Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 9 Table of contents

Pitting (1)


The question he had was simple.

"Well, you don't tell me about the internal trial law or anything like that?"

I wondered.

If you look at the martial arts magazine, you will often see the composition of the deliberation method.

The way the protagonist is reciting a series of Eastern philosophical stories, such as how the Taigeuk is, what the five deeds are, and what the eight words are, and then suddenly the protagonist has a great awakening.

"There's a reason for that."

However, Mujin didn't know anything about the Inner Void Examination Method, so for now, he just focused on his breathing to follow Hyejeong's instructions.

It's time to learn the mechanics!

Flower of the Martial Arts· The source of the power that allows humans to cut through the mountains and fly through the sky·

Who doesn't want to get a martial arts lover?

"When you exhale, you breathe through your mouth. Thinking that all the evil energy in your body has gone out, gather the evil energy in your body and breathe it out deeply into your mouth."


Mu Jin, who didn't know anything about internal affairs, just thought that he was learning the Shaolin Temple's internal examination method, so he just followed Huizheng's instructions unconditionally.

And while Mu Jin was concentrating on his breathing, the two disciples who had been watching the training walked around the hall to correct the monks who were out of posture or unable to concentrate.

After about half an hour had passed...

"Open your eyes, everyone..."

All of them seemed to have grown accustomed to breathing and sitting, and Hye Jung pulled them to their feet.

"What you have learned is the most basic breathing technique for feeling and accumulating qi in the body."

And with Hyejeong's words that followed, Mujin couldn't help but look momentarily taken aback. I thought I had practiced the internal examination method, but I thought it was just the earthen method.

But it was also unavoidable.

"In order to operate the Inner Mind Method, you have to feel the qi ... Therefore, from this day onwards, you should practice the Tonap Dharma every day when you have time, and try to feel the qi."

In order to learn the Inner Void Mind, you need to be able to feel the qi as Hye-jung said.

And the next thing was to make the qi you felt flow along the bloodline.

"From now on, what the disciples are distributing is a booklet that shows the level of a person's blood."

Before Huizheng's words could fall, the disciples handed out a thin booklet with blood diagrams written on it to the monks.

"You don't have to memorize all the bloodlines, but you do have to memorize all the major bloodlines. There must be a lot of blood that you have to go through in the process of using the internal attack, and there are also a lot of blood paths that you should know when you are defeating your opponent."

After saying that, Hye Zheng pointed her finger at the body of the Grand Disciple who was standing next to her, and recited the name of the Blood Sword one by one.

"Oho· Blood Dora·'

With the appearance of the blood sword that he had often seen in the martial arts area, Mujin alternated between Hye-jeong's teachings and the contents of the booklet, trying to memorize it as quickly as possible.

After half a while, again... A stern voice came out of Hye-jeong's mouth after completing her blood education.

"Disciples who have mastered the blood way and are able to master the qi through the clay method will be able to master the Buddhist Heart Gong, which is the initiation method of our Shaolin. Do you understand?"


Mujin replied with all his might, full of throbbing feelings.

"I'm going to memorize everything by today."

He felt like he was burning up to learn the Inner Mind Technique right away.

* * *

That evening·

After finishing his daily work, Mujin headed to the inn with brisk steps.

His heart was pounding at the thought of memorizing all the blood canals and practicing the Tonap method during the evening.

But that cheerful feeling plummeted in an instant. Because of the appearance of the Dharma lecturer practicing alone in the training hall of the Nahan Party.

"Dharma Master! What are you doing!?"

"Hahaha· Thanks to the exercise method that Mujin Sazil taught me today, my knees hurt less, so I was training more."

When the soldier replied in a clear voice, Mu Jin finally couldn't stand it and let out a deep sigh.

"I made my knees hurt less so they could heal! The exercise I did in the early morning was enough!"

A member of one's own (?) Sitting down and hurting yourself with this exercise you didn't ask me to do is going crazy as a trainer.

If you're trying to build muscle and compete, you don't know. The other party was definitely a patient.

"Uh-huh... The more you pound iron, the stronger it becomes. And it's the same with the human body. Look at this muscle, the muscle that I've been training in Shaolin for eighteen years."

Towards such a mujin, Dharma Kang confidently rolled up the lyrics and showed off his biceps. Naturally, it was a muscle that looked very weak from Mujin's point of view.

Muscles that have been cultivated through self-harm training rather than exercise. Compared to the muscles attached to Choi Kang-hyuk's body, it was just skin leather.

"Iron needs to be beaten properly to become stronger, but if you hit it too hard, it will break. It's the same with the human body. Dormitory·"

Mu Jin sighed and forcibly interrupted the Fa training and put pressure on his knees.

Eighteen years after entering Shaolin Temple, It was the first time he had ever been interrupted in training because it was important to rest, so he looked at Mu Jin with a cool face.

"This one is going to hurt a little bit..."

Mujin started acupressure in earnest in the early morning to loosen up the muscles around his knees and the muscles around him.


Like the embodiment of patience, he endured the pain without changing his expression, despite the immense pain that came through his knees.

"If you're sick, it's okay to say you're sick..."

But who is Mujin· Just the sensation of his fingertips during the acupressure was a clear indication of how broken his knee and the muscles around it had been.

Of course, he knew the extent of the pain that came from it.

"Ugh... Who exercises until they get to this point? If your body breaks down, you're the only one who suffers. No one is in charge. So take care of your body. Dharma Lecture Dormitory·"

Mu Jin gave him heartfelt advice.

Touching his knee reminded me of his days in the Special Forces.

The Last Years of the Special Forces· Those days when my injured body was trying to chase the training and my body was completely ruined.

And those days when, despite all the hard work, I ended up failing the long-term service and was forced to leave the army.

Perhaps it was because he was too soldier-like. Watching my body break down due to excessive training made me feel like I was seeing myself at that time.

Silently looking at Mu Jin's sincere face full of concern, Dharma Kang spoke in a confident tone after a moment.

"Mujin-ah· I don't know what happened to you when you were in the world. But I want you to believe in this one... Shaolin doesn't abandon his apprentice just because his body is a little broken. No, no matter what, it's a place where you don't abandon your disciples."


For a moment, he stared into the eyes of a young man who resembled his own youthful enemy. Mujin replied with a strange smile that didn't look like a child.

"Well, that's what it is..."

Whether what the Fa says is right or wrong will only be known in the future. I didn't need to argue about this.

Mistaking Mujin's smile for affirmation, he burst out laughing heartily and talking nonsense.

"Uh-huh-ha-ha-ha· So, from tomorrow onwards, you will also believe in me, and we will use the Shaolin training method!!"

I ended up moaning at Mujin's surprise massage.

It was the first moan he had uttered in eighteen years since he entered the Shaolin Temple.

* * *

After completing the muscle lengthening surgery and acupressure at this angle, Mujin shook his hands and stood up.

"You've had a hard time putting up with it. Dormitory·"

"Big· It's nothing like this..."

I was breaking into a cold sweat and talking nonsense that didn't work.

He was also very embarrassed by the nonsense, so he hastily changed the topic of conversation.

"Ahem· I'm sorry for taking away your time. You seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere, but where are you going?"

"Oh... I thought I'd go back to my dorm and practice the clay method I learned this morning."

"How to get to?

"Yes· In order to learn the Buddha Mind, you must first feel the Qi."

Mu Jin's answer made Dharma Gang tilt his head and said,

"Isn't Qi already felt through the family's internal examination method?"

If you're a child from an ordinary family, you won't know. If he was from a righteous family dealing with the Wulin people, there was a high probability that he had learned the family's internal examination method.

In response to such a question from the Fa Kang, Mu Jin managed to control his expression and lied.

"Due to family circumstances, I haven't learned it yet."

"Is that so?"

"That's right..."


Thinking that Mu Jin would not tell him a lie, he thought for a moment. How can I help Mujin?

The simplest way is to transmit qi directly through the Psychedelic Major.

If someone else was driving the qi through their body, it would be easy for them to feel it unless they were a child who was feeling a little weak.

If there's just a problem...

"That would be a violation of our Shaolin law."

Why didn't they just teach me how to do it in the morning training and not give me a major in the body?

Feeling Qi was also a kind of trial. Trials for Selecting Jinshan Disciples·

He had to be talented enough to feel the qi without the help of others, and only then could he be selected as a Jinshan disciple.

And as one who lives by the law and dies by the law, the Dharma River could not forsake such a law.

Instead, he was able to roll his head and think of another option.

"Ahem· Then would you rather practice it here instead of in your quarters?"

"In this place?"

"I'm just about to think about trying my luck ceremony. Who knows? If I'm next to you, it will be easier for you to feel the qi."

If it is not directly inflated into the body, but is artificially created by others, it is much easier to feel it than natural qi.

Mu Jin also quickly understood the intent of the Fa lecture, so he willingly sat down on the floor of the theater.

"I'm ready. Dormitory!"

"Hahahahaha· Then I'll have to start a lucky ceremony too. I'm trying to concentrate..."

The Dharma River also sat on the floor and began to think about the outcome of the Inner Court.

Atmospheric energy was sucked through his nose, and according to Shaolin's Inner Mind Method, the energy circulated through his body.

Some of them were turned into the majestic aura of the Buddha Gong, while the rest leaked into the air through his mouth according to the breath he exhaled.

But Mu Jin couldn't feel the qi yet, so he just closed his eyes and focused on the simple breathing of the Tonap Method.

And when his body mechanically repeated the breath, Mujin began to focus on the other side.

"The Dharma Pavilion is in the process of getting lucky. There must be a lot of qi flowing around the Dharma River Quarters. You have to feel it!'

Of course, it wasn't easy. In the first place, what does it feel like to be Qi? I didn't know that.

So he thought.

"You have to feel the difference from other places. You have to feel something that you can only feel around your mouth and nose."

I tried to realize the difference by comparing it with other places, rather than feeling it blindly.

It took a long time for Mujin to concentrate on the breath of the Fa River.

From a certain moment, the inner air of the Buddha gradually flowed out from the center of the Dharma Kang's body, which was deeply focused on the cultivation of fortune.

'Is this it?'

Mujin, who had been concentrating for a long time, could easily feel the energy.

Once he felt that energy, he could feel that it was in his breath as well.

'Inhale as deep as you can. He told me to draw in the altar in the center of my body."

Remembering Hye-jung's words from the morning training, Mujin sucked the qi straight through his nose. In my mind, I pictured that energy being put into a vessel called Danjeon.

He exhaled the air that had penetrated deep into his lungs, trying to keep the qi he had drawn.

Of course, it didn't work out from the beginning.

The feeling of exhaustion from the entire qi that had entered through the nose and exited through the mouth was indescribable.

But Mujin wasn't the kind of man who would give up on such a challenge.

He kept repeating the method of vomiting, sucking in the qi and spit it out again.

It's been a long time since I've been repeating that.

Only a small fraction of the qi inhaled through the nose ·

If he drank 100 Qi, he was able to hold on to about 0·0001 of them.

It was no more than a speck of dust, but there was a deep smile on Mujin's lips.

"Even if it contains only 0·0000000001%, it is said to be a truffle-containing confectionery, so this is also a success! Cancer!!'

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