Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 58 Table of contents

Dibranching (2)


"Are you talking about the law?"

"Yes· My master should be able to take my place."

Mujin's nominal teacher, who is actually being taught by Hyunguang·

And most of all, he was the one who had been watching Mujin heal Hyungwang for the longest time.

In fact, it was the one who was currently treating Hyun-kwang on behalf of Mu-jin, who had left for Deng Feng-hyeon.

"Hmmm· I think I should talk to the Fa Qian and the Grand Master of the Prefecture first..."

However, the Dharma case was also tied to Shaolin due to the treatment of the Divine Radiation.

As Mu Jin said, in order for the Dharma Qian to take over Deng Fenghyun, not only the Law Qian but also the Hyeon-kwang had to go down to Deng Feng-hyeon.

For this reason, Hyuncheon, Wise, Mujin, and Liu Zhiguang left the room and headed for the hall of Hyunguang.

"Master! Grandfather! The disciple was untouchable, and I could not visit him often."

"Hehehe... You've gone down to Deng Feng, aren't you a fisher today?"

Mujin smiled brightly at Hyunkwang and Dharma Gun, who hadn't seen him in a long time, and Hyunkwang greeted him with a clear smile.

Immediately after greeting Hyuncheon and the wise Liu Jiguang, Hyuncheon represented them and explained to Hyunguang and Dharma Qian the reason for their visit.

"Am I the one who you mean?"

After hearing all the explanations, Fa Qian asked in a confused tone, and glanced at Mu Jin and Xuanguang.

I don't know if it's nothing... He didn't know if he could completely replace Mu Jin's cure, and he didn't know if he could drag the Ancestor Hyeonguang to Deng Fenghyun at will.

Facing such a law, Hyunguang replied with a benevolent smile.

"Hehehe... I'm fine, so why don't you take a look at it? You've given up too much for me. So it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to take on the work of a Shaolin disciple instead of my son-in-law..."

He has been taking care of Hyunguang since he became the third great disciple. He didn't have enough time to practice martial arts in the barrel that was tied to Xuanguang every day, and he didn't have time left to do other Shaolin business.

Of course, in the name of taking care of Xuanguang, all of the Shaolin disciples understood the Fa Qian, but for Xuanguang, who was under the care of the Fa Qian, it was a pity for him.

Therefore, this was seen as an opportunity for such a son to finally fulfill his role as a Shaolin disciple.

With the support of the priest Hyeon-kwang, the law made up his mind and raised the class flag to Ambassador Hyun-cheon.

"I'm a poor disciple, but I'll do my best. Amitabha Buddha·"

* * *

Immediately after the bill and Hyunkwang expressed their acceptance, they began a meeting to decide on specific issues.

And the meeting was also under Mujin's leadership.

It was also because Mu Jin, who was aiming for Buntaju and Padobang in Jiangxi Province, had planned this in his head in advance.

"Well, it's not particularly different from what I did in modern times."

It was also because he had experience as the owner of five fitness centers in Seoul.

I was already accustomed to creating a branch, recruiting and training employees, and then dispatching them to a branch.

In the end, based on the various opinions presented by Mujin, the general framework was largely determined, and all that remained was to decide on the details.

"Monk Chief· Nanchang has a lot of Black Island and Sapa Sects, so it seems that he needs more power than Deng Feng County to prevent any mishaps."

In particular, Mujin was determined to drive out the Black Island forces involved in human trafficking, including the, so a battle was inevitable.

"As Master Fa Kang said, I'm going to borrow some Shaolin power this time... Hahaha·'

The enemy were villains who had a hand in human trafficking and drug trafficking. Unlike when he caught the three princes, he could attract as many Shaolin disciples as he wanted.

"Don't worry about that. In addition to the disciples who will be administering the treatment, I will send with them children who are well versed in the Sama Oedo."

In response to Mujin's request, Ambassador Hyuncheon replied as if to tell him to trust himself.

Liu Zhiguang, who had been watching the two of them for a while, smiled lightly and opened his mouth.

"So it looks like the big picture is all set up now. Monk Chief·"

"That's right... Upper Liquor Liquor·"

"Hahaha· It seems that it is difficult to continue to conduct heavy meetings. Monk Chief· I've been wondering for a long time, but if you'll excuse me, may I ask?"

"Hehehe... Please feel free to talk· Upper Liquor Liquor·"

"If a person who has become a true disciple of Shaolin has to return to the Shaolin for an unavoidable event, will you know what kind of punishment Shaolin will impose?"

Hearing Liu Zhiguang's stupid question, Ambassador Xuanchen looked at Liu Zhiguang with a strange expression.

Liu Zhiguang laughed and added, "It's not a big deal."

"It's just the foolish curiosity of a worldly businessman. For example, if you are the second son of a family and you are comfortable as a disciple of Shaolin Jinshan, and your eldest son dies without heirs. Isn't there a case of reincarnation in order to continue the family line?"

"There have been very few such occasions. Amitabha Buddha · In such a case, except for the basic martial arts that are allowed to be granted to the disciples of the inner family, the reinstatement is granted after a covenant that they will not pass on the martial arts. If you violate that covenant, you will be doing nothing wrong."

"So what if you want your children or disciples to learn martial arts? As a Shaolin disciple, wouldn't you want your children to learn Shaolin martial arts?"

"Hehehehehe... Why don't you send your children and disciples to Shaolin?"

Hiding his intentions as to why he was asking such a thing, Ambassador Hyuncheon replied.

Aside from the first question, the second question is a question that can be inferred at the top of the five major groups.

Liu Zhiguang asked Ambassador Xuan, who was thinking about such thoughts in his heart.

"It's not for the continuation of the family, but for the union of the family. So what do you do if you need an arranged marriage and your family is looking for it?"

“··· Whether it's a family visit or a woman he loves. If you wish to be reincarnated for such worldly reasons, then you will abolish all emptiness and allow reincarnation."

"Hahaha· I'm sorry for the silly question that offended you. Monk Chief·"

Liu Zhiguang, who replied as if he had nothing more to ask, turned to Mu Jin this time and asked a strange question.

"Mujin Pupil· I've heard before that the cure belongs to the family."

"Yes· Amitabha Buddha·"

Mujin replied, trying to hide his anxiety. I wondered if he was asking to find his own home that didn't exist.

However, Liu Zhiguang's words that followed were beyond Mu Jin's expectations.

"If you do that, don't you want to inherit the family?"


Not only Mu Jin, but also Ambassador Xuanchen and Ji Hye, who were sitting together, also looked at Liu Zhiguang with a dismayed face.

In other words, I don't have the heart to return.

There's no reason for Liu Zhiguang to care about Mu Jin's family, which he hasn't even heard of. In the end, Liu Zhiguang's purpose was one.

"You're aiming for Mujin!"

Ambassador Hyuncheon realized that it was an attempt to bring Mujin back into the Heavenly Stream.

And as Ambassador Chen expected, Liu Zhiguang coveted Mujin.

It wasn't just because he had been helped many times by Mujin. If that's the case, it's just a matter of rewarding it with money.

Why He Covets Mujin·

"He is a gifted child. . . Why are you in Shaolin?"

It was because of Mujin's good fortune.

When I first started as a lawmaker, I had been keeping an eye on him since he persuaded the party leader to run the council and presented a framework for running the council.

And I was surprised once again to see the process of growing the councillors, and the planning of this regional division turned that surprise into conviction.

'Intelligent, clever, and bold that I couldn't imagine for a child of his age. He's a gifted child."

Mu Jin's talents were more than enough compared to the major figures in the Tianyu Upper Circle, but they were not lacking. A child who has not yet reached the age of 15, let alone 20 years old.

Why is such a child in Shaolin?

It was lucky that he had already met Mu Jin, but Liu Zhiguang kept thinking about it.

I wonder what it would have been like if Mujin had been born at the top of the heavens.

'Yes... Even in the Tang family in Sichuan, they have a son-in-law, so why can't we be the top of the heavens?"

The only problem was that Mu Jin was already a disciple of Shaolin.

"As long as it's about abolishing nothingness, it's not a problem at all... It's not the emptiness that's important, it's the reward."

At this point, it was more than enough to handle.

"Ahem· Mujin is a very eye-catching child in our Shaolin. Upper Liquor Liquor· You're overkill..."

"Hahaha· Isn't your will the most important thing? Monk Chief·"

"Although Mu Jin's treatment is outstanding, it is not comparable to his talent for martial arts. Perhaps, if Mu Jin devotes himself to cultivation for ten more years, he will be able to master the seventy kinds of discipline and listen to the sound of the best in the world. Because we believe this, we believe in the treasures of Shaolin, the ox· Circle · Dan· Didn't you get off the floor?"

In order not to miss Mu Jin, Ambassador Xuanchen smiled but put a blood on his forehead and said.

It is a device that will take Shaolin forward. He thought he would rather cut off one of his own arms than lose sight of her.

"Hahaha· Although the Summoning Corps is said to be the treasure of Shaolin, there are countless other treasures in the world. With the ability of the inexhaustible, you will surely be able to obtain such a myriad of treasures."

It was no different from saying that the Heavenly Stream would provide the treasure.

"So, whether to return or stay in Shaolin is ultimately the choice of Mu Jindong, isn't it?"

Liu Zhiguang looked at Mu Jin with a smile as he said so, and Ambassador Xuan Chen and Ji Ji also forcibly pulled him up and looked at Mu Jin with the corners of his mouth twitching.

‘··· All of a sudden, what the hell is this doing?'

Of course, it was a ridiculous situation from Mujin's point of view.

He understood that Liu Zhiguang was trying to recruit him. It was even a very tempting offer.

It's the Tianhao Grand Brigade· In modern times, it's a chaebol family.

Perhaps, if you accept it, you will be able to spend your money like water.

But what about Shaolin?

Except for the fact that you can learn martial arts...

"He's just a monk."

A life of offering Buddhist offerings in the mountains, chanting Buddhist sutras, and eating only grass.

Didn't Mu Jin hate that, and if he mastered enough martial arts, he would escape from Shaolin?

In many ways, Liu Zhiguang's proposal was tempting.

"If you lose the void, it's hard to deal with the black curtain..."

It was Mujin who couldn't bear to give up his martial arts. The fight against the black curtain was the same, but it was also fun to perform the transfer with the internal attack.

'Yes... After mastering the martial arts enough, you can escape from Shaolin and become the top of the heavens."

Isn't it enough to wash your identity properly? A bast mask that often appears in martial arts. If you're wrong, you can wear a mask.

After calculating so far, Mu Jin looked at Liu Zhiguang and Ambassador Xuan, who were looking at him with half expectation and half worry, and then he looked at them halfway.

"Amitabha Buddha· I'm sorry· Lord of the Upper Chamber·"

"Ahem· I guess you set your sights on martial arts..."

At Mu Jin's words, Liu Zhiguang managed to control his distorted face, and a smile appeared on the faces of Ambassador Chen and Ji Hye.

And with Mu Jin's words that followed, Xuanchen and Wise Wise also had to adjust their expressions.

"Martial arts are martial arts, but I have no home to go back to. Amitabha Buddha·"

"I don't have a home to go back to... Could it be?"

"Yes· My home has long since been wiped out. Amitabha Buddha·"

Before Mu Jin could finish speaking, there was a bitter silence in the room room.

And Mu Jin, who had lied so calmly, had to do his best to control his expression.

There were two reasons why Mujin had to make such an excuse.

One was to avoid the appearance of choosing Shaolin for sure. Refusing like a sword now, and then escaping Shaolin and entrusting oneself to the top of the heavenly stream, is a disfigured thing. Such a bat-like appearance could not help but diminish his own value.

The second reason was to take this opportunity to get rid of his "main house" that didn't exist.

If you keep telling lies for no reason, you just have to make it something that doesn't exist in the first place.

Thanks to this, both Liu Zhiguang and Ambassador Xuan, who had been looking at Mujin with coveted eyes, fell silent.

"It seems that the big picture has been set, so may I go say hello to my grandfather?"

"Yes... Let's go..."

"We'll work out the details. Mujinja·"

There was no better option.

* * *

The next day·

Xuan Guang came down Songshan with the law and arrived at the council of Deng Feng.

"Hehehe... It's been a while. Mrs. Yeon· Amitabha Buddha·"

"Ho Ho Ho · I haven't been able to go to Shaolin for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come here. Ambassador· Amitabha Buddha·"

Yeon Ga-hee and Hyun-kwang, who met each other at the clinic for the first time in a long time, exchanged greetings with an atmosphere like a welfare center for the elderly.

And Mu Jin led the treatment of Yan Jiahui and Hyun Guang, while at the same time educating them on Dharma and Liu Xuehua.

In addition, he treats patients who come to high-end facilities and handes over the characteristics of each patient to a lawyer.

"Don't push yourself too hard. Lord Sulwhath·"

"Ha, I can!"

He also assisted Liu Xuehua in his movement.

In addition, as usual, he would take care of the elderly who came to the clinic, and he would practice martial arts in the early morning and martial arts in the evening.

When about a month has passed like that...

It's been a long time since Liu Zhiguang came to visit the clinic in person. It was because they were finally ready to set up a branch of the council in Jiangxi Province.

"Mujin Pupil· I'm begging you..."

Next to Liu Zhiguang were as many as twenty Shaolin disciples.

They were the ones who were going to go to Jiangxi Province with Mu Jin this time.

"I didn't expect to hear that you are well versed in the Sama Oedo ...

The person who was chosen to be the general manager of this expedition·

He was none other than the master of martial arts and the great disciple Hye-kwan, who was called the anti-demon immortal.

And half of those who headed to Jiangxi this time were the two great disciples of the Demon Demon Squad who were dealing with the demons with Huiguan.

"Hmph... Now that we've finished greeting you, let's get going."

Hye-kwan, who was standing in a stiff position, said as if everything was bothering her, and got into the carriage first.

Mu Jin and the rest of the Shaolin disciples also split up and got into the chariot.

It was finally time to leave for Jiangxi.

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