Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 59 Table of contents

It's not Shaolin (1)


When Mujin and the Shaolin disciples were in full swing moving towards Nanchang.

In a hall of the manor located in Nanchang, two shadows were facing each other.

"Have you checked the inspection sent by Buntaju?"

"Yes· The Ark·"

"Hmmm· Shaolin disciples come here..."

Originally, the news of Shaolin should have been sent by those who were active in the Tianyu Upper Realm in Deng Feng County.

However, the accident had paralyzed the communication system there.

"I don't know what the intent of the top note is. . . Wasn't there a problem with the aftermath?"

"There's not even any evidence left, so it's hard to get a sense of what the top state is. . . In fact, there is a situation where the lapis lazuli belt is just turning on the water ...

"Can you guess what the purpose of the Master sent the Shaolin disciples?"

The man who stood there did not give any answer to the question of the middle-aged man who was called Ark.

Of course, I knew it was the superficial reason that was used in the investigation. The purpose is to open a branch of the House of Representatives.

However, if you only think about such superficial reasons, you are bound to have problems.

The ark, who had been staring at the man who was silent, opened his mouth with a smug expression.

"No matter how much the master of the upper house didn't feel it, the Shaolin establishment here could be a hindrance to the cause."

"Don't worry· After all, Shaolin is the most fearful of being tainted by the world. It happened two years ago, didn't it?"

"Did you mean the mass exodus of the Secular Sect?"

"Yes· Shaolin is the fools who have mastered their martial arts and have not stepped forward for fear that the world will point fingers at them when the descended family leaves."

"Do you mean you're going to let it go?"

"Anyway, if a little rumor spreads, I'll leave on my own. But it might get in the way of the cause, so let's try to bring that forward a little bit."

"Yes... I'll take a look..."

Before the superior could speak, the subordinate raised the bow with a cannon and left the manor by that way.

In order to spread the rumor that Shaolin is about to go out into the world,

* * *

"Would you like to stop by Nanchang Bunta first? Or will you head to the manor for your council?"

"I think you'd better go to the manor and drop off these things..."

Mujin replied to the coachman of the Heavenly Stream, who served as a guide, and the coachman drove his carriage to the large manor.

When they arrived at the manor, they found a middle-aged man waiting for them along with a few young men.

"Nice to meet you. It's called Mak Ji-hyuk, the owner of the Buddhist gate. When I was learning martial arts in Shaolin, I used the Dharma name of Huixin."

He was the head of the Shaolin sect in Nanchang.

He greeted him first, accompanied by Shaolin's unique prefect, and Hye-kwan stepped forward and took the prefect briefly.

"Nice to meet you. Mak Munju · It's called Shaolin Great Disciple Huiguan."

"If it's the name of Ambassador Hye-kwan, I've heard this story many times! It's an honor to see you."

As if he had met someone he admired, he was Gu Mak Ji-hyuk, but Hye-kwan gave him a proper slap as usual, and then bit him.

"It's just a façade... And the main monk just came to prepare for the battle with the Demon Outer Path. He's going to be in charge of all the congressman-related matters, so you can talk to him."

Then, as if he really had nothing to do with it, he walked past Mak Ji-hyuk and entered the manor, where he hid himself.

Mak Ji-hyuk, who had a slightly embarrassed look on his face, quickly calmed down and looked at Mu Jin.

"That child is the one named Mujin who was written in the inspection..."

Thanks to the advice given to him by Shaolin in the Buddhist Gate, Mak Ji-hyuk understood the general idea.

"Nice to meet you. Mujinja· Amitabha Buddha·"

"Nice to meet you. Mak Moonju· Amitabha Buddha·"

After exchanging a friendly greeting with Mak Jihyuk, Mujin pointed to the carriage with his hand and said,

"First of all, may I carry the luggage from the wagon to the manor?"

"You will..."

Luggage in a wagon· They were the tools used in rehabilitation exercises (Pilates).

However, I didn't bring all the things that would be used in the free facility, and I only brought a few items of each tool.

The rest was going to be made here in Nanchang's workshop, and what I had brought with me now was a kind of practice. It is a practice for the disciples of the Great Disciples and the disciples of the Secular Sect to practice.

Mu Jin and Shaolin disciples, as well as the disciples of Mak Ji Hyuk and Buddha Kwon Mun, picked up the tools and carried them to the inside of the manor.


A commotion began to come from the entrance to the manor.

"Get out of the way!"

"We have come here to tell you something to those who came from Shaolin!"

Amid the commotion coming from the entrance of the manor, the word "Shaolin" was heard, and Mu Jin and the Shaolin disciples turned their gaze toward the entrance.

"Apparently they are our guests..."

"Shouldn't we go out?"

"I suppose so..."

After a casual conversation with Mak Ji-hyuk, Mu-jin made his way to the front door, and the others moved with him.

Meanwhile, the crowd at the entrance of the manor fell silent for a moment when they saw the monks dressed in scarlet robes.

They were the leading figures of the small and medium-sized sects and military attachés who called themselves "political factions" in Nanchang.

As the Shaolin Temple is located in Songshan, which is close to Dengfeng County, all the people and military attachés in Dengfeng County were from the Shaolin family.

That's why there were no problems when the council was held in Dengfeng County.

However, the situation here was completely different from Deng Feng.

The small and medium-sized clans who were not even from the Shaolin clan were not happy about Shaolin's advancement.

Of course, this is a place where there is constant strife between the Zheng faction and the Zhong sect of the Sect, so Shaolin's participation in the war might have been seen as a positive thing for them, but this was not the case.

Shaolin's advance was like a tiger intervening in a wolf fight. Naturally, they were also afraid that their rice bowls would be taken away by Shaolin.

On the other hand, just after the Shaolin disciples and the disciples of the Buddha Gate came out of the main gate. Mak Ji-hyuk, who was looking around, stepped forward as if he couldn't help it.

The whereabouts of Hui Guan, who was supposed to represent Shaolin, were unknown, so he stepped forward as a representative.

"It's not the door lord of the Buddha Gate, Mak Ji-hyuk. Why are you looking for guests from Shaolin?"

When Mak Ji-hyuk asked a question with the class leader, a middle-aged man stepped forward and replied.

"It's been a while. Mak Munju · I'm Kangtae..."

"Is the master of the Tai Gate here a thing? With so many of them."

Listening to the greetings between the two, Mujin shook his head.

"You are a person who has not heard of or heard of you."

He wasn't even mentioned in the novel.

"I've been a Zheng faction for a long time, and I've admired the exalted spirit of Shaolin. Recently, however, I have heard disturbing rumors, so I have come to see you."

"What does disturbing news mean?"

"I have heard disturbing rumors that the high priests of Shaolin, who have cut ties with the world and have been accumulating high virtues, are about to start a 'business' here."

Listening to Kang Tae-gu's words, Mu Jin thought.

"He's got a big tongue ... Is this the way of the political parties?'

I'm talking around you, but you're just telling me to stay in the mountains.

And Mak Ji Hyuk also thought of something similar to Mu Jin, and he replied with a furrowed brow.

"It's a miscellaneous state. As you can see from the plaque, this is not a clinic. The disciples of Shaolin have come here just to heal the suffering lords of the world. And you'll be leaving in a few months."

He told the truth, but no one here believed him.

Well, they only saw what they could see, and they thought that Shaolin was trying to take away their rice bowl.

"Hahaha· I understand Shaolin's high intentions, but the world will point fingers at Shaolin. We will take responsibility for the protection of those who live here, so why don't you go back to the mountain?"

If he didn't, it would be no different from saying that he would spread the rumor that Shaolin had been stained by the world.

Before Mak Ji Hyuk opened his mouth to refute

"My name is Mu Jin, the Three Great Disciples of Shaolin. I'm sorry to say something in the middle of the conversation, but may I say a word?"

Mujin, who couldn't stand it, interrupted the conversation.

"Huh! No matter how exalted Shaolin's name is, how can the Three Great Disciples intervene in the conversation between the gatekeepers!"

Kang Tae-gu shouted loudly, as if he had caught a pod, and the crowd behind him shouted, "Yes!"

But whether they did it or not, Mujin asked, dodging and laughing.

"Lord of the River· Why are you trying to prevent our Shaolin from opening a clinic?"

"What are you talking about? We're just afraid that Shaolin will be fingered . . ."

Kang Tae-gu hurriedly tried to rebuff Mujin's sudden attack on him, but Mujin cut him off and asked back.

"We told you we'll take care of that, so you can go home!"

With a bright smile like a child's. It was a smile that I tried to imitate the smile of the martial arts guy.

"Ahem· I can't do that for the sake of Shaolin's prestige..."

"After all... So you're here to 'prevent' us from opening the clinic..."


"Uncles... Seeing that the lords here are trying to hinder the salvation of sentient beings, it seems that they have stepped into the Outer Way of the Demon Pavilion."

At Mujin's words, Kang Tae-gu and others who came with him started to fight and shouted.

"No matter how many Shaolin disciples you are, what are the three great disciples saying to the master of the gates?"

"Isn't that too much of a leap!"

But why? Mujin's eyes lit up as if he wanted the answer.

"Yes! What you're doing now is that elixir. We have only said that we will open a clinic to save sentient beings, so why are you worried that we will be stained by the world and humiliated? And most of all..."

After talking about that, Mujin paused for a moment and added a word with an expression that was not appropriate for his age.

"Why do we need your permission to open a clinic?"

Mujin's heavy voice, which was not appropriate for his age, weighed heavily on the whole area.

The reason why the members of the Zhongxiao Sect, who were at odds with each other because they could not eat a single area, dared to stand in front of the disciples of Shaolin, who were called the Gu Pil Bang and the Taishan Beidou.

It was because they were sure that the disciples of Shaolin would never harm them, the "Orthodox Sect."

Even though Shaolin was now showing signs of stepping into the world, they were still thinking about it.

Because of the banner that Shaolin has upheld for hundreds of years, they all believe that Shaolin is safe, or rather, formidable.

And at this moment·

As soon as Mujin's words fell, that confidence began to crack.

Mu Jin, who was only a third-generation disciple, said that a cold sweat began to run down their spines.

Then a cheerful laugh erupted from somewhere.

"Hahahaha· You're this guy· You're talking a lot of funny."

The owner of the voice was Hyekwan, who was drinking on the roof of the hall and watching the whole situation.

Hyekwan, who caught everyone's attention with a crooked laugh, threw himself off the roof and landed on the ground.

His credulity was so good that even when he jumped off the roof, he couldn't even hear his footsteps.

Like a ghost, Hye Guan, who landed between the Zhong Sect and the Shaolin disciples, looked at Kang Tae Gu, who was the representative of the Zhong Sect, and opened his mouth.

"If, as she says, we block the path of Shaolin to save sentient beings, we will define it as a sentient being."

"Who are you to say that!?"

"Shaolin Great Disciple Huiguan ...




When Hye-kwan gave her name, the crowd erupted in dismay.

In particular, the one who recklessly called out the nickname "Qu Buddha" had to endure the harsh eyes of those around him.

But maybe it's because he's already taken a step forward, or maybe it's because he can't swallow his pride here, Kang Tae-gu shouted in a trembling voice.

"Isn't Shaolin trying to suppress us, the same political faction, by force!?"

Hyekwan smiled at the question. It was a laugh that seemed to be a mockery to everyone.

"Hmph... Could it be? Hmmm· What can I do about it? Let's beat them all to death here, because they are all claiming to be political factions..."

A cold sweat ran down the backs of the crowd that had gathered to protest Shaolin at Hyekwan's playful words.

He was the most "notorious" of the Shaolin disciples. The evil deeds of Madhu and Safa, who died at his hands, are incalculable even if they are hands and feet combined.

Each of those Madhu and his villains were above the level of the masters of the gates here, and there was no one here who dared to deal with them.

And Hye-kwan, who had completely dominated the steamer, clapped his hands with a villainous smile as if he had an idea of something.

"Oh... So why don't you do this? Everybody called themselves a political party, so let's solve it in a partisan way. Bimuro..."

At that, Kang Tae-gu exclaimed with a frustrated expression.

"Ambassador Hye Hye-kwan! What is the difference between that and suppression by force!"

"Hmph... Don't worry· He's going to be in Bimue..."

Hyekwan raised his hand as if it was a matter of course and pointed to Mujin.

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