Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 37 Table of contents

Diet (1)


On the fifth day after starting exercise therapy,

"Slowly lift your upper body and slowly go down. I hold your back, so you don't have to worry. Give me as much as I can. Grandpa·"

Mujin supports Hyun-kwang's back and repeats the motion of gradually raising and lying down on his own in order to make use of the strength of his abdominal muscles.

He supported Hyunkwang's hands to help him stand up on his own, and then held his hands and helped Hyunkwang walk on his own.

Just like a patient with a leg injury who practices walking on his own in a rehabilitation center.

"Phew· I don't have too much muscle in my body yet. I barely have the tools of Pilates."

But there was a problem.

Because of its misaligned joints and ligaments, it has relied on the power of others for decades.

In other words, the muscles of his body had degenerated severely.

In this condition, manual therapy, muscle lengthening surgery, and muscle lengthening surgery that have been performed so far are required. Continuing with electrical stimulation therapy was like pouring water on the poison that had fallen to the bottom.

Nope· On the contrary, there was a risk that it would get worse.

Already with age, the cartilage of the light has degenerated. If I moved without any muscles here, I risked getting worse in my joints.

It meant that I needed to build up my muscles quickly before I had any problems with my joints.

"After all, that's the only way to do it..."

It was Mujin who realized that extraordinary measures were needed.

And the extraordinary measures were the kind of thing that Mujin couldn't proceed with at will.

* * *

Shaolin Chamber ·

There, Hyuncheon and Hyunseong, who are directly or indirectly involved in the treatment of Hyungwang, Hyungong and Hyedam greeted Mujin.

"Yes... Did you say you had anything to say about the treatment of the Manifestation Demon Brother?"

Xuanchen asked Mujin with a happy expression.

The first time Mu Jin called Xuan Gong his grandfather, the room master who had sternly scolded him had long since disappeared.

Healed the metabolic type of luminescence! What a big deal it is to be called a grandfather!

The other three were also thinking about it.

Mujin then spoke in a calm tone to the four who were looking at him happily.

"Yes· I had a little problem in the process of treating my grandfather, so I came here."

"What's the problem!?"

"Didn't you feel better? Recently, we have moved on to the next level, and the Grand Master is moving directly!"

Before Mu Jin's words could fall, Hyunsung and Hyungong shouted, their faces stunned.

Looking at the two of them alternately, Mujin replied calmly.

"Yes· In the next phase of treatment, I found a problem."

"If it's a problem, tell me what you mean by it."

Still, the Shaolin room manager, who kept his composure, asked in a solemn tone.

Mujin opened his mouth and told him what he had realized. In order to properly heal Hyungwang's body, you need to build muscles. And what you need more than anything else to build muscle is that...

"My grandfather needs to eat meat."

It was carnivorous·


Mujin's remarks caused a chilly silence in the room room.

In fact, the question of whether or not you should eat meat in order to gain muscle is still a controversial issue even in modern times.

Vegetarian kinesiologists argued that vegetables alone were enough to build a healthy muscular body, and Mujin, who is an expert in his own and often looks up kinesiology sources, was aware of the controversy.

However, building muscle on a vegetarian diet comes with a very complex set of conditions.

Both vegetable and animal proteins are made up of amino acids, but there were subtle differences in them.

In the end, in order to build muscle in the human body, it was necessary to know the types of amino acids of various vegetables and think about how to combine them into animal proteins.

In addition, unlike meats such as chicken breast, which are mostly made up of protein and water, even beans, which are considered rich in protein, actually contain fat and carbohydrates.

In order to replace meat with beans and mushrooms, I had to exercise a lot to burn those useless carbohydrates and fats.

It didn't suit Hyunkwang at all.

However, that was just Mujin's idea...

"Awful!! How dare you eat meat in Shaolin!"

"How dare you say such a thing unless you're trying to sneak a blind eye now!"

Shortly after the silence was over, Mu Jin reacted exactly as he had expected.

In particular, perhaps because he had high hopes for Mujin, the backlash between Hyungong and Hyunsung was even more intense. Hyedam was still silent as usual, but her eyes were just as glaring as the two of them.

Ambassador Hyuncheon, who was the only one who remained calm, asked Mujin.

"Why do you have to eat meat to build muscle? Didn't you also forbid eating meat and make your body as good as it could be?"

Mujin almost flinched at that question. In the past, he had memories of hunting and eating animals while being punished for cultivating a cotton wall.

Mujin, who managed to control his expression, calmly opened his mouth.

"You can substitute legumes and mushrooms for meat. But that's just a substitute, nothing compared to eating meat."

"If you do that, why don't you replace the metabolic type with beans and mushrooms?"

"My grandfather and I are not the same! I was still young and could have survived, but my grandfather is in urgent need of a moment!"

It was an expected backlash, but Mujin's anger began to rise when he tried to exchange questions and answers with the old monks.

"Why does our Shaolin forbid eating meat? The world's disturbing emotions and desires· Isn't it a kind of penance to overcome the desire for appetite? That's why I was willing to give up eating meat. But penance is something that means something to those who can endure it! If you have to die for that penance, is that really the law of impossibility? That would be a violation of the law of immortality!"

"Goyan bastard!! You don't have anything to do with the radiance of the Radiant Giant on your back! How dare you discuss the Shaolin Law before me!"

At Mu Jin's words, the Law Master Wise Prince lit up his eyes and tried to stand up.

"Take care of yourself. Sake of the Law·"

One step ahead, Hyuncheon calmed Hyungong down.

"Mujin's words have a point..."

"Monk Chamber!!"

"Listen to the end. Legalist · Mujin's words have a point, but they also have loopholes. It's really a question of whether eating meat will make you better or your muscles will be better."

Saying that, Ambassador Xuanchen looked at Mu Jin with a strange expression.

Naturally, Mujin was able to answer that question.

If this is the modern day, then.

But in this day and age, it is impossible to know what proteins do or what superrecovery theories do.

In the end, Mujin continued his explanation according to the Buddhist terminology he was familiar with.

"Reincarnation in the Buddha is not just about dying and leaving for another world. This world is all reincarnated. The rain from heaven comes down to the earth, and the water boils again and returns to the heavens. That's how the world goes round. It's one thing for animals and human bodies to be the same. In order to sustain and nourish the human body, we must eat the flesh of the same animals."


"It is the law of nature that life dies and is reborn, and it is also the law of nature that human beings eat meat as well as vegetables. It would be a sin to harm life in order to enjoy its taste, but how can it be a sin to eat something that is already dead in order to live?"

Even after Mu Jin's explanation, the head of the room just kept his mouth shut and had a strange expression on his face.

The other monks were staring at the room master's mouth, as if they wanted to listen to his decision first.

And after thinking about it, the head of the room opened his mouth in a calm tone.

"There's a point to this story... However, this cannot be conclusive evidence. And it doesn't make sense to violate a thousand-year-old law of Shaolin when there is no evidence."


"One! However, it is also impossible to ignore the great master who protected the Millennium Shaolin."


"Death to the head of the room!"

The master of the law, who was dismayed by the head of the room, shouted, but the master did not give in and continued speaking.

"There is a way to keep the Shaolin law and feed the Great Brother with meat... If you eat meat, you will be punished accordingly. What do you think of this?"

In response to the room manager's question, which came as if it were a test question, Mujin replied with a class leader.

"I was the one who told you to eat meat, and I will take the punishment for you."

"You still don't know how strict Shaolin's laws are... The last punishment you received was a very mild one. . . Maybe this time I will have to do a month's scrutiny. Would you still take the punishment for it?"

Mujin didn't even snort at the question of the head of the room.

A month?

It was something that only children would be afraid of, but nothing to Mujin.

"Soseung· I'll take that punishment sweetly..."

Mujin replied confidently, and for some reason, Hyuncheon burst out laughing.

It's like an old monk who got the right answer he wanted.

"Hehehe... Sake of the Law·"

"Speak. The death penalty of the head of the room·"

"In the name of the Chief's Divine Creature, I wish to change a law."


"I will make an exception to the Shaolin law that prohibits the eating of meat. An exception is made for those who are severely ill to eat meat for medical treatment."

"It is not to be said. Death to the head of the room!"

"I know it shouldn't be. The head monk will also be punished by the lawyer along with Mujin."

Saying that, Hyuncheon gave Mujin a blank smile.

* * *

The time for the punishment handed down by the House of Lawyers has been postponed by a few days. This was due to the delay in Hyunguang's treatment while Mujin was being punished.

But you can't delay the punishment until the glow heals. In the end, they were given seven days and seven nights, and in the meantime, Mu Jin passed on the cure to the lawmaker, and the day's meeting ended.

And the next morning·

Hyunguang looked at Mujin who was scooping porridge for him with a complicated look.

Hyungwang knew. The fact that there is meat in the porridge that Mujin is scooping up for him right now.

He has lived without eating meat for more than fifty years. In consideration of such a light, I first started with porridge with meat in it, and gradually tried to adapt to eating meat.

And as a disciple of the Buddha, he was forced to eat meat that had been forbidden for decades, and he couldn't help but be very confused.

But in the end, Hyunkwang couldn't help but put the spoon that Mujin held out to him.

If it had been the original Manifestation, as a Buddhist and a disciple of Shaolin, he would have rejected the spoon offered by Mu Jin.

Nevertheless, Hyunkwang accepted the spoon this morning. It was because of the conversation with Hyuncheon that came to visit Mujin when he was away.

'The Great Brother· I'd like to give the next generation of Shaolin to Mujin."

'Hehehe· What do you mean all of a sudden? The head monk of the room·'

In response to Hyunkwang's question, Ambassador Hyuncheon told me about what happened last night.

'That's what I thought. Large-Brother· Perhaps our Shaolin has been stagnant for the past thousand years in the idea of preserving traditions."


There was a deep remorse in the eyes of the Ambassador who said this.

Due to Hyun-kwang's injury, he suddenly took the place of the captain and eventually became the head of the room.

From the time he was a disciple until he became the head of the room, he lacked the skills to keep the tradition alive.

At least, that's how he judged himself.

Because of his lack of confidence, Shaolin lost its former glory.

While the other schools were developing, Shaolin simply remained in place.

It was a prestigious sect that everyone recognized, but it lost its name as "the best in the world".

"Monk Chief· Change doesn't always go well. Amitabha Buddha·'

'I know. Large-Brother· That's why I chose Mujin. I wonder if that child will blow a good wind of change. That's just what I was looking forward to."

Hyunkwang couldn't ignore the remorse and determination in Ambassador Hyuncheon's eyes as he replied.

On top of that, he saw Mujin leading the situation by going to the priests to cure him.

In such a complicated mindset, Hyunkwang chewed the meat porridge that came into his mouth.

It was the first meat he had ever eaten since he had raised the red flag in Shaolin.

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