Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 71 Table of contents

Kishou Feast (2)


On the afternoon of the third day before the feast of the Seventh Birthday Festival,

The carriage carrying Mu Jin and Shaolin disciples ran along the main road of Deng Feng County and arrived at the entrance of the Muscular Treatment Clinic, and Mu Jin and the Shaolin disciples got out of the carriage.

And Mujin came face to face with a woman with a familiar impression.

'Where did you see it?'

Mu Jin tilted his head, wondering if he was one of the young wives who came to visit the clinic.

The woman recognized Mu Jin first, smiled brightly, and opened her mouth.

"Mujin! Are you back now?"

It wasn't until he heard the woman's voice that Mujin realized who she was.

"Lord Sulhua?"

"Yes! You've changed imperceptibly in the intervening years. Mujin Dongja· I don't think I'll even be able to call you Dongja anymore..."

It had been nearly five months since he had left Deng Feng, so Mu Jin, who was still in the growth stage, had grown an inch taller and had lost a little bit of milk fat.

But that wasn't enough to compare to the changes in Liu's story.

"I almost didn't recognize you. Lord Sulwhath·"

The puffy clothes characteristic of this era didn't reveal their figures, but at least they didn't feel as fat as they had in the past.

The clothes they wore were not as large as they had been in the past, but the same size as those worn by ordinary women.

But what stood out more than her clothes and body was her face.

'Is this worse than I expected?'

I thought the features themselves were beautiful, but I lost weight and even the exposed jawline and nose bridge. In many ways, it exceeded Mujin's expectations.

"Has that changed that much?"

At Mu Jin's words, Liu Xuehua blushed and turned his head slightly. As if he was embarrassed.

'Hmmm· You don't seem to have enough confidence yet."

Mujin decided that it was because she wasn't confident in her appearance yet.

"I've been living like that for a few years, but I don't think a few months of exercise will change my personality a hundred or eighty degrees right away."

After thinking about it, Mujin decided to boost her confidence.

"You've really become unrecognizable, Lord Sulhua. I'm worried that the men in Deng Fenghyun will have heartburn. Hahaha·"

It wasn't just a blush at Mu Jin's praise, but Liu Xuehua's face turned red at all.


She had been working really hard for nearly five months after Mu Jin left.

He avoided sugary and oily foods because they made him fat, and even on days when there were no female guests at the clinic, he continued to visit the clinic and exercise repeatedly.

As a result, in recent years, as Mujin said, the number of letters of love to her has increased.

Still, she was the golden hell leaf of the heavenly stream. In addition, when the beauty buried in the flesh was revealed, the men lined up.

But the reason she decided to lose weight wasn't because she wanted the guys to pounce on her.

It was because the man who had been looking at her before they had pounced on her had been the first to send her a love letter.

That's why she wanted to be recognized by the man who had sent her the first love letter.

"So what do you think of Mu Jin?"

"Would I have any other eyes? You've become so beautiful. Amitabha Buddha·"

When Mu Jin said words of praise with the class leader, Liu Xuehua couldn't help but turn red and began to twist his body like a snake.

But Mujin didn't pay much attention to her travelogue because he was thinking about other important matters.

"Seeing as Liu Xuehua is still alive, it seems that something hasn't happened at the top yet."

Still, just in case, Mujin snuck up on the question.

"Then did anything special happen in the main house?"

"I've been busy preparing for my grandmother's feast lately. Oh boy! Maybe it's inexhaustible... Are you going to join us at the feast of the Seventh Birthday?"

She avoided the expression "pupil" and called it.

Mujin replied to her question with a shallow smile.

"Yes· We are going to participate· I don't know if I can participate in a small family party. Hahaha· Isn't it the first time in a long time that you have seen your brothers?"

"My brothers are just like my father, so I barely see their faces because they're working. It's three days before the feast and neither of you has arrived yet."

Even though he had set off ahead of Liu Xueho, he was still worried. But after listening to her answer, it seemed like nothing had happened yet.

However, there were still many problems.

Even though it was not a sect, it was a great group of people, so there were quite a few masters in the upper part of the heavens and streams.

So, if Mu Jin was going to do something at the Feast of the Seven Seasons, the enemy would surely have attracted a lot of masters.

As Mujin now, he alone had no power to stop them. However, attracting a large number of Shaolin disciples was not enough justification.

You can't just break into the main stage of the Tianyu Stream when there is no evidence. If that were the case, I wouldn't have bothered to come here and would have dealt with Liu Xuehu with the Shaolin disciples.

Also, if they were forced to recruit a large number of Shaolin disciples, the enemy might give up the raid. If that were the case, it would only alienate the Heavenly Stream and Shaolin for disturbing the Feast of the Seven Seasons.

There were so many complicated issues.

Mujin wasn't worried.

A person who wouldn't be a problem even if you went to the Kishou feast of the Lotus Family. Mu Jin knew of a man who had more force than attracting several Shaolin disciples.

"Lord Sulwha... Is Grandpa Hyun-kwang inside?"

* * *

Anterior chamber located deep inside the musculoskeletal treatment clinic·

"Mujin! Isn't it a fishy thing here?"

The law man in the yard looked at Mu Jin with a surprised expression.

"Hehehe... I'm going to come back..."

Hyunkwang, who was undergoing rehab treatment by Law Gun, greeted Mujin with a hollow laugh.

"Disciple· I have just returned here from my work in Nanchang."

Mujin, who had paid tribute to Dharma Qian and Hyunguang as the head of the class, turned to Hyunguang and asked.

"Grandpa· Have you heard that Grandma's feast will be held in three days?"

"Hehehe... Lady Yan still visits this place often. Of course I've heard about it..."

"Are you going to attend the feast of the Seventh Day?"

At Mujin's question, Hyunguang shook his head.

"I've heard that it's a small opening for time with family. Since you have often met and talked with the monk, wouldn't it be nice to have a good time with your grandchildren that day?"

The question of why Hyunkwang's name was missing from the invitation list was answered.

However, in order to solve this problem, he needed Hyunkwang's help.

He was still unwell compared to the ridiculously high realm, so I wanted to avoid the rough work as much as possible, but this time I couldn't help it.

"Grandpa· If you don't want to be overwhelmed, would you like to join me in the feast of the Seventh Birthday?"

At first glance, it could seem like a child was embarrassed to attend a party at someone else's house alone, attracting an adult.

But Hyunkwang knew that Mujin wasn't such a normal child. If you didn't feel comfortable attending in the first place, you would have said no.

"Hehehe... It looks like there's something to do with it..."

"I have one thing to worry about."

"What are you worried about?"

"Since it was a feast of flowers, I wondered if the insects would be entangled."

After all, the owner of the huge group called Tianyu Upper was Liu Zhiguang, and if Liu Zhiguang died, the Tianyu Upper Realm would fall into the hands of someone in his family.

But what if the family is exterminated at once?

A battle could ensue for control of the masterless top of the heavens, and it could end up being divided into quadrants, or the great top could fall into someone's hands.

Hyunguang, who was proud of his excellent five abilities, was able to understand Mujin's analogy without difficulty.

"But the hedge that guards the flower is a very strong hedge, made of great gold. It's going to be hard for the bugs to get in and out easily."

"I wonder if the inside of the fence is already rotten and there are no insects inside..."


At Mujin's words, Hyunguang took a breath and chanted.

Mu Jin just stared at the light without saying a word.

Ryu hasn't done anything yet. Of course, I didn't have any evidence.

Therefore, Mujin was forced to use the expression "concern" and used a metaphor instead of a direct expression.

Knowing that Liu Xue Ho will become the top lord in the future, he can't convince him that he is trying to do something this time.

And after a while·

Hyunguang, who had been crying and closing his eyes, opened his eyes and replied with a mysterious look.

"Let's be together. If you're worried about your grandchildren, you should roll up your sleeves as a grandfather."

"Thank you· Grandpa·"

Mujin breathed a sigh of relief inwardly and thanked Hyunguang as the prefect.

* * *

The next day·

Mu Jin went to the Tianryu Upper Shrine with Hyun Guang.

The gatekeeper sent kites inside, and soon the foreign governor stepped in and led them to Danju Hall.

And Liu Zhiguang welcomed the two of them who came unexpectedly.

"Thank you for coming. Brilliant Monk· Mujinja·"

"Hehehe... I'm sorry to take up time when you're so busy. Amitabha Buddha·"

"I'm sorry. The Upper Lord·"

At the words of Xuanguang and Mu Jin, Liu Zhiguang waved his hand and said,

"Hahaha· Not at all. Are you here for your mother's feast in two days?"

"So it is. . . I'm sorry I changed my words so suddenly and made things so troublesome..."

"No, I don't. If Monk Hyunguang attends, my mother will be very happy."

"Hehehe... In fact, apart from attending, I have another request for you, so I have come here."

"What would you like to ask...?"

"Actually, why don't you ask if he can stay here in the Tianyu Upper House from today on?"

"Are you talking about us at the top? Do you know why? Mujinja·"

In response to Liu Zhiguang's question, Mu Jin replied with a pretending to be embarrassed.

"There will be many guests and grandchildren at the feast, so it will be difficult for me to spend a long time with my grandmother."

"Hahaha· So you want to stay here for two days in advance and celebrate your mother's birthday?"

"Ahem· That's right."

Mu Jin scratched his head and pretended to be cool, and Liu Zhiguang let out an uncharacteristically hearty laugh.

'Did it work?'

I was expecting to do something on the feast, but I could have done it before the feast, not on the day of the feast.

In the end, the important thing was that the moment when the Liu family came together was the most dangerous.

Therefore, he made such a bizarre excuse to infiltrate the top of the heavens with Hyun-gwang in advance from today.

You can't use the excuse that your son might be preparing to kill you.

Maybe it's because Mujin was so sloppy to take care of his mother. Liu Zhiguang gladly accepted Mu Jin's request.

"If that's the case, you're welcome... Thou art no other, and thou art a fool. Hahaha· I have already heard of the incident in Nanchang. You sent him back and made him a regular regular."

Liu Zhiguang, who said with a smile, actually had a completely different idea.

'What an excellent son-in-law! She is a talented person and thinks of her mother-in-law! I'm going to take this opportunity to stay here for two days and let you feel how comfortable the roof of our sky is!"

Liu Zhiguang was still full of schemes to bring Mu Jin back. I don't dare to show it in front of the light of the sky, so I'm just sparing my words.

After that, I hope that Hyun Kwang and Mu Jin Liu Ji Guang will have a friendly conversation for a while.

I heard the voice of the foreign minister from the entrance of the Danju Hall.

"The Upper Lord· The owner of the Nanchang Bunta, Liu Xueho, has arrived."

At the Foreign Minister's words, Xuanguang smiled and said to Liu Zhiguang.

"It looks like we've taken too much time out of your busy schedule..."

"No, I don't. Monk Hyunguang and Mujin are always welcome."

"I'm going to spend a lot of time with my son, so I'm going to get up."

"Yes· I'll tell the foreign minister and guide you to your accommodation."

After saying this, Liu Zhiguang shouted at the entrance of Danju Hall.

"Say, Hell!"

Immediately after Liu Zhiguang's shout, the door of Danju Hall opened, and Liu Xuehu entered the hall.


When Liu Xuehu found Mu Jin in Danju Hall, a momentary look of bewilderment appeared on his face.

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