Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 314 Table of contents

Best Allies (1)


After wading through the bushes with the child, Mujin and his companions headed for the hiding place where the seriously wounded were gathered.

There was still work to be done in the south of the country.

You can't fight with a child while you're having to fight the demons again.

They were going to hide him in the hiding place and then move on. . .


Seeing acrid vermilion smoke rising from the distance, the Red Tiger Commander's expression changed completely.

Mu Jin's puzzled question was answered by the Red Tiger Danju.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"It's a signal from the Lord of the Lesser Church. Apparently, the Lord has now ruled over all the internal affairs..."

"Does that orange smoke mean that Gu Yang has recovered?"

"The Minor Master has prepared a variety of signal systems just in case. That scarlet smoke means to gather in a certain place."

Mu Jin was able to understand the words of the Red Tiger Cult Master without difficulty.

If the demons who had come to arrest them were in the vicinity, and they were sent a signal and gathered in one place, it was obvious.

From now on, he would start fighting the demons again.

"After escorting you to your hideout... I'm going to go with my servants to find the Lord Lesser."

At the words of the Red Tiger Danju, Mu Jin and the people around him nodded.

I wonder if it's to join Gu Yang as soon as possible.

After seeing the signal, the Red Tiger Danju moved faster than before and led the Mujin group to their hiding place.

Immediately after arriving at the hideout· The Red Tiger Danju said to the Red Tiger Troupemen who were taking care of the seriously injured Shaolin and shamans there.

"The Lord of the Lesser Church has sent a signal. Get ready to leave right away."

Before his words could fall, the Red Tiger men's expressions changed determined, and they began to move quickly.

He also threw off the gowns he had been wearing for a while and put on his original clothes.

As he was getting ready, he saw a strange sight in his eyes.

"But why is the Shaolin Divine Dragon changing into that outfit?"

Just as he took off his Shaolin robe and put on the clothes of the Red Tiger Dan, Mu Jin also took off the Shaolin robe and changed into the clothes of the Red Tiger Dan.

It was Mu Jin who had stolen the clothes of the Red Tiger Unit, who was too wounded to join Gu Yang, and could not move.

And the reason why Mujin dared to do such a thing was simple.

"I have a story to share with Gu Yangpae..."

He wondered if he could do this, but when he thought about it, it seemed that he was no different from wearing the Shaolin robe.

"Oh my God..."

"A Shaolin disciple wears the clothes of a demon monk..."

"Amitabha Buddha..."

Of course, the feelings of the old monks watching from the sidelines were different.

* * *

After burning the things he had prepared in advance, Gu Yang saw the scarlet smoke coming out and immediately moved.

It didn't make sense to gather in a place where smoke had been lit for signals.

In the first place, there was a separate gathering place to which this scarlet smoke pointed out.

After moving along with Jin Yanghui and the Red Tiger Corps, they were able to reach the prearranged meeting point.

"I'm going to see you."

Those who arrived at the meeting place before Gu Yang and the others paid their respects to Gu Yang Fei, who had just arrived.

After that, there were people who saw the signal and rushed to the scene, but Gu Yang's expression was not as bright as it seemed.

"After all, the number of people has decreased considerably..."

I don't think everyone has gathered yet, but it certainly feels like the number has decreased compared to before they dispersed.

'If I hadn't just had an internal wound . . . .'

If he hadn't been injured by the mysterious man, this kind of damage wouldn't have happened.

However, instead of resenting the mysterious man, Gu Yang lamented his lack of skill.

'We have to be stronger...'

When Gu Yang Fei thought of such a decision in his heart... The Red Tiger Lord appeared at the rendezvous with his minions.

"I'm going to see you."

Gu Yangfei approached him, showed his respect, nodded to the Red Tiger Danju, and looked at the figure standing next to him with a strange expression.

"When did you start switching?"

There stood Mujin, dressed in the clothes of the Red Tiger.

Looking at it like this, Gu Yang felt that the Red Tiger Dan's robe looked better than Shaolin's robe, and Gu Yang laughed.

"I just wore it just in case..."

Mujin, who replied with a light click, opened his mouth.

"I'm going to get over the gossip and give you a brief account of what happened while you were down."

Mujin told them the number of demons they had dealt with, the battle situation, and the identity of the man they had found out as a result of interrogating the Red Flame King.

"Shaolin and Shaman· And I owe you too much..."

First Day of Engagement· The number of demons they had defeated was around eighty, but only fifty Shaolin and shamans had sorted out one hundred and fifty demon cults.

Of course, they had been scattered to find them, but it was still a huge battle.

The number of enemies who had first invaded was around five hundred, which meant that nearly half of the enemies had already been cleared out.

"On top of that, you've dealt with the Red Flame King and his mysterious man..."

I even found out that the man was the Little Heavenly Lord of the Divine Heaven, so it was a good thing.

Of course, Confucius and Confucius· And since there were still elders who followed the two, there were still quite a few masters.

But it was really their war. This didn't change the fact that I was already heavily indebted.

And thanks to the Shaolin Divine Dragon leading the board so far, various numbers naturally came to Gu Yang's mind.

"At this point, I'm going to get tired of it and I can't lose..."

Gu Yang muttered, thinking about what to do with the remaining demons, and Mu Jin said.

"It's natural to win, but we're going to have to reduce the damage. Even if it's just for the future..."

Gu Yangfei nodded at Mu Jin's words.

For him now, it wasn't about winning the battle right now.

In the end, it was important to be able to ascend to the position of the Heavenly Horse in the end.

"On that note, why don't you use him this time?"

"You mean the Confucius?"

"Yes... If you make good use of that ignorant bastard like the wild boar, things will go smoothly in many ways."

Mu Jin then explained the big framework of his plan, and Gu Yang nodded.

"Sounds like a bad plan. I don't know about anyone else, but I think it's going to work well enough for the Confucius..."

Gu Yang, who decided to follow Mujin's plan, worked with Mujin to refine the scheme in detail.

Immediately after all the plans were put together.

Gu Yangfei asked a question to the Red Tiger Danju, who was still listening to the conversation with him.

This was a question he had been curious about ever since he discovered the Red Tiger Danju, but he hadn't been able to ask it since he was talking to Mujin.

"But how did you come to have such a head?"

Gu Yang's question made the Red Tiger Leader's head sparkle in the light.

* * *

By the time Mujin and the others were leaving the village with the child,

The Demon Cultists were investigating the area where Mujin and the Red Flame King had clashed.

Mujin and the others moved by erasing the traces, but that was literally just erasing the traces of movement.

There wasn't much time to erase the traces of the battle that had been inflicted by killing more than thirty demonstrators.

After analyzing all the vivid battle scenes, Li Gong furrowed his brow.

'Something's wrong...'

More than thirty demons were wiped out in an instant, but an analysis of the scene revealed that it was not a "battle" annihilation.

At some point, the demons who had been fighting in unison gathered in one place.

'As if he was trying to protect someone...'

The situation was all too familiar to him.

When he was attacked by himself in the General Headquarters. It resembled the signs of the warriors flying themselves to protect themselves.

Speaking of which, who was it that more than thirty church members risked their lives to protect?

"Since they are the servants of the Red Flame King, it would be correct to say that they were trying to protect the Red Flame King, but there are traces of the use of ice balls."

The traces of martial arts performed by those who were trying to protect the church members were martial arts that had nothing to do with the Red Flame King.

Naturally, the battle that took place a few hours ago came to his mind.

The battle in which he lost most of his men to Shaolin and Shaman's disciples.

He had seen it clearly in that battle.

A mysterious man who used a mixture of flame balls and ice balls, and who was alone and tied up the Shaolin Divine Dragon and the Shaolin Monk.

And the man was ridiculously dressed in the same uniform as the church members.

A church member who had mastered such an unusual martial arts skill with such skill would not have known that he was competing for the position of the Heavenly Horse.

"Something I don't know is going on inside the Demon Cult."

Naturally, his reasoning slowly took on a grand outline.

There were only a limited number of people who could do something like this.

Especially in this barbaric act.

"The Guardian Monk of the Left·"

In the first place, the formation of this Southern Expedition was decided by the Huan family, the Tao, and the left and right guardian monks.

The subordinates and elders of the Confucius side lived in the Huan family, and the subordinates and elders of the Japanese Confucius side lived in the Tao family.

And the rest of the warriors, including the Red Flame King, were selected by the Guardian Monks.

"The Guardian Monk tried to do something in the South Bay without our knowledge... But you've been caught by the political parties?'

I don't know what he was trying to do, but one thing is for sure...

"It's not something I can handle alone."

To be precise, it was too big a problem to be dealt with by the power of the Fan Family alone.

It's been more than a decade since Tianma has been out of sight.

At present, the influence of the left and right guardian monks in the Demon Cult has reached the point where the Four Great Demon Families can only compete if they join forces.

And damn enough, it was almost impossible for the Four Demon Families to agree with each other on the issue of selecting a candidate for the Tenma.

"I'd rather use this incident as an excuse to push the two of them away and compete with the Confucius."

After thinking about it, Li Confucius stepped forward and approached his half-brother, Prince Il.

Unlike Li Confucius, who diligently analyzed the scene with his subordinates, Confucius was relaxing in the shade.

Confucius, who had never been interested in using his head, turned his head to the new shadow and asked.

"Have you found any trace of the political faction?"

Seeing his half-brother talking as if he were his superior, Li Gongzi cursed inwardly and smiled on his face.

"I haven't found any trace of them, but there is no trace of them..."

"You're trying to use your head again for nothing... The important thing now is to catch those damn political bastards!"

Despite his half-brother's words interrupting him and giving him orders, he tried his best to calm down.

It was said that the prince's revenge would not be too late, so it was enough to think about killing him after driving out the Guardian Monk.

"Hmph... Or are you afraid to meet those partisans?"

At the words of the Japanese Confucius, the mask of the Li Confucius was shattered.

"What did you say?"

When Li Confucius was hot, he laughed rather heartily.

"Hahahahaha· Didn't he pretend to be so conceited, and then throw away his minions and run away? Becoming incompetent· After all, you don't fit the position of Tenma..."

The fists of the prince trembled at the successive provocations.

'You have to join hands with this idiot?'

He was a man whose shoulders were so empty that he felt that it would not be possible to join forces with such a guy who carried it.

"If you're so good, why don't you kill them yourself?"

"Hmph... I didn't mean to... Your skills didn't even help you in the first place, so find any traces of them. I'm going to avenge my 'poor brother' myself..."

For a moment, the smiling Ilconus and the cold-faced Li Confucius glared at each other.


Suddenly, scarlet smoke began to rise from the distance.

"Gather your ranks and move over there!"

He hurriedly stood up and yelled, and Li Gong frowned.

"It might be a trap..."

"That's why you're not fit for the position of Heavenly Horse. If it's a trap, you have to be able to overcome it with your strength before you can call it a true Heavenly Horse. Tsk..."

When the tongue-in-cheek Ilconfucius was about to leave with his subordinates, Li Confucius gnashed his teeth and asked one last question:

"Do you really mean that you are going to move separately?"

"Hmph... You're a coward, watch from afar..."

He sneered at him and moved toward the source of the scarlet smoke.

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