Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 70 Table of contents

Kishou Feast (1)


She screamed, but she was embarrassed, and she added in a creeping voice.

"Hey, maybe in the future, when I'm confident in my abilities, can I come back and ask for a secret job?"

"Yes· You are welcome to see me."

You have to be alive to come to apply for Bimu.

In other words, according to the flow of the novel, she was likely to die, and she said it in the hope that she would survive.

'I'm always welcome!'

For some reason, her face turned red and she hurriedly ran out of the hall without saying hello.

“··· Every woman I get involved with has a serious hot flash..."

Zhuge Jinhui was also like Liu Xuehua, who seemed to have high blood pressure.

"Hmmm· I'm trying to lose weight."

Naturally, let me think of Liu Sulhua for a moment.


Mujin took off his jacket again and picked up the metal he had left unattended.

After all, when I had a miscellaneous mind, iron was the best.

* * *

Zhuge Jinxi and the Zhuge family left Nanchang a few days later.

It was because Zhuge County decided that there was no benefit to be gained by staying anyway.

Well, Zhuge Sega will go away or not. Mujin was absorbed in what he had to do.

In the early morning and evening, he would repeatedly train his body and practice martial arts, and occasionally he would give Hyekwan money for drinks and ask for his teachings or sparring with her.

During the day, he would treat those who came to the facility, such as the Yukjong Zen and the Liang family, and work with the Shaolin disciples to teach the Buddhist disciples, including Mak Ji-hyuk, about rehabilitation exercises and muscle lengthening techniques.

"For patients who have injured the muscles of the lower thigh, it is very helpful to lengthen the legs in this way. At this time, it can be dangerous to forcibly stretch tense and condensed muscles."

In particular, when Mujin left, Mak Ji-hyuk, who was supposed to manage the high-end facility, was given additional acupressure and manual therapy in addition to rehabilitation exercises.

On top of that, Mak Ji-hyuk and Hwang Tae-pyung, the second person of the Buddha Gate, had additional training.

"You have given me this opportunity to learn... I don't know what to do with Shaolin's grace..."

Towards the law gang who was teaching him the heart method, Mak Ji Hyuk took the command with an impressive face.

Even though he was nearly twenty years his junior, there was not the slightest hint of shame or hesitation on his face.

No wonder that Dharma Kang and Dharma Hwi were currently teaching Mak Ji Hyuk and Hwang Tae Pyeong how to deal with the Thunder and the Keeper of Heat.

Even after leaving the Fa River and the Fa Department, it was to continue the heat treatment and brain qi treatment here.

Of course, this did not mean that he had a seventy heterogeneous kidney or a brain kidney.

The methods that were learned before they were mastered were nothing more than the core methods that turned the inner air that had gathered in the hall into thunder qi and heat keepers.

However, that alone was a level of deliberation that had not been taught to the disciples before.

"Hahaha· We're just doing what you've instructed us to do. I think it would be right to say thank you to the head monk and Mu Jin over there."

“··· It's only natural to be grateful to the head monk, but is it also true for Mujin?"

"Yes· It's because Mujin was the first to insist on teaching this method to the gendarmes."


Mak Ji Hyuk looked at Mu Jin with a surprised face, but Mu Jin was stunned.

Well, when I tried to persuade Ambassador Hyuncheon, the head of the room, I argued that I should at least repay the Sok-clan for keeping my loyalty to the end.

"Actually, it was my excuse because I didn't want to be tied up here."

It was nothing more than a device to get back to work as soon as I was done. It wasn't a master's game, and there was nothing wrong with him if he gave him two intermediate methods.

In any case, after teaching the disciples of the Buddhist Realm like this, a month passed quickly.

And finally, all the free facility tools that were supposed to be prepared in Nanchang Bunta at the top of the Tianyu Stream were completed, and the free facility was opened.

That being said...

"Oh, inpassive!"

"This leg hurts here! Just take a look, unpassable!"

Within a few days, Mujin's bizarre nickname of the impasse began to spread to Nanchang.

When it became clear that they were really running the council, the councillor naturally settled in Nanchang.

But it wasn't all satisfaction.

'Hmmm· I can't get my tail on it..."

This was because they had not yet found any evidence to prove the relationship between Liu Xue Ho and the Black Curtain.

The plan to clean up the room and capture it once and for all had gone awry, and things were going downhill.

Three months of cultivating martial arts, managing the clinic, and digging up the evidence against Liu Xuehu.

Mujin, who had turned fifteen after his birthday, received a visit.

"Do you mean the inspection from the Heavenly Stream?"

"That's right... It was sent by Bunta at the top of the heavens, but it was stamped with the seal of the Lord of the Upper River, and he said that he did not open it even in Bunta."

At the entrance, Mu Jin replied to the law instructor who had been inspected by the messenger of the Tianyu Upper Stream, and he tore open the envelope and took out the inspection.

And take a moment to read the words on the book.

'Could it be...?'

As he read the words on the book, a thought popped into his mind.

* * *

Heavenly Stream Upper Nanchang Bunta· Bunta Battle·

Liu Xueho was impatient.

"Damn· When are those damn Shaolin bastards leaving? It's been four months!"

Four months ago· The paedo-bang that was in charge of Liu Xueho's back-and-forth has collapsed.

It was thought that Shaolin would be driven out, but instead of driving him out, Shaolin came to Nanchang and collapsed only a day later.

"At this rate, we won't be able to keep up with Liu Xuelong's achievements!"

Raised under the tutelage of Liu Jiguang, who lived only on work, the second son, Liu Xuehu, and the eldest son, Liu Xuelong·

They were competing for succession every day.

The only problem is that even if you achieve the same achievement, the eldest son, Liu Xuelong, has an advantage. In addition, as the eldest son, he entered commerce three years earlier, so Liu Xuelong was ahead of the curve in terms of career and ability.

The person who insinuated to Liu Xue Ho was the bodyguard who was sitting next to Liu Xue Ho right now.

He told Liu Xue Ho that there was a way to reverse Liu Xuelong, and introduced him to an organization.

And the people dispatched by the organization were the Padobang, who absorbed the Honginmun and acted as a backstabber.

The Padobang was the first to move those who stood in the way of the ascending march led by Nanchang Bunta, and threatened to assassinate them, kidnap them, imprison them, and make the upmarch smoother.

Instead, all Liu Xue Ho does is secretly capture the goods they have captured in the middle of the journey. In other words, it was a mixture of the kidnapped poor.

Thanks to this, the complicated ups and downs were solved at the most ideal minimum cost, and the performance of Nanchang Bunta was able to soar rapidly.

However, the defeat room that was supposed to be an imputed report has collapsed.

"How the hell did you manage to get this man to sniff and chase after you!"

Because of the six-piece slapstick who seemed to have little interest in the affairs of the poor.

“··· I'm sorry..."

For the sake of the cause, the bodyguard warrior who couldn't stand up to Liu Xuehu bowed down with pride.

I'd been hearing it for four months now, so I was furious, but there was no excuse.

Just in case, it was a good thing that all matters related to the Heavenly Stream were only exchanged verbally.

"I'm not asking for an apology! Come up with a plan!"

"The new contingents are already on standby. I'm just waiting for a while to avoid Shaolin and Liang Jiayuan's gaze."

"So you're talking! Bring a plan to get Shaolin out of here!"


The escort clenched his fists, but simply bowed his head silently.

Get Shaolin out of here?

Zhuge Sega also came and left with a broken face. Even the council was now filled with high-ranking magnates who lived in Nanchang, and even the other prestigious and big families were waiting for a cause.

Just as Liu Xueho was about to vent his anger on the escort warrior who was just bowing his head, he was about to take out his anger once again.

"Lord Bunta· The envoy sent by the Lord of the Upper Realm has arrived."

The governor's voice came from beyond the entrance to the Bunta Battle.

"Bring it to me..."

Liu Xuehu replied irritably, took the envelope that the governor had brought, and tore the envelope with the seal of the chief executive and took out the inspection.

And a ridiculous smile appeared on his face, which was full of annoyance.

"It's really insane. It's a feast for the Kishou Festival..."

Contents written in the survey· It was to hold a feast for the Feast of the Lotus Family.

From Liu's point of view, it was ridiculous.

Since when did he start celebrating his family's birthdays? Liu Xuehu's own birthday was never even expected in the first place, and even on the occasion of Yan Jiahui's sixtieth birthday, which was not an ordinary birthday, Liu Zhiguang only worked.

"They say that when you get older, you become softer... Certainly, the top liquor is no longer a vessel to serve as the top stock."

Therefore, he must push away Liu Zhiguang and Liu Xuelong and become the top master.

Maybe it's because I was thinking about that.

After reading all the surveys, a plan came to Liu Xuehu's mind.

"I'm sure there are a few of the other bunta. There is a place connected with it. Is it not so?"

"Yes· Lord Bunta·"

"Hmmm· Then, those who are waiting in Nanchang now, let me go with you to Dengfeng County. And put the kite in the other buntas. Bring in the people who were in charge of the cleanup."


The escort warrior, who had a momentary look of surprise, understood Liu Xueho's intentions and gave out a fishy smile.

"I'm going to put a kite in the organization and tell them to send their trustworthy people to Deng Feng County in advance."

* * *

"No way...?"

Mu Jin glared at Xu Xu with a sour face.

Kishou Feast of the Year of the Lotus Family· So far, so good, so good.

What worried Mujin was the list of participants for the Kishou Feast.

The feast will be held in a small way, and only the Liu family and a few people who have worked for the top for a long time will be invited.

And on top of that, it was written that Liu Zhiguang was inviting Mu Jin.

What bothered Mu Jin here was that the Liu family was coming together.

"Are you going to kill them all at this feast and make Liu Xue Ho the top lord...?"

In the novel, only Liu Seol-ho and Liu Seol-hwa appear.

Didn't he leave behind Liu Seolhwa, who was Hong So-hee's puppet, and clean up the rest? It was Mujin who came to mind.

"It won't be until 10 years from now, if not in the novel, that the Heavenly Stream will be mentioned in earnest. I thought that Grandma Yan and Liu Zhiguang's death must have been due to illness or old age.

After that, I thought that Liu Xuehu had inherited the top, but when I thought about it, there was a trap here.

The eldest son, Liu Xuelong,

As long as he was alive, it didn't make sense for Liu Xuehu to inherit all the power at the top so completely.

In the end, it means that Liu Xuelong also died at once, so there was no more obvious opportunity than this feast of the Seven Seasons.

"This is not the time to chase the traces of Liu Xue Lake..."

Folding the survey, Mujin made a decision.

It was time to go back to Deng Feng.

* * *

"You mean you're going back in three days?"

Mu Jin's words made Mak Ji Hyuk ask back with a puzzled expression.

"Yes· Now that Lord Wen and Lord Huang Taiping have enough brains and heat, we don't need to stay here any longer."

As Munfaini is located in the prefecture that becomes the capital of a province, Mak Ji-hyuk, the head of the Buddhist gate, and Hwang Tae-pyeong, the head of the Buddhist gate, were masters who had reached the point of erection.

Even though he was nearly fifty years old, his realm was lower than that of the Fa Kang and the Fa Qi, but he was still able to exude tension.

In the past four months, the two of them had mastered the Mind Technique, and had turned their inner air into Brain Qi and Heat Keeper, and they had reached the level where they could proceed with Brain Qi and Heat Therapy.

"That's right, but you haven't mastered all of those manual therapy and acupressure yet, Brother..."

"It's enough to move forward with immediate treatment. And if you want additional treatments, you can send one of your disciples or one of your best disciples to Shaolin in the future. Thank you for your understanding that this is not the only sect here. Amitabha Buddha·"

Saying that it was to take care of the other clans, just as it had been to the Buddha Kwon-mun, Mak Ji-hyuk couldn't hold on any longer.

“··· Even after Shaolin is gone, I will do my best not to tarnish the name of the councilor. Amitabha Buddha·"

Thus the Shaolin disciples agreed to return in three days.

During the last three days, Mu Jin and the Shaolin disciples did their best to teach the disciples of the Buddhist Realm the remedies and to arrange the clinic.

Three days later.

The Shaolin disciples boarded the chariot they had prepared in advance and boarded the way back to Deng Feng.

“··· I think I forgot something?"

Looking at Nan Chang's receding figure, Mu Jin tilted his head for a moment.

"Oh... Today was the day of the lower body..."

You can't take a break from exercising just because you're on a trip. Mujin straightened up and started squatting in the carriage.

And one day, about ten days after Mu Jin and the Shaolin disciples left Nanchang,

Even though the Shaolin disciples have left, a neat and beautiful woman has appeared in the musculoskeletal clinic that is still very popular.

“··· 떠났단 말씀이십니까?”

"Yes· About ten days ago, I went back to Dengfeng County..."

She returned to Sega and spent the past four months practicing to cut her bones, and finally came back ready for Mujin and Dalian.

Zhuge Jinhui turned his head in the direction of Deng Fengxuan, his eyes lit up.

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