Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 38 Table of contents

Diet (2)


Seven days and nights passed.

In the meantime, Mu Jin managed to pass on the treatment process to the Fa Qian.

After all, electrotherapy and heat therapy were the domain of Hyun Gong and Hyedam, and the Dharma cases that I had been observing from the sidelines for the past two months had at least been able to mimic acupressure and muscle lengthening to some extent.

In the end, apart from manual therapy, I was taught a few moderate course of exercise therapy for seven days and nights.

And Hyunkwang, who first started eating meat as porridge, is now able to eat boiled meat with little seasoning.

Maybe it's because of Mujin's extreme treatment or because he ate meat. There was a slight change in the blocked roadway of the cloud.

After spending seven days and seven nights like that...

"It's been a long time here..."

Mu Jin was forced to enter the Cotton Wall Training Cave where he had been taken when he was a freshman.

The period of cultivation given to him is one month.

Also, in the case of Ambassador Hyuncheon, the head of the room, who was to be punished with him.

"Let's go in..."

Unfortunately for Mujin, he was with him.

'I'm screwed...'

Mujin was going to enjoy the noodle wall like the last time.

Grow your body appropriately and cultivate martial arts. At night, they go out and hunt animals. That kind of face-to-face training.

But since I was with Hyuncheon, I really had to do it for a month.

In the end, with a face like a pig being dragged to the slaughterhouse, Mu Jin entered the cave with Hyuncheon.

And as Mujin had expected, as soon as he entered the cave, he turned his back on the throne.

From a sitting position, I began to chant the Buddhist sutras with my eyes wide open.

"Mahavanya Baramilda Heart Sutra Gazette Bodhisattva..."

Mujin thought as he listened to the muffled Buddhist sutras that seemed to be heard even though he was sitting next to him.

'Shouldn't you have said it in the middle of the wall?'

Mujin must have known that.

'Hmm? Since the face wall is also a Buddhist practice, is it permissible to chant Buddhist sutras?"

After all, the head of the room, Hyuncheon, must know the rules better than he did, the third disciple.

Mujin thought about it and looked at the wall and began to slap his bruises.

With the thought of a month of time being blown away.

I hope you spend your time in vain.

"Nguyen Ha Ju is alive . . . Color: Immediate Emptiness, Immediate Color...

It was Mujin who had found something strange in the murmurs of the prefectural heaven in his ears.

'What? Why are all the Buddhist scriptures mixed up?'

No matter how much Mujin is not interested in Buddhism, he has been an initiate disciple for a year and ten months. In addition, there were many Buddhist scriptures that he was forced to learn during his three months as the third great disciple.

On top of that, Shaolin's martial arts are all based on Buddhist scriptures, so I had to read all the Buddhist scriptures in order to learn martial arts.

As I listened to it, I could see that the Buddhist scriptures that the Ambassador was reciting were all in a jumbled order.

After chanting the Half-Night Heart Sutra, he suddenly crossed over to the Geumgang Sutra, and from the Geumgang Sutra he went back to the Dharma Sutra· It leads to the Hwaeom-kyung and then back to the Geumgang Sutra, etc.

Even the verses didn't start from the beginning, but came and went according to the Ambassador's taste.


And it didn't take long for Mujin to find a rule in the jumble of pitches.

'These are all verses I know?'

To be precise, the martial arts he mastered. These were the verses that appeared in the Ox Hong-kwon, Chu Feng-gak, Gugongbo, Nahan-jang, Seok-kyeon, Guanyin, and Geumgang-kwon.

'Could it be...?'

Mujin wondered just in case, so he focused a little more on the chanting of the Emperor Hyuncheon.

And when the bet was played according to the order of the verses listed by the Ambassador of Hyuncheon. I kept imagining in my head what it would lead to.

"The front is a second of the annualization ticket. The regime screams, and the back is the three seconds of the autumn wind angle. It's time to kick to the left· Oh, did you just have to put this kind of punch in the middle to connect the two movements?'

To be precise, it was a martial arts regime and a side kick created by Mujin.

He was using one second of the Annualization Circle and three seconds of the Autumn Wind Angle, but all the martial arts essence he had mastered were combined together.

Even with the help of Hyunkwang and Hye-gal, Mujin succeeded in incorporating the essence of the Geumgang Sphere into each movement.

The only problem was that while I succeeded in dissolving the essence of each movement, the movements did not flow naturally.

But now, through Buddhist scriptures, he is telling us how to bridge the seams.

Mujin concentrated on the Buddhist scriptures that Xuanchen was chanting, and organized the summary in his mind.

However, it is not enough to just sit around and sort out the summaries. Naturally, Mu Jin felt a tingling sensation in his body.

'Is it okay if I get up?'

If you dare to tell yourself the keys, doesn't that mean that you are allowing yourself to cultivate?

I want you to think about it for a moment.

Thinking that it was the main battle anyway, Mujin took the plunge and stood up.

"Mahavanya Baramilda . . . ."

The Ambassador of Hyeoncheon, who must have read Mujin's words, did not show any reverence this time, but simply chanted the Buddhist scriptures.


Convinced that Ambassador Hyuncheon had given him permission, Mu Jin made a bet according to the summary he had just made in his head, swinging his left angle following the screaming of the regime.

But it's one thing to think with your head, but it's another thing to move your body and move your bets.

The flow of herbivores was still awkward.

After a few rounds of screaming and kicking by myself, I waited a while.


Mujin, who had been concentrating on his cultivation, noticed a change in the disfavor of Xuanchen a little late.

'Rhyme . . . Do you think it came about?'

The strength and weakness of the fire that the prefectural heaven shouted created a sense of speed. Some verses are strongly· Some verses are fast but weak.

'Are you expressing the flow of the bet?'

Just in case, Mujin calmed down and tried to rhyme according to the chant of the Buddha.

Somewhere, it's fast in rhyme· Also, let's make a strong bet somewhere.


As expected, the perfection of the connection has become much higher.

However, Ambassador Hyuncheon continued to chant the disappointment as if he was not satisfied with that. There was a slight change from what Mujin had called before, as if to point out the wrong point in the part that Mujin had unfolded a moment ago.

In this way, Mujin continued to repeat the movements in time with the Buddhist sutras shouted by the Ambassador Hyuncheon.

On the contrary, Ambassador Hyuncheon raised his qi to the extreme, read Mujin's movements and the flow of his bets with his qi sense, and guided him through the wrong parts with verses and rhymes.

'Hehehe· As expected, you're a quick-witted child."

As Mujin had expected, Hyunchen had chosen this method to help Mujin cultivate.

It was for the treatment of Xuanguang who saved Shaolin, but it was an apology for taking away a month of Mujin's cultivation period, which was in the middle of his growth period.

And it was a way to raise Mujin, who he had decided to entrust with the future Shaolin, even a little.

To this end, Hyuncheon had already asked Hyunkwang how he was connecting the martial arts that Mujin was learning.

And as long as he knew that, there was no difficulty in teaching Mu Jin.

No matter how good Mu Jin was, Mu Jin was a child who had only just begun to master martial arts for two years, and Chen Chen was a master who had been cultivating for fifty years.

It's been a long time since I've been able to continue such a strange cultivation.


Hyuncheon, who had been chanting the chant for a long time, cleared his throat, and Mujin stopped moving with a puzzled face.

And just in case, let's take a cross-legged seat and look at the wall.

Sweep ·

Soon after, a disciple approached and left the cave with food and water to drink.

It was Hyuncheon who cleared his throat to let Mujin know that a master who couldn't read the name was approaching.

After that, every time the surveillance station disappeared, Ambassador Hyuncheon would chant out the chant, and Mujin would complete his martial arts according to the disgrace.

The training continued until late in the evening, and by night. He lay down facing the wall. It meant it was time to go to sleep.

And when the prefectural body lay down and about half an hour had passed... Mujin crept up and slipped out of the cave.

'Hehehe· I guess my body was still itching."

Thinking that Mu Jin had stepped out of the cave to practice without disturbing him from his sleep, Xuanchen closed his eyes again.

He didn't even imagine that Mujin had gone out to hunt for meat.

* * *

Twenty days have passed since Mu Jin entered the cultivation of the Cotton Wall.

In the meantime, Hyungue's body was recovering day by day.

Most of the joints and ligaments that have misaligned after two months of treatment have already been replaced.

It was just a lack of muscles to hold the joints and ligaments together.

And thanks to eating meat every day for twenty days and seven nights, combined with exercise therapy with the help of Fa Qian and Mu Jin, Hyun Guang's body began to build muscle little by little.

"Sajo! You've changed immeasurably!"

Fa Qian, the nominal master of Mu Jin and the son of Xuanguang, smiled brightly like a child and said.

True to his word, Hyun Kwang's skinny and bony body began to grow with tiny muscles.

Thanks to the strength of those muscles, Hyunguang was now able to take small steps without having to hold Dharma's hand.


Rising from his seat under his own strength, he walked out of the room and onto the main hall, and let out a deep breath.

What might have been obvious to others was a miracle to Hyunkwang.

It was a small yard in front of him that he had always seen, but he looked at the yard with a profound gaze.

'All of these things were my home...'

His priest, Hyuncheon, blamed himself every time. It was urgent to keep the tradition alive. It would have been different if he had become the head of the room.

And at this moment, Hyunguang also realized that he was no different from the Priest of Heaven.

What is penance? To attain enlightenment· And it was an act to forget desires and disturbing emotions.

But why was he so entangled in penance itself? Why did he just want to follow Shaolin traditions just because they were there?

The intention is important, not the outward appearance.

It was ridiculous that he had so proudly explained it to his great-grandson, Mu Jin.

"Amitabha Buddha..."

Deeply dismissed, Hyunguang turned his head and closed his eyes slightly.

Even though he closed his eyes, his mind was still filled with the view of the yard he had just observed.

Even if this yard and the hall disappear in the distant future, the scenery of this yard and the hall will still exist in his mind.

It existed even if it was invisible, and it could be seen even if it didn't exist.

ColorBulbul BallInstantBlankJobInstantBallInstantBallInstantColour·

(color is not different from the void is not different from the color of the color is empty and empty is the color)

The world is like that, so what has bound him?

"Azease Baraase Baraase Moji Sabaha·"

With his eyes closed, Hyunguang recited the chant deeply.

'Oh . . . I, too, was bound by that day thirty years ago."

The day when the Demon Cult's Star Corps invaded·

The day I lost my martial arts and became an abandoned person and couldn't even walk on my own.

He told them that it was okay every time to calm the hearts of countless people who were worried about him, but deep down there was a feeling of sadness in his heart.

His five souls reached the heavens, and he understood the martial arts and Buddhist scriptures of Shaolin, but his bitter heart could not accept the contents.

Even though all the words on it tell him that he has the answers, he just tries to find the answers in the words.

The moment he realized this, he was able to free himself from the chains that had been holding him back.

The five natures and the mind that have already reached the heavens are united, and his heart and qi are united by the añodharasammyasambori. We have reached the Peak of Impermanence.

His body, which could not even walk on his own, was stabilized by Mujin's treatment.

If there's anything lacking, it's because of the shattered power outage. He could no longer hold the qi in his body. . .

'Hehehe· He's also stubborn..."

There is so much energy flowing through this world. How could he put it in this tiny human body?

He smiled gently and closed his eyes, but the wind enveloped his body and began to create a golden glow.


Law Qian, who was watching the scene from the sidelines, exclaimed with a shocked face.

He walked out onto the main hall on his own, and suddenly he thought, what kind of harmony is this?

In the meantime, the brilliance grew thicker and thicker...

"What happened!?"

Naturally, the Shaolin Temple was in an uproar.

"No way . . . Did the Grand Master of the Manifestation reach the añodharasammyasambori?"

Seeing the golden brilliance, Xuan Gong, who had unleashed the divine technique with all his might to the front of the radiant, muttered in a surprised tone.

Añodharasammyasambhori· When translated into Chinese characters, it is free and unpaid· In other words, he had learned the highest truth in the world.

It was a sign that the light was in the middle of a holy fire.

"Amitabha Buddha..."

"Amitabha Buddha..."

A few Shaolin monks who arrived at the hall of the Pavilion bowed to the golden Pavilion and chanted the chants for a while.


The golden glow that enveloped his body faded little by little, and it vanished as if it were a mirage.


With a gentle smile, Hyunguang, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes.

“··· Large-Brother· Have you gained a great enlightenment?"

Aside from the head of the room and the grand form, the highest rank of the master asked, and Hyunguang replied with a strange face.

"What I only knew in my head touched my heart..."


He said it wasn't a big deal, but all the monks who had gathered in the hall of the Pavilion could see it. That the Grand Master of the Manifestation has reached a high realm.

"Why are you doing all this?"

"Hehehe... Isn't it because there is something that has not yet been tied up?"

In response to Hyungong's question, Hyunkwang once again gave a pre-question-and-answer answer.

Intoxicated with enlightenment, he had abandoned all defilements and obsessions. Just one· I had regrets that I couldn't get rid of yet, so I stayed here.

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