Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 72 Table of contents

Kishou Feast (3)


Liu Xueho quickly managed his expression, saying that he was a seasoned buntaju in his own way, but Mujin didn't miss the change.

"We're going to get up."

"Please enter carefully. Foreign Minister! Please show me around the hall where the monk and Mujin will spend two days. If possible, give me a place close to my mother's manor..."

"Understood... The Upper Lord·"

Mu Jin and Xuan Guang followed the Foreign Governor.

And the way Liu Zhiguang, the master of the house, treated Xuanguang with great respect, caused ripples in Liu Xuehu's eyes.

* * *

Liu Xuehu drew a mask on his face that he was now accustomed to, and casually greeted Liu Zhiguang.

Liu Zhiguang's attitude, which seems to be somewhat more relaxed than in the past, only makes him fly arsenic inwardly. I didn't reveal my true intentions at all.

Immediately after a brief greeting, Liu Zhiguang asked a question.

"What do you think of Mujin?"

“··· He looked very good for his age."

Liu Xuehu knew very well that Liu Zhiguang cared for Mu Jin, so he hid his true intentions and gave him a decent pat on the back.

"In particular, the skill with which he was able to attract the Bachelor of Arts to the clinic in just a few days after visiting Nanchang was astounding."

"Hehehe... Could it have been the power of the inexhaustible pupil? I know. That you helped Mujindong..."


"Isn't the recent delay in Nanchang's work due to the lack of manpower to help Shaolin councilors? But the revenue from the clinic is quite high, so it wasn't a bad decision."

Because of the damn Shaolin disciples and Li Wen, the Pado Room collapsed and the work was disrupted, but what kind of nonsense is this?

'No, it is not. This must be a rebuke to me."

No matter how recently he had been ruined, he couldn't afford to be tolerant of "work" matters.

“··· I wanted to help the councillor and get things done neatly, but I was still in a hurry."

"No, it is not. Hahaha· We haven't been staffed, so it's only natural that it's hard to carry out additional work."

Liu Zhiguang's gentle laughter was hard for Liu Xueho to bear.

So he hastily brought up another story.

"By the way, who is the high priest who was with Mu Jin a moment ago, and why is the Master of the Upper Palace so very serious about him?"

"He is the Wise Monk of the Taisha Dynasty of the Mujin Brother. He is a very Buddhist monk and a friend of my mother in her later years."

"If you're a Shaolin monk . . . Is it a coriander?'

Fearing that his plans might be disrupted, Liu Xueho asked, feigning peace.

"If you do it, it seems to be a pretty good master..."

"He used to be brilliant, but now he is handicapped."

However, Liu Zhiguang shook his head at Liu Xuehu's question. Even though he was clearly aware of the power of the Manifestation.

This was done for security reasons.

For Liu Jiguang, Hyunguang was the last insurance policy. When a crisis strikes the Liu family, the last insurance policy to protect the family.

And Liu Zhiguang, as an elderly master, knew the importance of information better than anyone else.

No matter how close you are, the words you say with the thought that "this person will be fine" will eventually end up in the market. The person I gave the information to was also passing on the information to someone with the thought that "this person would be fine."

Especially considering Hong So-hee, who was captured by Mujin last time, she had to keep this information hidden from her family until the very end.

However, Liu Xueguang didn't fully trust Liu Zhiguang's words.

"Just in case, I'll have to check it out."

Thinking of such a thought in his heart, Liu Xuehu greeted Liu Zhiguang and stood up.

"I'm sorry to take up your busy time. Then I'm going to say hello to Grandma."

After greeting Liu Zhiguang, he headed to Yan Jiahui's residence with his bodyguard.

And when Liu Xuehu arrived at Yan Jiahui's residence, his expression almost crumpled again.

"Lord Liu Xue Ho Bunta· It seems like I'm seeing you a lot today. Hahaha·"

There, too, he was once again confronted by Mujin and Hyunshin.


It's also the way he has a very casual conversation with Yeon Ga-hee.

It was a sight that some people thought was not him, but his grandson.

* * *

That evening·

Under the pretext of relieving himself, Liu Xueho was resting in his former residence.

Along with his bodyguard, an unexpected figure came to visit him.

"What's wrong with the Gold Governor?"

Governor of the Golden Flag District·

Starting as a clerk at the end of the line, he has worked for more than forty years in the Tianryu Upper Household and has risen to the position of Cabinet Secretary.

Ever since Liu Xuehu was the youngest he remembered, the person who had been working in the Tianryu Upper House suddenly came to visit him.

And the old man who had devoted his entire youth to the Heavenly Stream said something unimaginable.

"I'm just here to report on what we're working on. Second Muppet· Or can I call you the next boss?"


This meant that the Cabinet Secretary, who had been working for the Tianryu Upper Stream for decades, was connected to "the organization."

But the surprise was only temporary.

"It's already a step forward."

Liu Xueho made up his mind.

Even if I knew that the golden ticket was a three-piece product, it didn't change anything. If he had known this to the Master of the Upper House, the only thing left to do was to annihilate.

"First of all, take control of the top· After that, it's enough to oust the gang."

It was Liu Xuehu who was thinking of Tosha Gufang, but he didn't know.

Those who have become accustomed to unholy power will eventually be unable to escape. Just like drugs.

After collecting his thoughts, Liu Xuehu feigned serenity and asked the Inspector General.

"If so, how far have you progressed?"

"We are going to swap some of the escort lists for the venue where the feast will be held on the same day. The warriors who have been replaced are the escort warriors brought by the Bunta lords who have decided to join us this time."

"Hmmm· Do you plan to ambush them on the day of the feast?"

"Yes· This is because the targets' places are scattered and heavily guarded, so if you make a mistake, things can go awry."

At the words of the Interior Minister, Liu Xuehu shook his head.

"How do you plan to carry out the surprise attack in the banquet hall?"

"When the feast was in full swing and everyone was relieved of tension. At that time, the warriors will raid the banquet hall at once and eliminate the targets. Some of them will also attack the next Supreme Leader."

The words came out unexpectedly, but Liu Xuehu rolled his head, feigning serenity. Still, I was able to deduce the reason for it because it was a huge upper division.

"Is it to exonerate me?"

"Yes· After defeating the entire Upper Lord family except for the next Upper Lord, the surviving Upper Lord will order the other warriors to annihilate all those who ambushed them."

All of the people who carried out the ambush would be from the same organization as the Inspector General.

He was going to abandon the warriors for this time.

'Tsk· One Thousand Twenty-Seven No. · If she had done her job well, she could have saved Liu Xuehua and kept her as a puppet."

The Governor of the Interior, who only clicked his tongue inwardly, added. . .

"And those who dragged the warriors through the list I had corrected. . . In other words, you can also clean up the bunta liquor before you make fun of your mouth unnecessarily. You can tell me that the Bunta states plotted to drive out the Liu family and take control of the top."

At the governor's explanation, a rare genuine smile appeared on Liu Xuehu's lips.

It was a fantastic ploy to get rid of any dangerous elements that might come out of it at once, and to gain a justification.

But there was a flaw in that perfect scheme.

"Very perfect Junvilse· But I have a question for you..."

"Relax, let's talk."

"I know that an old monk named Hyunkwang will also participate in this feast. Do you have any idea of the level of the old monk's martial arts?"

In response to Liu Xueho's question, the Interior Minister, Jin Pyo-gu, spoke in a calm tone.

"Hyunkwang is an old monk who was called 'the best in the world' when he was younger."


At the answer of the golden seal, Liu Xuehu and the escort warrior looked surprised.

"Wouldn't that put your plans in trouble?"

"Don't worry· There's a reason I said it when I was young. Thirty-five years ago, the old monk had tried to protect Shaolin from the Demon Cult's Star Wing, and he had lost all his martial arts and became a ruined man. I can't even move around on my own..."

"Are you sure you lost nothing? I could have regained it."

"All the blood was twisted and the temple was destroyed. Thirty-five years ago, the whole Middle Kingdom was abuzz that the man who was called the best man in the world had become an abandoned man. Shaolin had been clamoring for years to fix his body, but eventually the name 'Xuanguang' disappeared from the Middle Plains."


"Still, just in case, I kept gathering information from those who remained in the group, but thanks to his rehabilitation treatment, he is now able to move. There wasn't even a trace of the bet left."

At Jin Pyogu's words, Liu Xuehu shook his head and opened his mouth.

"Did the old monk also heal himself with the remedies of Mu Jindong?"

"Yes· It is understood that the old lady Yan also went to Shaolin and was treated by Mu Jin, and because of that, Mu Jin's Taisha Zhao Xuang and Old Lady Yan became friends."


After listening to all of Jin Pyogu's explanations, Liu Xuehu stroked his chin.

"Seeing as they keep looking for him, it looks like his remedy is definitely useful."

It was Liu Xueho who thought that it would be a pretty good money-making tool like that lawmaker in Nanchang.

But Mujin's cure wasn't an immediate concern for him.

"That means the light isn't a big distraction anyway. Then let's proceed with the plan."

"Understood... Even if you get a little injured during the raid, don't be too alarmed, as this is to clear you of the charges."

"Do you think I did this without that much courage?"

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake."

Saying that, he bowed his head and left the room with his escort.

Perhaps because Liu Xueho was absent, the escort sneaked a question to Jin Pyo Gu.

"Perhaps it's because he cares about the top owner, but strangely enough, his name seems to be mentioned again and again. Do you have any information from here?"

The fact that he asked in the absence of Liu Xueho is information that should not have been conveyed to Liu Xueho. In other words, they were asking for information that should only circulate between their organizations.

Normally, I wouldn't have bothered to ask for this kind of information. We were constantly exchanging information with each other.

However, due to Hong So-hee's arrest and the bloodbath that broke out in the main house of Tianryu, the three members of the main family, including Geumpyo-gu, had to completely stop their activities for a few months.

In spite of all this, two-thirds of the three were blown away, and the Golden Seal had been loyal for decades, so it had only narrowly escaped the bloodbath.

But even if he survived, many of his pawns were cut off. For that reason, they have only recently resumed their activities.

The information gathered from the Tianryu Upper House had not been properly transmitted to other places at present.

"He is a child that we are keeping a close eye on. Especially because I heard some strange information during the interrogation of the One Thousand and Twenty-Seven Persons."

"What is strange information?"

"That did... The man in black who summoned him was a fool. He even said he knew our encryption system..."


"I naturally thought there might be a rebellion within the organization. I thought she had sold out her innocent pupils to protect the Black Man. But no matter how much I searched about the black man and the rebels, nothing came out."

After listening to the Golden Flag's story, I felt like the fog in the bodyguard's mind had been lifted.

"I didn't understand it before. That Liang family member was digging into the Red Gate..."

Liang Jiayuan was a scumbag who had no interest in the lives of the poor. I can't believe that such a guy was tracking down Hongin Men and Padobang behind the scenes. No matter how much I thought about it, it didn't make sense.

However, after listening to the Governor-General's words now, I had a deep suspicion that Mujin was somehow involved in the matter.

'How did you suffer such humiliation because of that bloody pupil!'

Remembering the insulting words he had heard from Liu Xue for the past four months, sparks flew in his eyes.

"I understand that he was also invited to the Kishou Feast. Do you mind if I take this opportunity to take it into my own hands?"

"Hmmm· There may be a rift with Shaolin, but I'm a little squeamish about him, so I'll give him a chance."

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