arts are currently mastering is ·

"It's not how many things you've learned, it's how much you haven't learned..."

It was 'all of them'.

The basic martial arts of Shaolin that are allowed to those who are admitted to the academy· The martial arts that each person learns only two or three things according to their body type and constitution have been mastered by the martial arts. And he was able to use all of them in conjunction with his own taste.

But why?

There was worry on Mu Jin's face as he watched the great martial arts sparring.

That's why in the beginning, he was nervous and only evaded and defended, but at some point, he began to attack in earnest.

Movements of the aspect, which continue like a painting. Even though he used a mixture of different martial arts, there was nothing intrusive in his movements.

The more the sparring continued, the more a smile appeared on the corners of the timid Mu Qing's mouth.

A crooked smile somewhere ·

As if he was going to die of joy in this thrilling sparring, Wu Qing unfolded the martial arts he had mastered.

The more he dealt with such a martial artist, the more complicated his hands became, and he couldn't help but fall into trouble.

"Surely you can't deal with this child with just basic martial arts?"

No matter how much they set a limit on their internal attacks, there was a difference of at least fifteen years between them. Even so, I can't believe that I'm behind in terms of my understanding of basic martial arts.

A minute gap appeared in the movements of the Dharma Hwan, who was momentarily distressed, and the moment Mu Kyung caught the gap.

A one-kinch with a fearless life flew towards the heart of the law.


And Law Hwan also reacted to that killing, and instinctively managed the bet without realizing it.

Martial arts that will never be used in the entrance examination.

He performed one of the most powerful martial arts he had mastered, the Seventy Kinds of Disciplines, the Dharma Eighteen Moves.

No matter how talented a martial arts person is, it is impossible for a newcomer to stop the seventy kinds of disciplines.

"Oh no!!"

When the worst of all unfolded, Mujin yelled and tried to run towards the theater.

Before that, a shadow appeared in the theater.


The man who appeared in the theater blocked the right angle of the martial arts and at the same time blocked the hand blade of the law fan with the chair.

No matter how unfinished the Dharma Eighteen Beast of the Great Disciple was, the man who had fended off the attack had a relaxed attitude, as if he had just come out of a drink.

Boom Boom ·

Even that wasn't enough, and the sight of him holding a bottle of wine in his right hand while blocking attacks from the left and right with his right angle and seat seemed somewhat strange.

Then· Turning to the man who was sipping on his drink, Hyedam frowned and shouted in a stern tone.

"Hyekwan· How dare you drink in the precincts of Shaolin? You really want to enter the penitential building..."

"Hahahahaha· Hyedam Death Penalty Joke Goes Too Much· How dare I drink in the precincts of Shaolin?"

Smiling mischievously, the man threw the wooden bottle he was drinking at Hyedam.

And in the bottle that Hyedam snatched up, surprisingly, he didn't even feel the slightest hint of liquor.

In that short period of time, he used Shaolin martial arts' unique Pole Yang Keeper to blow up the spirits.

He knew for all that he had simply unleashed a huge crowd of spirits, with no effect on the wooden bottles and water.

"Phew... It's not that I don't know your hard work, but I don't think I'm going to cross the line. Hyekwan·"

But despite this, Hyedam didn't interrogate him anymore. No, no one here tried to interrogate her.

This was partly due to Hye-kwan's disposition, but also because of the heavy karma he was carrying.

Shaolin was a bulwark· And the teachings of the Buddha were of great significance to mercy, discipline, and immortality.

However, there were sometimes terrible villains in this world who were impossible to cultivate.

And in Shaolin, some people would often be sent out of Shaolin to slay such evil enemies.

The only ones in Shaolin who have escaped the law of immortality· Those who are willing to give up the Buddhist way and walk the Surado for the sake of sentient beings.

The leader of the so-called Annihilation Squad in the world was Hye-kwan.

And because they understood the weight of the karma that the Annihilation Horse Corps was carrying, they were all ignoring Hye-kwan's deeds.

As someone who had mastered Buddhism, I knew how hard it would be to continue to make a living.

Both the frivolous behavior and the act of drinking were seen as an effort to overcome the enormous guilt.

Hye-gwan, who is known as Qubul (醉佛) or Hang Ma Buddha (降魔不退) in Murim, took Hye-dam's warning with a playful smile.

"Hmph... Several private residence death penalty priests who were observing the entrance examination. I'm sorry to interrupt you so suddenly, but I thought I should take care of this child, so I intervened."

And he declared that he would take the martial arts as his son.

This is a martial arts officer who showed tremendous talent in Dalian a while ago. Naturally, the others were bound to be greedy, but no one questioned Hyekwan's words.

It was because those with low realms were not confident that they could withstand Hye-kwan's temper, and those with high-level realms knew why Hye-kwan had stepped forward.

They also understood the madness and mortality that Wu Qing showed at the end of the sparring.

"Amitabha Buddha"

The head of Shaolin's room, Ambassador Xuan, looked at the appearance of Hye-kwan and Mu-kyung with a sad expression.

"Maybe it's a good thing."

The Buddha valued mercy and forgiveness. Rather than throwing him out of Shaolin because he was mad, he thought it might be more helpful to cultivate his training under the Huiguan who was against the demons.

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